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Thumbs Up, Comment & Subscribe! :) Easy Cattleya Type Orchids: Laelia anceps Care and Culture Laelia species are found in the subtropical or temperate climate of Central America, but mostly in Mexico. Laelia speciosa is a high-elevation plant, preferring sunny, dry and cool conditions. The others grow in the rainforest with a warm, humid summer and a dry cool winter. The species L. albida, L. anceps and L. autumnalis prefer higher and cooler altitudes.
Laelia is one of the orchid genera known to use crassulacean acid metabolism photosynthesis,[4] which reduces evapotranspiration during daylight because carbon dioxide is collected at night.
Most are epiphytes, but a few are lithophytes, such as Laelia anceps. They are closely related to Cattleya, but have twice as many pollinia. Stems are usually short, however the stem of Laelia anceps can be more than 1 m long. The ovate pseudobulbs are clearly separate. These are about 6 -- 30 cm long. One or two waxy, leathery leaves develop from each pseudobulb. This leaf can be up to 20 cm long. The inflorescence is a raceme, which can be 30 cm long, with up to eight flowers, growing from the top of the pseudobulb. These flowers can be pink to purple, with a beautifully colored purple lip becoming white close to the column . They bloom in spring or autumn. Albino varieties are rare and therefore prized. Due to high demand for such a rare mutations, many horticultural labs use modern tissue culture or mericloning techniques to increase their availability.
Members of this genus tend to be fairly easy in culture, and some plants are surprisingly drought-tolerant. Culture is highly dependent upon the natural habitat of the species in question, although many do well as mounted (plaqued) specimens so that the roots receive plenty of air circulation and a sharp wet-and-dry cycle. -wikipedia
ORCHID CARE, CARNIVOROUS PLANT CULTURE, GARDENS, GREENHOUSES & MORE... Hosted By Brad Taylor... Welcome to my channel & Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE while your here, In fact SUBSCRIBE now ...I'll Wait... Alright Thanks for stopping by for some cool "how to" videos, various awesome "plant update" videos some relaxing orchid videos PLUS a bunch of other crazy and interesting "stuff"! I be showing you how to water, bloom, re-bloom, re-pot, fertilize and create the ideal conditions for your Orchids and Carnivorous plants. My Channel is all about Info on Orchids, Greenhouses, Carnivorous plants, Gardening and more... Please stay a while and check out some videos about all kinds of rare and interesting plants and gardens. Don't forget to Subscribe!.