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A Man Took 90 Goat Dewormer Tablets And It Ruined His Life


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This is the goat ๐Ÿ of all time

Patient JW by Jason Whang. Fianceรฉ by Iris. Physician by Ace. Grip and electric: David Zhang. Camera: @BigEmus

Assistant Producer: Dr Katherine Johns

Music inspired by R. Prince, performed by Chubbyemu

Music by @Lifeformed โ–บ

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0:00 A Man Took 90 Goat Dewormer Tablets

0:12 Carrot good

1:40 cough ๐Ÿ˜ณ cough

2:07 easy fix... or is it?

3:07 reading only the finest information on the greatest website of all time

3:51 "are you a goat now?" "always have ๐Ÿ˜ been"

4:47 an eye examination

5:17 i was taken aback when i found out where he bought this

6:43 it's kind of an interesting class of medicines...

7:17 ...but quite a bit needs to be changed to be viable

7:48 ?

8:55 This has been happening in Puerto Rico since at least 2001

10:15 Animal medicines are for animals. Human medicines are for humans.

There does exist some overlap between veterinary medicine and human medicine. But veterinary medicine is for animals, specifically the species denoted on the package. And human medicine is for humans. Do not be pedantic with "bUt hUmAnS aRe aNiMaLs!!" there is a very clear distinction in this case. Theres medicines we can take that they can't. And there's medicines they can take that we can't. Because it's humans producing these medicines, when it comes to medicines that veterinary and human patients can take, the dosage and formulation are specific to the species. Cross that line and you will be in find-out territory.

These cases are patients who I, or my colleagues have seen. They are de-identified and many instances have been presented in more depth in an academic setting. These videos are not individual medical advice and are for general educational purposes only. I do not give medical advice over the internet.


Beware of the serious harm of veterinary drug poisoning: a case report.

Salicylanilides and Their Anticancer Properties.

Closantel; a veterinary drug with potential severe morbidity in humans.

The dangers of taking your pets' medication.

Nonprescription Antimicrobial Use in a Primary Care Population in the United States

Assessment of Avermectins-Induced Toxicity in Animals.

A Man Took 90 Goat Dewormer Tablets
cough ๐Ÿ˜ณ cough
easy fix... or is it?
reading only the finest information on the greatest website of all time
are you a goat now?" "always have ๐Ÿ˜ been
i was taken aback when i found out where he bought this
it's kind of an interesting class of medicines...
but quite a bit needs to be changed to be viable
This has been happening in Puerto Rico since at least 2001
Animal medicines are for animals. Human medicines are for humans.
Chubbyemu We tell stories in medicine. These are variations on cases we, or our colleagues, have seen in the past. The main goal of these videos are to tell a story about people, as we each have a unique story to tell. For general contact email us at contact at chubbyemu dot com. Business inquiries only to the email below. You should not recreate any of the presented situations. These videos are not medical advice. Chubbyemu does not and will not give individualized medical advice over the internet. Videos are produced by Dr Bernard with a team of physicians, clinical pharmacists and scientists.
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