1 00:02:47,834 --> 00:02:49,634 Did you hear that? 2 00:02:49,900 --> 00:02:53,101 They shut down the main reactor. We’ll be destroyed for sure. 3 00:02:53,201 --> 00:02:55,001 This is madness. 4 00:03:04,717 --> 00:03:06,517 We’re doomed. 5 00:03:08,100 --> 00:03:11,100 There’ll be no escape for the princess this time. 6 00:03:13,626 --> 00:03:15,726 What’s that? 7 00:04:57,500 --> 00:05:00,000 R2-D2, where are you? 8 00:05:16,615 --> 00:05:18,818 At last! Where have you been? 9 00:05:18,918 --> 00:05:21,820 They’re heading in this direction. What are we going to do? 10 00:05:21,920 --> 00:05:26,421 We’ll be sent to the spice mines of Kessel, or smashed into who knows what! 11 00:05:26,759 --> 00:05:29,259 Wait a minute. Where are you going? 12 00:05:41,674 --> 00:05:44,700 The Death Star plans are not in the main computer. 13 00:05:44,977 --> 00:05:47,713 Where are those transmissions you intercepted? 14 00:05:47,813 --> 00:05:53,019 – What have you done with those plans? – We intercepted no transmissions. 15 00:05:53,119 --> 00:05:57,090 This is a consular ship. We’re on a diplomatic mission. 16 00:05:57,190 --> 00:06:01,789 If this is a consular ship, where is the ambassador? 17 00:06:05,231 --> 00:06:09,132 Commander, tear this ship apart until you’ve found those plans... 18 00:06:09,232 --> 00:06:12,232 ...and bring me the passengers! I want them alive! 19 00:06:24,517 --> 00:06:26,517 There’s one. Set for stun. 20 00:06:31,857 --> 00:06:35,000 She’ll be all right. Inform Lord Vader we have a prisoner. 21 00:06:37,060 --> 00:06:39,560 Hey! You’re not permitted in there. It’s restricted. 22 00:06:39,762 --> 00:06:42,262 You’ll be deactivated for sure. 23 00:06:43,336 --> 00:06:46,738 Don’t you call me a mindless philosopher, you overweight glob of grease! 24 00:06:46,838 --> 00:06:48,938 Now come out before somebody sees you. 25 00:06:50,076 --> 00:06:55,677 Secret mission? What plans? What are you talking about? I’m not getting in there. 26 00:06:58,383 --> 00:07:00,383 I’m going to regret this. 27 00:07:07,326 --> 00:07:09,427 – There goes another one. – Hold your fire. 28 00:07:09,527 --> 00:07:12,465 There’s no life forms. It must have short-circuited. 29 00:07:12,565 --> 00:07:16,065 That’s funny. The damage doesn’t look as bad from out here. 30 00:07:18,100 --> 00:07:20,300 Are you sure this thing is safe? 31 00:07:21,007 --> 00:07:22,507 Oh. 32 00:07:39,224 --> 00:07:41,825 Darth Vader. Only you could be so bold. 33 00:07:41,925 --> 00:07:45,365 The Imperial Senate will not sit still for this. When they hear you’ve attacked a diplomatic— 34 00:07:45,465 --> 00:07:49,666 Don’t act so surprised, Your Highness. You weren’t on any mercy mission this time. 35 00:07:49,967 --> 00:07:53,740 Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by rebel spies. 36 00:07:53,840 --> 00:07:56,709 I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you. 37 00:07:56,809 --> 00:07:58,610 I don’t know what you’re talking about. 38 00:07:58,710 --> 00:08:01,914 I’m a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan. 39 00:08:02,014 --> 00:08:04,884 You are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor. 40 00:08:04,984 --> 00:08:06,984 Take her away! 41 00:08:11,223 --> 00:08:13,524 Holding her is dangerous. If word of this gets out... 42 00:08:13,624 --> 00:08:16,227 ...it could generate sympathy for the rebellion in the Senate. 43 00:08:16,595 --> 00:08:21,428 I’ve traced the rebel spies to her. Now she is my only link to finding their secret base. 44 00:08:21,801 --> 00:08:24,701 – She’ll die before she’ll tell you anything. – Leave that to me. 45 00:08:25,402 --> 00:08:29,409 Send a distress signal and then inform the Senate that all aboard were killed. 46 00:08:29,509 --> 00:08:32,801 Lord Vader, the battle station plans are not aboard this ship... 47 00:08:32,901 --> 00:08:34,707 ...and no transmissions were made. 48 00:08:34,807 --> 00:08:38,308 An escape pod was jettisoned during the fighting, but no life forms were aboard. 49 00:08:38,408 --> 00:08:40,849 She must have hidden the plans in the escape pod. 50 00:08:40,949 --> 00:08:44,791 Send a detachment down to retrieve them. See to it personally, Commander. 51 00:08:44,891 --> 00:08:48,600 – There’ll be no one to stop us this time. – Yes, sir. 52 00:09:03,200 --> 00:09:05,277 How did we get into this mess? 53 00:09:05,377 --> 00:09:07,741 I really don’t know how. 54 00:09:08,413 --> 00:09:11,313 We seem to be made to suffer. It’s our lot in life. 55 00:09:14,452 --> 00:09:17,852 I’ve got to rest before I fall apart. My joints are almost frozen. 56 00:09:25,163 --> 00:09:27,663 What a desolate place this is! 57 00:09:31,600 --> 00:09:33,339 Where do you think you’re going? 58 00:09:33,439 --> 00:09:35,440 Well, I’m not going that way. 59 00:09:35,540 --> 00:09:38,540 It’s much too rocky. This way is much easier. 60 00:09:39,477 --> 00:09:42,477 What makes you think there are settlements over there? 61 00:09:44,078 --> 00:09:45,978 Don’t get technical with me. 62 00:09:46,979 --> 00:09:48,884 What mission? What are you talking about? 63 00:09:51,456 --> 00:09:53,756 I’ve just about had enough of you. 64 00:09:54,026 --> 00:09:58,597 Go that way. You’ll be malfunctioning within a day, you nearsighted scrap pile. 65 00:09:59,298 --> 00:10:03,100 And don’t let me catch you following me begging for help, because you won’t get it. 66 00:10:17,230 --> 00:10:20,230 No more adventures. I’m not going that way. 67 00:10:55,000 --> 00:10:58,701 That malfunctioning little twerp. This is all his fault. 68 00:10:58,801 --> 00:11:02,702 He tricked me into going this way, but he’ll do no better. 69 00:11:06,765 --> 00:11:11,203 Wait! What’s that? A transport! I’m saved! 70 00:11:11,303 --> 00:11:14,803 Over here! Hey! Hey! 71 00:11:16,075 --> 00:11:19,602 Help! Please help! 72 00:14:49,854 --> 00:14:51,354 R2? 73 00:14:54,392 --> 00:14:57,592 R2-D2, it is you! It is you! 74 00:15:15,814 --> 00:15:19,814 Someone was in the pod. The tracks go off in this direction. 75 00:15:20,019 --> 00:15:21,987 Look, sir. Droids. 76 00:15:33,666 --> 00:15:35,666 Wake up! Wake up! 77 00:15:42,373 --> 00:15:44,373 We’re doomed. 78 00:15:52,383 --> 00:15:55,083 Do you think they’ll melt us down? 79 00:16:06,999 --> 00:16:08,999 Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot! 80 00:16:09,568 --> 00:16:11,568 Will this never end? 81 00:16:51,400 --> 00:16:53,045 All right, fine. Let’s go. 82 00:16:53,145 --> 00:16:55,306 Luke! Luke! 83 00:16:58,950 --> 00:17:03,650 Luke, tell Uncle if he gets a translator, be sure it speaks Bocce. 84 00:17:03,922 --> 00:17:07,322 Doesn’t look like we have much of a choice, but I’ll remind him. 85 00:17:17,768 --> 00:17:20,768 Yeah, we’ll take that red one. No, not that one. 86 00:17:24,009 --> 00:17:26,709 You, I suppose you’re programmed for etiquette and protocol. 87 00:17:26,810 --> 00:17:30,549 Protocol? Why, it’s my primary function, sir. I am well-versed in all the customs— 88 00:17:30,649 --> 00:17:33,551 – I have no need for a protocol droid. – Of course you haven’t, sir. 89 00:17:33,651 --> 00:17:36,555 Not in an environment such as this. That is why I have been programmed— 90 00:17:36,655 --> 00:17:41,956 What I really need is a droid who understands the binary language of moisture vaporators. 91 00:17:42,056 --> 00:17:44,327 Vaporators? Sir, my first job was programming binary load lifters... 92 00:17:44,427 --> 00:17:47,028 ...very similar to your vaporators in most respects. 93 00:17:47,128 --> 00:17:48,900 – Can you speak Bocce? – Of course I can, sir. It’s like... 94 00:17:49,000 --> 00:17:53,100 – ...a second language to me. I’m as fluent— – Yeah, all right. Shut up. I’ll take this one. Luke! 95 00:17:56,000 --> 00:17:59,111 Take these two over to the garage, will you? I want them cleaned up before dinner. 96 00:17:59,211 --> 00:18:01,647 But I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters. 97 00:18:01,747 --> 00:18:04,648 You can waste time with your friends when your chores are done. 98 00:18:04,748 --> 00:18:09,180 – Now come on. Get to it. – All right. Come on. 99 00:18:11,890 --> 00:18:13,949 And the red one. Come on. 100 00:18:15,194 --> 00:18:17,662 Well, come on, red. Let’s go. 101 00:18:36,680 --> 00:18:38,580 – Uncle Owen! – Yeah? 102 00:18:38,717 --> 00:18:41,481 This R2 unit has a bad motivator. Look. 103 00:18:41,853 --> 00:18:44,199 Hey, what are you trying to push on us? 104 00:18:47,291 --> 00:18:51,523 Excuse me, sir, but that R2 unit is in prime condition, a real bargain. 105 00:18:52,097 --> 00:18:54,499 Uncle Owen, what about that one? 106 00:18:54,599 --> 00:18:57,902 What about that blue one? We’ll take that one. 107 00:18:58,303 --> 00:19:01,305 – Yeah, take this away. – You’ll be very pleased with that one, sir. 108 00:19:01,405 --> 00:19:04,305 He really is in first-class condition. I’ve worked with him before. 109 00:19:04,405 --> 00:19:06,205 Here he comes. 110 00:19:09,247 --> 00:19:11,149 Okay, let’s go. 111 00:19:11,249 --> 00:19:13,886 Now, don’t you forget this. Why I should stick my neck out for you... 112 00:19:13,986 --> 00:19:15,986 ...is quite beyond my capacity. 113 00:19:22,427 --> 00:19:26,129 Thank the maker! This oil bath is going to feel so good. 114 00:19:27,330 --> 00:19:30,600 I’ve got such a bad case of dust contamination, I can barely move. 115 00:19:30,802 --> 00:19:35,841 It just isn’t fair. Oh, Biggs is right. I’m never gonna get out of here. 116 00:19:35,941 --> 00:19:40,142 – Is there anything I might do to help? – No. Not unless you can alter time... 117 00:19:40,242 --> 00:19:43,242 ...speed up the harvest, or teleport me off this rock. 118 00:19:43,448 --> 00:19:47,686 I don’t think so, sir. I’m only a droid, and not very knowledgeable about such things... 119 00:19:47,786 --> 00:19:53,025 ...not on this planet, anyway. As a matter of fact, I’m not even sure which planet I’m on. 120 00:19:53,125 --> 00:19:58,063 Well, if there’s a bright center to the universe, you’re on the planet that it’s farthest from. 121 00:19:58,163 --> 00:20:01,166 – I see, sir. – You can call me Luke. 122 00:20:01,266 --> 00:20:03,266 I see, Sir Luke. 123 00:20:04,031 --> 00:20:05,532 Just Luke. 124 00:20:05,632 --> 00:20:11,132 Oh. And I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations. And this is my counterpart, R2-D2. 125 00:20:12,709 --> 00:20:14,209 Hello. 126 00:20:15,379 --> 00:20:18,650 You’ve got a lot of carbon scoring here. Looks like you boys have seen a lot of action. 127 00:20:18,750 --> 00:20:21,101 With all we’ve been through, sometimes I’m amazed... 128 00:20:21,201 --> 00:20:24,000 ...we’re in as good condition as we are, what with the rebellion and all. 129 00:20:24,100 --> 00:20:25,824 You know of the rebellion against the Empire?! 130 00:20:25,924 --> 00:20:29,124 That’s how we came to be in your service, if you take my meaning, sir. 131 00:20:29,825 --> 00:20:31,926 – Have you been in many battles? – Several, I think. 132 00:20:32,026 --> 00:20:35,801 Actually, there’s not much to tell. I’m not much more than an interpreter... 133 00:20:35,901 --> 00:20:40,169 ...and not very good at telling stories. Well, not at making them interesting, anyway. 134 00:20:41,239 --> 00:20:45,174 Well, my little friend, you’ve got something jammed in here real good. 135 00:20:45,444 --> 00:20:47,244 Were you on a Starcruiser or— 136 00:20:47,545 --> 00:20:50,748 Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope. 137 00:20:50,849 --> 00:20:52,449 What’s this? 138 00:20:52,550 --> 00:20:55,521 “What is what?” He asked you a question. What is that? 139 00:20:55,621 --> 00:20:59,316 Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope. 140 00:21:03,061 --> 00:21:06,593 Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope. 141 00:21:09,000 --> 00:21:13,505 Oh. He says it’s nothing, sir. Merely a malfunction. Old data. Pay it no mind. 142 00:21:13,605 --> 00:21:16,008 Who is she? She’s beautiful. 