Water for Life 47
Where to get more information
For more information about the UNDP’s Community Water Initiative see:
http://www.undp.org/water and email contact: bdp-water@undp.org
UNDP is involved as a partner organization in the following water-related
initiatives which cover various themes including capacity building, governance,
and gender:
• Global Water Partnership: http://www.gwpforum.org
• SIOCAM: http://www.sdnp.undp.org
• Cap-Net- Capacity Building for Integrated Water Resource
Management: http://www.cap-net.org
• World Bank/UNDP Water and Sanitation Programme:
• World Water Assessment Program:
• Gender and Water Alliance: http://www.genderandwater.org
• Global Giving: http://www.globalgiving.com
• Hesperian Foundation: http://www.hesperian.org
To contact other water supply programs and organizations worldwide see:
Fresh Water Action Network: http://www.freshwateraction.net
International Water and Sanitation Centre, Community Water Supply Management (IRC):
Sarar Transformación SC: http://www.sarar-t.org
SODIS-Solar Disinfection: http://www.sodis.ch
Streams of Knowledge-Global Coalition of Water and Sanitation Resource Centres:
WaterAid: http://www.wateraid.org.uk
Watsan Web-Water and Sanitation Networks for Developing Countries:
WELL- Resource Centre Network for Water, Sanitation and Environmental Health:
World Health Organization (WHO)- Water, Sanitation and Health:
For a low-cost method to remove arsenic from water, see:
and then look for the link to the Kanchan arsenic filter.
For information about the low cost ceramic filter, see Potters for Peace:
www.potpaz.org and Email: pottersforpeace@yahoo.com