MML File Structure

The MML file (here: Map Markup Language file) is a YAML or JSON file containing layer definitions and stylesheet references. It is the central part of a CartoCSS stylesheet. If you generate Mapnik XML from a stylesheet this is the file you feed to carto and from which and its references the XML is produced.

You may wonder whether you should use YAML or JSON. Internally, JSON is used because it is a language that is easy to understand for machines. YAML is a superset of JSON and is easier to read and write for humans and is also less verbose. If you edit a stylesheet collaboratively and use version control YAML might make it easier to resolve version conflicts. Carto fully understands both forms.


YAML makes it less tedious to specify repeating properties like database information for PostGIS datasources or extents by using a language feature called anchors or aliases.

Properties Overview

What follows is an overview over properties a MML file can have. This list is not complete. There may be other (also undocumented) options that Mapnik understands. Simple properties are described here in alphabetical order while more complex ones get their own section.


Type: Array

Specifies the initial center coordinates and zoom level of the map. Longitude, latitude and zoom level in that order. Example (WGS84): [-1.28398, 47.08997, 17]


Type: Array

Defines a bounding box of the map extent. Lower left coordinates (longitude, latitude) and upper right coordinates (longitude, latitude) in that order. Example (WGS84): [-179, -80, 179, 80]


Type: String

A description for the stylesheet (usually a bit longer than the name)


Type: Keyword

Possible values: png, jpeg, tiff, webp

Specifies the output format Mapnik should use. For more details see the Mapnik wiki page on Image IO.


Lists all layers used in the project (see Layer property)


Type: Integer

Specifies the maximum zoom level of the map


Type: Integer

Specifies the number of tiles that make up one side of a metatile. For example, if the number is 2 then the metatile is 2 tiles wide and tall and consists of 4 individual tiles. For efficiency reasons Mapnik generates metatiles before splitting them into individual tiles.


Type: Integer

Specifies the minimum zoom level of the map


Type: String

A name for the stylesheet


Type: Object

This is the same as the properties property for layers, but on a global level with a bit different structure. It is used when you do not specify the layers in the MML itself but only reference them. This is used in vector tile styles where the style and the data are separate.

First specifiy the layer name and then below it specify its properties as you would do in the properties property of the specific layer.


Type: Integer

Specifies pixel scaling for the output. For example, a scale of 2 means that there are two pixels for each map pixel in the output.


Type: String

Specifies the projection used by Mapnik using the PROJ.4 format (SRS means Spatial reference system). The format can be determined by e.g. using


Lists all styles or style files in the project (see Stylesheet property)

Layer property

Type: Array

Beneath this property layer objects are referenced that are the building blocks of the map style. The order of specification is important as it constitutes the drawing order of layers used by Mapnik. Layers specified first are drawn first and those specified later are drawn afterwards.

Layers have different properties and their data can come from different data sources such as shape files or relational databases like PostgreSQL/PostGIS.

A layer object can have the following properties (there may be more that Mapnik understands, also undocumented ones).


Type: String

One or more classes associated with this layer separated by blanks. In style selectors a class can be referenced by .classname if class contains classname similar to CSS.


Mapnik supports different datasources. Beneath this property you specify the type of the datasource and additional properties depending on the type.

Not all possible configuration options for each datasource are listed here. For further information see the page for the datasource type on the Mapnik Wiki: e.g. PostGIS, PgRaster, ShapeFile, GDAL, OGR, OsmPlugin.


Type: Keyword

Possible values: shape, postgis, pgraster, raster, (gdal), (ogr), (osm)

Specifies the format of the data source. Types in parenthesis are not build by default according to the Mapnik Wiki.

band (gdal, pgraster)

Type: Integer

With this property you can request a specific raster band index (1-based). By specifying -1 (gdal) / 0 (pgraster) you request to read all bands.

dbname (postgis, pgraster)

Type: String

Specifies the database name of the PostgreSQL database.

encoding (ogr, postgis, shape)

Type: String

Specifies the encoding of the database or shapefile e.g. utf-8 or latin1.

extent (ogr, postgis, pgraster)

Type: String

Specifies the maximum extent of the geometries or raster data. Lower left coordinates (longitude, latitude) and upper right coordinates (longitude, latitude) in that order. By default this is deduced from the metadata of the table.

file (gdal, ogr, osm, raster, shape)

Type: String

Path and file name.

geometry_field (postgis)

Type: String

Specifies the name of the column that contains the geometry. Normally this will be deduced from the query but sometimes it can be necessary to specify it manually e.g. when there is more than one column with geometry.

host (postgis, pgraster)

Type: String

Specifies the hostname of the PostgreSQL database.

layer (ogr)

Type: String

The name of the layer to display.

layer_by_index (ogr)

Type: Integer

The index of the layer to display (mandatory if no layer name specified).

layer_by_sql (ogr)

Type: String

SQL-Statement to execute against the OGR datasource.

password (postgis, pgraster)

Type: String

Specifies the password for connecting to the PostgreSQL database.

port (postgis, pgraster)

Type: String

Specifies the port of the PostgreSQL database.

raster_field (pgraster)

Type: String

Specifies the name of the column that contains the raster data. Normally this will be deduced from the query but sometimes it can be necessary to specify it manually e.g. when there is more than one column with raster data.

simplify_geometries (postgis)

Type: Boolean

Specify if input vertices should be automatically reduced or not.

table (postgis, pgraster)

Type: String

Either the name of the table to fetch or a sub query (…) AS queryname.

user (postgis, pgraster)

Type: String

Specifies the username for connecting to the PostgreSQL database.


