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4KYou’ll understand by the end of this video, but I need to take you on a brief tour of physics first. I explain the Schrödinger equation without complicated math.
Time Stamps:
0:00 Free vs Bound Electrons
0:21 Rainbows (Discrete Energy in Photons)
1:26 Atomic Orbitals & Energy Levels
2:09 Schrödinger Equation
2:53 Wave-Particle Duality
4:22 Constructive vs Destructive Interference
5:27 Discrete Energy Levels Explained (de Broglie's Condition)
This video is based on information found in chapter 6 of OpenStax Chemistry 2e. OpenStax publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed, free online textbooks. Seriously:
Flowers, P., Theopold, K., Langley, R., & Robinson, W.R. (2019, Feb 14). Chemistry 2e. OpenStax. https://openstax.org/details/books/chemistry-2e
pg. 295, Figure 6.13 Compare the two types of emission spectra: continuous spectrum of white light (top) and the line
spectra of the light from excited sodium, hydrogen, calcium, and mercury atoms. Continuous spectrum and emission spectrum of calcium were used to show continuous and discrete spectra of a rainbow.
pg 308, Figure 6.21 Shapes of s, p, d, and f orbitals.
Layout and color scheme changed, but information is unchanged.
pg 309, Figure 6.22 The chart shows the energies of electron orbitals in a multi-electron atom.
Layout and color scheme changed, but information is unchanged.
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#ChemistryEducation #Atom #Electrons