Post-Polio Health (formerly Polio Network News). Post-
Polio Health International, 4207 Lindell Blvd #110, St.
Louis, MO 63108-2915, USA. Tel: (314) 534-0475, Fax:
(314) 534-5070, info@post-polio.org, www.post-polio.org
Quarterly report with international circulation. Focuses
on long-term effects of polio. It promotes scientific
research on polio and proposes the creation of a
worldwide network of people with polio.
Finnic, Nancy. Handling the Young Cerebral Palsied
Child at Home. Penguin USA, PO Box 999, Dept.
17109, Bergenfield, NJ 07621 USA. 1975, 337 pages.
Excellent, complete and detailed information for home
care. May be too much detail for some families—but
a highly-recommended resource for a community
Levitt, Sophie. Treatment of Cerebral Palsy and Motor
Delay. Wiley-Blackwell Publications, 10475 Crosspoint
Blvd. Indianapolis, IN 46256, USA. Fourth edition, 2003.
Tel: (877) 762-2974, Fax: (800) 597-3299, www.wiley.com
An advanced book, mostly on physiotherapy. Excellent
information but difficult language and presentation.
Many good pictures.
Muscular Dystrophy Association, Inc. 3300 E. Sunrise
Drive, Tucson, AZ 85718-3208, USA. Tel: (800) 572-
1717, www.mdausa.org, mda@mdausa.org
Lots of pamphlets on all the different types of
muscular dystrophy. This association can be very
helpful for children who live in the United States
because they provide, and can help find, many
services. (Their main focus is finding a cure.)
Arthritis Foundation. PO Box 7669, Atlanta, GA 30357-
0669, USA. Tel: (800) 283-7800, www.arthritis.org
A great variety of written materials on the different
aspects of several types of arthritis, including juvenile
arthritis. Updated information on current research
and medical treatment to function with and manage
McLone, David. Introduction to Spina Bifida. Spina
Bifida Association of America (SBAA), 4590 MacArthur
Boulevard NW Suite 250, Washington DC 20007, USA.
Tel: (800) 621-3141, Fax: (202) 944-3295, sbaa@sbaa.
org, www.spinabifidaassociation.org
Basic information, especially useful for those who
live in the USA and can access the care and services
Sexuality and the Person with Spina Bifida. Available
from SBAA (see address above).
An important topic explained in easy terms. Different
aspects of sexuality—development, activity, society—
relevant to persons with spina bifida.
Also from SBAA, Bowel Continence and Spina Bifida,
and other publications; write for a list of their materials.
Welch, Collette. Spina Bifida and You: A Guide
for Young People. Association for Spina Bifida and
Hydrocephalus (ASBAH), 42 Park Road, Peterborough,
PE1 2UQ, UNITED KINGDOM. Tel: Tel: (44 845) 450
7755, Fax: (44-173) 355-5985, helpline@asbah.org,
This and many other publications on spina bifida are
available from ASBAH. Some of their materials are
Bromley, Ida. Tetraplegia and Paraplegia: A Guide for
Physiotherapists. Churchill Livingston Sales, Elsevier
Science, Footscray High Street,
Sidcup, Kent DA4 5HP, UNITED
KINGDOM. 1991, 219 pages.
Useful information on exercises,
transferring, and how to shift
weight to prevent pressure
sores. Some good illustrations.
Very technical.
Spinal Cord Injury—A Manual
for Healthy Living. One Baylor
Plaza, Houston, Texas 77030, USA.
Also available in Spanish. Tel: (713)
Excellent (but expensive), accessibly written guide for
people with spinal cord injuries and their families and
caregivers. Many good illustrations. Has 29 sections,
including bowel and urine management, skin care,
sexual adjustment, medications, and others.
Freeman, John M., Vinig, Eileen P.G. and Pillas, Diana
J. Seizures and Epilepsy in Childhood—A Guide.
Johns Hopkins University Press, 2715 North Charles
Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4319, USA 1990, Third
edition 2003, 432 pages. Tel: (410) 516-6900, Fax: (410)
Clearly explains many aspects of epilepsy in children.
A good resource for a child with epilepsy and his
family. It can also be bought from the Epilepsy
Epilepsy Foundation of America. 8301 Professional
Place, Landover, MD 20785, USA. Tel: (800) 332-1000
An organization that offers a great collection of
publications and videos on all the different aspects of
epilepsy. These are educational materials, designed
for individuals with epilepsy, their families, teachers,
and society in general.
Disabled village Children