143 00:21:16,108 --> 00:21:19,478 I’m afraid I’m not quite sure, sir. 144 00:21:19,578 --> 00:21:21,980 I think she was a passenger on our last voyage. 145 00:21:22,080 --> 00:21:25,283 A person of some importances, I believe. Our captain was attached to— 146 00:21:25,383 --> 00:21:27,483 Is there any more to this recording? 147 00:21:28,785 --> 00:21:31,657 Behave yourself, R2. You’re going to get us into trouble. 148 00:21:31,757 --> 00:21:34,799 It’s all right. You can trust him. He’s our new master. 149 00:21:37,996 --> 00:21:40,732 He says that he’s the property of Obi-Wan Kenobi... 150 00:21:40,832 --> 00:21:44,236 ...a resident of these parts, and it’s a private message for him. 151 00:21:44,336 --> 00:21:46,305 Quite frankly, sir, I don’t know what he’s talking about. 152 00:21:46,405 --> 00:21:49,901 Our last master was Captain Antilles. But with all we’ve been through... 153 00:21:50,001 --> 00:21:52,201 ...this little R2 unit has become a bit eccentric. 154 00:21:53,645 --> 00:21:56,381 Obi-Wan Kenobi. I wonder if he means old Ben Kenobi. 155 00:21:56,481 --> 00:21:59,151 I beg your pardon, sir, but do you know what he’s talking about? 156 00:21:59,251 --> 00:22:03,999 Well, I don’t know anyone named Obi-Wan, but old Ben lives out beyond the Dune Sea. 157 00:22:04,800 --> 00:22:07,000 He’s kind of a strange old hermit. 158 00:22:07,593 --> 00:22:10,762 I wonder who she is. Sounds like she’s in trouble. 159 00:22:10,862 --> 00:22:12,862 I better play back the whole thing. 160 00:22:16,666 --> 00:22:19,866 He says the restraining bolt has short-circuited his recording system. 161 00:22:20,305 --> 00:22:22,501 He suggests that if you remove the bolt... 162 00:22:22,601 --> 00:22:24,744 ...he might be able to play back the entire recording. 163 00:22:24,844 --> 00:22:27,546 Hm? Oh, yeah. Well... 164 00:22:27,646 --> 00:22:30,082 ...I guess you’re too small to run away on me... 165 00:22:30,182 --> 00:22:32,282 ...if I take this off. Okay... 166 00:22:35,420 --> 00:22:37,220 There you go. 167 00:22:38,700 --> 00:22:41,782 Wait a minute. Where’d she go? Bring her back. Play back the entire message. 168 00:22:42,383 --> 00:22:45,385 “What message?” The one you’ve just been playing! 169 00:22:45,485 --> 00:22:47,400 The one you’re carrying inside your rusty innards. 170 00:22:47,500 --> 00:22:49,626 Luke! Luke! 171 00:22:50,101 --> 00:22:53,201 – All right, I’ll be right there, Aunt Beru. – I’m sorry, sir... 172 00:22:53,301 --> 00:22:55,641 ...but he appears to have picked up a slight flutter. 173 00:22:55,741 --> 00:22:59,170 Here. See what you can do with him. I’ll be right back. 174 00:23:01,901 --> 00:23:04,501 Just you reconsider playing that message for him. 175 00:23:05,800 --> 00:23:08,000 No, I don’t think he likes you at all. 176 00:23:08,620 --> 00:23:10,920 No, I don’t like you, either. 177 00:23:19,229 --> 00:23:22,065 You know, I think that R2 unit we bought might have been stolen. 178 00:23:22,165 --> 00:23:23,768 What makes you think that? 179 00:23:23,868 --> 00:23:25,804 Well, I stumbled across a recording while I was cleaning him. 180 00:23:25,904 --> 00:23:28,873 He says he belongs to someone called Obi-Wan Kenobi. 181 00:23:31,609 --> 00:23:35,411 I thought he might have meant old Ben. Do you know what he’s talking about? 182 00:23:37,247 --> 00:23:41,981 – I wonder if he’s related to Ben. – That wizard’s just a crazy old man. 183 00:23:42,452 --> 00:23:46,080 Tomorrow, I want you to take that R2 unit to Anchorhead and have its memory erased. 184 00:23:46,258 --> 00:23:49,860 That’ll be the end of it. It belongs to us now. 185 00:23:50,161 --> 00:23:53,201 But what if this Obi-Wan comes looking for him? 186 00:23:53,301 --> 00:23:58,701 He won’t. I don’t think he exists anymore. He died about the same time as your father. 187 00:23:59,270 --> 00:24:02,070 – He knew my father? – I told you to forget it. 188 00:24:03,440 --> 00:24:06,200 Your only concern is to prepare those new droids for tomorrow. 189 00:24:06,600 --> 00:24:08,849 In the morning, I want them up there on the south ridge... 190 00:24:08,949 --> 00:24:12,049 – ...working on those condensers. – Yes, sir. 191 00:24:13,684 --> 00:24:15,887 I think those new droids are gonna work out fine. 192 00:24:15,987 --> 00:24:19,424 In fact, I, uh, was also thinking about our agreement... 193 00:24:19,524 --> 00:24:23,401 ...about me staying on another season... 194 00:24:23,501 --> 00:24:26,700 ...and if these new droids do work out, I want to transmit my application... 195 00:24:26,800 --> 00:24:28,701 – ...to the academy this year. – You mean the next semester... 196 00:24:28,801 --> 00:24:32,001 – ...before the harvest? – Sure. There’s more than enough droids. 197 00:24:32,101 --> 00:24:35,301 Harvest is when I need you the most. It’s only one season more. 198 00:24:36,400 --> 00:24:40,301 This year we’ll make enough on the harvest that I’ll be able to hire some more hands... 199 00:24:40,401 --> 00:24:44,882 ...and then you can go to the academy next year. You must understand I need you here, Luke. 200 00:24:44,982 --> 00:24:47,719 – But it’s a whole ’nother year! – Look, it’s only one more season. 201 00:24:47,819 --> 00:24:50,220 Yeah, that’s what you said when Biggs and Tank left. 202 00:24:50,320 --> 00:24:52,721 – Where are you going? – Looks like I’m going nowhere. 203 00:24:52,821 --> 00:24:54,500 I have to go finish cleaning those droids. 204 00:24:54,600 --> 00:24:57,959 Owen, he can’t stay here forever. Most of his friends have gone. 205 00:24:58,460 --> 00:25:03,057 – It means so much to him. – I’ll make it up to him next year. I promise. 206 00:25:04,834 --> 00:25:08,697 Luke’s just not a farmer, Owen. He has too much of his father in him. 207 00:25:09,073 --> 00:25:11,573 That’s what I’m afraid of. 208 00:26:00,158 --> 00:26:02,059 What are you doing hiding back there? 209 00:26:02,159 --> 00:26:04,996 It wasn’t my fault, sir. Please don’t deactivate me. 210 00:26:05,096 --> 00:26:08,197 I told him not to go, but he’s faulty, malfunctioning. 211 00:26:08,297 --> 00:26:11,801 – Kept babbling on about his mission. – Oh, no. 212 00:26:20,144 --> 00:26:23,045 That R2 unit has always been a problem. 213 00:26:23,145 --> 00:26:25,101 These astrodroids are getting quite out of hand. 214 00:26:25,201 --> 00:26:27,500 Even I can’t understand their logic at times. 215 00:26:27,600 --> 00:26:31,313 How could I be so stupid? He’s nowhere in sight. Blast it! 216 00:26:31,589 --> 00:26:34,090 – Pardon me, sir, but couldn’t we go after him? – It’s too dangerous... 217 00:26:34,190 --> 00:26:37,200 ...with all the Sand People around. We’ll have to wait until morning. 218 00:26:37,300 --> 00:26:39,500 Luke! I’m shutting the power down. 219 00:26:39,600 --> 00:26:43,124 All right! I’ll be there in a few minutes. Boy, am I gonna get it. 220 00:26:44,201 --> 00:26:46,071 You know, that little droid’s gonna cause me a lot of trouble. 221 00:26:46,171 --> 00:26:48,571 Oh, he excels at that, sir. 222 00:26:59,500 --> 00:27:04,284 Luke? Luke! Luke! 223 00:27:11,395 --> 00:27:12,998 Have you seen Luke this morning? 224 00:27:13,098 --> 00:27:16,501 He said he had some things to do before he started today, so he left early. 225 00:27:16,601 --> 00:27:20,000 – Did he take those two new droids with him? – I think so. 226 00:27:20,300 --> 00:27:22,301 Well, he better have those units in the south range... 227 00:27:22,401 --> 00:27:24,941 ...repaired by midday, or there’ll be hell to pay. 228 00:27:26,143 --> 00:27:28,513 Lookit, there’s a droid on the scanner. Dead ahead. 229 00:27:28,613 --> 00:27:31,741 It might be our little R2 unit. Hit the accelerator! 230 00:27:54,037 --> 00:27:55,970 Hey, whoa! Just where do you think you’re going? 231 00:27:57,271 --> 00:27:59,501 Master Luke is your rightful owner now. 232 00:27:59,601 --> 00:28:03,101 We’ll have no more of this Obi-Wan Kenobi gibberish. 233 00:28:03,300 --> 00:28:06,452 And don’t talk to me of your mission, either. You’re fortunate he doesn’t blast you... 234 00:28:06,552 --> 00:28:10,046 – ...into a million pieces right here! – No. It’s all right, but I think we’d better go. 235 00:28:12,046 --> 00:28:13,625 What’s wrong with him now? 236 00:28:13,725 --> 00:28:16,525 There are several creatures approaching from the southeast. 237 00:28:16,926 --> 00:28:19,126 Sand People, or worse. 238 00:28:20,765 --> 00:28:23,865 Come on, let’s go have a look. Come on! 239 00:28:26,170 --> 00:28:28,271 Well, there are two Banthas down there... 240 00:28:28,371 --> 00:28:30,664 ...but I don’t see any... Wait a second. 241 00:28:31,742 --> 00:28:34,973 They’re Sand People, all right. I can see one of them now. 242 00:29:49,553 --> 00:29:51,353 Hello, there. 243 00:29:53,391 --> 00:29:56,190 Come here, my little friend. Don’t be afraid. 244 00:29:58,729 --> 00:30:01,029 Oh, don’t worry. He’ll be all right. 245 00:30:06,938 --> 00:30:09,371 Rest easy, son. You’ve had a busy day. 246 00:30:09,940 --> 00:30:13,171 You’re fortunate to be all in one piece. 247 00:30:16,547 --> 00:30:18,605 Ben? Ben Kenobi? 248 00:30:19,183 --> 00:30:21,185 Boy, am I glad to see you. 249 00:30:21,285 --> 00:30:24,285 The Jundland Wastes are not to be traveled lightly. 250 00:30:27,200 --> 00:30:31,100 Tell me, young Luke, what brings you out this far? 251 00:30:31,801 --> 00:30:33,901 This little droid. 252 00:30:34,933 --> 00:30:37,901 I think he’s searching for his former master, but I’ve never seen such devotion... 253 00:30:38,001 --> 00:30:40,001 ...in a droid before. 254 00:30:41,000 --> 00:30:43,767 He claims to be the property of an Obi-Wan Kenobi. 255 00:30:44,142 --> 00:30:47,577 Is he a relative of yours? Do you know who he’s talking about? 256 00:30:48,245 --> 00:30:52,145 Obi-Wan Kenobi? Obi-Wan. 257 00:30:54,751 --> 00:30:58,645 Now, that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time. 258 00:30:59,323 --> 00:31:01,223 A long time. 259 00:31:02,226 --> 00:31:05,219 I think my uncle knows him. He said he was dead. 260 00:31:05,596 --> 00:31:08,392 Oh, he’s not dead. Not yet. 261 00:31:08,966 --> 00:31:12,936 – You know him? – Well, of course I know him. He’s me. 262 00:31:15,973 --> 00:31:18,877 I haven’t gone by the name of Obi-Wan... 263 00:31:18,977 --> 00:31:21,445 ...since, oh, before you were born. 264 00:31:21,812 --> 00:31:23,614 Well, then the droid does belong to you. 265 00:31:23,714 --> 00:31:26,110 I don’t seem to remember ever owning a droid. 266 00:31:28,519 --> 00:31:30,619 Very interesting. 267 00:31:31,700 --> 00:31:36,961 I think we’d better get indoors. The Sand People are easily startled... 268 00:31:37,061 --> 00:31:39,662 ...but they’ll soon be back, and in greater numbers. 269 00:31:42,467 --> 00:31:44,467 3PO. 270 00:31:53,511 --> 00:31:56,211 Where am I? I must have taken a bad step. 271 00:31:57,915 --> 00:32:00,718 Can you stand? We’ve got to get out of here before the Sand People return. 272 00:32:00,818 --> 00:32:03,321 I don’t think I can make it. You go on, Master Luke. 273 00:32:03,421 --> 00:32:06,124 There’s no sense in you risking yourself on my account. 274 00:32:06,224 --> 00:32:08,324 I’m done for. 275 00:32:09,300 --> 00:32:12,457 – No, you’re not. What kind of talk is that? – Quickly. They’re on the move. 276 00:32:17,935 --> 00:32:21,472 No, my father didn’t fight in the wars. He was a navigator on a spice freighter. 277 00:32:21,572 --> 00:32:23,341 That’s what your uncle told you. 278 00:32:23,441 --> 00:32:26,377 He didn’t hold with your father’s ideals. Thought he should have stayed here... 279 00:32:26,477 --> 00:32:28,342 ...and not gotten involved. 280 00:32:29,013 --> 00:32:33,384 – You fought in the Clone Wars? – Yes. I was once a Jedi knight... 281 00:32:33,484 --> 00:32:35,584 ...the same as your father. 