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BrainCraft is created by Vanessa Hill (@nessyhill) and brought to you by PBS Digital Studios. Talking psychology, neuroscience & why we act the way we do.
Sound design: Joel Werner (http://joelwerner.com)
Camera/Production Assistant: Kula Mahanta
Written, animated and edited by Vanessa Hill
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One concussion causes lasting damage:
Zhou, Y., Kierans, A., Kenul, D., Ge, Y., Rath, J., Reaume, J., ... & Lui, Y. W. (2013). Mild traumatic brain injury: longitudinal regional brain volume changes. Radiology, 267(3), 880-890. http://pubs.rsna.org/doi/abs/10.1148/radiol.13122542
Eisenberg, M. A., Andrea, J., Meehan, W., & Mannix, R. (2013). Time interval between concussions and symptom duration. Pediatrics, 132(1), 8-17. http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/132/1/8.short
Tremblay, S., De Beaumont, L., Henry, L. C., Boulanger, Y., Evans, A. C., Bourgouin, P., ... & Lassonde, M. (2013). Sports concussions and aging: a neuroimaging investigation. Cerebral cortex, 23(5), 1159-1166. http://cercor.oxfordjournals.org/content/23/5/1159.short
Omalu, B. I., DeKosky, S. T., Minster, R. L., Kamboh, M. I., Hamilton, R. L., & Wecht, C. H. (2005). Chronic traumatic encephalopathy in a National Football League player. Neurosurgery, 57(1), 128-134. https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.lurayduilawyer.com/uploads/1/2/0/1/12016444/_cte_part_i_neurosurgery_doc_from_garrett_webster_-_rogers-1.pdf&sa=D&ust=1454702782962000&usg=AFQjCNHwT5mSFkAH6gnDlXqIO0ARkfnOwA
McKee, A. C., Cantu, R. C., Nowinski, C. J., Hedley-Whyte, E. T., Gavett, B. E., Budson, A. E., ... & Stern, R. A. (2009). Chronic traumatic encephalopathy in athletes: progressive tauopathy after repetitive head injury. Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology, 68(7), 709-735. http://www.bu.edu/cte/files/2012/01/McKee_Chronic-Traumatic-Encephalopathy_2009.pdf
Stern, R. A., Riley, D. O., Daneshvar, D. H., Nowinski, C. J., Cantu, R. C., & McKee, A. C. (2011). Long-term consequences of repetitive brain trauma: chronic traumatic encephalopathy. PM&R, 3(10), S460-S467. http://www.bu.edu/cte/files/2011/11/Stern-et-al-2011-PMR-Long-term-Consequences-of-Repetitive-Brain-Trauma1.pdf
CTE found in 27 year old: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/27/sports/football/former-giants-safety-tyler-sash-found-to-have-cte.html?_r=0
Axonal injury: Smith, D. H., & Meaney, D. F. (2000). Axonal damage in traumatic brain injury. The neuroscientist, 6(6), 483-495. http://www.beechwoodneurorehab.org/images/uploads/events/Dr._Douglas_Smith,_Neuroscientist_review.pdf
Coffman, K. A., & Asato, M. (2013). Cerebrospinal Fluid. In Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders (pp. 564-566). Springer New York. http://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007%2F978-1-4419-1698-3_665
Zackery Lystedt Law:
Movie trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io6hPdC41RM&feature=youtu.be
CTE image: https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.bu.edu/cte/about/what-is-cte/&sa=D&ust=1454702782964000&usg=AFQjCNFwX5E81l73mrBySxWs7KLQVT9QAA nfl super bowl pbs