1 00:00:07,904 --> 00:00:14,054 美国米高梅影片公司 2 00:00:24,534 --> 00:00:33,054 美国哥伦比亚影片公司 出品 3 00:00:55,224 --> 00:00:58,554 死而 4 00:00:58,654 --> 00:01:01,234 死而复生 5 00:01:12,534 --> 00:01:16,734 墨西哥城 6 00:01:18,574 --> 00:01:21,734 亡灵节 7 00:02:51,784 --> 00:02:56,054 我说你是不是快等不及了 8 00:03:51,784 --> 00:03:53,284 你去哪儿? Where are you going? 9 00:03:55,414 --> 00:03:56,784 去去就来 I won't be long. 10 00:05:01,784 --> 00:05:02,784 欢迎 亲爱的斯奇亚拉先生 11 00:05:03,084 --> 00:05:05,384 旅途还愉快吗? 12 00:05:11,554 --> 00:05:12,554 带来了吗? 13 00:05:12,784 --> 00:05:14,784 带来了 在那儿呢 14 00:05:19,784 --> 00:05:22,784 什么时候炸体育馆? 15 00:05:22,974 --> 00:05:23,874 下午六点钟 16 00:05:27,074 --> 00:05:29,044 那么离开所乘的飞机呢? 17 00:05:30,074 --> 00:05:31,544 全都安排好了 18 00:05:34,844 --> 00:05:36,754 之后有什么安排? 19 00:05:37,314 --> 00:05:40,554 之后啊 我就去拜访“幽冥国王” 20 00:05:41,424 --> 00:05:44,594 来干一杯 我的朋友 21 00:05:50,734 --> 00:05:51,934 敬亡灵! 22 00:05:53,334 --> 00:05:54,864 那我先干为敬 Bottoms up. 23 00:07:47,304 --> 00:07:49,654 在广场碰头 Meet me at the square! 24 00:13:17,654 --> 00:13:20,654 丹尼尔·克雷格 25 00:13:23,654 --> 00:13:26,654 饰演伊恩·弗莱明笔下的007詹姆斯邦德 26 00:13:28,654 --> 00:13:31,654 007:幽灵党 27 00:13:40,654 --> 00:13:42,654 里斯托弗·瓦尔兹 28 00:13:44,054 --> 00:13:46,654 莱亚·西多克斯 29 00:13:48,054 --> 00:13:50,054 本·威士肖 30 00:13:51,054 --> 00:13:53,654 娜奥米·哈里斯 31 00:13:54,054 --> 00:13:56,654 戴夫·巴蒂斯塔 32 00:13:58,054 --> 00:14:00,654 安德鲁·斯科特 33 00:14:01,054 --> 00:14:03,654 罗里·金尼尔 加斯帕·克里斯滕森 34 00:14:05,654 --> 00:14:10,654 莫妮卡·贝鲁奇 35 00:14:12,654 --> 00:14:14,654 拉尔夫·费因斯 36 00:14:16,654 --> 00:14:20,654 联合制片人 丹尼尔·克雷格 安德鲁·诺克斯 大卫·波普 37 00:14:22,654 --> 00:14:24,654 服装 贾妮·特米米 38 00:14:25,654 --> 00:14:27,654 剪辑 李·史密斯 39 00:14:34,654 --> 00:14:38,654 摄影 霍伊特·范·霍伊特玛 40 00:14:51,654 --> 00:14:53,654 美术设计 丹尼斯·加斯内尔 41 00:14:55,654 --> 00:14:59,654 音乐 托马斯·纽曼 42 00:16:05,654 --> 00:16:08,654 执行制片人 卡伦姆·麦克道格尔 43 00:16:14,654 --> 00:16:16,654 编剧 约翰·洛根 尼尔·普尔维斯 罗伯特·魏德 杰兹·巴特沃兹 44 00:16:17,654 --> 00:16:19,654 故事 约翰·洛根 尼尔·普尔维斯 罗伯特·魏德 45 00:16:25,654 --> 00:16:28,654 制片人 迈克尔·威尔森 芭芭拉·布鲁克利 46 00:16:36,654 --> 00:16:38,654 导演 萨姆·门德斯 47 00:16:40,654 --> 00:16:41,654 墨西哥惨剧 48 00:16:42,834 --> 00:16:44,896 想从哪儿就从哪说起 Start anywhere you like. 49 00:16:45,857 --> 00:16:48,560 你慢慢说 007 不过五分钟后 Take your time, 007. But in 5 minutes, 50 00:16:48,660 --> 00:16:50,432 联合安全局的头儿会从那扇门走进来 the head of the joint security service is going to walk through that door 51 00:16:50,532 --> 00:16:53,715 而我得向他解释 为什么我们的特工会一时兴起 and I got to explain to him, how one of our agents decided to porter off 52 00:16:53,815 --> 00:16:57,239 独自去墨西哥晃悠 然后引发这场国际性事件 to Mexico all on his own and caused an international incident. 53 00:16:57,339 --> 00:16:59,384 但无论怎么说 没有我们情况会更糟 With all due respect, sir, it could have been worse. 54 00:16:59,396 --> 00:17:00,081 还不够糟? Worse? 55 00:17:00,182 --> 00:17:01,723 你把半条街炸飞了 You blew up half a bloody block. 56 00:17:01,823 --> 00:17:04,276 半条街总比牺牲一体育馆的人强吧? Well, better half a block than a whole stadium full of people. 57 00:17:04,376 --> 00:17:05,967 那时你可没拍板的权力 You had no authority. 58 00:17:07,149 --> 00:17:08,260 没有! None. 59 00:17:08,460 --> 00:17:10,103 你也知道 我们正经历 As you know, we're in the middle of the biggest 60 00:17:10,115 --> 00:17:11,803 英国情报系统最大规模的改组 shake up in the history of British intelligence. 61 00:17:12,003 --> 00:17:15,527 我们跟军情五处合并的文件还墨迹未干 The inks barely dry on this merger with MI5 and already they are itching for a chance 62 00:17:15,727 --> 00:17:19,711 五处就盼着找个机会永远拿掉00项目 而你刚好成全了他们 to scrap the 00 program forever. And you just given them one. 63 00:17:20,772 --> 00:17:24,997 你说的没错 今天你的日子不会好过 You are right, sir. You have got a tricky day ahead. 64 00:17:28,470 --> 00:17:30,832 我现在是在严肃的问你 This is an official question. 65 00:17:31,894 --> 00:17:35,267 那天在墨西哥城 你到底干什么去了? Mexico city, what were you doing there? 66 00:17:36,098 --> 00:17:39,832 我只是碰巧在度假 早该休的假正好想休了 It's just a coincidence. I was taking some overdue holiday. 67 00:17:41,073 --> 00:17:43,235 那好 行吧 Okay. Fine. 68 00:17:43,435 --> 00:17:45,978 从今天早上开始你被正式限制行动 As of this morning, you are officially grounded. 69 00:17:46,348 --> 00:17:50,082 我决定无限期中止你所有的行动 I'm standing you down from all operations indefinitely. 70 00:17:57,940 --> 00:17:59,551 很好啊 长官 Very good, sir. 71 00:18:00,572 --> 00:18:01,994 007 007 72 00:18:03,325 --> 00:18:04,207 您请讲 Sir? 73 00:18:04,219 --> 00:18:06,899 我不管你在玩什么小把戏 I don't know what you are playing, but whatever it is 74 00:18:07,099 --> 00:18:08,681 最好马上收手 it has to stop... 75 00:18:09,561 --> 00:18:10,853 马上 now. 76 00:18:12,745 --> 00:18:14,807 - 真对不住 打扰你们了吧? - 哪有? - So sorry, am I interrupting? - Not remotely. 77 00:18:15,007 --> 00:18:18,390 007 这位是麦克斯·登比 联合安全局的一把手 007, I'd like you to meet Max Denbigh, head of the joint security service. 78 00:18:18,530 --> 00:18:21,003 终于见到007真身了 听说了不少事迹 Well, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, 007. I heard a lot about you. 79 00:18:21,203 --> 00:18:24,346 - 大部分是好事 - 祝贺你新官走马上任 - Most of it is good. - Congratulations on your new appointment. 80 00:18:24,386 --> 00:18:26,649 - 谢谢了 - 现在能叫你C先生了吧? Thank you. Suppose we should call you C, now. 81 00:18:26,849 --> 00:18:30,493 - 不 叫我麦克斯就行了 - 我还是叫你C好了 C - No, no. Max, please. - No, I think I'll call you, C. 82 00:18:31,243 --> 00:18:33,686 - C - 随你便了 - C. - As you wish. 83 00:18:34,376 --> 00:18:38,400 我们的门永远敞开 007 随时欢迎我的下属 Well, my door is always open, 007 for my employees. 84 00:18:39,221 --> 00:18:41,343 这次合并掀开了新篇章 This merger is going to be a whole new chapter for us. 85 00:18:41,504 --> 00:18:46,729 我们要带领英国情报系统走出黑暗时代 重见天日 We're going to bring British intelligence out of the dark ages into the light. 86 00:18:48,531 --> 00:18:51,233 - 听起来相当不错 - 就这样 007 - That all sounds lovely. - That will be all, 007. 87 00:18:51,434 --> 00:18:53,656 明天向Q报到体检 谢谢 Report to Q tomorrow for medical, thank you. 88 00:18:53,926 --> 00:18:55,137 好的 长官 Very good, sir. 89 00:19:05,087 --> 00:19:06,319 詹姆斯 James. 90 00:19:06,559 --> 00:19:08,090 莫尼彭尼 Moneypenny. 91 00:19:08,731 --> 00:19:11,304 - 我说 会开得怎么样? - 挺好的 谢谢 - So, how was the meeting? - Very good, thank you. 92 00:19:12,134 --> 00:19:14,877 给你 法医终于把这个解禁了 Here, forensics finally released this. 93 00:19:15,117 --> 00:19:15,914 这是什么? What is it? 94 00:19:15,926 --> 00:19:18,351 是从天幕庄园抢救出的私人物品 It's personal effects they recovered from Sky-fall. 95 00:19:18,551 --> 00:19:20,403 太好了 待会儿再给我捎来吧 Perfect. You can bring it to me later. 96 00:19:20,633 --> 00:19:22,885 - 你什么意思? - 9点钟送到我家来 - What do you mean? - My place, 9 o'clock. 97 00:19:35,188 --> 00:19:37,780 - 晚上好 - 请进 - Evening. - Come in. 98 00:19:39,972 --> 00:19:41,654 你才搬进来吗? Have you just moved in? 99 00:19:42,415 --> 00:19:43,117 不是啊 No. 100 00:19:43,129 --> 00:19:45,268 你这套布置我挺喜欢 Well, I like what you've done with the place. 