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Neural Networks (E02: predictions – python)


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In this episode we look at how neural networks can be represented with matrices, and create a simple feedforward network in python.

Note: at 2:31 the second bias vector should only have two rows, not three.


I owe a lot to this excellent online book on neural networks:

Learn more about weight initialization:

(note: numpy.random.randn and numpy.random.standard_normal are functionally equivalent, the latter just takes a tuple for the shape parameter).

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start by creating a weight matrix for the connections
start by multiplying the values in the first row
passing each of the values through the activation function
feed these activations through to the next layer of the network
holding the shapes of each of the weight matrices
draw these random numbers from the standard normal distribution
define an initialization method
create a method for feeding inputs through the network
loop through all the weights and biases
set the size of the output layer here to 10
Sebastian Lague Hello, on this channel I explore how to create stuff out of code. I hope you find some of it interesting!
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