[public] 1.04M views, 9.17K likes, 115 dislikes audio only
** LINKS **
BSoD Screen Saver: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897558
Kernel Panic Screensaver: http://doomlaser.com/kernel-panic-screensaver/
This is the artist/genius who made the snowstorm and cursor thing -- check out his blog to see all his projects! http://mark-beasley.com/blog/
Snowstorm of Tweets: http://duskjacket.com/SNOWSTORM/?=vsauce
Everyone's cursor's together: http://duskjacket.com/MMORPP/
Automatic Art Maker: http://nag.iap.de/?ac=create&lang=en
Reverse Image Search: http://www.tineye.com
3D interactive video: http://www.yellowbirdsdonthavewingsbuttheyflytomakeyouexperiencea3dreality.com/showreel
CODE #1 (asteroids):
copy/paste it from HERE: http://textbin.com/h4772
CODE #2 (Invert Colors):
grab the code HERE: http://textbin.com/204t7
CODE #3:
Too long for description! Find it here: http://textbin.com/8o580