101 00:19:47,000 --> 00:19:48,541 你的档案 Your delivery. 102 00:19:49,432 --> 00:19:50,483 谢谢 Thank you. 103 00:19:54,217 --> 00:19:56,819 - 要不要喝一杯? - 算了我又不过夜 - Would you like a drink? - No, thanks. I'm not staying. 104 00:19:56,839 --> 00:19:58,351 那可惜了 It's a shame. 105 00:19:58,841 --> 00:20:00,543 怎么回事 詹姆斯? What's going on, James? 106 00:20:01,764 --> 00:20:04,387 现在军情六处没有人不在讨论这事儿 There's not one person in MI6 who isn't talking about it. 107 00:20:05,248 --> 00:20:07,941 他们在讨论什么事啊 你说说 Talking about what, exactly? 108 00:20:08,852 --> 00:20:12,035 他们说你在墨西哥这次做的过火了 That what you did in Mexico was one step too far. 109 00:20:12,495 --> 00:20:14,367 还说你玩完了 That you're finished. 110 00:20:14,577 --> 00:20:18,521 -你怎么看? - 我恰恰觉得你好戏才开场 - What do you think? - I think you're just getting started. 111 00:20:20,003 --> 00:20:23,106 - 我不明白你的意思 - 好吧 - I don't know what you mean. - Fine 112 00:20:24,447 --> 00:20:26,629 我猜你手头有个秘密 I think you've got a secret. 113 00:20:27,500 --> 00:20:29,733 而且你跟谁都不想说 And it's something you won't tell anyone. 114 00:20:31,294 --> 00:20:33,496 因为你谁都不相信 Because you don't trust anyone. 115 00:20:43,967 --> 00:20:47,551 我若有什么不测 007 我需要你做件事 If anything happens to me for some reason. I need you to you to do something. 116 00:20:48,271 --> 00:20:51,875 找一个男的 他叫叫马科·斯奇亚拉 Find a man called Marco Sciarra. 117 00:20:52,816 --> 00:20:56,590 干掉他 然后别错过他的葬礼 Kill him. And don't miss the funeral. 118 00:21:00,253 --> 00:21:06,239 - 我的老天 你从哪儿弄到的? - 她刚死就发到了我的邮箱 - Jesus! Where did you get it? - From my mailbox just after she died. 119 00:21:07,270 --> 00:21:09,933 她总能出乎人意料 She was never short of surprises. 120 00:21:10,784 --> 00:21:13,727 即便是死亡也阻挡不了她的工作 Wasn't gonna let death get in the way of her job. 121 00:21:14,698 --> 00:21:18,902 -而我也开始跟踪斯奇亚拉 - 那你查到什么了? - I've been tracking Sciarra ever since. - And what have you found? 122 00:21:19,262 --> 00:21:21,565 还没有什么重大发现 Nothing significant, yet. 123 00:21:21,645 --> 00:21:26,109 - 他葬礼是哪天? - 三天之后 在罗马举行 - When's the funeral? - Three days. In Rome. 124 00:21:26,460 --> 00:21:29,092 你要是指望M会批准你去 那你真是疯了 If you think M's signing off for that, you're insane! 125 00:21:29,212 --> 00:21:32,436 - 他不会让你离开半步的 - 是的 这也算是个小麻烦 - He won't let you out of his sight. - Yes, that's a bit of a problem. 126 00:21:33,016 --> 00:21:37,741 听我说 能不能暗地里帮我挖挖情报去? Listen, could you do a little quiet digging for me? 127 00:21:38,121 --> 00:21:40,714 我在墨西哥听到一个名字 "冥王" I heard a name in Mexico, The Pale King. 128 00:21:43,187 --> 00:21:45,699 你要我给你当卧底吗? You want me to be your mole! 129 00:21:47,331 --> 00:21:48,902 没错 Yes. 130 00:21:50,144 --> 00:21:52,936 你凭什么认为我值得信任? What makes you think you can trust me? 131 00:21:55,609 --> 00:21:57,271 直觉 Instinct. 132 00:22:19,303 --> 00:22:21,926 临时监护令 ORDER of TEMPORARY GUARDIANSHIP. 133 00:22:57,361 --> 00:22:59,003 可怜的老楼 Poor old girl. 134 00:22:59,333 --> 00:23:01,235 已经计划被拆除了 Rigged the demolition in a week. 135 00:23:01,876 --> 00:23:04,588 - 拆了比修复重建要省钱 - 也是 Cheaper to knock her down, than to rebuild. 136 00:23:05,349 --> 00:23:08,352 光阴脚步匆匆 谁都不等 Still, "Iron waits for no man" and all that. 137 00:23:09,974 --> 00:23:12,086 对了 钱都花到这上面来了 Anyway, all the money's been spent on this. 138 00:23:13,648 --> 00:23:16,621 国家安全中心的新大楼 The New Center for National Security! 139 00:23:18,332 --> 00:23:21,335 - 这不就是C的新巢穴嘛? - 你见过他了吗? - So, that's C's new digs. - You've met him, have you? 140 00:23:22,206 --> 00:23:26,290 - 昨天见过 这人什么来头? - 典型的中央政府高级官僚 - Yesterday, what do we know about it? - Perfect Whitehall Mandarin. 141 00:23:26,701 --> 00:23:30,545 去年写了份材料 说00项目已经过时了 Wrote a dossier last year about how the 00 program was obsolete. 142 00:23:30,575 --> 00:23:32,737 说无人机可以代劳海外那些龌龊活儿 How drones could do our dirty work abroad. 143 00:23:33,237 --> 00:23:36,220 - 他跟内政大臣还是同学 - 果不其然 - Went to school with our Home Secretary. - Of course he did! 144 00:23:36,511 --> 00:23:38,683 这次合并只是开了个头 This murder's just the start of it. 145 00:23:39,003 --> 00:23:41,265 三天后在东京有个会议 Three days, there's a security conference in Tokyo 146 00:23:41,275 --> 00:23:43,718 将决定新的世界秩序 to decide the New World Order. 147 00:23:43,728 --> 00:23:45,049 若能说动各方 If he gets his ways, 148 00:23:45,069 --> 00:23:47,321 他就有权无限制地获取 He'll have unlimited access to the combined intelligence streams 149 00:23:47,322 --> 00:23:48,733 9个国家的情报 of nine countries. 150 00:23:48,773 --> 00:23:51,856 - 当然也包括我们 - 不错 - Including us. - Right. 151 00:24:00,455 --> 00:24:02,817 你不在的时候发生了许多事 Well, lots happened when you were away. 152 00:24:02,977 --> 00:24:04,168 汉堡发生列车爆炸 Train bombing in Hamburg 153 00:24:04,188 --> 00:24:07,031 突尼斯发生工厂爆炸 and an industrial explosion in Tunisia. 154 00:24:07,151 --> 00:24:10,825 现在这时机对我们不利 全是在帮C的忙啊 Not great timing for us, we're rather playing into C's hands. 155 00:24:11,636 --> 00:24:15,531 而M 我猜他也感受到压力了 M, well, let's say he's feeling the pressure. 156 00:24:15,543 --> 00:24:17,252 对 我发现了 Yeah, I've noticed. 157 00:24:17,622 --> 00:24:20,955 这边来 007 留神啊 脚底有点滑滑 This way, 007. Be careful, it's quite slippery. 158 00:24:24,489 --> 00:24:28,073 合并之后 Q在高官们面前觉得不太自在 Q wasn't exactly feeling at home in Whitehall up with the new merger so, 159 00:24:28,213 --> 00:24:32,047 所以在这儿另行开张 躲开那些烦人的眼线 He set up a shop here, away from prying eyes as it were. 160 00:24:32,237 --> 00:24:35,040 听说他为你设计了特别的东西 I hear he's get something rather special planned for you. 161 00:24:35,050 --> 00:24:36,791 我都迫不及待了 I can hardly wait. 162 00:24:47,462 --> 00:24:50,635 -007 - 你好 Q - Ah, 007. - Q. 163 00:24:51,106 --> 00:24:52,898 抱歉 我这里太乱 Please excuse the mess. Lots of things were a 164 00:24:52,910 --> 00:24:54,910 一切都还在变 还没尘埃落定呢 little bit up in the air with the changes and all. 165 00:24:55,180 --> 00:24:57,112 有几样东西要给你看 Couple of things to get through. 166 00:24:58,753 --> 00:25:00,445 咱们先干正事吧 Shall we get started? 167 00:25:00,755 --> 00:25:02,407 放松就好 Just relax. 168 00:25:04,209 --> 00:25:05,360 对 就这样 That's it, lovely. 169 00:25:05,440 --> 00:25:08,283 - 现在你会觉得有些 - 老天爷啊! - Now, you may feel a small... - Christ! 170 00:25:08,723 --> 00:25:10,515 刺痛感 Prick. 171 00:25:11,777 --> 00:25:14,439 - 这是什么? - 最前沿的纳米技术 - What is it? - Cutting edge nano technology. 172 00:25:15,170 --> 00:25:19,604 "智能血液" 是血管里的微型芯片 Smart Blood. Microchips in your bloodstream. 173 00:25:19,664 --> 00:25:22,257 可以帮我们定位你在外的活动 Allows us to track your movements in the field. 174 00:25:23,428 --> 00:25:25,220 看到这些读数了吗? You see those read-outs? 175 00:25:25,310 --> 00:25:28,243 在地球任何角落都能测到你的生命体征 We can monitor your vital signs from anywhere on the planet. 176 00:25:28,984 --> 00:25:30,415 这个实在太棒了 This is marvelous 177 00:25:31,426 --> 00:25:35,821 算是墨西哥事件后的保险措施 M直接指示要搞的 I call it the Post-Mexico insurance policy, by direct order then. 178 00:25:37,843 --> 00:25:39,544 这我完全能理解 I completely understand. 