282 00:32:37,855 --> 00:32:42,555 – I wish I’d known him. – He was the best starpilot in the galaxy... 283 00:32:43,100 --> 00:32:44,929 ...and a cunning warrior. 284 00:32:45,029 --> 00:32:48,594 I understand you’ve become quite a good pilot yourself. 285 00:32:49,900 --> 00:32:53,864 And he was a good friend. Which reminds me... 286 00:32:55,200 --> 00:32:57,300 ...I have something here for you. 287 00:32:59,600 --> 00:33:02,700 Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough... 288 00:33:02,800 --> 00:33:05,350 ...but your uncle wouldn’t allow it. 289 00:33:05,450 --> 00:33:09,720 He feared you might follow old Obi-Wan on some damn-fool idealistic crusade... 290 00:33:09,820 --> 00:33:11,589 ...like your father did. 291 00:33:11,689 --> 00:33:13,992 Sir, if you’ll not be needing me, I’ll close down for a while. 292 00:33:14,092 --> 00:33:16,092 Sure. Go ahead. 293 00:33:18,700 --> 00:33:21,895 – What is it? – Your father’s lightsaber. 294 00:33:22,666 --> 00:33:25,236 This is the weapon of a Jedi knight. 295 00:33:25,336 --> 00:33:29,240 Not as clumsy or random as a blaster. 296 00:33:29,340 --> 00:33:35,245 An elegant weapon for a more civilized age. 297 00:33:36,313 --> 00:33:39,550 For over a thousand generations, the Jedi knights were the guardians... 298 00:33:39,650 --> 00:33:42,744 ...of peace and justice in the old Republic... 299 00:33:43,520 --> 00:33:47,384 ...before the dark times... before the Empire. 300 00:33:50,800 --> 00:33:53,100 How did my father die? 301 00:33:54,831 --> 00:33:57,200 A young Jedi named Darth Vader... 302 00:33:57,401 --> 00:33:59,964 ...who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil... 303 00:34:00,938 --> 00:34:04,099 ...helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi knights. 304 00:34:05,943 --> 00:34:08,543 He betrayed and murdered your father. 305 00:34:09,879 --> 00:34:12,479 Now the Jedi are all but extinct. 306 00:34:13,817 --> 00:34:17,354 Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force. 307 00:34:18,322 --> 00:34:20,022 The Force? 308 00:34:20,657 --> 00:34:23,000 The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. 309 00:34:23,460 --> 00:34:26,131 It’s an energy field created by all living things. 310 00:34:26,231 --> 00:34:30,792 It surrounds us, penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together. 311 00:34:38,208 --> 00:34:41,372 Now let’s see if we can’t figure out what you are, my little friend... 312 00:34:41,646 --> 00:34:43,880 ...and where you come from. 313 00:34:43,981 --> 00:34:47,085 – I saw part of a message he w— – I seem to have found it. 314 00:34:47,185 --> 00:34:51,451 General Kenobi, years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars. 315 00:34:51,922 --> 00:34:55,092 Now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the Empire. 316 00:34:55,259 --> 00:34:58,196 I regret that I am unable to present my father’s request to you in person. 317 00:34:58,296 --> 00:35:00,064 But my ship has fallen under attack... 318 00:35:00,164 --> 00:35:03,100 ...and I am afraid my mission to bring you to Alderaan has failed. 319 00:35:03,200 --> 00:35:06,104 I have placed information vital to the survival of the rebellion... 320 00:35:06,204 --> 00:35:10,004 ...into the memory systems of this R2 unit. My father will know how to retrieve it. 321 00:35:10,574 --> 00:35:14,437 You must see this droid safely delivered to him on Alderaan. 322 00:35:14,812 --> 00:35:17,012 This is our most desperate hour. 323 00:35:17,313 --> 00:35:20,375 Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope. 324 00:35:35,499 --> 00:35:39,431 You must learn the ways of the Force if you’re to come with me to Alderaan. 325 00:35:40,504 --> 00:35:42,904 Alderaan? I’m not going to Alderaan. 326 00:35:43,073 --> 00:35:45,509 I’ve got to get home. It’s late. I’m in for it as it is. 327 00:35:45,609 --> 00:35:48,009 I need your help, Luke. She needs your help. 328 00:35:48,579 --> 00:35:51,107 I’m getting too old for this sort of thing. 329 00:35:56,186 --> 00:35:59,486 I can’t get involved. I’ve got work to do. 330 00:36:00,157 --> 00:36:04,657 It’s not that I like the Empire. I hate it, but there’s nothing I can do about it right now. 331 00:36:06,196 --> 00:36:10,400 – It’s all such a long way from here. – That’s your uncle talking. 332 00:36:10,500 --> 00:36:13,395 My uncle. How am I ever gonna explain this? 333 00:36:13,971 --> 00:36:16,171 Learn about the Force, Luke. 334 00:36:22,513 --> 00:36:25,000 Look, I can take you as far as Anchorhead. 335 00:36:25,182 --> 00:36:29,109 You can get a transport there to Mos Eisley or wherever you’re going. 336 00:36:29,886 --> 00:36:32,713 You must do what you feel is right, of course. 337 00:36:40,798 --> 00:36:44,067 Until this battle station is fully operational, we are vulnerable. 338 00:36:44,435 --> 00:36:48,295 The Rebel Alliance is too well equipped. They’re more dangerous than you realize. 339 00:36:48,972 --> 00:36:53,103 Dangerous to your starfleet, Commander... not to this battle station. 340 00:36:53,477 --> 00:36:57,315 The rebellion will continue to gain support in the Imperial Senate— 341 00:36:57,415 --> 00:37:01,119 The Imperial Senate will no longer be of any concern to us. 342 00:37:01,219 --> 00:37:05,314 I have just received word that the Emperor has dissolved the council permanently. 343 00:37:05,689 --> 00:37:09,627 The last remnants of the old Republic have been swept away. 344 00:37:09,727 --> 00:37:11,427 That’s impossible. 345 00:37:11,695 --> 00:37:14,264 How will the Emperor maintain control without the bureaucracy? 346 00:37:14,364 --> 00:37:18,564 The regional governors now have direct control over their territories. 347 00:37:19,336 --> 00:37:22,697 Fear will keep the local systems in line... 348 00:37:22,973 --> 00:37:26,144 – ...fear of this battle station. – And what of the rebellion? 349 00:37:26,244 --> 00:37:29,547 If the rebels have obtained a complete technical readout of this station... 350 00:37:29,647 --> 00:37:33,781 ...it is possible, however unlikely, that they might find a weakness and exploit it. 351 00:37:34,551 --> 00:37:38,117 The plans you refer to will soon be back in our hands. 352 00:37:38,489 --> 00:37:40,625 Any attack made by the rebels against this station... 353 00:37:40,725 --> 00:37:44,551 ...would be a useless gesture, no matter what technical data they’ve obtained. 354 00:37:44,829 --> 00:37:48,292 This station is now the ultimate power in the universe. 355 00:37:49,066 --> 00:37:50,966 I suggest we use it. 356 00:37:51,368 --> 00:37:54,601 Don’t be too proud of this technological terror you’ve constructed. 357 00:37:55,372 --> 00:37:58,375 The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant... 358 00:37:58,475 --> 00:38:00,444 ...next to the power of the Force. 359 00:38:00,544 --> 00:38:04,002 Don’t try to frighten us with your sorcerer’s ways, Lord Vader. 360 00:38:04,481 --> 00:38:06,951 Your sad devotion to that ancient religion... 361 00:38:07,051 --> 00:38:09,642 ...has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes... 362 00:38:10,220 --> 00:38:14,052 ...or given you clairvoyance enough to find the rebels’ hidden fortr— 363 00:38:20,664 --> 00:38:22,864 I find your lack of faith disturbing. 364 00:38:24,969 --> 00:38:27,397 Enough of this. Vader, release him. 365 00:38:27,671 --> 00:38:29,371 As you wish. 366 00:38:31,442 --> 00:38:33,442 This bickering is pointless. 367 00:38:34,711 --> 00:38:38,182 Lord Vader will provide us with the location of the rebel fortress... 368 00:38:38,282 --> 00:38:41,118 ...by the time this station is operational. 369 00:38:41,218 --> 00:38:45,121 We will then crush the rebellion with one swift stroke. 370 00:38:52,096 --> 00:38:53,898 It looks like the Sand People did this, all right. 371 00:38:53,998 --> 00:38:55,733 Look. There’s gaffi sticks, Bantha tracks. 372 00:38:55,833 --> 00:38:58,302 It’s just, I’ve never heard of them hitting anything this big before. 373 00:38:58,402 --> 00:39:01,772 They didn’t... but we are meant to think they did. 374 00:39:01,872 --> 00:39:06,043 These tracks are side-by-side. Sand People always ride single file... 375 00:39:06,143 --> 00:39:08,045 ...to hide their numbers. 376 00:39:08,145 --> 00:39:10,881 These are the same Jawas that sold us R2 and 3PO. 377 00:39:10,981 --> 00:39:15,379 And these blast points, too accurate for Sand People. 378 00:39:15,953 --> 00:39:19,082 Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise. 379 00:39:19,856 --> 00:39:22,356 But why would Imperial troops want to slaughter Jawas? 380 00:39:27,864 --> 00:39:30,401 If they traced the robots here, they may have learned who they sold them to... 381 00:39:30,501 --> 00:39:32,701 ...and that would lead them back... home! 382 00:39:33,436 --> 00:39:36,405 Wait, Luke! It’s too dangerous! 383 00:40:00,664 --> 00:40:04,168 Uncle Owen! Aunt Beru! 384 00:40:04,268 --> 00:40:06,368 Uncle Owen! 385 00:40:55,218 --> 00:41:00,520 And now, Your Highness, we will discuss the location of your hidden rebel base. 386 00:41:43,666 --> 00:41:46,736 There’s nothing you could have done, Luke, had you been there. 387 00:41:46,836 --> 00:41:51,400 You’d have been killed, too, and the droids would now be in the hands of the Empire. 388 00:41:53,275 --> 00:41:55,475 I want to come with you to Alderaan. 389 00:41:56,079 --> 00:41:59,383 There’s nothing for me here now. I want to learn the ways of the Force... 390 00:41:59,483 --> 00:42:01,883 ...and become a Jedi like my father. 391 00:42:16,933 --> 00:42:19,200 Mos Eisley spaceport. 392 00:42:19,469 --> 00:42:24,436 You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. 393 00:42:25,208 --> 00:42:27,108 We must be cautious. 394 00:42:43,326 --> 00:42:45,562 – How long have you had these droids? – About three or four seasons. 395 00:42:45,662 --> 00:42:48,162 They’re up for sale if you want them. 396 00:42:48,831 --> 00:42:52,767 – Let me see your identification. – You don’t need to see his identification. 397 00:42:53,836 --> 00:42:57,672 – We don’t need to see his identification. – These aren’t the droids you’re looking for. 398 00:42:58,941 --> 00:43:01,110 These aren’t the droids we’re looking for. 399 00:43:01,210 --> 00:43:03,410 He can go about his business. 400 00:43:04,247 --> 00:43:06,773 – You can go about your business. – Move along. 401 00:43:07,850 --> 00:43:09,850 Move along. Move along. 402 00:43:20,897 --> 00:43:23,633 I can’t abide those Jawas. Disgusting creatures! 403 00:43:25,001 --> 00:43:26,901 Go on, go on. 404 00:43:28,338 --> 00:43:31,508 I can’t understand how we got by those troops. I thought we were dead. 405 00:43:31,608 --> 00:43:35,812 The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded. 406 00:43:39,600 --> 00:43:42,552 Do you really think we’re gonna find a pilot here that’ll take us to Alderaan? 407 00:43:42,652 --> 00:43:45,189 Most of the best freighter pilots are to be found here... 408 00:43:45,289 --> 00:43:48,553 ...only watch your step. This place can be a little rough. 409 00:43:49,226 --> 00:43:51,226 I’m ready for anything. 410 00:43:54,831 --> 00:43:56,731 Come along, R2. 411 00:44:47,216 --> 00:44:50,421 – Hey! We don’t serve their kind here. – What? 412 00:44:50,521 --> 00:44:53,790 Your droids, they’ll have to wait outside. We don’t want them here. 413 00:44:53,890 --> 00:44:56,226 Why don’t you wait out by the speeder? We don’t want any trouble. 414 00:44:56,326 --> 00:44:58,226 I heartily agree with you, sir. 415 00:45:07,871 --> 00:45:09,571 I’ll have one of those. 416 00:45:44,974 --> 00:45:47,941 – He doesn’t like you. – I’m sorry. 417 00:45:49,011 --> 00:45:51,111 I don’t like you, either. 418 00:45:51,514 --> 00:45:57,217 You just watch yourself. We’re wanted men. I have the death sentence on 12 systems. 419 00:45:57,587 --> 00:45:59,389 I’ll be careful. 