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To tell you the truth, using SEEK camera is like putting on glasses for someone with poor eyesight! You just see so much of new things.
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Thanks to SEEK Thermal for awesome thermal camera giveaways. Make sure to visit their website for the cameras:
Visit arrow.com for tools and parts:
Visit Circuit Specialists for cost effective tools I use:
Visit Keysight channel for valuable information on oscilloscopes:
My videos are also available to watch at:
And special thanks to my sponsors and patrons:
Below is my Super Patron with support to the extreme!
Aki K. at http://www.pc-doctor.com/
James Y. at http://vsee.com/
Watch Next:
Making Rail Gun: https://youtu.be/CAm_lX8zUNQ
Faxing Laptop: /youtube/video/d_H054zwCOY
By: Mehdi Sadaghdar