586 resources
ICIPE African Insect Science for Food and
Training and resources for BT malaria control
and other ecological methods. Program areas
of food security, health, sustainable livelihoods
and resource use.
P.O. Box 30772-00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 (20) 8632000
Fax: +254 (20) 8632001
E-mail: icipe@icipe.org
Website: www.icipe.org
Potters for Peace
Information and technical support for making
low cost ceramic water filters.
Kaira Wagoner, Coordinator of Ceramic Water
Filter Projects,
706 Northridge, Greensboro, NC 27403, USA
E-mail: pottersforpeace@gmail.com
Website: www.pottersforpeace.org
Practica Foundation
Information about rope pumps and other low-
cost water and sanitation technologies.
Oosteind 47, 3356 AB Papendrecht, Netherlands
Tel: +31-786150125
E-mail: info@practicafoundation.nl
Website: www.practica.org
Sarar Transformación SC
Technical support, information and
publications about ecological sanitation,
community water management, and
participatory education.
AP. #8 Tepoztlán, Morelos, 62520, México
Tel/Fax: +52-739-395-75-05
E-mail: sarar@laneta.apc.org
Website: www.sarar-t.org
SODIS-Solar Disinfection
Provides technical support and information
about solar disinfection.
Ueberlandstrasse 133CH-8600, Duebendorf,
Tel: +41-58-765-53-92
Fax +41-58-765-53-99
E-mail: wegelin@eawag.ch,
eawag.ch; info@sodis.ch
Website: www.sodis.ch
WELL — Resource Centre Network for
Water, Sanitation and Environmental
Provides information and support with water,
sanitation and environmental health.
c/o Water, Engineering and Development
Centre (WEDC), Loughborough University,
Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, UK
Tel: +44-1509-228304
Fax: +44-1509-223970
E-mail: well@lboro.ac.uk
Website: www.lboro.ac.uk/well
Printed materials
Create an Oasis with Greywater
By Art Ludwig
Describes how to choose, build, and use
many types of greywater reuse systems for
rural, urban, or village settings.
Oasis Design
5 San Marcos Trout Club
Santa Barbara, CA 93105-9726
Website: www.oasisdesign.net/greywater
Guidelines for Treatment of Malaria
WHO Press, 20 avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27,
Tel : +41-22-791-4806
Fax: +41-22-791-4857
Email: bookorders@who.int
Website: www.who.int/malaria (look for the link
to treatment guidelines)
An international journal of appropriate
technologies for water supply and sanitation.
Intermediate Technology Publications
Schumacher Centre for Technology and
Bourton-on Dunsmore
Warwickshire CV23 9QZ
Tel: +44 (0) 1926-634501
Fax +44 (0) 1926-634502
E-mail: journals.edt@itpubs.org.uk
Website: www.practicalaction.org/waterlines
A Community Guide to Environmental Health 2012