420 00:45:59,489 --> 00:46:02,858 – You’ll be dead! – This little one’s not worth the effort. 421 00:46:03,200 --> 00:46:05,400 Come, let me get you something. 422 00:46:08,400 --> 00:46:10,200 No blasters! No blasters! 423 00:46:32,355 --> 00:46:34,055 I’m all right. 424 00:46:35,700 --> 00:46:39,753 Chewbacca here is first mate on a ship that might suit us. 425 00:46:44,699 --> 00:46:46,799 I don’t like the look of this. 426 00:47:01,551 --> 00:47:04,851 Han Solo. I’m captain of the Millennium Falcon. 427 00:47:05,122 --> 00:47:08,522 Chewie here tells me you’re looking for passage to the Alderaan system. 428 00:47:08,692 --> 00:47:11,000 Yes, indeed, if it’s a fast ship. 429 00:47:11,194 --> 00:47:14,670 Fast ship? You’ve never heard of the Millennium Falcon? 430 00:47:15,097 --> 00:47:16,500 Should I have? 431 00:47:16,600 --> 00:47:19,463 It’s the ship that made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs. 432 00:47:21,471 --> 00:47:25,843 I’ve outrun Imperial starships. Not the local bulk cruisers, mind you. 433 00:47:25,943 --> 00:47:28,543 I’m talking about the big Corellian ships now. 434 00:47:30,080 --> 00:47:32,500 She’s fast enough for you, old man. 435 00:47:33,200 --> 00:47:35,500 – What’s the cargo? – Only passengers... 436 00:47:36,051 --> 00:47:38,811 Myself, the boy, two droids... 437 00:47:39,989 --> 00:47:42,089 ...and no questions asked. 438 00:47:43,459 --> 00:47:45,462 What is it, some kind of local trouble? 439 00:47:45,562 --> 00:47:47,750 Let’s just say we’d like to avoid... 440 00:47:47,850 --> 00:47:50,266 ...any Imperial entanglements. 441 00:47:51,834 --> 00:47:54,134 Well, that’s the real trick, isn’t it? 442 00:47:55,104 --> 00:47:57,604 And it’s gonna cost you something extra. 443 00:47:58,408 --> 00:48:00,708 Ten thousand, all in advance. 444 00:48:01,845 --> 00:48:03,745 Ten thousand? 445 00:48:04,480 --> 00:48:06,980 We could almost buy our own ship for that! 446 00:48:07,150 --> 00:48:10,201 – But who’s gonna fly it, kid? You? – You bet I could. 447 00:48:10,301 --> 00:48:13,989 I’m not such a bad pilot myself. We don’t have to sit here and listen... 448 00:48:14,957 --> 00:48:17,161 We can pay you two thousand now... 449 00:48:17,261 --> 00:48:20,321 ...plus fifteen when we reach Alderaan. 450 00:48:21,397 --> 00:48:23,097 Seventeen, huh? 451 00:48:26,234 --> 00:48:28,538 Okay, you guys got yourselves a ship. 452 00:48:28,638 --> 00:48:31,200 We’ll leave as soon as you’re ready. Docking Bay 94. 453 00:48:31,300 --> 00:48:33,000 Ninety-four. 454 00:48:33,977 --> 00:48:38,582 Looks like somebody’s beginning to take an interest in your handiwork. 455 00:48:38,682 --> 00:48:40,809 All right. We’ll check it out. 456 00:48:52,895 --> 00:48:54,896 Seventeen thousand! 457 00:48:54,996 --> 00:48:57,901 Those guys must really be desperate. This could really save my neck. 458 00:48:58,001 --> 00:49:00,671 Get back to the ship, get it ready. 459 00:49:00,771 --> 00:49:02,339 You’ll have to sell your speeder. 460 00:49:02,439 --> 00:49:06,012 That’s okay. I’m never coming back to this planet again. 461 00:49:07,198 --> 00:49:08,681 Going somewhere, Solo? 462 00:49:08,781 --> 00:49:11,485 Yes, Greedo. As a matter of fact, I was just going to see your boss. 463 00:49:11,585 --> 00:49:13,485 Tell Jabba that I’ve got his money. 464 00:49:13,952 --> 00:49:18,417 It’s too late. You should have paid him when you had the chance. 465 00:49:18,738 --> 00:49:25,008 Jabba’s put a price on your head so large every bounty hunter in the galaxy will be looking for you... 466 00:49:25,346 --> 00:49:27,008 I’m lucky I found you first. 467 00:49:27,300 --> 00:49:29,569 Yeah, but this time I’ve got the money. 468 00:49:29,719 --> 00:49:33,061 If you give it to me, I might forget I found you. 469 00:49:33,839 --> 00:49:36,139 I don’t have it with me. Tell Jabba— 470 00:49:36,480 --> 00:49:38,233 Jabba’s through with you. 471 00:49:39,395 --> 00:49:41,692 He has no time for smugglers... 472 00:49:42,031 --> 00:49:46,110 ...who drop their shipments at the first sign of an Imperial cruiser. 473 00:49:46,210 --> 00:49:48,512 Even I get boarded sometimes. Do you think I had a choice? 474 00:49:48,612 --> 00:49:52,496 You can tell that to Jabba. He may only take your ship. 475 00:49:53,192 --> 00:49:54,660 Over my dead body. 476 00:49:54,871 --> 00:49:56,053 That’s the idea. 477 00:49:56,428 --> 00:50:00,124 I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time. 478 00:50:00,433 --> 00:50:02,333 Yes, I’ll bet you have. 479 00:50:16,015 --> 00:50:18,015 Sorry about the mess. 480 00:50:26,692 --> 00:50:29,663 Her resistance to the mind probe is considerable. 481 00:50:29,763 --> 00:50:32,857 It’ll be some time before we can extract any information from her. 482 00:50:33,332 --> 00:50:35,268 The final checkout is completed. 483 00:50:35,368 --> 00:50:38,537 All systems are operational. What course shall we set? 484 00:50:39,405 --> 00:50:42,775 Perhaps she would respond to an alternative form of persuasion. 485 00:50:42,875 --> 00:50:44,277 What do you mean? 486 00:50:44,377 --> 00:50:47,614 I think it is time we demonstrated the full power of this station. 487 00:50:47,714 --> 00:50:50,100 – Set your course for Alderaan. – With pleasure. 488 00:50:51,250 --> 00:50:53,250 Lock the door, R2. 489 00:50:55,687 --> 00:50:57,987 All right, check this side of the street. 490 00:51:01,761 --> 00:51:04,224 The door’s locked. Move on to the next one. 491 00:51:11,300 --> 00:51:14,807 I would much rather have gone with Master Luke than stay here with you. 492 00:51:14,907 --> 00:51:18,099 I don’t know what all this trouble is about, but I’m sure it must be your fault. 493 00:51:18,800 --> 00:51:21,612 You watch your language. 494 00:51:22,815 --> 00:51:25,652 All right. Give it to me. I’ll take it. 495 00:51:25,752 --> 00:51:29,356 Look at this. Ever since the XP-38 came out, they just aren’t in demand. 496 00:51:29,456 --> 00:51:31,256 It’ll be enough. 497 00:51:48,575 --> 00:51:52,075 If the ship’s as fast as he’s boasting, we ought to do well. 498 00:52:14,800 --> 00:52:16,402 What a piece of junk! 499 00:52:16,502 --> 00:52:18,632 She’ll make .5 past light speed. 500 00:52:18,905 --> 00:52:21,941 She may not look like much, but she’s got it where it counts, kid. 501 00:52:22,041 --> 00:52:24,744 I’ve made a lot of special modifications myself. 502 00:52:24,844 --> 00:52:28,937 But we’re a little rushed, so if you’ll just get on board we’ll get outta here. 503 00:52:34,120 --> 00:52:36,020 Hello, sir. 504 00:52:44,230 --> 00:52:46,030 Which way? 505 00:52:47,066 --> 00:52:49,266 All right, men, load your weapons. 506 00:52:51,370 --> 00:52:53,570 Stop that ship! Blast them! 507 00:53:03,182 --> 00:53:05,382 Chewie, get us out of here! 508 00:53:06,819 --> 00:53:10,185 Oh, my. I’d forgotten how much I hate space travel. 509 00:53:25,572 --> 00:53:27,006 Looks like an Imperial cruiser. 510 00:53:27,106 --> 00:53:29,542 Our passengers must be hotter than I thought. Try and hold ’em off. 511 00:53:29,642 --> 00:53:33,643 Angle the deflector shields while I make the calculations for the jump to light speed. 512 00:53:43,489 --> 00:53:46,326 Stay sharp. There’s two more coming in. They’re gonna try and cut us off. 513 00:53:46,426 --> 00:53:48,261 Why don’t you outrun ’em? I thought you said this thing was fast! 514 00:53:48,361 --> 00:53:50,896 Watch your mouth, kid, or you’re gonna find yourself floating home. 515 00:53:50,996 --> 00:53:53,900 We’ll be safe enough once we make the jump to hyperspace. 516 00:53:54,000 --> 00:53:56,200 Besides, I know a few maneuvers. We’ll lose ’em. 517 00:54:00,673 --> 00:54:02,133 Here’s where the fun begins. 518 00:54:02,233 --> 00:54:04,277 How long before you can make the jump to light speed? 519 00:54:04,377 --> 00:54:07,013 It’ll take a few moments to get the coordinates from the navicomputer. 520 00:54:07,113 --> 00:54:08,948 Are you kidding? At the rate they’re gaining? 521 00:54:09,048 --> 00:54:11,818 Traveling through hyperspace ain’t like dustin’ crops, boy! 522 00:54:11,918 --> 00:54:14,220 Without precise calculations, we’d fly right through a star... 523 00:54:14,320 --> 00:54:15,788 ...or bounce too close to a supernova... 524 00:54:15,888 --> 00:54:18,357 ...and that would end your trip real quick, wouldn’t it? 525 00:54:18,457 --> 00:54:20,758 – What’s that flashing? – We’re losing a deflector shield. 526 00:54:20,858 --> 00:54:23,658 Go strap yourselves in. I’m gonna make the jump to light speed. 527 00:54:45,050 --> 00:54:47,250 We’ve entered the Alderaan system. 528 00:54:47,819 --> 00:54:51,757 Governor Tarkin. I should have expected to find you holding Vader’s leash. 529 00:54:52,224 --> 00:54:55,484 I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board. 530 00:54:57,096 --> 00:54:58,896 Charming to the last. 531 00:54:59,731 --> 00:55:03,736 You don’t know how hard I found it, signing the order to terminate your life. 532 00:55:03,836 --> 00:55:07,173 I’m surprised you had the courage to take the responsibility yourself. 533 00:55:07,273 --> 00:55:11,411 Princess Leia, before your execution, I would like you to be my guest... 534 00:55:11,511 --> 00:55:15,140 ...at a ceremony that will make this battle station operational. 535 00:55:15,514 --> 00:55:18,342 No star system will dare oppose the Emperor now. 536 00:55:18,818 --> 00:55:21,053 The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin... 537 00:55:21,153 --> 00:55:23,723 ...the more star systems will slip through your fingers. 538 00:55:23,823 --> 00:55:26,815 Not after we demonstrate the power of this station. 539 00:55:27,093 --> 00:55:32,262 In a way, you have determined the choice of the planet that will be destroyed first. 540 00:55:33,132 --> 00:55:37,437 Since you are reluctant to provide us with the location of the rebel base... 541 00:55:37,537 --> 00:55:40,240 ...I have chosen to test this station’s destructive power... 542 00:55:40,340 --> 00:55:43,409 ...on your home planet of Alderaan. 543 00:55:43,509 --> 00:55:46,145 No! Alderaan is peaceful. We have no weapons. You can’t possibly— 544 00:55:46,245 --> 00:55:50,972 You would prefer another target? A military target? Then name the system. 545 00:55:53,085 --> 00:55:56,286 I grow tired of asking this, so it will be the last time. 546 00:55:57,056 --> 00:55:59,156 Where is the rebel base? 547 00:56:03,162 --> 00:56:04,962 Dantooine. 548 00:56:05,564 --> 00:56:08,401 – They’re on Dantooine. – There. You see, Lord Vader? 549 00:56:08,501 --> 00:56:12,999 She can be reasonable. Continue with the operation. You may fire when ready. 550 00:56:13,200 --> 00:56:15,408 – What? – You’re far too trusting. 551 00:56:15,508 --> 00:56:19,512 Dantooine is too remote to make an effective demonstration, but don’t worry. 552 00:56:19,612 --> 00:56:22,515 We will deal with your rebel friends soon enough. 553 00:56:22,615 --> 00:56:24,115 No! 554 00:56:25,751 --> 00:56:27,751 Commence primary ignition. 555 00:56:50,676 --> 00:56:53,577 Are you all right? What’s wrong? 556 00:56:53,946 --> 00:56:56,249 I felt a great disturbance in the Force... 557 00:56:56,349 --> 00:56:59,652 ...as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror... 558 00:56:59,752 --> 00:57:04,219 ...and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened. 559 00:57:06,091 --> 00:57:08,691 You’d better get on with your exercises. 560 00:57:10,963 --> 00:57:13,464 Well, you can forget your troubles with those Imperial slugs. 561 00:57:13,564 --> 00:57:15,764 I told you I’d outrun them. 562 00:57:19,205 --> 00:57:21,298 Don’t everybody thank me at once. 563 00:57:21,974 --> 00:57:25,868 Anyway, we should be at Alderaan about 0200 hours. 564 00:57:33,352 --> 00:57:35,183 Now be careful, R2. 565 00:57:44,864 --> 00:57:47,364 He made a fair move. Screaming about it can’t help you. 566 00:57:47,565 --> 00:57:49,769 Let him have it. It’s not wise to upset a Wookiee. 