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The first Ten Amendments are basically the Ten Commandments of the United States. And just like the Ten Commandments, most Americans can only name three or four. In this video - part two of two - I teach you a simple mnemonic device using your hands to memorize all ten. I also go into detail on each amendment so you have a little more understanding of what each means. I also take my ferret out to the river to go swimming using a life preserver I made for him during part one!
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Film Credits -
"Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Public Defenders (HBO)" - LastWeekTonight - https://youtu.be/USkEzLuzmZ4
"Gideon's Army (Trailer)" - The Orchard Movies - https://youtu.be/P3NFLeoyA4o
"Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Bail (HBO)" - LastWeekTonight - https://youtu.be/IS5mwymTIJU
Photo Credits -
Music Credits -
"Furious Freak," "Fretless," and "The Escalation" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Sound Credits -
"24 Tick Tock Effect" - MTS31995 - https://youtu.be/6ssaV2zuKVI
"Jeopardy Daily Double - Sound Effect" - All Sounds - https://youtu.be/_HRJGNPg8MY
Additional disclaimer for this video: In the opening sequence, it is my arm that hits the wall, not my ferret. I am also pointing at him using a gloved finger, not a weapon. While the river is populated by fish and crawdads, at no point was he in danger. This section of the river is heavily frequented by people and their pets. I would never, ever, place my ferret in any harm or do anything to hurt him.
Hashtags: #government #billofrights #amendments #consitution #pleadthefifth #trialbyjury #torture #cruelandunusual #politics #police #rights #excessivebail #deathpenalty #capitalpunishment #marriageequality