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Check out the MinuteFood video on Teflon here: https://youtu.be/R1hbV3EzOD4
PFAS - also known as the “forever chemicals” we use in all sorts of household products - are able to cause all sorts of health problems without ever really reacting with anything
To learn more about this topic, start your googling with these keywords:
- PFAS: A class of man-made molecules consisting of a fully (per) or partly (poly) fluorinated carbon chain connected to different functional groups.
- Teflon: A type of PFAS - PTFE - used in making nonstick coating for cookware.
- Fatty Acid: A hydrocarbon chain terminating with a carboxylic acid group.
- Albumin: The main protein of human blood plasma.
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John Kinney | Script Writer
David Goldenberg | Script editor, Narrator and Director
Arcadi Garcia i Rius | Illustration, Video Editing and Animation
Nathaniel Schroeder | Music
MinuteEarth is produced by Neptune Studios LLC
Lizah van der Aart • Sarah Berman • Cameron Duke
Arcadi Garcia i Rius • David Goldenberg • Melissa Hayes
Alex Reich • Henry Reich • Peter Reich
Ever Salazar • Leonardo Souza • Kate Yoshida
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United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2023). Our Current Understanding of the Human Health and Environmental Risks of PFAS. Retrieved from: https://www.epa.gov/pfas/our-current-understanding-human-health-and-environmental-risks-pfas
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Wisconsin Department of Health Services. (2023). Chemicals: Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) Substances. Retrieved from: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/chemical/pfas.htm