567 00:57:49,869 --> 00:57:52,069 But, sir, nobody worries about upsetting a droid. 568 00:57:52,438 --> 00:57:55,174 That’s ’cause a droid don’t pull people’s arms out of their sockets... 569 00:57:55,274 --> 00:57:58,868 ...when they lose. Wookiees are known to do that. 570 00:58:01,413 --> 00:58:03,105 I see your point, sir. 571 00:58:03,205 --> 00:58:06,307 I suggest a new strategy, R2. Let the Wookiee win. 572 00:58:25,003 --> 00:58:28,435 Remember, a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him. 573 00:58:29,508 --> 00:58:33,511 – You mean it controls your actions? – Partially, but it also obeys your commands. 574 00:58:39,050 --> 00:58:41,120 Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match... 575 00:58:41,220 --> 00:58:42,949 ...for a good blaster at your side, kid. 576 00:58:44,022 --> 00:58:46,324 You don’t believe in the Force, do you? 577 00:58:46,424 --> 00:58:48,694 Kid, I’ve flown from one side of this galaxy to the other. 578 00:58:48,794 --> 00:58:51,901 I’ve seen a lot of strange stuff, but I’ve never seen anything... 579 00:58:52,001 --> 00:58:56,391 ...to make me believe there’s one all-powerful force controlling everything. 580 00:58:57,069 --> 00:59:00,606 There’s no mystical energy field controls my destiny. 581 00:59:00,706 --> 00:59:03,901 It’s all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense. 582 00:59:04,001 --> 00:59:07,501 I suggest you try it again, Luke. 583 00:59:07,980 --> 00:59:10,715 This time, let go your conscious self... 584 00:59:12,852 --> 00:59:14,813 ...and act on instinct. 585 00:59:16,087 --> 00:59:18,224 With the blast shield down, I can’t even see. 586 00:59:18,324 --> 00:59:19,925 How am I supposed to fight? 587 00:59:20,025 --> 00:59:22,825 Your eyes can deceive you. Don’t trust them. 588 00:59:31,737 --> 00:59:33,837 Stretch out with your feelings. 589 00:59:48,487 --> 00:59:52,117 – You see? You can do it. – I call it luck. 590 00:59:52,291 --> 00:59:54,853 In my experience, there’s no such thing as luck. 591 00:59:55,427 --> 01:00:00,331 Look, good against remotes is one thing. Good against the living, that’s something else. 592 01:00:01,850 --> 01:00:04,034 Looks like we’re coming up on Alderaan. 593 01:00:06,806 --> 01:00:09,608 You know, I did feel something. I could almost see the remote. 594 01:00:09,708 --> 01:00:14,242 That’s good. You’ve taken your first step into a larger world. 595 01:00:19,384 --> 01:00:22,755 – Yes? – Our scout ships have reached Dantooine. 596 01:00:22,855 --> 01:00:24,757 They found the remains of a rebel base... 597 01:00:24,857 --> 01:00:27,226 ...but they estimate that it has been deserted for some time. 598 01:00:27,326 --> 01:00:30,887 They are now conducting an extensive search of the surrounding systems. 599 01:00:31,963 --> 01:00:33,989 She lied. She lied to us! 600 01:00:34,566 --> 01:00:38,966 I told you she would never consciously betray the rebellion. 601 01:00:39,405 --> 01:00:41,807 Terminate her... immediately. 602 01:00:44,610 --> 01:00:47,510 Stand by, Chewie. Here we go. Cut in the sublight engines. 603 01:00:50,115 --> 01:00:51,715 What the...? 604 01:00:54,753 --> 01:00:56,555 We’ve come out of hyperspace into a meteor shower. 605 01:00:56,655 --> 01:00:59,500 Some kind of asteroid collision. It’s not on any of the charts. 606 01:00:59,624 --> 01:01:02,825 – What’s going on? – Our position’s correct, except no Alderaan. 607 01:01:03,095 --> 01:01:05,358 – What do you mean? Where is it? – That’s what I’m trying to tell you, kid. 608 01:01:05,458 --> 01:01:07,032 It ain’t there. It’s been totally blown away. 609 01:01:07,132 --> 01:01:09,835 – What? How? – Destroyed by the Empire. 610 01:01:09,935 --> 01:01:12,037 The entire starfleet couldn’t destroy the whole planet. 611 01:01:12,137 --> 01:01:13,998 It would take a thousand ships with more firepower than I’ve— 612 01:01:15,999 --> 01:01:17,476 There’s another ship coming in. 613 01:01:17,576 --> 01:01:20,600 – Maybe they know what happened. – It’s an Imperial fighter. 614 01:01:22,000 --> 01:01:24,783 – It followed us! – No. It’s a short-range fighter. 615 01:01:24,883 --> 01:01:27,883 There aren’t any bases around here. Where did it come from? 616 01:01:30,155 --> 01:01:32,925 It sure is leaving in a big hurry. If they identify us, we’re in big trouble. 617 01:01:33,025 --> 01:01:35,126 Not if I can help it. Chewie, jam its transmissions. 618 01:01:35,226 --> 01:01:37,328 It would be as well to let it go. It’s too far out of range. 619 01:01:37,428 --> 01:01:39,228 Not for long. 620 01:01:42,500 --> 01:01:45,698 A fighter that size couldn’t get this deep into space on its own. 621 01:01:45,971 --> 01:01:48,507 He must have gotten lost, been part of a convoy or something. 622 01:01:48,607 --> 01:01:51,402 Well, he ain’t gonna be around long enough to tell anybody about us. 623 01:01:53,879 --> 01:01:55,447 Look at him. He’s heading for that small moon. 624 01:01:55,547 --> 01:01:58,448 I think I can get him before he gets there. He’s almost in range. 625 01:02:00,018 --> 01:02:02,054 That’s no moon. 626 01:02:02,154 --> 01:02:05,553 – It’s a space station. – It’s too big to be a space station. 627 01:02:08,861 --> 01:02:11,296 I have a very bad feeling about this. 628 01:02:11,396 --> 01:02:13,165 Turn the ship around. 629 01:02:13,265 --> 01:02:17,762 Yeah. I think you’re right. Full reverse! Chewie, lock in the auxiliary power. 630 01:02:22,507 --> 01:02:24,475 Chewie, lock in the auxiliary power! 631 01:02:26,845 --> 01:02:28,580 Why are we still moving towards it?! 632 01:02:28,680 --> 01:02:30,482 We’re caught in a tractor beam. It’s pulling us in! 633 01:02:30,582 --> 01:02:33,452 – There’s got to be something you can do! – There’s nothing I can do about it, kid. 634 01:02:33,552 --> 01:02:37,552 I’m full power. I’m gonna have to shut down. They’re not gonna get me without a fight. 635 01:02:41,226 --> 01:02:44,789 You can’t win, but there are alternatives to fighting. 636 01:03:01,413 --> 01:03:03,549 Clear Bay 327. 637 01:03:03,649 --> 01:03:06,049 We’re opening the magnetic field. 638 01:03:20,632 --> 01:03:23,298 To your stations! Come with me. 639 01:03:27,206 --> 01:03:30,831 Close all outboard shields. Close all outboard shields. 640 01:03:32,577 --> 01:03:34,680 – Yes? – We’ve captured a freighter... 641 01:03:34,780 --> 01:03:36,981 ...entering the remains of the Alderaan system. 642 01:03:37,081 --> 01:03:40,686 Its markings match those of a ship that blasted its way out of Mos Eisley. 643 01:03:40,786 --> 01:03:44,323 They must be trying to return the stolen plans to the princess. 644 01:03:44,423 --> 01:03:47,392 She may yet be of some use to us. 645 01:03:52,364 --> 01:03:56,057 Unlock 1, 5, 7, and 9. Release charge. 646 01:03:57,903 --> 01:04:00,030 316, report to control. 647 01:04:03,675 --> 01:04:05,376 There’s no one on board, sir. 648 01:04:05,476 --> 01:04:08,476 According to the log, the crew abandoned ship right after takeoff. 649 01:04:08,678 --> 01:04:11,450 It must be a decoy, sir. Several of the escape pods have been jettisoned. 650 01:04:11,550 --> 01:04:13,485 – Did you find any droids? – No, sir. 651 01:04:13,585 --> 01:04:15,420 If there were any on board, they must also have jettisoned. 652 01:04:15,520 --> 01:04:18,957 Send a scanning crew aboard. I want every part of this ship checked. 653 01:04:19,057 --> 01:04:20,458 Yes, sir. 654 01:04:20,558 --> 01:04:24,652 I sense something... a presence I’ve not felt since... 655 01:04:27,299 --> 01:04:31,399 Get me a scanning crew in here on the double. I want every part of this ship checked. 656 01:04:50,455 --> 01:04:52,391 Boy, it’s lucky you had these compartments. 657 01:04:52,491 --> 01:04:55,690 I use them for smuggling. I never thought I’d be smuggling myself in ’em. 658 01:04:55,961 --> 01:04:58,497 This is ridiculous. Even if I could take off... 659 01:04:58,597 --> 01:05:01,466 – ...I’d never get past the tractor beam. – Leave that to me. 660 01:05:01,566 --> 01:05:04,436 Damn fool, I knew that you were gonna say that. 661 01:05:04,536 --> 01:05:07,996 Who’s the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him? 662 01:05:17,548 --> 01:05:22,186 The ship’s all yours. If the scanners pick up anything, report it immediately. 663 01:05:23,054 --> 01:05:24,754 All right, let’s go. 664 01:05:39,004 --> 01:05:40,704 Hey, down there! 665 01:05:42,841 --> 01:05:44,841 Could you give us a hand with this? 666 01:05:53,418 --> 01:05:56,044 TK-421, why aren’t you at your post? 667 01:05:56,621 --> 01:05:58,721 TK-421, do you copy? 668 01:06:11,102 --> 01:06:14,502 Take over. We’ve got a bad transmitter. I’ll see what I can do. 669 01:06:31,522 --> 01:06:33,759 You know, between his howling and your blasting everything in sight... 670 01:06:33,859 --> 01:06:36,128 ...it’s a wonder the whole station doesn’t know we’re here. 671 01:06:36,228 --> 01:06:39,364 Bring ’em on! I’d prefer a straight fight to all this sneakin’ around. 672 01:06:39,464 --> 01:06:41,200 We’ve found the computer outlet, sir. 673 01:06:41,300 --> 01:06:44,398 Plug in. He should be able to interpret the entire Imperial network. 674 01:06:55,579 --> 01:06:59,351 He says he’s found the main controls to the power beam that’s holding the ship here. 675 01:06:59,451 --> 01:07:02,046 He’ll try to make the precise location appear on the monitor. 676 01:07:12,262 --> 01:07:15,434 I don’t think you boys can help. I must go alone. 677 01:07:15,534 --> 01:07:19,004 Whatever you say. I’ve done more than I bargained for on this trip already. 678 01:07:19,104 --> 01:07:20,372 I want to go with you. 679 01:07:20,472 --> 01:07:22,775 Be patient, Luke. Stay and watch over the droids. 680 01:07:22,875 --> 01:07:25,076 – But he can— – They must be delivered safely... 681 01:07:25,176 --> 01:07:28,179 ...or other star systems will suffer the same fate as Alderaan. 682 01:07:28,279 --> 01:07:31,975 Your destiny lies along a different path from mine. 683 01:07:35,653 --> 01:07:38,987 The Force will be with you... always. 684 01:07:48,329 --> 01:07:53,490 You said it, Chewie. Where did you dig up that old fossil? 685 01:07:54,300 --> 01:07:55,903 Ben is a great man. 686 01:07:56,003 --> 01:07:59,007 – Yeah, great at getting us into trouble. – I didn’t hear you give any ideas. 687 01:07:59,107 --> 01:08:01,677 Well, anything’s better than just hangin’ around waiting for ’em to pick us up. 688 01:08:01,777 --> 01:08:03,677 Who do you think— 689 01:08:04,545 --> 01:08:07,716 – What is it? – I’m afraid I’m not quite sure, sir. 690 01:08:07,816 --> 01:08:10,585 He says “I’ve found her” and keeps repeating “She’s here.” 691 01:08:10,685 --> 01:08:13,421 Well, who... who has he found? 692 01:08:13,521 --> 01:08:15,857 – Princess Leia. – The princess? She’s here?! 693 01:08:15,957 --> 01:08:17,788 – Princess?! – Where? Where is she? 694 01:08:17,888 --> 01:08:19,888 Princess?! What’s going on? 695 01:08:24,832 --> 01:08:28,290 Level 5, Detention Block AA-23. 696 01:08:32,873 --> 01:08:35,743 I’m afraid she’s scheduled to be terminated. 697 01:08:35,843 --> 01:08:38,346 Oh, no! We’ve got to do something! 698 01:08:38,446 --> 01:08:40,982 – What are you talking about? – The droids belong to her. 699 01:08:41,082 --> 01:08:43,085 She’s the one in the message. We gotta help her. 700 01:08:43,185 --> 01:08:45,987 Now look, don’t get any funny ideas. The old man wants us to wait right here. 701 01:08:46,087 --> 01:08:49,458 But he didn’t know she was here. Just find a way back into that detention block. 702 01:08:49,558 --> 01:08:51,994 – I’m not going anywhere. – They’re going to execute her. 703 01:08:52,094 --> 01:08:54,396 Look, a few minutes ago, you said you didn’t want to just wait here to be captured. 