179 00:25:41,436 --> 00:25:42,487 很好 Good. 180 00:25:44,359 --> 00:25:49,184 好吧 我这里还有 还有最后一样东西 你看完就能走了 Well I've just um... One last thing and you could be on your way. 181 00:25:56,011 --> 00:25:58,153 不是一般的气派吧? Magnificent isn't she? 182 00:25:58,413 --> 00:26:00,776 起步加速到60迈只需3.2秒 0 to 60 in 3.2 seconds. 183 00:26:00,806 --> 00:26:03,899 全车身防弹 还深藏各种绝技 Fully bulletproof, few little tricks up her sleeve. 184 00:26:05,310 --> 00:26:07,873 只可惜她本来是你的 但现在 Shame really, she was meant for you but she... 185 00:26:07,903 --> 00:26:10,315 她配给009使用了 been reassigned to 009. 186 00:26:11,066 --> 00:26:13,048 不过这个你可以有 But you can have this. 187 00:26:18,604 --> 00:26:22,017 - 能派上大用场吗? - 会报时是肯定的 - Does it do anything? - It tells the time. 188 00:26:22,548 --> 00:26:24,270 能帮你变得更加守时 Might cope with your punctuality issue. 189 00:26:24,370 --> 00:26:26,542 - M的主意吧? - 你猜对了 - M's idea? - Precisely. 190 00:26:27,533 --> 00:26:29,295 要提醒你一句 Oh, one word of warning. 191 00:26:29,365 --> 00:26:34,079 这表的闹铃动静相当大 你应该懂我的意思 The alarm is rather loud. If you know what I mean. 192 00:26:34,099 --> 00:26:35,811 我想是的 Like I do? 193 00:26:41,617 --> 00:26:42,458 对了 Oh, yes. 194 00:26:42,508 --> 00:26:44,700 这个老家伙得花不少时间呢 That odd thing is taking quite a bit of time. 195 00:26:45,331 --> 00:26:49,375 它大部分已经没法用了 就方向盘还好使 Mind you there wasn't much left to work on. Only a steering wheel. 196 00:26:49,595 --> 00:26:53,599 我记得告诉过你要带回一整台车 不是带回一台车架 I believe I said "Bring it back in one piece", not "Bring back one piece." 197 00:26:59,155 --> 00:27:02,028 那好吧 好好享受假期吧 007 Anyway, enjoy your downtime, 007. 198 00:27:04,160 --> 00:27:06,162 - Q - 怎么了? - Q. - Yes? 199 00:27:06,772 --> 00:27:10,676 既然你现在能对我的所有行踪都了如指掌 Well now you know exactly where I am, all the time. 200 00:27:11,697 --> 00:27:13,409 那能不能帮我个忙? Would you do something for me? 201 00:27:13,539 --> 00:27:15,711 你脑子里在想什么呢? What do you have in mind exactly? 202 00:27:17,083 --> 00:27:19,075 能帮我消失吗? Make me disappear. 203 00:27:21,097 --> 00:27:24,770 唔 我提醒你一下 我现在直接对M负责 Um, may I remind you. That I answer directly to M. 204 00:27:25,191 --> 00:27:27,581 我有一套按揭要还 还养了两只猫 I also have a mortgage and 2 cats to feed. 205 00:27:27,593 --> 00:27:28,594 哦 Oh. 206 00:27:28,744 --> 00:27:30,706 所以我建议你最好先相信我 Then I suggest you trust me. 207 00:27:31,627 --> 00:27:33,429 哪怕是为了那两只猫呢 Think of the cats. 208 00:27:37,904 --> 00:27:40,777 很高兴见到你 007 真的 Well it's lovely to see you, 007. Lovely. 209 00:27:40,907 --> 00:27:42,448 我要提醒你 目前这个智能血液 它显然还处于开发阶段 No, I'm meant to tell you. 210 00:27:42,478 --> 00:27:46,212 所以我们也会偶尔遇到 The Smart Blood program is still in its developmental phrase. 211 00:27:46,352 --> 00:27:51,908 头24小时接收不到信号的情况 So, we may experience the odd drop in coverage during the first 24 hours. 212 00:27:53,569 --> 00:27:59,555 其实48小时内 即便部署了也会有失灵 不过在那之后就应该完全没问题了 48 hours after administration. After that it should work perfectly. 213 00:28:00,126 --> 00:28:03,690 - 我会给你寄明信片的 - 求你别这样 - I'll send you a postcard. - Please don't. 214 00:28:24,981 --> 00:28:26,573 谢谢你 詹姆斯 Thank you J. 215 00:28:32,809 --> 00:28:36,883 - 早上好 那是什么? - 一个追求者送的礼物而已 - Morning, what's that? - Oh, just something from an admirer. 216 00:28:37,003 --> 00:28:39,756 - 今天不是你生日吧? - 不是 长官 -Is today your birthday? - No, sir. 217 00:28:40,767 --> 00:28:43,009 人家上周才过生日 That was last week. 218 00:28:43,229 --> 00:28:47,073 - 早啊 - 009已经到了 要来那辆提DB10跑车 Morning, 009 has arrived to pick up the DB10, sir. 219 00:28:47,183 --> 00:28:50,317 - 他在楼上等你呢 - 好的 行 先这样 - He's waiting upstairs. - Oh, good. Yes. Fine. 220 00:29:05,492 --> 00:29:07,324 这下子好了 Shit. 221 00:29:14,492 --> 00:29:20,554 罗马 222 00:30:04,141 --> 00:30:44,554 悼词 Sign of hope in the resurrection 223 00:31:10,808 --> 00:31:13,030 还请夫人节哀顺变 I'm sorry for your loss. 224 00:31:15,413 --> 00:31:18,416 - 你认识我丈夫吗? - 只简单打过照面 - You knew my husband? - Only briefly. 225 00:31:19,257 --> 00:31:22,780 - 你是做什么的? - 人寿保险 - What did you do? - Life insurance. 226 00:31:22,930 --> 00:31:26,774 - 可惜你来的有点晚 - 对于您丈夫是晚了 - Probably too late for that. - For your husband, yes. 227 00:31:27,715 --> 00:31:30,958 - 不过对您来说呢 - 对我? - What about you? - Me? 228 00:31:31,279 --> 00:31:35,993 我听说一些寡妇在失去丈夫之后不久就会意外丧命 I hear the life expectancy of some widows can be very short. 229 00:31:36,714 --> 00:31:40,998 你怎么可以这么说你?没看见我还在悲伤中吗? How can you talk like this? Can't you see I'm grieving? 230 00:31:41,929 --> 00:31:43,771 没有 No. 231 00:34:03,352 --> 00:34:08,287 - 多美妙的景致啊 - 你这是在浪费时间 - What a lovely view. - You're wasting your time. 232 00:34:08,637 --> 00:34:11,800 还有一百多人会追杀我的 There are a hundred more that would come after me. 233 00:34:11,860 --> 00:34:15,724 你这只是帮我 活五分钟而已 All you buy me, is 5 minutes. 234 00:34:16,225 --> 00:34:19,828 真是难得 该来喝一杯了 Excellent, time for a drink. 235 00:34:29,618 --> 00:34:33,232 是你杀了他 没说错吧? You killed him, didn't you? 236 00:34:33,452 --> 00:34:36,655 - 你杀了我丈夫 - 他本身就是杀手 - My husband. - He was an assassin. 237 00:34:37,146 --> 00:34:39,738 相信我 他不会觉得我是私事公办 Trust me, he won't take it personally. 238 00:34:42,371 --> 00:34:46,265 你这是亲手送我上断头台 我以前地位很高的 You signed my death warrant. I was respected. 239 00:34:46,305 --> 00:34:49,568 - 你在忠于一个你恨人 - 他欣赏我的沉默 - Loyal to a man you hated. - He trusted my silence. 240 00:34:49,658 --> 00:34:53,142 现在他走了 我也玩完了 我谁都不会相信 With him gone, I'm a dead woman. I can trust nobody. 241 00:34:53,162 --> 00:34:56,966 - 我很了解这种感受 - 那我就告诉你 我不信任你 I know the feeling well - Well, I can tell you the victim tries to... 242 00:34:57,006 --> 00:35:01,851 - 这说明你的直觉相当的准 - 你要是不马上离开 我们都会丧命的 Then you have impeccable instincts - If you don't leave now, we'll die together 243 00:35:04,233 --> 00:35:06,906 这可比别的死法痛快多了 I can think of worse ways to go. 244 00:35:07,957 --> 00:35:12,031 我看你简直是是疯了 你叫什么? Then you're obviously crazy, Mr... 245 00:35:13,572 --> 00:35:15,064 邦德 Bond. 246 00:35:16,095 --> 00:35:19,048 詹姆斯·邦德 James Bond. 247 00:35:27,977 --> 00:35:33,573 我说的那些人啊 你可不知道他们的做派 These people... If you just knew what they could do. 248 00:35:34,984 --> 00:35:37,206 他们能耐非常大 The power they have. 249 00:35:37,356 --> 00:35:40,720 你丈夫有没有提及过"冥王" Did you ever heard him mention The Pale King? 250 00:35:41,631 --> 00:35:43,182 没有 No. 251 00:35:44,604 --> 00:35:46,886 那个神秘的组织 The organization. 252 00:35:47,927 --> 00:35:50,369 成员几乎很少见面 They hardly ever meet. 253 00:35:52,371 --> 00:35:55,555 但由于我丈夫出了那么大的事 But because what happened to my husband. 254 00:35:56,145 --> 00:35:59,128 - 他们今晚要开会 - 为什么? - They meet tonight. - Why? 255 00:35:59,549 --> 00:36:03,292 - 要挑选出替补的人 - 在哪儿? - To choose a replacement. - Where? 256 00:36:04,714 --> 00:36:07,136 在卡登撒华彩宫 La Pallazzo Cadenzza. 