[public] 20.2M views, 376K likes, 30.2K dislikes audio only
You know when you have an idea, buy some stuff, start putting it all together then stand back and think WTF am I doing, well thats "The Bicycle of Springs" haha. This has just been a laugh as with no purpose or real understanding of what I was trying to achieve everyone who has witnessed this has just laughed.
To get a COLINFURZE MERCH click here
I have got form in random weird projects as heres a few others.
Cake O Matic /youtube/video/Lft51kJdDxc
Motorhorse /youtube/video/1hUGL7IeqGE
Stomp O Matic /youtube/video/ysr9yOY53bk
Briefcase Fireplace /youtube/video/IKpMQlVu1As
Carvet /youtube/video/BLL8WNZ9b4o
Thermite Kettle /youtube/video/mg3bFxdAZsY
Biscuit Engineering /youtube/video/xIxgPEVjxiA
Subscribe so you don't miss the next Project http://bit.ly/2I6f0bv
Social stuff here people
Twitter https://twitter.com/colin_furze
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/realcolinfurze/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Colin-furze-521680751253584
The 1st and 3rd tracks are by "Braincoats" and the songs called "Hank" and "Ghost" more from them here
The 2nd Track is called "Dislocated" and is by "Not Tonight and the Headaches"
The Last track is called "Six Inches" and is by "The Suspicious Pigeons" more from there here
In a band? Want your music on my videos! Send your tracks to furzemail@yahoo.co.uk as all music on this channel is from viewers