704 01:08:54,496 --> 01:08:56,001 Now, all you want to do is stay? 705 01:08:56,101 --> 01:08:58,333 Marching into the detention area is not what I had in mind. 706 01:08:58,433 --> 01:09:01,962 – But they’re gonna kill her! – Better her than me! 707 01:09:09,777 --> 01:09:11,677 She’s rich. 708 01:09:13,815 --> 01:09:16,384 – Rich? – Mm-hmm. Rich, powerful. 709 01:09:16,484 --> 01:09:19,554 Listen, if you were to rescue her, the reward would be... 710 01:09:19,654 --> 01:09:22,590 – What? – Well, more wealth than you can imagine. 711 01:09:22,690 --> 01:09:25,691 – I don’t know, I can imagine quite a bit. – You’ll get it. 712 01:09:25,791 --> 01:09:27,991 – I better. – You will. 713 01:09:28,500 --> 01:09:30,598 All right, kid. You better be right about this. 714 01:09:30,698 --> 01:09:32,499 – All right. – What’s your plan? 715 01:09:32,599 --> 01:09:33,970 Uh... 716 01:09:34,070 --> 01:09:36,570 3PO, hand me those binders there, will you? 717 01:09:37,939 --> 01:09:39,941 Okay... 718 01:09:40,041 --> 01:09:42,271 Now... I’m gonna put these on you. 719 01:09:44,101 --> 01:09:47,415 Okay Han, you... you put those on. 720 01:09:47,515 --> 01:09:50,175 Don’t worry, Chewie. I think I know what he has in mind. 721 01:09:50,651 --> 01:09:52,754 Master Luke, sir, pardon me for asking... 722 01:09:52,854 --> 01:09:55,990 ...but what should R2 and I do if we’re discovered here? 723 01:09:56,090 --> 01:09:59,557 – Lock the door. – And hope they don’t have blasters. 724 01:09:59,657 --> 01:10:01,657 That isn’t very reassuring. 725 01:10:22,016 --> 01:10:26,016 517 to scanner control. 517 to scanner control. 726 01:10:30,258 --> 01:10:32,458 316, report to control. 727 01:10:35,930 --> 01:10:39,930 53 to upper bay door. 53 to upper bay door. 728 01:10:53,214 --> 01:10:55,814 I can’t see a thing in this helmet. 729 01:11:26,713 --> 01:11:29,317 – This is not gonna work. – Why didn’t you say so before? 730 01:11:29,417 --> 01:11:31,708 I did say so before. 731 01:11:46,734 --> 01:11:49,704 Where are you taking this... thing? 732 01:11:49,804 --> 01:11:52,604 Prisoner transfer from Cell Block 1138. 733 01:11:54,040 --> 01:11:57,804 I wasn’t notified. I’ll have to clear it. 734 01:12:04,418 --> 01:12:06,587 – Look out! He’s loose! – He’ll tear us all apart! 735 01:12:06,687 --> 01:12:08,287 I’ll get him! 736 01:12:31,246 --> 01:12:32,946 Look out! 737 01:12:42,590 --> 01:12:45,059 We’ve got to find out which cell this princess of yours is in. 738 01:12:45,159 --> 01:12:49,255 Here it is... 2187. You go and get her. I’ll hold them here. 739 01:12:52,866 --> 01:12:56,504 – Uh, everything’s under control. Situation normal. – What happened? 740 01:12:56,604 --> 01:13:01,676 Uh, had a slight weapons malfunction, but, uh, everything’s perfectly all right now. 741 01:13:01,776 --> 01:13:06,247 We’re fine... We’re all fine here now. Thank you. How are you? 742 01:13:06,347 --> 01:13:07,849 We’re sending a squad up. 743 01:13:07,949 --> 01:13:11,979 Uh, negative, negative! We have a... a reactor leak here, uh, now. 744 01:13:12,079 --> 01:13:15,590 Give us a few minutes to lock it down. Uh, large leak, very dangerous. 745 01:13:15,690 --> 01:13:18,355 Who is this? What’s your operating number? 746 01:13:18,455 --> 01:13:19,955 Uh... 747 01:13:20,861 --> 01:13:25,030 Boring conversation anyway... Luke! We’re gonna have company! 748 01:13:38,412 --> 01:13:40,715 Aren’t you a little short for a stormtrooper? 749 01:13:40,815 --> 01:13:43,608 Huh? Oh, the uniform. 750 01:13:45,086 --> 01:13:47,321 I’m Luke Skywalker. I’m here to rescue you. 751 01:13:47,421 --> 01:13:49,022 – You’re who? – I’m here to rescue you. 752 01:13:49,122 --> 01:13:51,025 I’ve got your R2 unit. I’m here with Ben Kenobi. 753 01:13:51,125 --> 01:13:53,682 – Ben Kenobi?! Where is he? – Come on! 754 01:13:55,329 --> 01:13:59,367 – He is here. – Obi-Wan Kenobi? 755 01:13:59,467 --> 01:14:02,771 – What makes you think so? – A tremor in the Force. 756 01:14:02,871 --> 01:14:06,874 The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master. 757 01:14:06,974 --> 01:14:09,443 Surely he must be dead by now. 758 01:14:09,543 --> 01:14:12,413 Don’t underestimate the Force. 759 01:14:12,513 --> 01:14:16,751 The Jedi are extinct. Their fire has gone out of the universe. 760 01:14:16,851 --> 01:14:20,288 You, my friend, are all that’s left of their religion. 761 01:14:20,388 --> 01:14:21,847 Yes. 762 01:14:21,947 --> 01:14:25,547 We have an emergency alert in Detention Block AA-23. 763 01:14:25,893 --> 01:14:28,462 The princess? Put all sections on alert. 764 01:14:28,562 --> 01:14:32,166 Obi-Wan is here. The Force is with him. 765 01:14:32,266 --> 01:14:34,836 If you’re right, he must not be allowed to escape. 766 01:14:34,936 --> 01:14:38,766 Escape is not his plan. I must face him alone. 767 01:14:47,981 --> 01:14:49,781 Get behind me! Get behind me! 768 01:15:01,028 --> 01:15:03,787 Watch your left. They went down the cell bay. 769 01:15:06,167 --> 01:15:07,568 Can’t get out that way. 770 01:15:07,668 --> 01:15:09,369 Looks like you managed to cut off our only escape route. 771 01:15:09,469 --> 01:15:12,669 Maybe you’d like it back in your cell, Your Highness. 772 01:15:14,208 --> 01:15:16,644 – C-3PO, C-3PO! – Yes, sir? 773 01:15:16,744 --> 01:15:20,244 Are there any other ways out of the cell bay? We’ve been cut off! 774 01:15:22,850 --> 01:15:25,086 What was that? I didn’t copy. 775 01:15:25,186 --> 01:15:28,522 I said all systems have been alerted to your presence, sir. 776 01:15:28,622 --> 01:15:30,723 The main entrance seems to be the only way in or out. 777 01:15:30,823 --> 01:15:33,127 All other information on your level is restricted. 778 01:15:33,227 --> 01:15:35,627 Open up in there! Open up in there! 779 01:15:37,100 --> 01:15:38,650 Oh, no! 780 01:15:38,800 --> 01:15:40,900 There isn’t any other way out! 781 01:15:45,907 --> 01:15:47,976 I can’t hold them off forever! Now what?! 782 01:15:48,076 --> 01:15:51,813 This is some rescue! You came in here, and you didn’t have a plan for getting out? 783 01:15:51,913 --> 01:15:55,442 – He’s the brains, sweetheart! – Well, I didn’t... 784 01:15:56,818 --> 01:16:00,653 – What the hell are you doing? – Somebody has to save our skins. 785 01:16:02,457 --> 01:16:05,057 Into the garbage chute, flyboy. 786 01:16:11,632 --> 01:16:13,432 Get in there! 787 01:16:14,034 --> 01:16:17,364 Get in there, you big furry oaf! I don’t care what you smell. 788 01:16:17,938 --> 01:16:20,305 Get in there, and don’t worry about it. 789 01:16:22,943 --> 01:16:25,043 Wonderful girl! 790 01:16:26,114 --> 01:16:29,745 Either I’m going to kill her, or I’m beginning to like her. 791 01:16:30,852 --> 01:16:32,752 Get in there! 792 01:16:45,399 --> 01:16:48,197 The garbage chute was a really wonderful idea. 793 01:16:48,969 --> 01:16:51,864 What an incredible smell you’ve discovered! 794 01:16:54,442 --> 01:16:56,277 Let’s get out of here. 795 01:16:56,377 --> 01:16:59,111 – Get away from there. – No, wait! 796 01:17:05,086 --> 01:17:07,955 Will you forget it? I already tried it! It’s magnetically sealed. 797 01:17:08,055 --> 01:17:10,524 Put that thing away! You’re gonna get us all killed! 798 01:17:10,624 --> 01:17:12,150 Absolutely, Your Worship. 799 01:17:12,250 --> 01:17:15,096 Look, I had everything under control till you led us down here! 800 01:17:15,196 --> 01:17:17,632 You know, it’s not gonna take ’em long to figure out what happened to us! 801 01:17:17,732 --> 01:17:19,732 It could be worse. 802 01:17:24,071 --> 01:17:26,574 – It’s worse. – There’s something alive in here. 803 01:17:26,674 --> 01:17:31,409 – That’s your imagination. – Something just moved past my leg. 804 01:17:32,680 --> 01:17:34,680 Look! Did you see that? 805 01:17:35,149 --> 01:17:36,749 What? 806 01:17:56,204 --> 01:17:59,104 Kid! Luke! 807 01:18:03,010 --> 01:18:04,510 Luke! 808 01:18:09,150 --> 01:18:13,546 Luke! Luke, grab hold of this! 809 01:18:13,921 --> 01:18:16,023 Blast it, will you? My gun’s jammed. 810 01:18:16,123 --> 01:18:19,182 – Where? – Anywhere! 811 01:18:26,701 --> 01:18:28,301 Luke, Luke! 812 01:18:51,392 --> 01:18:54,128 Help him! What happened? 813 01:18:54,228 --> 01:18:58,161 I don’t know. It just let go of me and disappeared. 814 01:19:04,138 --> 01:19:06,638 I’ve got a bad feeling about this. 815 01:19:12,000 --> 01:19:13,600 – The walls are moving! – Don’t just stand there! 816 01:19:13,700 --> 01:19:15,900 Try and brace it with something. 817 01:19:24,092 --> 01:19:25,992 Help me! 818 01:19:38,739 --> 01:19:40,539 Wait a minute! 819 01:19:42,676 --> 01:19:46,847 3PO! Come in, 3PO! 820 01:19:46,947 --> 01:19:50,414 3PO! Where could he be? 821 01:19:54,800 --> 01:19:57,080 Take over. See to him. 822 01:19:59,615 --> 01:20:01,084 Look, there. 823 01:20:02,930 --> 01:20:04,631 They’re madmen! 824 01:20:04,731 --> 01:20:07,334 They’re heading for the prison level. If you hurry, you might catch them. 825 01:20:07,434 --> 01:20:09,234 Follow me. 826 01:20:12,640 --> 01:20:14,640 You stand guard. 827 01:20:19,446 --> 01:20:21,746 Come on. 828 01:20:24,451 --> 01:20:25,651 Oh! 829 01:20:28,723 --> 01:20:32,060 All this excitement has overrun the circuits in my counterpart here. 830 01:20:32,160 --> 01:20:35,227 If you don’t mind, I’d like to take him down to maintenance. 831 01:20:35,327 --> 01:20:37,827 All right. 832 01:20:48,910 --> 01:20:51,979 3PO! Come in, 3PO! 833 01:20:52,079 --> 01:20:53,514 3PO! 834 01:20:53,614 --> 01:20:56,083 – Get on top! – I can’t! 835 01:20:56,183 --> 01:21:01,480 Where could he be?! 3PO! 3PO, will you come in! 836 01:21:01,755 --> 01:21:04,124 They aren’t here. Something must have happened to them. 837 01:21:04,224 --> 01:21:06,917 See if they’ve been captured. Hurry! 838 01:21:10,664 --> 01:21:13,499 One thing’s for sure. We’re all gonna be a lot thinner. 839 01:21:16,036 --> 01:21:19,036 – Get on top of it. – I’m trying. 840 01:21:24,211 --> 01:21:27,404 Thank goodness they haven’t found them! Where could they be? 841 01:21:28,000 --> 01:21:31,152 Use the comlink? 842 01:21:31,252 --> 01:21:34,316 Oh, my. I forgot. I turned it off. 843 01:21:37,990 --> 01:21:39,427 Are you there, sir? 844 01:21:39,527 --> 01:21:40,995 3PO?! 845 01:21:41,095 --> 01:21:43,897 – We’ve had some problems. – Will you shut up and listen to me?! 846 01:21:43,997 --> 01:21:46,900 Shut down all the garbage mashers on the detention level, will ya?! 847 01:21:47,000 --> 01:21:50,000 Do you copy!? Shut down all the garbage mashers on the detention level! 848 01:21:51,972 --> 01:21:54,542 Shut down all the garbage mashers on the detention level! 849 01:21:54,642 --> 01:21:57,142 No! Shut them all down. Hurry! 850 01:22:09,123 --> 01:22:11,681 What? 851 01:22:13,494 --> 01:22:16,095 Listen to them. They’re dying, R2! 852 01:22:16,195 --> 01:22:21,202 Curse my metal body! I wasn’t fast enough. It’s all my fault! My poor master. 853 01:22:21,302 --> 01:22:26,003 We’re all right! You did great! Hey! Open the pressure maintenance hatch... 854 01:22:26,103 --> 01:22:30,906 ...on unit number... where are we? 3263827! 855 01:23:16,889 --> 01:23:20,728 If we can just avoid any more female advice, we ought to be able to get outta here. 856 01:23:20,828 --> 01:23:23,931 Well, let’s get moving. 857 01:23:24,031 --> 01:23:25,765 Where are you going? 858 01:23:26,266 --> 01:23:28,634 No, wait! They’ll hear! 859 01:23:30,037 --> 01:23:32,538 Come here, you big coward. Chewie, come here. 860 01:23:32,638 --> 01:23:34,039 Listen... 861 01:23:34,139 --> 01:23:37,003 ...I don’t know who you are or where you came from... 862 01:23:37,103 --> 01:23:40,046 ...but from now on, you do as I tell you, okay? 863 01:23:40,813 --> 01:23:43,751 Look, Your Worshipfulness, let’s get one thing straight. 864 01:23:43,851 --> 01:23:46,987 I take orders from just one person... me! 865 01:23:47,087 --> 01:23:49,123 It’s a wonder you’re still alive. 