Type: Array

Defines a bounding box of the layer extent. Lower left coordinates (longitude, latitude) and upper right coordinates (longitude, latitude) in that order. Example (WGS84): [-179, -80, 179, 80]


Type: Keyword

Possible values: linestring, point, polygon, raster

Specifies the geometry type for (the datasource of) this layer.


Type: String

A unique identifier for this layer. In style selectors it can be referenced with #layerid if the id is layerid similar to CSS.


Type: Object

This property basically adds any sub-property as attribute to the Mapnik layer. So available values depend greatly on what Mapnik allows. Here is an (incomplete) list:


Type: String

A short description of this layer (typically longer than the title).


Type: String

Enables grouped rendering for Mapnik by specifying the field of the datasource that should be used for grouping. Mapnik then renders all styles of the layer for those features that have the same value for that field before moving on to other features that have different value.


Type: Integer

Specifies the zoom level until which the layer is visible.


Type: Integer

Specifies the zoom level from which the layer is visible.


Type: Integer

Specifies if the layer is active or not. 0 means inactive or off, 1 means active or on.


Type: String

The title of this layer. Probably more verbose than the ID.


Type: String

Specifies the projection for this layer using the PROJ.4 format (SRS means Spatial reference system). The format can be determined by e.g. using


Type: String

The name of this SRS.

Stylesheet property

Type: Array

You have two options to specify the styles. Either you reference MSS files (here: Map Stylesheet files) or you specify style objects directly.

Referencing style files

Here you reference the style files used in an array of paths/file names. Carto understands relative as well as absolute paths. The order of style references is normally not important, but re-definition of variables can be affected by the order of the style files referenced.

Specifying style objects

Internally style file references are transformed into style objects anyway, so you can also specify them directly. This only makes sense if you generate them programmatically otherwise the notation could become a bit tedious. You specify an array of style objects. The order of the objects is normally not important, but re-definition of variables can be affected by the order of the style objects.

A style object consists of the following properties.


This is the identifier of the style object. When styles are being read from a style file this is usually the file name. The property is used when generating errors or warnings so it is advisable to set something recognizable here.


This contains the actual style in the form of a string.


Here is a simple MML file example with two layers (one shapefile and one PostGIS layer) referencing one style file in YAML format. It has been modified from the MML file of openstreetmap-carto.

scale: 1
metatile: 2
name: Example MML file
description: A example MML file to illustrate its options
bounds: &world
  - -180
  - -85.05112877980659
  - 180
  - 85.05112877980659
  - 0
  - 0
  - 4
format: png
minzoom: 0
maxzoom: 19
srs: "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over"

# Various parts to be included later on
  extents: &extents
    extent: *world
    srs-name: "900913"
    srs: "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over"
  osm2pgsql: &osm2pgsql
    type: "postgis"
    dbname: "gis"
    key_field: ""
    geometry_field: "way"
    extent: "-20037508,-20037508,20037508,20037508"

  - style_file.mss
  - id: world
    name: world
    geometry: polygon
    <<: *extents
      file: data/simplified-land-polygons-complete-3857/simplified_land_polygons.shp
      type: shape
      maxzoom: 9
  - id: landcover-low-zoom
    name: landcover-low-zoom
    geometry: polygon
    <<: *extents
      <<: *osm2pgsql
      table: |-
            way, name, way_pixels,
            COALESCE(wetland, landuse, "natural") AS feature
          FROM (SELECT
              way, COALESCE(name, '') AS name,
              ('landuse_' || (CASE WHEN landuse IN ('forest', 'military') THEN landuse ELSE NULL END)) AS landuse,
              ('natural_' || (CASE WHEN "natural" IN ('wood', 'sand', 'scree', 'shingle', 'bare_rock') THEN "natural" ELSE NULL END)) AS "natural",
              ('wetland_' || (CASE WHEN "natural" IN ('wetland', 'mud') THEN (CASE WHEN "natural" IN ('mud') THEN "natural" ELSE tags->'wetland' END) ELSE NULL END)) AS wetland,
              way_area/NULLIF(!pixel_width!::real*!pixel_height!::real,0) AS way_pixels
            FROM planet_osm_polygon
            WHERE (landuse IN ('forest', 'military')
              OR "natural" IN ('wood', 'wetland', 'mud', 'sand', 'scree', 'shingle', 'bare_rock'))
              AND way_area > 0.01*!pixel_width!::real*!pixel_height!::real
              AND building IS NULL
            ORDER BY COALESCE(layer,0), way_area DESC
          ) AS features
        ) AS landcover_low_zoom
      minzoom: 7
      maxzoom: 9