[public] 623K views, 16.7K likes, 385 dislikes audio only
This time, we're taking on smørpanikk, food politics, and - for the second week running - brandy.
BONUS MATERIAL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqOWh0lzKOQ
FULL PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL96C35uN7xGIo2odDuuPeYtb7BtQ1kBhp
WEB SITE and MORE AUDIO EPISODES: http://techdif.co.uk
Matt Gray: http://mattg.co.uk - @unnamedculprit
Gary Brannan: @garybrannan
and Chris Joel, who doesn't do this social media nonsense
More from us: http://techdif.co.uk
Directed by Grant Stevens
Edited by Elliot Gough: http://www.youtube.com/ElliotExplicit
Audio mix by Haerther Productions: https://haerther.net
🟥 MORE FROM TOM: https://www.tomscott.com/
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👥 THE TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES: https://youtube.com/techdif