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4KFunchal Airport, on the island of Madeira, was too short for modern commercial airliners: but there was nowhere to extend to. The solution is one of the greatest civil engineering projects of our time.
Producer: Aitken Pearson https://firecrestindependent.com
Assistant Producer: Elsa Gouveia
Camera: Elton Cantoni
Editor: Dave Stevenson http://davestevenson.co.uk
The 1990 photo of the airport is by Peter Forster, "pizzodisevo 1937", and was posted to Flickr under a Creative Commons by-sa 2.0 license here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/31818720@N00/111945171 - license details at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
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