240 where to get more information
Delhi Foundation of Deaf Women
First Floor, DDA Community Hall
Gali Chandiwali, Pahar Ganj
New Delhi 110 055
phone: (91-11) 2353-3276
fax: (91-11) 2353-3276
email: info@dfdw.org
website: www.dfdw.org
This organization helps deaf women
help themselves.
Disabled Children’s Action Group
(DICAG) South Africa
3rd Floor, Norlen House
17 Buitenkant Street
Cape Town 8001
South Africa
email: dicag@iafrica.com
DICAG is a campaigning organization
that helps to raise the level of awareness of
disability and challenges stereotypes and
perceptions of disabled people in South Africa.
DICAG aims to ensure equal opportunities for
disabled children, especially in education.
Enabling Education Network (EENET)
c/o Educational Support and Inclusion,
School of Education
University of Manchester, Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL
United Kingdom
phone: (44-161) 275-3711
fax: (44-161) 275-3548
email: info@eenet.org.uk
website: www.eenet.org.uk
This information-sharing network promotes
inclusion of marginalized groups in education.
They produce a regular newsletter which
publishes case studies of exciting programs
worldwide and includes contributions of
parents’ groups. They offer many useful
English language
publications. The
website has a section
dedicated to deaf
The Forest Bookshop
Unit 2, New Building
Ellwood Road
Milkwall, Coleford
Glos. GL16 7LE
United Kingdom
phone: (44-1594) 833-858
fax: (44-1594) 833-446
website: www.forestbooks.com
A comprehensive resource for books, videos,
and CD-ROMs on deafness and deaf issues.
Also distributes books published by Gallaudet
Gallaudet University
800 Florida Avenue, NE
Washington, DC 20002-3695
phone/tty: (1-202) 651-5000
email: visitors.center@gallaudet.edu
website: www.gallaudet.edu
Gallaudet University is the only liberal arts
university in the world designed exclusively
for deaf and hard-of-hearing students. It
is also an excellent source for finding deaf
books, journals, and current research.
International Deaf Children’s Society
15 Dufferin Street
London EC1Y 8UR
United Kingdom
phone: (44-020) 7490-8656
fax: (44-020) 7251-5020
email: idcs@idcs.info
website: www.idcs.info
An organization of families and caregivers
of deaf children, as well as the organizations
and professionals who work with them.
Established to share information and
experiences, IDCS provides a forum
for ideas, discussion, research and
information on all aspects of childhood
deafness on a global scale.
Helping Children Who Are Deaf (2004)