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Please check out the SMASH Packaging games and video on The Sustainables website! 👉 https://www.emdgroup.com/en/sustainables/?ko=vh
Thanks again to Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany for supporting BrainCraft and sponsoring this video. For more, check out this interview with Fabien Thibault on how the SMASH Packaging initiative is done responsibly: https://www.emdgroup.com/en/sustainables/story/smash-packaging/?ko=vh
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Good 🌏 = good 🧠? It turns out that going green might benefit more than just the environment – there are psychological benefits for you, too.
My Twitter https://twitter.com/nessyhill | Instagram https://instagram.com/nessyhill
0:00 Wait, am I ruining the planet?
0:27 An Introduction to Sustainability & Psychology
0:45 The Research
1:28 Sustainable Behaviour and Well-Being
1:54 The Mechanisms
2:37 The Benefits of Sustainable Behaviour
3:06 Sustainability in Industry
3:25 What Merck is Doing
3:49 SMASH Packaging Yourself!
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#sustainableliving #sustainability #alwayscurious