257 00:36:07,547 --> 00:36:11,160 - 9点开始 - 估计很有看头 我没准会去看看 - At nine. - Sounds like fun, I might drop by. 258 00:36:12,482 --> 00:36:14,764 他整个人都陷进去了 He was obsessed. 259 00:36:15,104 --> 00:36:18,057 他耗在那里的时间比陪我的都要多 Spend more time with them than with me. 260 00:36:20,760 --> 00:36:23,032 那这个男的可真不聪明 Then, that man was a fool. 261 00:36:34,684 --> 00:36:35,901 不留个电话号码? Leaving your number? 262 00:36:35,913 --> 00:36:38,708 我找了一个美国朋友 叫费利克斯 I'm calling an American friend of mine, Felix. 263 00:36:39,609 --> 00:36:41,831 他会联系美国大使馆带你离开的 I'll contact his embassy, get you out of here. 264 00:36:42,142 --> 00:36:44,114 保证你的安全 You'll be safe. 265 00:36:51,461 --> 00:36:53,373 詹姆斯 别走 Don't go, James. 266 00:36:54,264 --> 00:36:58,678 你不能去那儿 那可是个杀人不眨眼的地方 If you go there, you're crossing over to a place where there is no mercy 267 00:36:58,828 --> 00:37:00,360 我必须得走 I have to go. 268 00:37:01,992 --> 00:37:04,975 祝你好运 亲爱的露西亚 Good luck, Mrs. Lucia. 269 00:37:52,733 --> 00:37:55,005 嘿 要上哪儿去啊? Hey, wait there. 270 00:37:55,586 --> 00:37:57,648 还不亮明身份 你这混蛋 271 00:37:58,659 --> 00:38:02,302 -你是谁啊? - 我是米老鼠呀 你是谁? 272 00:38:04,024 --> 00:38:05,676 请进吧 Sorry. 273 00:38:20,676 --> 00:38:24,637 在线购药网站提供了很好的新销售平台 ...pharmacy sites has provided an excellent new sales platform. 274 00:38:24,638 --> 00:38:29,376 我们将许多网站改造成未批准药物的交易场所 We have adapted many of them into clearinghouses for unapproved drugs. 275 00:38:31,011 --> 00:38:34,065 除此之外 最新的数据显示 In addition to which, the latest figures show that presently 276 00:38:34,077 --> 00:38:36,667 我们已控制了70%的抗疟疾疫苗 control 70% of antimalarial vaccines. 277 00:38:36,727 --> 00:38:44,455 34%的艾滋病药物和40%肿瘤药物 在撒哈拉以南的市场 34% on HIV and 40% of all ontological drug across Sub-Saharan Africa. 278 00:38:46,807 --> 00:38:49,299 但是 世界卫生组织真是跟我们过不去 We've faced challenges from the WHO and their campaign 279 00:38:49,311 --> 00:38:51,642 他们正在打击我们所谓的仿冒药品 against our counterfeit pharmaceuticals. 280 00:38:52,423 --> 00:38:55,796 我们已经锁定需要处理的关键人物 We have now identified the key individuals to target. 281 00:38:56,387 --> 00:39:00,030 希望能像人口贩卖委员会那次一样成功 We expect the same success as we had against the Council of Union Traffic. 282 00:39:00,921 --> 00:39:02,633 沃格尔博士 Dr. Vogel. 283 00:39:02,873 --> 00:39:05,119 在委员会全体请辞后 284 00:39:05,175 --> 00:39:10,369 我们已将16万女移民安排进休闲性产业 285 00:39:10,534 --> 00:39:13,894 而接近完成的"九只眼"全球监控倡议 286 00:39:14,194 --> 00:39:18,554 意味着我们将拥有独一无二的监视能力 287 00:39:18,763 --> 00:39:23,193 而现在到了该强势扩张的时候了 288 00:39:23,593 --> 00:39:25,393 这绝对是个好消息 289 00:39:59,500 --> 00:40:02,193 别让我打断你们了 Don't let me interrupt you. 290 00:40:12,293 --> 00:40:14,293 这绝对是个好消息 291 00:40:15,100 --> 00:40:17,894 我们得到增强的监控能力 292 00:40:18,209 --> 00:40:20,864 意味着来自政府情报机构的阻力 293 00:40:20,993 --> 00:40:22,686 将被轻而易举化解 294 00:40:23,099 --> 00:40:25,493 我们赢定了 295 00:40:26,193 --> 00:40:27,393 谢谢你 博士 Thank you, Doctor. 296 00:40:28,039 --> 00:40:30,802 现在来处理手头上的事项 Now, onto the matter at hand. 297 00:40:30,932 --> 00:40:34,656 在我们成功实施汉堡和突尼斯的袭击之后 After our successful attack in Hamburg and Tunisia. 298 00:40:34,786 --> 00:40:37,468 在墨西哥城的袭击被迫中止 We abort an attack on Mexico City and 299 00:40:37,469 --> 00:40:41,162 而我们杰出的的同事马科·斯奇亚拉不幸身亡 the death of our valued colleague, Marco Sciarra. 300 00:40:41,302 --> 00:40:44,105 他身后留下了一项未完成的使命 Leave one of his duty, outstanding. 301 00:40:44,676 --> 00:40:47,769 格拉先生 "冥王"必须被处理掉 Se?or Gerard, the Pale King must be terminated. 302 00:40:48,480 --> 00:40:50,722 你可否去趟奥尔陶斯? Will you make the journey to Attersee? 303 00:40:54,922 --> 00:40:57,054 当然可以 304 00:40:57,174 --> 00:40:58,722 我是绝对忠于组织的 305 00:40:59,114 --> 00:41:02,254 我这份忠诚至死不渝 306 00:41:02,422 --> 00:41:04,822 绝不会再有 307 00:41:05,122 --> 00:41:07,722 业余之举 308 00:41:07,722 --> 00:41:11,322 绝不会再示弱 309 00:41:46,018 --> 00:41:50,176 在座有没有哪位反对格拉先生接任这个席位? Does anyone challenge Se?or Guerra for this position? 310 00:42:15,247 --> 00:42:16,248 欢迎你 Welcome. 311 00:42:16,518 --> 00:42:19,361 请陈述你能接任斯奇亚拉的理由 State your credentials for succeeding, Se?or Guerra. 312 00:43:13,446 --> 00:43:15,157 真有意思 It's funny. 313 00:43:17,570 --> 00:43:21,994 墨西哥那次宛如钟声勾起了我遥远的记忆 All that excitement in Mexico City rang a distant bell. 314 00:43:23,356 --> 00:43:29,622 而现在 就在今晚一刹那间 我突然就全明白了 And now, suddenly this evening it makes perfect sense. 315 00:43:35,027 --> 00:43:37,410 欢迎你 詹姆斯 Welcome, James. 316 00:43:40,643 --> 00:43:46,579 真是好久不见了 但我们最终还是再会了 It's been a long time. But finally here we are! 317 00:43:50,143 --> 00:43:52,735 你怎么才来? What took you so long? 318 00:44:00,093 --> 00:44:01,434 布 谷 Cuckoo. 319 00:44:04,377 --> 00:44:06,269 再见了 米老鼠 Ciao, Mickey Mouse! 320 00:45:25,208 --> 00:45:26,930 这不是跟我闹着玩儿吗 Are you kidding me? 321 00:45:45,148 --> 00:45:46,330 不会吧 No! 322 00:46:26,039 --> 00:46:27,721 脑子有病啊! What are you doing? 323 00:46:54,108 --> 00:46:56,010 呼叫莫尼彭尼 Moneypenny. 324 00:46:59,994 --> 00:47:01,745 - 邦德? - 听着 莫尼彭尼 - Bond? - Listen, Moneypenny. 325 00:47:01,765 --> 00:47:04,238 汉堡 突尼斯和墨西哥袭击是相互关联的 Hamburg, Tunisia, Mexico City, they're all linked. 326 00:47:04,298 --> 00:47:07,151 是同一个组织策划的连环袭击 It's one organization coordinating multiple attacks. 327 00:47:07,211 --> 00:47:09,373 - 看来她说的没错 - 她(M夫人)就没错过 - So she was right. - Of course she was. 328 00:47:09,613 --> 00:47:11,956 - 我查过了 - 谁打来的? - I ran that check. - Who is it? 329 00:47:12,887 --> 00:47:17,141 是我老板 他信用卡被偷了 不是大事 My boss had his credit card stolen, it's nothing. 330 00:47:17,311 --> 00:47:19,473 - 你赶紧先睡去吧 - 别弄太久啊 - Why don't you go back to sleep? - Don't be long. 331 00:47:19,583 --> 00:47:21,385 - 谁在那儿? - 没谁啊 - Who is that? - No one. 332 00:47:21,495 --> 00:47:23,968 - 你没说实话 - 就一普通朋友 - No, it was. - It's just a friend. 333 00:47:24,068 --> 00:47:27,041 - 大半夜还在你那儿? - 生活就是这样 詹姆斯 At this time of night? It's called life, James. 334 00:47:27,111 --> 00:47:29,183 有时你也该体验下 You should try it sometime. 335 00:47:35,319 --> 00:47:38,432 那个"幽冥国王" 貌似是位你曾经交过手的人 The Pale King, it looks like you've had dealings with him before. 336 00:47:38,452 --> 00:47:41,325 - 量子危机那次 - 果不其然 是怀特先生 - Quantum. - Of course, Mr. White! 337 00:47:41,355 --> 00:47:42,396 就是他 That's him. 338 00:47:42,456 --> 00:47:46,761 最近一次现身 是在奥地利的奥尔陶斯 四个月前的事了 Last unconfirmed sighting, Attersee in Austria. Four months ago. 339 00:47:48,132 --> 00:47:49,824 你先等一下 Hope that's all. 340 00:48:01,816 --> 00:48:03,918 - 还没挂吧? - 没挂 - You still there? - Yeah. 341 00:48:03,958 --> 00:48:06,150 - 我再报个名字行吗? - 可以 说吧 - Run another name, will you? - Okay. 342 00:48:07,592 --> 00:48:10,795 是个男的 叫弗朗兹·奥伯豪斯 A man called Franz Oberhauss. 343 00:48:13,207 --> 00:48:15,789 查查他生前和死后的档案和行踪 Check his files, before and after his death. 344 00:48:15,995 --> 00:48:17,300 怎么还有死后 什么意思? After his death? What are you talking about? 345 00:48:17,901 --> 00:48:19,442 拜托 你照办就是了 Please, just do it. 346 00:49:44,349 --> 00:49:47,522 好的 Q 给我亮亮家伙 Okay, Q. Give me something. 