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What It's Like To Eat Food In Space? We try tasting astronaut food!
Follow David Saint-Jacques and the Canadian Space Agency to follow the journey (LINKS BELOW)!
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Astronaut David Saint-Jacques
Twitter: @Astro_DavidS
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrodavids/
Canadian Space Agency
Twitter: @csa_asc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/canadianspaceagency/
Created by: Mitchell Moffit and Gregory Brown
Written and Produced by: Chelsea Scherer and Rachel Salt
Filmed and Edited by: Sel Ghebrehiwot
Instagram and Twitter: @whalewatchmeplz and @mitchellmoffit
Clickable: http://bit.ly/16F1jeC and http://bit.ly/15J7ube
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Created by Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitter @whalewatchmeplz).
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