866 01:23:49,223 --> 01:23:52,393 Will somebody get this big walking carpet out of my way? 867 01:23:52,493 --> 01:23:54,993 No reward is worth this! 868 01:24:04,805 --> 01:24:08,233 – Give me regular reports, please. – Right. 869 01:24:10,310 --> 01:24:13,310 – Do you know what’s going on? – Maybe it’s another drill. 870 01:24:18,451 --> 01:24:20,354 You seen that new VT-16? 871 01:24:20,454 --> 01:24:22,623 Yeah. Some of the other guys were telling me about it. 872 01:24:22,723 --> 01:24:24,625 They say it’s... it’s quite a thing to see. 873 01:24:24,725 --> 01:24:27,227 What was that? 874 01:24:27,327 --> 01:24:29,985 Ah, it’s nothing. Outgassing. Don’t worry about it. 875 01:24:35,335 --> 01:24:37,738 – There she is. – C-3PO? Do you copy? 876 01:24:37,838 --> 01:24:39,239 Yes, sir. 877 01:24:39,339 --> 01:24:40,901 – Are you safe? – For the moment. 878 01:24:41,001 --> 01:24:43,340 We’re in the main hangar across from the ship. 879 01:24:45,312 --> 01:24:48,515 – We’re right above you. Stand by. – You came in that thing?! 880 01:24:48,615 --> 01:24:51,314 – You’re braver than I thought! – Nice! Come on. 881 01:24:55,489 --> 01:24:57,184 It’s them! Blast them! 882 01:24:58,525 --> 01:25:01,094 – Get back to the ship! – Where are you going? Come back! 883 01:25:01,194 --> 01:25:04,095 – He certainly has courage. – What good will it do us if he gets himself killed? 884 01:25:04,195 --> 01:25:05,695 Come on. 885 01:25:30,390 --> 01:25:33,190 I think we took a wrong turn. 886 01:25:37,698 --> 01:25:39,398 There’s no lock! 887 01:25:42,869 --> 01:25:45,706 – That oughta hold them for a while. – Quick! We’ve got to get across. 888 01:25:45,806 --> 01:25:49,076 – Find the controls that extend the bridge. – I think I just blasted it. 889 01:25:49,176 --> 01:25:51,076 They’re coming through! 890 01:26:12,933 --> 01:26:14,833 Here, hold this. 891 01:26:31,218 --> 01:26:32,918 Here they come. 892 01:26:43,529 --> 01:26:45,229 For luck. 893 01:26:51,003 --> 01:26:56,003 We think they may be splitting up. They may be on Level 5 and 6 now, sir. 894 01:27:10,023 --> 01:27:12,023 Where could they be? 895 01:27:24,700 --> 01:27:27,002 Open the blast doors! Open the blast doors! 896 01:27:45,559 --> 01:27:49,919 I’ve been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again at last. 897 01:27:50,996 --> 01:27:53,100 The circle is now complete. 898 01:27:53,200 --> 01:27:57,671 When I left you, I was but the learner. Now I am the master. 899 01:27:57,771 --> 01:28:00,471 Only a master of evil, Darth. 900 01:28:19,793 --> 01:28:22,562 Your powers are weak, old man. 901 01:28:22,662 --> 01:28:26,299 You can’t win, Darth. If you strike me down... 902 01:28:26,399 --> 01:28:29,800 ...I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine. 903 01:28:36,976 --> 01:28:39,274 You should not have come back. 904 01:29:04,838 --> 01:29:07,768 Didn’t we just leave this party? 905 01:29:09,242 --> 01:29:11,645 – What kept you? – We, uh, ran into some old friends. 906 01:29:11,745 --> 01:29:14,247 – The ship all right? – It seems okay, if we can get to it. 907 01:29:14,347 --> 01:29:17,147 I just hope the old man got the tractor beam out of commission. 908 01:29:31,264 --> 01:29:32,764 Look! 909 01:29:35,602 --> 01:29:38,102 Come on, R2, we’re going. 910 01:29:39,039 --> 01:29:41,039 Now’s our chance! Go! 911 01:29:44,277 --> 01:29:45,777 Ben? 912 01:30:00,394 --> 01:30:01,894 No! 913 01:30:10,504 --> 01:30:13,504 – Come on! – Come on! Come on! 914 01:30:14,008 --> 01:30:17,508 – Luke, it’s too late! – Blast the door, kid! 915 01:30:26,900 --> 01:30:29,320 Run, Luke, run! 916 01:30:32,058 --> 01:30:34,128 I hope that old man got that tractor beam out of commission... 917 01:30:34,228 --> 01:30:37,356 ...or this is gonna be a real short trip. Okay, hit it! 918 01:31:08,394 --> 01:31:10,998 We’re coming up on their sentry ships. Hold them off. 919 01:31:11,098 --> 01:31:13,898 Angle the deflector shields while I charge up the main guns. 920 01:31:22,943 --> 01:31:25,043 I can’t believe he’s gone. 921 01:31:29,081 --> 01:31:30,981 There wasn’t anything you could have done. 922 01:31:31,450 --> 01:31:33,919 Come on, buddy. We’re not out of this yet. 923 01:31:50,303 --> 01:31:53,063 You in, kid? Okay, stay sharp. 924 01:32:03,617 --> 01:32:05,417 Here they come. 925 01:32:22,600 --> 01:32:24,600 They’re coming in too fast! 926 01:32:32,479 --> 01:32:36,745 – We’ve lost the lateral controls! – Don’t worry. She’ll hold together. 927 01:32:38,251 --> 01:32:40,251 Hear me, baby? Hold together. 928 01:33:01,975 --> 01:33:06,175 – Got him! I got him! – Great, kid! Don’t get cocky. 929 01:33:07,414 --> 01:33:09,377 There’s still two more of them out there! 930 01:33:42,883 --> 01:33:46,583 – That’s it! We did it! – We did it! 931 01:33:46,753 --> 01:33:49,613 Help! I think I’m melting! This is all your fault! 932 01:33:57,130 --> 01:33:58,732 Are they away? 933 01:33:58,832 --> 01:34:01,902 They’ve just made the jump into hyperspace. 934 01:34:02,002 --> 01:34:06,202 You’re sure the homing beacon is secure aboard their ship? 935 01:34:06,339 --> 01:34:10,939 I’m taking an awful risk, Vader. This had better work. 936 01:34:11,377 --> 01:34:13,680 Not a bad bit of rescuing, huh? 937 01:34:13,780 --> 01:34:17,217 You know, sometimes I amaze even myself. 938 01:34:17,317 --> 01:34:19,486 That doesn’t sound too hard. 939 01:34:19,586 --> 01:34:23,400 They let us go. It’s the only explanation for the ease of our escape. 940 01:34:23,500 --> 01:34:26,159 – Easy? You call that easy? – They’re tracking us. 941 01:34:26,259 --> 01:34:28,327 Not this ship, sister. 942 01:34:29,228 --> 01:34:31,831 At least the information in R2 is still intact. 943 01:34:31,931 --> 01:34:36,802 – What’s so important? What’s he carrying? – The technical readouts of that battle station. 944 01:34:37,770 --> 01:34:40,974 I only hope that when the data’s analyzed, a weakness can be found. 945 01:34:41,074 --> 01:34:44,244 – It’s not over yet. – It is for me, sister. 946 01:34:44,344 --> 01:34:47,715 Look, I ain’t in this for your revolution, and I’m not in it for you, Princess. 947 01:34:47,815 --> 01:34:50,750 I expect to be well paid. I’m in it for the money. 948 01:34:50,850 --> 01:34:52,753 You needn’t worry about your reward. 949 01:34:52,853 --> 01:34:56,253 If money is all that you love, then that’s what you’ll receive. 950 01:34:59,159 --> 01:35:03,230 Your friend is quite a mercenary. I wonder if he really cares about anything... 951 01:35:03,330 --> 01:35:05,365 ...or anybody. 952 01:35:05,465 --> 01:35:07,065 I care! 953 01:35:13,473 --> 01:35:15,173 So... 954 01:35:15,800 --> 01:35:19,610 – What do you think of her, Han? – I’m trying not to, kid. 955 01:35:20,379 --> 01:35:21,979 Good. 956 01:35:25,084 --> 01:35:28,053 Still, she’s got a lot of spirit. 957 01:35:29,856 --> 01:35:32,893 I don’t know. What do you think? You think a princess and a guy like me— 958 01:35:32,993 --> 01:35:34,793 No. 959 01:36:21,341 --> 01:36:24,544 You’re safe. When we heard about Alderaan, we feared the worst. 960 01:36:24,644 --> 01:36:28,348 We have no time for sorrows, Commander. You must use the information in this R2 unit... 961 01:36:28,448 --> 01:36:31,306 ...to help plan the attack. It’s our only hope. 962 01:36:52,839 --> 01:36:55,542 – Yes. – We’re approaching the planet Yavin. 963 01:36:55,642 --> 01:37:00,571 The rebel base is on a moon on the far side. We are preparing to orbit the planet. 964 01:37:08,755 --> 01:37:12,926 The battle station is heavily shielded, and carries a firepower... 965 01:37:13,026 --> 01:37:15,261 ...greater than half the starfleet. 966 01:37:15,361 --> 01:37:19,699 Its defenses are designed around a direct large-scale assault. 967 01:37:19,799 --> 01:37:25,101 A small, one-man fighter should be able to penetrate the outer defense. 968 01:37:26,471 --> 01:37:30,210 Pardon me for asking, sir, but what good are snub fighters going to be against that? 969 01:37:30,310 --> 01:37:33,747 Well, the Empire doesn’t consider a small, one-man fighter... 970 01:37:33,847 --> 01:37:37,347 ...to be any threat, or they’d have a tighter defense. 971 01:37:37,751 --> 01:37:41,020 An analysis of the plans provided by Princess Leia... 972 01:37:41,120 --> 01:37:44,619 ...has demonstrated a weakness in the battle station. 973 01:37:44,991 --> 01:37:47,427 The approach will not be easy. 974 01:37:47,527 --> 01:37:50,697 You’re required to maneuver straight down this trench... 975 01:37:50,797 --> 01:37:53,597 ...and skim the surface to this point. 976 01:37:53,967 --> 01:37:56,970 The target area is only two meters wide. 977 01:37:57,070 --> 01:38:01,874 It’s a small thermal exhaust port right below the main port. 978 01:38:01,974 --> 01:38:05,111 The shaft leads directly to the reactor system. 979 01:38:05,211 --> 01:38:10,216 A precise hit will start a chain reaction, which should destroy the station. 980 01:38:10,316 --> 01:38:13,920 Only a precise hit will set up a chain reaction. 981 01:38:14,020 --> 01:38:17,190 The shaft is ray-shielded, so you’ll have to use proton torpedoes. 982 01:38:17,290 --> 01:38:20,359 – That’s impossible, even for a computer. – It’s not impossible. 983 01:38:20,459 --> 01:38:22,996 I used to bull’s-eye womp rats in my T-16 back home. 984 01:38:23,096 --> 01:38:25,196 They’re not much bigger than two meters. 985 01:38:25,598 --> 01:38:29,334 Then man your ships, and may the Force be with you. 986 01:38:37,043 --> 01:38:39,834 Orbiting the planet at maximum velocity. 987 01:38:40,312 --> 01:38:44,283 The moon with the rebel base will be in range in 30 minutes. 988 01:38:44,383 --> 01:38:48,955 This will be a day long remembered. It has seen the end of Kenobi... 989 01:38:49,055 --> 01:38:53,555 ...and will soon see the end of the rebellion. 990 01:38:57,230 --> 01:39:00,230 All flight crews, man your stations. 991 01:39:00,900 --> 01:39:03,900 All flight crews, man your stations. 992 01:39:06,205 --> 01:39:09,108 So... you got your reward and you’re just leaving, then? 993 01:39:09,208 --> 01:39:11,008 That’s right. Yeah. 994 01:39:12,177 --> 01:39:14,847 I’ve got some old debts I’ve got to pay off with this stuff. 995 01:39:14,947 --> 01:39:19,047 And even if I didn’t, you don’t think I’d be fool enough to stick around here, do you? 996 01:39:19,418 --> 01:39:23,022 Why don’t you come with us? You’re pretty good in a fight. We could use you. 997 01:39:23,122 --> 01:39:26,025 Come on. Why don’t you take a look around? 998 01:39:26,125 --> 01:39:28,461 You know what’s about to happen, what they’re up against. 999 01:39:28,561 --> 01:39:31,764 They could use a good pilot like you. You’re turning your back on them. 1000 01:39:31,864 --> 01:39:34,267 What good’s a reward if you ain’t around to use it? 1001 01:39:34,367 --> 01:39:37,137 Besides, attacking that battle station ain’t my idea of courage. 1002 01:39:37,237 --> 01:39:40,267 It’s more like... suicide. 1003 01:39:41,707 --> 01:39:44,611 All right. Well, take care of yourself, Han. 1004 01:39:44,711 --> 01:39:47,680 I guess that’s what you’re best at, isn’t it? 1005 01:39:47,780 --> 01:39:49,480 Hey, Luke. 1006 01:39:52,218 --> 01:39:54,852 May the Force be with you. 1007 01:40:01,094 --> 01:40:04,525 What are you looking at? I know what I’m doing. 1008 01:40:08,611 --> 01:40:13,611 All pilots to your stations. All pilots to your stations. 1009 01:40:19,688 --> 01:40:21,688 – What’s wrong? – Oh, it’s Han. 1010 01:40:22,089 --> 01:40:24,893 I don’t know. I really thought he’d change his mind. 1011 01:40:24,994 --> 01:40:28,796 He’s got to follow his own path. No one can choose it for him. 1012 01:40:29,464 --> 01:40:31,964 I only wish Ben were here. 1013 01:40:40,009 --> 01:40:42,300 Open main launch tubes. 1014 01:40:43,913 --> 01:40:46,780 Main launch tubes opening, sir. 1015 01:40:51,821 --> 01:40:55,157 Hey, this R2 unit of yours seems a bit beat up. You want a new one? 1016 01:40:55,257 --> 01:40:58,194 Not on your life. That little droid and I have been through a lot together. 