347 00:49:59,104 --> 00:50:00,906 真是越来越给劲了 That's more like it. 348 00:50:06,662 --> 00:50:08,133 试试手气吧 Here goes nothing. 349 00:50:44,350 --> 00:50:46,011 晚上好 Good evening. 350 00:51:03,058 --> 00:51:05,501 不要听信他们减少监控的主张 Do not let them tell you, we need less surveillance. 351 00:51:06,472 --> 00:51:07,553 相反要增加更多 We need more. 352 00:51:08,414 --> 00:51:09,785 更加多 Much more. 353 00:51:10,286 --> 00:51:11,327 我愿重申 I say again. 354 00:51:11,347 --> 00:51:15,741 这个九只眼委员会将有权获得 The 9 Eyes Committee will have full access to the combined intelligence 355 00:51:15,751 --> 00:51:17,513 所有成员国的情报信息流 streams of all member states. 356 00:51:17,543 --> 00:51:19,635 数据越多分析得越透彻 More data, more analysis. 357 00:51:20,336 --> 00:51:23,539 发生恐怖袭击的可能性就会越低 Less likelihood of terrorist attacks. 358 00:51:24,140 --> 00:51:25,321 女士们 先生们 Ladies and gentlemen. 359 00:51:25,391 --> 00:51:28,964 到了全世界安全机构联合起来的时候了 It's time for the security services of the world to unite. 360 00:51:29,745 --> 00:51:32,088 各自为战 我们不堪一击 Alone, we are weak. 361 00:51:32,518 --> 00:51:35,741 联合起来 我们汇聚全球力量 Together, we're a global power. 362 00:51:36,032 --> 00:51:37,913 这肯定不走选举程序 An unelected one. 363 00:51:38,914 --> 00:51:40,176 谢谢各位 Thank you. 364 00:51:41,517 --> 00:51:42,648 谢谢 Thank you. 365 00:51:43,369 --> 00:51:45,541 现在就方案进行表决 We will now vote on the resolution. 366 00:51:45,942 --> 00:51:48,404 女士们先生们 请开始投票 Ladies and gentlemen, please cast your votes. 367 00:51:54,100 --> 00:51:56,482 结果是八票赞成一票反对 The vote is 8 to 1 in favour. 368 00:51:56,712 --> 00:52:01,547 但是如各位所知 只有全票赞成才能通过决议 However, as you know. We cannot proceed unless the unanimous vote. 369 00:52:01,707 --> 00:52:04,360 因此 九只眼议案未能获得通过 The 9 Eyes notion, is therefore, not passed. 370 00:52:05,221 --> 00:52:06,320 这就是民主啊 Democracy. 371 00:52:06,332 --> 00:52:09,665 感谢女士们先生们 今晚的会议现在休会 Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. This evening session is adjourned. 372 00:52:12,618 --> 00:52:14,550 (我们能否确定邦德就在伦敦?) ARE WE SURE BOND'S IN LONDON? 373 00:52:26,002 --> 00:52:29,045 - 长官您好 - 拜托请告诉我007就在伦敦 - Yes, sir. - Please tell me 007 is in London. 374 00:52:29,105 --> 00:52:30,857 是的 我那个 Oh, yes. Um. 375 00:52:31,097 --> 00:52:33,179 现在先让我看一下 I'll just take a look now, sir. 376 00:52:33,259 --> 00:52:35,101 因为他要是不在 你丫麻烦就大了 Because if he isn't, you're in deep shit. 377 00:52:36,783 --> 00:52:38,504 我TM就给你10秒钟时间 You've get precisely, 10 seconds. 378 00:52:42,779 --> 00:52:45,151 找到了 长官 他应该是在切尔西 I have him, sir. He appears to be in Chelsea. 379 00:52:45,622 --> 00:52:48,495 给我盯死了 等我回来 明白吗? Well, I want eyes on him when I get back. Understood? 380 00:52:49,275 --> 00:52:53,470 我完全明白您的意思 长官 I completely understand... Sir.. 381 00:55:46,344 --> 00:55:49,046 帮我个忙行吗? 下手要快点儿 Do me a favour, make it quick. 382 00:55:49,247 --> 00:55:51,739 到楼上来 怀特先生 Upstairs, Mr. White. 383 00:56:01,479 --> 00:56:06,584 我知道死神会以一张熟悉的面孔前来索命 但没想到会是你 I always knew death would wear a familiar face but not yours. 384 00:56:07,034 --> 00:56:10,188 我为何会有此等荣幸啊 邦德先生? So watch over this place here, Mr. Bond. 385 00:56:12,170 --> 00:56:14,502 最近我参加了一场会议 I was at a meeting recently. 386 00:56:14,702 --> 00:56:16,524 然后出现了你的名字 And your name came up. 387 00:56:16,724 --> 00:56:19,567 很荣幸伦敦方面还在讨论我 I'm flattered London is still talking about me. 388 00:56:19,657 --> 00:56:23,671 那不是军情六处的会 是在罗马开的 It wasn't MI6. It was Rome. 389 00:56:24,722 --> 00:56:27,005 是你的组织 不是我的 Your team, not mine. 390 00:56:32,730 --> 00:56:37,455 上个月 我在手机里发现了剧毒的金属铊(放射性有毒金属元素) Last month, I found Thallium in my cell phone. 391 00:56:37,465 --> 00:56:38,656 他真是不辱使命 It's done its job. 392 00:56:38,676 --> 00:56:42,030 我就剩几个星期了 没准还短点 I have a few weeks. Maybe less. 393 00:56:44,192 --> 00:56:47,245 所以说真是缘分啊 邦德先生 So, here we are, Mr. Bond. 394 00:56:47,485 --> 00:56:50,208 两个将死之人一起共度良宵 Two dead men enjoying the evening. 395 00:56:50,919 --> 00:56:54,152 - 你到底干了什么? - 我没有听他的命令 - What did you do? - I disobeyed them. 396 00:56:55,083 --> 00:56:59,968 我曾竭尽全力追随他 可是他变了 Followed him as far as I could and he... changed. 397 00:57:00,058 --> 00:57:04,062 我明白了 你良心发现了 Oh, I see. You grew conscious. 398 00:57:04,262 --> 00:57:07,325 咱们恩怨归恩怨 可这样 Our game is our game. But this... 399 00:57:08,376 --> 00:57:11,199 干扯上女人 扯上儿童 women, children. 400 00:57:11,219 --> 00:57:14,592 这金属铊起码说明他不再欣赏你了 Well, the Thallium would suggest he doesn't like you very much anymore. 401 00:57:14,653 --> 00:57:16,735 而且你看他也是一样的 I'm clear that the feeling in mutual. 402 00:57:16,905 --> 00:57:18,917 你还不如告诉我该怎样找到他 So, why don't you tell me how to find him again? 403 00:57:19,017 --> 00:57:22,522 - 得了吧 - 告诉我他在哪儿 - Oh, come on! Tell me where he is. 404 00:57:22,603 --> 00:57:26,034 他无处不在 无处不在 He's everywhere! Everywhere! 405 00:57:26,104 --> 00:57:28,935 他堂而皇之地坐在你书桌前 他吻着你的女人 He's sitting at your desk, he's kissing with your 406 00:57:28,947 --> 00:57:31,620 还和你家人淡定地共进晚餐 love or he's doing something with your family! 407 00:57:38,637 --> 00:57:40,999 你是在掩护某个人吧? You're protecting someone. 408 00:57:41,920 --> 00:57:43,381 是你夫人吗? Your wife? 409 00:57:46,455 --> 00:57:48,727 她很久之前就不在了 She left long ago. 410 00:57:48,887 --> 00:57:49,988 那是你的儿子? Your son? 411 00:57:54,483 --> 00:57:56,415 还是你女儿? Your daughter. 412 00:57:58,517 --> 00:58:01,119 你找不到她的 她相当聪明 You won't find her, she's clever. 413 00:58:01,420 --> 00:58:04,373 她比我聪明 知道怎么躲起来 She's smarter than me, she knows how to hide. 414 00:58:06,365 --> 00:58:08,627 说出那人在哪 我就能保护你女儿 I can protect her, if you tell me where he is. 415 00:58:11,490 --> 00:58:14,162 - 我能保住她的命 - 好啊 - I can keep her alive. - Yeah? 416 00:58:17,366 --> 00:58:20,189 - 我向你承诺 - 你向我承诺? - You have my word. - Your word?! 417 00:58:20,939 --> 00:58:22,971 一个杀手也能信? The word of an assassin? 418 00:58:35,194 --> 00:58:36,825 说到做到 That's my word. 419 00:59:04,573 --> 00:59:08,777 "美国人" 你只要能救她 American. You save her. 420 00:59:08,948 --> 00:59:12,051 她就能带你去"美国人"那儿 她非常了解 She can lead you to the American, she knows the American. 421 00:59:12,761 --> 00:59:17,636 先去霍夫勒诊所看看 Try the Chauffeur Clinic. 422 00:59:21,911 --> 00:59:26,455 你现在就是只风筝 在飓风中飞舞的风筝 邦德先生 You're a kite dancing in a hurricane, Mr. Bond. 423 00:59:29,528 --> 00:59:30,629 永别了 So long! 424 01:00:24,253 --> 01:00:27,226 你可真行 能让政府财政出钱为这个吐血买单 Can't deny I'm impressed you got HMG to cough up for all of us. 425 01:00:27,306 --> 01:00:29,729 得了 政府哪有钱盖这种大楼啊 Good God, the government couldn't afford this kind of facility. 426 01:00:29,749 --> 01:00:32,652 大部分还得靠私营企业的捐助 No, it was benefactor. Mostly from the private sector. 427 01:00:33,222 --> 01:00:34,133 当正式运行了 When it goes online, 428 01:00:34,183 --> 01:00:36,367 这栋楼将成为史上最强悍的 this building will be the most sophisticated 429 01:00:36,379 --> 01:00:38,037 数据收集系统 data gathering system in history. 