562 Where to Get More Information
Teaching-aids at Low Cost (TALC):
PO Box 49, St Albans, Herts, AL1 5TX, UK
Tel: (44-172) 785-3869; Fax: (44-172) 784-6852
Email: info@talcuk.org
Provides books, videos, teaching materials, and simple
health tools, for free or at low cost.
World Health Organization:
(for information and print materials on sexual and
reproductive health);
www.who.int/gender (for information on gender,
women, and health)
Disabled Peoples’ International (DPI):
874 Topsail Road
Mount Pearl, Newfoundland A1N 3J9, Canada
Tel: (1-709) 747-7600; Fax: (1-709) 747-7603
Email: info@dpi.org
Information on issues and concerns for persons with
disabilities, including women’s health care, human
rights, independent living, and social justice. Special
focus on grassroots development. Has local offices in
many countries.
Mobility International USA (MIUSA):
132 E. Broadway, Suite 343
Eugene, Oregon 97401 USA
Tel/TTY: (1-541) 343-1284; Fax: (1-541) 343-6812
Email: info@miusa.org
Works to empower people with disabilities through
international exchange and development to achieve
human rights. Hosts a program to train disabled
women from around the world in leadership skills.
Website has a comprehensive listing of international
disability organizations.
Drugs and Alcohol
Alcoholics Anonymous:
World Services Incorporated, PO Box 459
Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163, USA
Information about alcoholism and materials on how to
start community support groups for persons with drug
or alcohol problems. Has groups throughout the world.
Family Planning
Emergency contraception:
Information on emergency family planning to avoid
pregnancy after unprotected sex. Gives brand names
and doses for countries around the world.
International Planned Parenthood
Federation (IPPF): www.ippf.org
Regent’s College, Inner Circle
Regent’s Park, London NW1 4NS, UK
Tel: (44-171) 487-7900; Fax: (44-171) 487-7950
Email: info@ippf.org
IPPF promotes and supports family planning activities
worldwide. They also publish information on all aspects
of family planning. IPPF has offices around the world.
Global Fund for Women:
222 Sutter Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94108, USA
Tel: (1-415) 248-4800; Fax: (1-415) 248-4801
Email: gfw@globalfundforwomen.org
Gives small grants to community-based women’s
groups, especially those working on controversial issues
and in difficult conditions. Areas of special interest
are human rights, communications technology, and
economic independence. Contact them for grant
request information.
Mama Cash: www.mamacash.org
The oldest grant-making women’s fund in the world.
Gives grants to women’s groups around the world,
especially those working in difficult situations and that
are led by women and girls. Supports the promotion
of women and girl’s rights, as well as the human rights
movements of transgender people.
Where Women Have No Doctor 2012