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Ok so I got half-off Smarties on after-Halloween sale. Can we do math to it?
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Extra special thank-yous: 🎹 Caleb Wright 📡 Albert Wenger 📹 Jeremy Buchanan △ Chris Pierik 🐋 Andrea Di Biagio △ Charley Sheets △ Jodi Vezzetti △ Andrew Romaner 🏛 Carol Ghiorsi Hart △ Yoni Nazarathy △ Yana Chernobilsky
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Did you know that, like, while regular polyhedra have been around FOREVER (like thousands of years), regular polylinks were discovered relatively recently and are still being explored! Check out Alan Holden's 1980 paper on them: http://www-iri.upc.es/people/ros/StructuralTopology/ST4/st4-09-a5-ocr.pdf