430 01:00:38,107 --> 01:00:41,070 成为全天候主宰世界的数字幽灵 The World's digital ghost available 24/7 431 01:00:41,120 --> 01:00:42,882 也是乔治·奥威尔的终极噩梦 George Orwell's worse nightmare. 432 01:00:42,952 --> 01:00:44,624 你喜欢就好 I'm glad you like it. 433 01:00:44,704 --> 01:00:47,367 九只眼未获全票通过真是遗憾 My commiseration on losing the 9 Eyes vote. 434 01:00:47,577 --> 01:00:49,669 - 对你打击挺大吧 - 倒没什么 - Must have been a blow. - Not really. 435 01:00:49,949 --> 01:00:53,011 南非方面想通也只是个时间问题 Only matter of time before South Africa sees the light and you know what they say, 436 01:00:53,012 --> 01:00:55,605 而且罗马也不是一天建成的 可能用了一天半呢 Rome wasn't built in a day, a day and a half maybe. 437 01:00:56,676 --> 01:00:59,619 我说麦克斯 我知道监控这事是日常必备 Look, Max. I know surveillance is fact of life. 438 01:01:01,201 --> 01:01:05,535 但让我担心的是你使用情报的方式 以及谁会用这些情报 It's how you use the information that concerns me and who is using it. 439 01:01:05,575 --> 01:01:08,198 这是保障公众安全所必须的 This is what we need to do to keep the people safe. 440 01:01:08,668 --> 01:01:10,880 00项目已经过时了 00 Program is prehistoric. 441 01:01:11,811 --> 01:01:16,006 现在你还能单靠一个特工就包打天下吗? Come on, M. You can't tell me that one man in the field can compete with all of this. 442 01:01:16,026 --> 01:01:18,108 有杀人执照也力不从心啊 Running around out there with his license to kill? 443 01:01:19,879 --> 01:01:22,242 你有没有真正杀过人 麦克斯? Have you ever had to kill a man, Max? 444 01:01:23,423 --> 01:01:25,045 有吗? Have you? 445 01:01:25,245 --> 01:01:27,547 要心里有底 你才可以扣动扳机 To pull that trigger, you have to be strong. 446 01:01:27,567 --> 01:01:31,771 是的 先要进行调查 要分析评估 锁定目标 Yes, you investigate, analyze, assess, target. 447 01:01:32,642 --> 01:01:38,198 然后你要盯着对方的眼睛 接着做出判断 And then you have to look them in the eye and make the call. 448 01:01:38,208 --> 01:01:43,964 那些个无人机 窃听器 摄像头 速记 以及所有现行的监控手段 And all the drones, bugs, cameras and all the surveillance in the world. 449 01:01:44,024 --> 01:01:46,496 都不会告诉你下一步怎么办 Can't tell you what to do next. 450 01:01:48,008 --> 01:01:53,573 一张杀人执照 也是一张不乱杀人的执照 A license to kill. Is also a license not to kill. 451 01:01:55,275 --> 01:01:57,457 我这么做也是被迫的 I didn't want to have to do this. 452 01:01:58,829 --> 01:02:01,932 你好像已经控制不了你的特工了 But it looks like you still can't control your agent. 453 01:02:03,463 --> 01:02:05,635 邦德 我帮你查过了 Bond, I ran that check. 454 01:02:06,516 --> 01:02:09,239 貌似是位你曾经交过手的人 量子危机那次 Looks like you've had dealings with him before, Quantum. 455 01:02:09,249 --> 01:02:11,191 果不其然 是怀特先生 Of course, Mr. White! 456 01:02:11,361 --> 01:02:14,695 最近一次现身 是在奥地利的奥尔陶斯 Last unconfirmed sighting, Attersee in Austria. 457 01:02:14,755 --> 01:02:15,836 我再报个名字行吗? Run another name, will you? 458 01:02:17,958 --> 01:02:20,731 所以实施全面监控看来并非无稽之谈 So, something to be said for total surveillance after all. 459 01:02:23,984 --> 01:02:26,506 你们监控军情六处的探员 You watch MI6 agents? 460 01:02:27,578 --> 01:02:28,709 我们谁都监控 I watch everyone. 461 01:03:35,576 --> 01:03:38,459 您先请坐 我这边很快就完了 Please take a seat. I'll be with you in just a moment. 462 01:03:39,400 --> 01:03:44,665 在周一进行了测试之后 诊断出这位患者患有创伤后应激障碍 Monday, an assessment of post-traumatic diagnostic was done. 463 01:03:45,146 --> 01:03:51,462 开了药物处方 进行大强度的认知行为治疗 同时以颅骶疗法来辅助 Prescribed medicine along with the TCC. 464 01:03:55,076 --> 01:03:57,698 请多包涵 邦德先生 Please excuse me, Mr. Bond. 465 01:03:59,870 --> 01:04:02,233 我是玛德琳·斯旺医生 My name is Dr. Madeleine Swann. 466 01:04:02,463 --> 01:04:06,467 我们今天的任务是分析你的需求 包括心理和身体两个层面 Our job today's to analyze your needs both physiological and physical. 467 01:04:06,767 --> 01:04:08,880 真是开门见山啊 Sounds pretty straight forward. 468 01:04:09,790 --> 01:04:12,493 希望您别介意 这景色容易让人分心 I hope you don't mind, the video can be a bit distracting. 469 01:04:12,693 --> 01:04:14,595 我还没注意到呢 I haven't noticed. 470 01:04:20,441 --> 01:04:23,444 您已经填了大部分的材料 I you've filled out most of the paperwork. 471 01:04:23,464 --> 01:04:27,358 可以的话想问一下剩余的几个问题以完成评估 Just a few questions to complete your evaluation, if I may? 472 01:04:27,959 --> 01:04:31,482 - 你平时锻炼吗? - 必要时才炼 - You exercise? - When I have to. 473 01:04:31,933 --> 01:04:35,356 你觉得工作给你带来的压力大吗? You consider employment to be physiologically stressful? 474 01:04:35,837 --> 01:04:37,068 有时候觉得 Sometimes. 475 01:04:37,478 --> 01:04:39,580 一般会喝多少酒? How much alcohol do you consume? 476 01:04:40,051 --> 01:04:41,623 过量 Too much. 477 01:04:44,125 --> 01:04:48,089 我的问题再放宽点 小时候 你跟你的父母很亲近吗? Some broader questions: As a child, would you say you were close to your parents? 478 01:04:48,169 --> 01:04:49,811 我从小父母就去世了 My parents died when I was young. 479 01:04:51,512 --> 01:04:53,164 当时几岁? Really? How old? 480 01:04:53,695 --> 01:04:56,648 - 反正能记事了 - 能问问怎么死的吗? - Old enough to remember. - How, if I may ask? 481 01:04:57,038 --> 01:04:59,150 - 爬山时发生了意外 A climbing accident. 482 01:04:59,350 --> 01:05:02,043 - 谁把你抚养成人的? - 是别的人 - Then who brought you up? - Someone else. 483 01:05:02,654 --> 01:05:04,456 我能问问吗? Humor me. 484 01:05:04,656 --> 01:05:07,669 一位就读过牛津和索邦两所名校 How does one train at Oxford and the Sorbonne 485 01:05:07,699 --> 01:05:11,312 当上顾问 在无国界医生组织工作两年的人 become a consultant, spend 2 years with medicine fortifier 486 01:05:11,473 --> 01:05:13,615 怎么会来到这荒山野岭的地方? and then end up here? 487 01:05:14,536 --> 01:05:18,910 请恕我冒昧 人家很容易会认为你是在有所回避 Forgive me, but anyone might think you're hiding from something. 488 01:05:20,632 --> 01:05:22,964 您来这儿可是花了不少钱的 邦德先生 You're paying a lot of money to be here, Mr. Bond. 489 01:05:23,074 --> 01:05:27,599 - 到底是我问你啊 还是你问我? - 当然你问了 请继续 - Who's asking the questions? You or me? - Of course, carry on. 490 01:05:31,052 --> 01:05:33,765 这最后一问你是空着的 I see you left this final question blank. 491 01:05:34,726 --> 01:05:35,857 你做什么职业? What is your occupation? 492 01:05:35,977 --> 01:05:39,961 这个要是填在表上恐怕会不太好看 Well, that's not the sort of thing that looks good on a form. 493 01:05:40,141 --> 01:05:43,154 - 为什么呢? - 我的工作是杀人 - And why is that? - I kill people. 494 01:05:45,567 --> 01:05:47,689 这世界多小 Small world, huh? 495 01:05:49,481 --> 01:05:53,965 - 他人在哪里? - 你父亲去世了 两天前的事 - Where is he? - Your father's dead, two days ago. 496 01:05:54,866 --> 01:05:57,759 - 你怎么知道的? - 因为我就在现场 - How do you know? - Because I was there. 497 01:05:57,999 --> 01:06:00,612 - 你杀了他? - 我没那必要 - Did you kill him? - I didn't have to. 498 01:06:00,812 --> 01:06:02,664 他是自杀的 He did it himself. 499 01:06:03,445 --> 01:06:06,018 大老远来就为了告诉我这个? And you came all the way just to tell me this? 500 01:06:07,119 --> 01:06:08,680 告诉我父亲已经死了? That my father's dead? 501 01:06:08,880 --> 01:06:11,923 我想说的是你生命有危险 而且我需要你帮助 I came to tell you that your life is in danger and I need your help. 502 01:06:12,774 --> 01:06:16,138 - 为什么? - 我和他有过约定 要保护你 - Why? - I made a deal with him to protect you. 503 01:06:17,119 --> 01:06:18,370 你在撒谎 You're lying. 