1017 01:40:58,294 --> 01:41:00,194 You okay, R2? 1018 01:41:00,896 --> 01:41:02,396 Good. 1019 01:41:03,232 --> 01:41:06,232 Gold squadron, begin takeoff procedure. 1020 01:41:06,636 --> 01:41:09,300 Hang on tight, R2. You’ve got to come back. 1021 01:41:11,441 --> 01:41:13,665 You wouldn’t want my life to get boring, would you? 1022 01:42:02,291 --> 01:42:06,291 Luke, the Force will be with you. 1023 01:42:16,972 --> 01:42:19,972 Standby alert. Death Star approaching. 1024 01:42:20,509 --> 01:42:23,709 Estimated time to firing range, 15 minutes. 1025 01:42:36,692 --> 01:42:38,928 – All wings report in. – Red 10 standing by. 1026 01:42:39,028 --> 01:42:41,164 – Red Seven standing by. – Red Three standing by. 1027 01:42:41,264 --> 01:42:44,000 – Red Six standing by. – Red Nine standing by. 1028 01:42:44,100 --> 01:42:46,469 – Red Two standing by. – Red 11 standing by. 1029 01:42:46,569 --> 01:42:48,469 Red Five standing by. 1030 01:42:49,705 --> 01:42:52,305 Lock S-foils in attack position. 1031 01:42:55,678 --> 01:42:58,981 – We’re passing through their magnetic field. – Hold tight. 1032 01:42:59,081 --> 01:43:02,746 Switch your deflectors on. Double front. 1033 01:43:05,221 --> 01:43:08,022 – Look at the size of that thing! – Cut the chatter, Red Two. 1034 01:43:08,122 --> 01:43:10,217 Accelerate to attack speed. 1035 01:43:12,995 --> 01:43:15,732 – This is it, boys. – Red Leader, this is Gold Leader. 1036 01:43:15,832 --> 01:43:18,868 – I copy, Gold Leader. – We’re starting for the target shaft now. 1037 01:43:18,968 --> 01:43:22,864 We’re in position. I’m going to cut across the axis and try and draw their fire. 1038 01:43:36,886 --> 01:43:40,286 – Heavy fire, boss, 23 degrees.I see it. Stay low. 1039 01:43:47,596 --> 01:43:49,896 This is Red Five. I’m going in. 1040 01:43:53,702 --> 01:43:55,602 Luke, pull up! 1041 01:43:56,405 --> 01:43:59,137 – Are you all right? – I got a little cooked, but I’m okay. 1042 01:44:04,713 --> 01:44:06,482 We count 30 rebel ships, Lord Vader... 1043 01:44:06,582 --> 01:44:08,584 ...but they’re so small, they’re evading our turbolasers. 1044 01:44:08,684 --> 01:44:12,784 We’ll have to destroy them ship to ship. Get the crews to their fighters. 1045 01:44:15,191 --> 01:44:19,695 Watch yourself. There’s a lot of fire coming from the right side of that deflection tower. 1046 01:44:19,795 --> 01:44:22,532 – I’m on it. – I’m going in. Cover me, Porkins. 1047 01:44:22,632 --> 01:44:24,932 I’m right with you, Red Three. 1048 01:44:30,206 --> 01:44:32,006 I’ve got a problem here. 1049 01:44:32,200 --> 01:44:33,801 – Eject! – I can hold it. 1050 01:44:33,901 --> 01:44:36,301 – Pull up! – No, no, I’m all— 1051 01:44:40,216 --> 01:44:43,216 The rebel base will be in firing range in seven minutes. 1052 01:44:47,022 --> 01:44:50,222 Luke, trust your feelings. 1053 01:44:57,733 --> 01:45:01,570 Squad leaders, we’ve picked up a new group of signals. 1054 01:45:01,670 --> 01:45:03,439 Enemy fighters coming your way. 1055 01:45:03,539 --> 01:45:05,307 My scope’s negative. I don’t see anything. 1056 01:45:05,407 --> 01:45:07,864 – Pick up your visual scanning. – Here they come. 1057 01:45:10,500 --> 01:45:12,800 Watch it. You’ve got one on your tail. 1058 01:45:17,653 --> 01:45:19,253 I’m hit! 1059 01:45:19,989 --> 01:45:23,088 – You’ve picked one up! Watch it! – I can’t see it! 1060 01:45:24,627 --> 01:45:26,927 He’s on me tight. I can’t shake him! 1061 01:45:28,163 --> 01:45:30,063 I’ll be right there. 1062 01:45:42,210 --> 01:45:46,103 Several fighters have broken off from the main group. Come with me. 1063 01:45:49,051 --> 01:45:51,553 Pull in! Luke, pull in! 1064 01:45:51,653 --> 01:45:55,453 Watch your back, Luke. Watch your back. Fighters above you, coming in. 1065 01:46:01,030 --> 01:46:03,732 I’m hit, but not bad. R2, see what you can do with it. 1066 01:46:03,832 --> 01:46:06,032 Hang on back there. 1067 01:46:06,435 --> 01:46:08,704 Red Six, can you see Red Five? 1068 01:46:08,804 --> 01:46:11,573 There’s a heavy fire zone... Red Five, where are you? 1069 01:46:11,673 --> 01:46:13,373 I can’t shake him! 1070 01:46:16,700 --> 01:46:18,669 I’m on him, Luke. Hold on. 1071 01:46:21,417 --> 01:46:23,544 Blast it, Biggs! Where are you? 1072 01:46:30,559 --> 01:46:32,995 – Thanks, Wedge. – Good shooting, Wedge. 1073 01:46:33,095 --> 01:46:36,556 Red Leader, this is Gold Leader. We’re starting our attack run. 1074 01:46:37,967 --> 01:46:40,767 I copy, Gold Leader. Move into position. 1075 01:46:42,871 --> 01:46:45,240 Stay in attack formation. 1076 01:46:45,340 --> 01:46:48,441 The exhaust port is marked and locked in. 1077 01:46:53,883 --> 01:46:56,783 Switch all power to front deflector screens. 1078 01:46:56,986 --> 01:46:59,886 Switch all power to front deflector screens. 1079 01:47:04,900 --> 01:47:06,896 How many guns do you think, Gold Five? 1080 01:47:06,996 --> 01:47:10,032 Say about 20 guns. Some on the surface, some on the towers. 1081 01:47:10,132 --> 01:47:13,132 Death Star will be in range in five minutes. 1082 01:47:15,170 --> 01:47:17,370 Switch to targeting computer. 1083 01:47:20,676 --> 01:47:23,135 Computer locked. Getting a signal. 1084 01:47:25,147 --> 01:47:27,638 The guns! They’ve stopped! 1085 01:47:28,800 --> 01:47:31,501 Stabilize your rear deflectors. Watch for enemy fighters. 1086 01:47:31,601 --> 01:47:34,418 They’re coming in! Three marks at 210. 1087 01:47:36,091 --> 01:47:39,591 – I’ll take them myself. Cover me. – Yes, sir. 1088 01:47:53,776 --> 01:47:56,412 – It’s no good. I can’t maneuver. – Stay on target. 1089 01:47:56,512 --> 01:47:58,905 – We’re too close. – Stay on target. 1090 01:48:00,382 --> 01:48:02,082 Loosen up! 1091 01:48:04,220 --> 01:48:07,089 Gold Five to Red Leader, lost Tiree, lost Hutch. 1092 01:48:07,189 --> 01:48:09,946 – I copy, Gold Leader. – They came from behind. 1093 01:48:15,800 --> 01:48:18,634 We’ve analyzed their attack, sir, and there is a danger. 1094 01:48:18,734 --> 01:48:20,570 Should I have your ship standing by? 1095 01:48:20,670 --> 01:48:26,070 Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances. 1096 01:48:26,608 --> 01:48:29,238 Rebel base, three minutes and closing. 1097 01:48:29,711 --> 01:48:33,315 Red boys, this is Red Leader. Rendezvous at mark 6.1. 1098 01:48:33,415 --> 01:48:37,086 – This is Red Two flying toward you.Red Three standing by. 1099 01:48:37,186 --> 01:48:38,887 Red Leader, this is Base One. 1100 01:48:38,987 --> 01:48:41,391 Keep half your group out of range for the next run. 1101 01:48:41,491 --> 01:48:44,160 Copy, Base One. Luke, take Red Two and Three. 1102 01:48:44,260 --> 01:48:47,560 Hold up here and wait for my signal to start your run. 1103 01:48:56,404 --> 01:48:58,204 This is it! 1104 01:49:01,900 --> 01:49:04,000 We should be able to see it by now. 1105 01:49:05,500 --> 01:49:07,978 Keep your eyes open for those fighters. 1106 01:49:09,218 --> 01:49:11,754 There’s too much interference. Red Five, can you see them from where you are? 1107 01:49:11,854 --> 01:49:15,278 – No sign of any... Wait. Coming in .35. – I see them. 1108 01:49:16,292 --> 01:49:18,092 I’m in range. 1109 01:49:18,661 --> 01:49:20,561 Target’s coming up. 1110 01:49:23,065 --> 01:49:25,400 Just hold them off for a few seconds. 1111 01:49:25,800 --> 01:49:28,032 Close up formation. 1112 01:49:29,371 --> 01:49:31,566 Almost there. 1113 01:49:40,000 --> 01:49:43,901 – You’d better let her loose. They’re right behind me. – Almost there. 1114 01:49:44,700 --> 01:49:46,600 I can’t hold them. 1115 01:49:54,700 --> 01:49:56,400 It’s away! 1116 01:49:59,900 --> 01:50:01,337 – It’s a hit!Negative. 1117 01:50:01,437 --> 01:50:03,906 Negative. It didn’t go in. 1118 01:50:04,006 --> 01:50:06,968 It just impacted on the surface. 1119 01:50:12,748 --> 01:50:17,186 Red Leader, we’re right above you. Turn to .05. We’ll cover for you. 1120 01:50:17,286 --> 01:50:20,586 Stay there. I just lost my starboard engine. 1121 01:50:20,989 --> 01:50:23,453 Get set up for your attack run. 1122 01:50:36,238 --> 01:50:39,374 Rebel base, one minute and closing. 1123 01:50:39,474 --> 01:50:43,045 Biggs, Wedge, let’s close it up. We’re going in full throttle. 1124 01:50:43,145 --> 01:50:46,849 – That ought to keep those fighters off our back. – Right with you, boss. 1125 01:50:46,949 --> 01:50:49,451 Luke, at that speed, will you be able to pull out in time? 1126 01:50:49,551 --> 01:50:51,876 It’ll be just like Beggar’s Canyon back home. 1127 01:50:58,600 --> 01:51:00,830 We’ll stay back far enough to cover you. 1128 01:51:00,930 --> 01:51:03,599 My scope shows the tower, but I can’t see the exhaust port. 1129 01:51:03,699 --> 01:51:06,099 Are you sure the computer can hit it? 1130 01:51:08,537 --> 01:51:12,139 – Watch yourself. Increase speed, full throttle. – What about that tower? 1131 01:51:12,239 --> 01:51:15,070 You worry about those fighters! I’ll worry about the tower! 1132 01:51:20,949 --> 01:51:24,800 R2, that stabilizer’s broken loose again. See if you can’t lock it down. 1133 01:51:33,862 --> 01:51:35,992 Fighters coming in .3. 1134 01:51:44,405 --> 01:51:46,175 I’m hit! I can’t stay with you! 1135 01:51:46,275 --> 01:51:48,510 Get clear, Wedge. You can’t do any more good back there. 1136 01:51:48,610 --> 01:51:50,210 Sorry. 1137 01:51:50,779 --> 01:51:53,013 Let him go. Stay on the leader. 1138 01:51:55,284 --> 01:51:58,284 Hurry, Luke. They’re coming in much faster this time. We can’t hold them. 1139 01:52:01,800 --> 01:52:03,900 R2, try and increase the power. 1140 01:52:10,065 --> 01:52:12,865 Hurry up, Luke! Wait! Quick! 1141 01:52:20,109 --> 01:52:23,000 Rebel base, 30 seconds and closing. 1142 01:52:23,145 --> 01:52:25,045 I’m on the leader. 1143 01:52:27,716 --> 01:52:29,415 Hang on, R2. 1144 01:52:44,899 --> 01:52:47,299 Use the Force, Luke. 1145 01:52:50,138 --> 01:52:52,163 Let go, Luke. 1146 01:52:53,842 --> 01:52:56,178 The Force is strong with this one. 1147 01:52:56,278 --> 01:52:58,378 Luke, trust me. 1148 01:53:03,518 --> 01:53:04,919 His computer’s off. 1149 01:53:05,019 --> 01:53:07,590 Luke, you switched off your targeting computer! What’s wrong? 1150 01:53:07,690 --> 01:53:09,690 Nothing. I’m all right. 1151 01:53:23,438 --> 01:53:25,038 I’ve lost R2! 1152 01:53:26,141 --> 01:53:28,141 The Death Star has cleared the planet. 1153 01:53:28,477 --> 01:53:30,477 The Death Star has cleared the planet. 1154 01:53:31,513 --> 01:53:35,513 – Rebel base in range. – You may fire when ready. 1155 01:53:36,051 --> 01:53:38,051 Commence primary ignition. 1156 01:53:51,700 --> 01:53:53,561 I have you now. 1157 01:53:55,300 --> 01:53:57,000 – What? – Yahoo! 1158 01:53:59,241 --> 01:54:00,941 Look out! 1159 01:54:06,815 --> 01:54:10,148 You’re all clear, kid! Now let’s blow this thing and go home! 1160 01:54:16,658 --> 01:54:18,258 Stand by. 1161 01:54:21,429 --> 01:54:23,029 Stand by. 1162 01:54:33,008 --> 01:54:35,408 Great shot, kid! That was one in a million! 1163 01:54:36,311 --> 01:54:40,511 Remember, the Force will be with you always. 1164 01:55:00,034 --> 01:55:01,534 Luke! 1165 01:55:04,873 --> 01:55:06,274 Hey! Hey! 1166 01:55:06,374 --> 01:55:08,043 I knew you’d come back. I just knew it. 1167 01:55:08,143 --> 01:55:10,179 Well, I wasn’t going to let you get all the credit and take all the reward. 1168 01:55:10,279 --> 01:55:13,279 Hey, I knew there was more to you than money. 1169 01:55:13,848 --> 01:55:17,448 – Oh, no! – Oh, my. R2, can you hear me? 1170 01:55:17,886 --> 01:55:20,789 Say something. You can repair him, can’t you? 1171 01:55:20,889 --> 01:55:24,259 – We’ll get to work on him right away. – You must repair him. 1172 01:55:24,359 --> 01:55:27,262 Sir, if any of my circuits or gears will help, I’ll gladly donate them. 1173 01:55:27,362 --> 01:55:29,462 He’ll be all right.