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Can you find an oxbow lake in GoogleEarth? Share your findings (pictures or coordinates) on Twitter, Facebook and other social media using the hashtag #oxbowlake
Created by Henry Reich
Production and Writing Team: Alex Reich, Peter Reich, Emily Elert, Ever Salazar, Kate Yoshida, and Henry Reich
Illustration and Animation: Ever Salazar
Narrated by: Emily Elert
Music by Nathaniel Schroeder
"Oxbow" voiceovers by:
Vanessa Hill: https://www.youtube.com/user/braincraftvideo
Ever Salazar: https://www.youtube.com/user/EverST88
Antoine Coeur: https://www.youtube.com/user/MinutePourLaTerre
Waterfalls Cascading - Courtesy Shutterstock
Rio cauto Cuba - Public Domain Photo
Tiger Leaping Gorge - Courtesy Shutterstock
River coming from mountain - Google Earth
42°21'35.72" S 173°34'30.41" E
Meandering River - Google Earth Engine
Under Water 2 - Ken Mankoff
Oxbow Lake Australia - GoogleEarth
23°41'31.06" S 150°47'53.91" E
Oxbow Lake Colombia - GoogleEarth
3°20'18.70" N 70°07'10.92" O
Oxbow Lake France - Google Earth
46°55'24.16" N 5°19'28.34" E
Dry Oxbow Lake Colorado - Google Earth
32°00'06.80" N 115°07'19.81" O
Martian Rivers on Aeolis Planum - NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
Mars Rover Curiosity - Public Domain Image
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Ferreira da Silva, A. M. (2006). On why and how do rivers meander.
Howard, A. D. (2009). How to make a meandering river. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(41), 17245-17246. http://www.pnas.org/content/106/41/17245.full
Howard, A. D., & Knutson, T. R. (1984). Sufficient conditions for river meandering: A simulation approach. Water Resources Research, 20(11), 1659-1667. http://erode.evsc.virginia.edu/papers/howard_meander_84.pdf
Leopold, L. B., & Wolman, M. G. (1960). River meanders. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 71(6), 769-793. https://www.usu.edu/jackschmidt/files/uploads/Fluvial_2013_Labs/Leopold_Wolman_1960.pdf
Parker, H. (1996). River Meandering as Self-Organization Process. Science,271, 1710. http://www.f052.it/watch/927/meandering_river.pdf
Rhoads, B. L., & Welford, M. R. (1991). Initiation of river meandering. Progress in Physical Geography, 15(2), 127-156. http://www.geog.illinois.edu/~brhoads/rhoads%20and%20welford%201991.pdf
Schwenk, Jon. Interview. 9 July 2014.
Seminara, G. (2006). Meanders. Journal of fluid mechanics, 554, 271-297. http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=431272&fileId=S0022112006008925
Stølum, H. H. (1998). Planform geometry and dynamics of meandering rivers.Geological Society of America Bulletin, 110(11), 1485-1498. http://bruche.u-strasbg.fr/pages_protegees/pdf/stolum_1998.pdf