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OH those Planning People
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Track 1 is by "Droids Osaka" and called "Youth8500" its a "Look Mum No Computer song they have covered and do a grand job.
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/79WdpSwxZwsHaZKj51lAft?si=8qns_yq0RD6RKN4xyoWCog
Bandcamp https://droidsosaka.bandcamp.com
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/droidsosaka/
"Youth8500" by "Look Mum No Computer"
Track 2 is called "Why Do i" by "Wash Park"
Track 3 is called "Cheap Hotel" by "Three Divorces"
Thrack 4 is called "Gasoline Machine" by "Krackers and Koolaid"
Track 5 is called "Not So Fast" by "Julian Fulco"
In a band? Want your music on my videos! Send your tracks to furzemail@yahoo.co.uk as all music on this channel is from viewers.
#colinfurze #secrettunnel #underground