504 01:06:19,411 --> 01:06:20,662 - 他凭什么相信你? Why would he trust you? 505 01:06:21,003 --> 01:06:24,306 因为他也知道我有求于你们 Because he knew that I needed something in return. 506 01:06:24,626 --> 01:06:28,540 - 你想干什么? - 帮我找到"美国人" - And what was that? - To find the American. 507 01:06:29,101 --> 01:06:31,743 - 询问结束了 - 斯旺医生 - This interview's over. - Dr. Swann. 508 01:06:31,793 --> 01:06:35,277 给你你10分钟离开这里 然后我会呼叫保安 You have 10 minutes to leave the building, then I'm calling security. 509 01:06:39,701 --> 01:06:41,323 谢谢你 斯旺医生 Thank you, Dr. Swann. 510 01:07:03,926 --> 01:07:07,860 - 想来点什么吗 先生? - 伏特加马提尼 摇 但别搅拌 - Can I get you something, sir? - Vodka Martini, shaken not stirred. 511 01:07:07,930 --> 01:07:10,853 很抱歉告诉您 我们不提供酒水 I'm sorry, we don't serve alcohol. 512 01:07:11,063 --> 01:07:13,185 我真是越来越喜欢这儿了 I'm already starting to love this place. 513 01:07:13,275 --> 01:07:16,288 给他来一杯含消化酶的奶昔 Can I have the proactive digestive enzyme shake? 514 01:07:16,358 --> 01:07:17,259 没问题 Certainly. 515 01:07:17,359 --> 01:07:20,402 你要是来取车 车已经沉到台伯河底去了 If you've come for the car, I parked it at the bottom of the toilet. 516 01:07:20,422 --> 01:07:23,755 别担心 007 那只是辆价值三百万英镑的概念车 Oh, not to worry, 007. It was only a 3 million pound prototype. 517 01:07:23,756 --> 01:07:26,888 - 你怎么来了 Q? - 我就是纯粹想休息一下而已 - Why are you here, Q? - Oh, I just fancied a break to be honest 518 01:07:26,889 --> 01:07:29,071 最近工作压力有点大 I've been experiencing a lot of stress recently. 519 01:07:29,281 --> 01:07:31,275 军情五处整天盯着我们 What we see is people crawling all over us and the fact 520 01:07:31,287 --> 01:07:33,115 M也想把我挂在圣诞树上当装饰品 everyone wants my balls for Christmas decorations. 521 01:07:33,165 --> 01:07:37,430 - 说重点 - 007 重点就是 弗朗兹·奥伯豪斯不仅死了 Get to the point - The point, 007, is that Frank Oberhauser is dead. 522 01:07:37,540 --> 01:07:38,961 棺材都下葬了 Dead and buried. 523 01:07:39,141 --> 01:07:40,971 除非你现在就跟我回去 And unless you don't come back right now, my 524 01:07:40,983 --> 01:07:42,865 不然我和莫尼彭尼都前途不保 career and Moneypenny's will go the same way. 525 01:07:43,536 --> 01:07:46,181 你明白吗 现在事态已经全面失控了 你要是不 Do you understand? All hell is breaking loose... 526 01:07:46,193 --> 01:07:47,079 我看见他了 I saw him. 527 01:07:47,179 --> 01:07:48,981 那是你的臆想 You thought you saw him. 528 01:07:49,181 --> 01:07:51,193 我们查阅了所有记录 We've been through the record. 529 01:07:51,223 --> 01:07:53,524 20年前他和他父亲死于一场雪崩 Died in a avalanche, with his father, 20 years... 530 01:07:53,536 --> 01:07:54,307 是 Yes. 531 01:07:54,317 --> 01:07:57,610 这些我都知道 但我的确又见到他了 I know that but I saw him. 532 01:07:59,352 --> 01:08:01,584 我是不可能忘记他的 It's not someone I'd ever forget. 533 01:08:02,605 --> 01:08:04,947 这么说 你有什么头绪吗? So, you have a lead? 534 01:08:05,007 --> 01:08:09,402 - 有这么个名字 "美国人" - 这就能缩小范围了吗? I have a name, American. That narrows it down. 535 01:08:09,472 --> 01:08:12,003 对不起 007 先说到这儿吧 Look I'm sorry, 007. Time's up. 536 01:08:12,004 --> 01:08:14,016 我的前途现在悬于一线了 I whole career is on the line here. 537 01:08:14,086 --> 01:08:17,810 要么你现在回去走正常的渠道办事 要么我直接向M报告 Either you come back in and do this through proper channels or I'll go directly to M. 538 01:08:17,840 --> 01:08:20,503 再帮我办件事吧 然后就没你事了 Do one more thing for me, then you're out. 539 01:08:21,534 --> 01:08:23,826 查查这东西的来头 Find out what you can from this. 540 01:08:32,295 --> 01:08:35,989 - 我现在真是恨死你了 - 谢了 Q - I really, really hate you right now. - Thank you, Q. 541 01:08:36,639 --> 01:08:39,963 - 先生 行了吗? - 请稍等 你住哪啊? - Monsieur? Now, please. - Where are you staying? 542 01:08:40,063 --> 01:08:42,976 佩夫斯纳旅馆 12号房 - 一小时后见 At Desner, room 12 - One hour. 543 01:08:43,866 --> 01:08:47,750 您的饮料 先生 一杯热解消化酶奶昔 Here you are, sir. One proactive digestive enzyme shake. 544 01:08:47,790 --> 01:08:51,174 能帮我个忙吗 把这玩意倒厕所里 Do me a favour for me, will you? Thrown that down the toilet. 545 01:08:51,374 --> 01:08:53,236 中间环节都省了 Cut out the middle man. 546 01:09:02,235 --> 01:09:04,277 你待着别动 No, stay! 547 01:09:54,447 --> 01:09:56,079 你们想要什么? What do you want? 548 01:09:59,312 --> 01:10:00,844 你在干什么? What are you doing? 549 01:10:02,085 --> 01:10:04,448 你们都是哑巴吗? Can any of you speak. 550 01:13:29,804 --> 01:13:32,437 顶住 Come on! 551 01:14:29,494 --> 01:14:32,658 - 好了 快出来 - 别碰我 - Come out. - Aargh, don't touch me! 552 01:14:34,199 --> 01:14:37,112 你应该先好好喘口气 冷静一下情绪 Hey, you need to take a breath and calm down. 553 01:14:37,122 --> 01:14:40,546 - 你是受惊吓了 - 离我远点 给我走开行不行 - You're in shock. - Get away from me! Just get away! 554 01:14:40,926 --> 01:14:43,789 你不觉得是你把他们引来的吗 Did it cross your mind that you lead them to me?! 555 01:14:49,064 --> 01:14:50,636 我现在没时间解释 I haven't got time for this. 556 01:14:50,726 --> 01:14:54,319 你必须告诉我和"美国人"有关的一切细节 You need to tell me everything you know about American. 557 01:14:54,440 --> 01:14:55,691 见鬼去吧 Go to hell! 558 01:14:58,774 --> 01:15:00,986 我向你父亲保证过 I gave your father my word. 559 01:15:02,498 --> 01:15:06,752 我凭什么相信你 就因为我父亲信任你吗? And why should I trust you? Because my father did? 560 01:15:06,862 --> 01:15:13,248 因为此时此刻 斯旺医生 我是你活下去的唯一机会 Because right now, Dr. Swann. I'm your best chance of staying alive. 561 01:15:36,662 --> 01:15:40,686 斯旺医生 这位是Q Q 这位是斯旺医生 Dr. Swann, Q. Q, Dr. Swann. 562 01:15:41,227 --> 01:15:43,429 - 你好 - 幸会幸会 - Hello. - Enchanted. 563 01:15:44,910 --> 01:15:48,984 - 邦德 我们俩先谈 不带她 - 她都知道 - Bond, we need to talk. Alone. - She knows. 564 01:15:49,055 --> 01:15:51,467 - 可是 邦德 - 她已经知道了 - But Bond! - She knows. 565 01:15:52,158 --> 01:15:56,402 - 你查到了什么? - 我得向你道歉 007 - What have you got? - I owe you an apology, 007. 566 01:15:56,602 --> 01:15:58,674 你这回中大奖了 You are on to something. 567 01:15:58,934 --> 01:16:02,168 奥伯豪斯确实还没死 这戒指就是证明 Oberhauser is still alive, the ring proves it. 568 01:16:02,518 --> 01:16:05,431 我搜遍了近五年的工作记录 他们都指向同一个组织 And it seems they were all part of one organization. 569 01:16:05,781 --> 01:16:09,735 拉契夫 量子项目 斯奇亚拉 你的朋友 席尔瓦先生 Le Chiffre, Quantum, Sciarra, your friend, Mr. Silva. 570 01:16:09,835 --> 01:16:11,427 你知道他们都和谁有关联吗? And do you know who links them all? 571 01:16:11,928 --> 01:16:14,550 - 是他 - 没错就是他(弗朗兹·奥伯豪斯) - Him. - Exactly. 572 01:16:14,610 --> 01:16:18,624 - 这个神秘组织 知道它叫什么名字吗? - 不知道 - This organization, do you know what's it called? - No. 573 01:16:18,865 --> 01:16:20,336 "幽灵党" S.P.E.C.T.R.E. 574 01:16:22,218 --> 01:16:25,701 - 它的名字叫"幽灵党" - 她怎么会知道? - Its name is SPECTRE. - How does she know that? 575 01:16:25,741 --> 01:16:28,154 因为我父亲就是组织成员 Because my father was part of it. 576 01:16:29,155 --> 01:16:31,017 那么 你应该看看这个 You might all want to see this. 577 01:16:31,257 --> 01:16:34,971 现在切换到南非现场传来的画面 我们能看到的是 Looking at pictures from South Africa right now, is what appears to be... 578 01:16:36,032 --> 01:16:38,895 Q 马上回伦敦去 Q, go back to London. 