[public] 65.3K views, 1.60K likes, 33.0 dislikes audio only
David Eisenbud's entertaining stories about mathematics are a fascinating glimpse into how math works - how it really works.
MSRI - where David is director - https://www.msri.org
David Eisenbud's MSRI page with some links to publications and other material - https://www.msri.org/m/people/members/de/
David's math genealogy - https://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/id.php?id=6620
Google Scholar citations - https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=i8hLJxkAAAAJ&hl=en
Videos with David on Numberphile - http://bit.ly/Eisenbud_Videos
The 17-gon video - /youtube/video/87uo2TPrsl8
With thanks to:
Meyer Sound - https://meyersound.com/
PODCAST TRANSCRIPTS: https://www.numberphile.com/podcast-transcripts