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Pachelbel's Music Box Canon in D


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Pachelbel's Canon in D, arranged for Music Box! Three music boxes play the same strip of paper in sequence to create the canon, while the basso continuo is played by a fourth music box playing a loop. Visually see the structure of Pachelbel's Canon.

See for more music box fun.

Canon for three music boxes, plus music-box continuo
After 2 measures, the 1st violin starts playing the canon.
The 2nd box starts, playing the same music that the first box played 2 measures earlier.
Here you can hear the 3rd box enter.
Johann Pachelbel wrote the piece in the Baroque Period, in around 1680.
Now let's follow one theme through the three music boxes...
So the music-box canon ends here.
Of course, the basso continuo could go on all day...
So here it ends... thank you for listening!