579 01:16:39,926 --> 01:16:41,317 M需要你的帮助 M's gonna need your help. 580 01:16:41,387 --> 01:16:42,809 然后继续追踪我 Keep tracking me. 581 01:16:42,869 --> 01:16:47,503 我会的 对了 邦德 你一定要找到"美国人" I will and Bond. You have to find American. 582 01:16:48,004 --> 01:16:49,936 他是找到奥伯豪斯的唯一线索 He's our only link to Oberhauser. 583 01:16:50,056 --> 01:16:54,030 "美国人"不是一个人 那是一个地点 It's not a person, it's a place. 584 01:16:56,056 --> 01:17:00,030 摩洛哥 吉尔丹 585 01:17:59,356 --> 01:18:00,577 谢谢 Thank you. 586 01:18:32,389 --> 01:18:35,152 他俩就在这儿过的新婚之夜 This is where they spent the wedding night. 587 01:18:36,353 --> 01:18:38,255 然后每年都会回来一次 They came back every year. 588 01:18:39,266 --> 01:18:42,029 后来又带着我一起来 Then they brought me with them too. 589 01:18:44,571 --> 01:18:48,065 即使后来都离婚了 父亲一个人还来 He kept coming back, even after the divorce. 590 01:18:49,837 --> 01:18:52,129 那我觉得 太遗憾了 Well, then. I'm sorry. 591 01:18:52,850 --> 01:18:54,261 为什么? What for? 592 01:19:09,757 --> 01:19:11,358 这是什么? What is it? 593 01:19:13,000 --> 01:19:14,942 属于你的遗产 It's an inheritance. 594 01:19:15,382 --> 01:19:18,385 - 不来点吗? - 不了 谢谢 - Want some? - No, thank you. 595 01:19:19,306 --> 01:19:20,948 错过了好事别赖我啊 You don't know what you're missing. 596 01:19:30,718 --> 01:19:33,130 不可能就这么点吧 This can't be it. 597 01:19:33,480 --> 01:19:35,933 算了 先敬你爸一杯 Well, here's to your father. 598 01:19:37,174 --> 01:19:42,580 我答应过我自己 绝不让自己再受到那个男人的伤害 I promised myself, I would never be hurt by that man again. 599 01:19:43,100 --> 01:19:45,783 跟他断了一切联系 I could have hold contact. 600 01:19:46,093 --> 01:19:49,957 我再也不想跟他和他的生活有任何关系 I didn't want to do anything to do with him or his sick life. 601 01:19:50,678 --> 01:19:55,593 而他就在断气之前 却让你来找我 And then with his dying breath, he sends me you. 602 01:19:56,604 --> 01:19:58,035 真讽刺啊 不是吗? Ironic, no? 603 01:19:58,165 --> 01:20:00,648 你不该对他这么狠 You shouldn't be so hard on him. 604 01:20:00,788 --> 01:20:03,991 他本来早几周前就要死的 And now that I've just mentioned, he would have been dead weeks ago. 605 01:20:04,121 --> 01:20:07,014 硬撑着没咽气就是为了你啊 The reason his heart was still beating was because of you. 606 01:20:08,075 --> 01:20:11,649 我会抽时间去看我的父亲 邦德先生 I mourn my father in my own time, Mr. Bond. 607 01:20:12,169 --> 01:20:14,932 现在我要去睡觉了 And now, I'm going to bed. 608 01:20:21,779 --> 01:20:26,314 休想有一丝邪念 你以为我会因为父亲死了 Don't think for one moment, this is where I fall into your arms. 609 01:20:26,514 --> 01:20:30,698 就会对你投怀送抱 寻求精神慰藉吗? Seeking solace for my dead daddy. 610 01:20:34,152 --> 01:20:39,987 你给我坐那儿 好好站岗 那是你最擅长的了 You sit there, keep watch. That's what you're good at. 611 01:20:43,831 --> 01:20:46,674 你胆敢靠近我一步 我就杀了你 Come anywhere near me and I will kill you. 612 01:20:46,934 --> 01:20:49,057 这我毫不怀疑 I don't doubt it. 613 01:20:59,177 --> 01:21:02,130 快看 那儿有两个你 Look, there are 2 of you. 614 01:21:03,651 --> 01:21:08,566 有两个詹姆斯 我可真幸运 Two James. Lucky me. 615 01:21:12,354 --> 01:21:14,566 我在这里做什么 616 01:21:23,654 --> 01:21:26,066 致骗子 617 01:21:26,161 --> 01:21:28,566 和杀手 618 01:21:28,751 --> 01:21:30,566 致骗子 619 01:21:30,951 --> 01:21:32,466 和杀手 620 01:21:32,951 --> 01:21:34,554 他们无所不在 621 01:22:05,774 --> 01:22:09,077 谁派你来的? Who sent you? 622 01:22:11,860 --> 01:22:14,352 你在替谁卖命? Who are you working for? 623 01:22:51,119 --> 01:22:54,223 你到底躲哪儿了? Now, where did you go? 624 01:23:22,331 --> 01:23:23,993 果然 Of course! 625 01:24:37,357 --> 01:24:40,110 "与维丝帕·林德对谈" "VESPER LYND INTERROGATION" 626 01:24:47,046 --> 01:24:48,728 那是什么? What is it? 627 01:24:51,120 --> 01:24:52,842 没设么 Nothing. 628 01:25:06,986 --> 01:25:08,468 这是什么? What's this? 629 01:25:09,208 --> 01:25:10,640 这些是坐标 Coordinates. 630 01:25:13,903 --> 01:25:18,348 你父亲当时在扫描某个卫星电话 他在找某个人 Your father was scanning for a particular satellite, looking for someone. 631 01:25:20,210 --> 01:25:22,522 他找的是这个人 He was looking for him. 632 01:25:23,843 --> 01:25:26,946 他是让我来完成他的工作 And he sent me here to finish the job. 633 01:25:28,498 --> 01:25:30,810 - 我要跟你一起去 - 不 你别去 - I'm coming with you. - No, you're not. 634 01:25:31,361 --> 01:25:34,494 - 我要你活下去 - 我能照顾好自己 - I'd like you alive. - I can look after myself. 635 01:25:34,594 --> 01:25:36,396 这个并不是重点 That's beside the point. 636 01:25:37,697 --> 01:25:40,640 - 我可能有去无回 - 我知道 - I might not be coming back. - I know. 637 01:25:41,901 --> 01:25:44,924 但我想知道我父亲究竟遭遇了什么 But I want to understand what happened to my father. 638 01:26:03,403 --> 01:26:05,655 说吧 他是去什么地方? So, where was he going? 639 01:26:08,708 --> 01:26:10,720 不毛之地 Nowhere. 640 01:26:26,116 --> 01:26:26,787 这是怎么回事 What's going on? 641 01:26:26,907 --> 01:26:28,618 会议提前了 你没收到信息吗? Well a meeting was brought forward, did you not get the message? 642 01:26:28,739 --> 01:26:29,920 根本就没收到 No, we didn't. 643 01:26:30,000 --> 01:26:33,273 - 这是史上最短的会了 - 难道南非也同意了? - Shortest meeting I can remember. - South Africa's on board. 644 01:26:33,313 --> 01:26:34,975 对 是啊 他们也只能如此了 Yeah, well. Who can blame them? 645 01:26:35,015 --> 01:26:37,147 九只眼协议现在正式生效了 9 Eyes is now officially sanctioned. 646 01:26:37,207 --> 01:26:40,070 新系统72小时内就启动 The new system goes live in less than 72 hours. 647 01:26:40,110 --> 01:26:41,692 这可是向前了一大步 A major step forward. 648 01:26:42,132 --> 01:26:43,874 全球性的情报合作将改变一切 Global Intelligence Corporation changes everythi... 649 01:26:43,894 --> 01:26:45,576 你之前说过了 As, you've said before. 650 01:26:47,507 --> 01:26:53,764 - 听着 他们让我来领导这个委员会 - 当然 然后呢? Look, they've asked me to hold the new committee - Yes. And? 651 01:26:53,784 --> 01:26:56,977 我得跟你说 我已经跟内政大臣谈过了 And I should tell you I've spoken with the Home Secretary. 652 01:26:57,297 --> 01:27:00,090 鉴于我给他的新信息 And in light of the new information I have given him. 653 01:27:00,140 --> 01:27:03,343 他决定立即停止00特工计划 He's decided to close down the 00 Program with immediate effect. 654 01:27:03,754 --> 01:27:08,649 - 你知道你在做什么吗? - 不是针对你个人的 那是未来所在 - You don't know what you're doing. - It's not personal. It's the future. 655 01:27:08,989 --> 01:27:10,100 而你 And... 656 01:27:13,053 --> 01:27:16,166 - 你已经过时了 - 你丫不要太狂啊 You're not - You're a cocky little bastard, aren't you? 657 01:27:18,068 --> 01:27:21,271 - 我就当你在夸我 - 想得美 - I'll take that as a compliment. - I wouldn't. 658 01:27:22,242 --> 01:27:24,375 这事儿还没完呢 This isn't over yet. 659 01:27:41,892 --> 01:27:43,924 - 帮我熨下好吗? - 好的先生 - Will you press this for me? - Yes, sir. 660 01:28:04,355 --> 01:28:05,826 拿起来 Pick it up. 661 01:28:06,967 --> 01:28:08,229 我讨厌枪 I hate guns. 662 01:28:08,759 --> 01:28:11,182 我答应过你爸要保护你的 I promised him I'd protect you. 663 01:28:11,382 --> 01:28:14,305 所以第一件事就是教你保护自己 The first thing to do is to teach you how to protect yourself. 664 01:28:14,365 --> 01:28:18,579 - 我要是误伤了你怎么办? - 误伤又不是第一次了 - What if I shoot you be mistake? - Wouldn't be the first time. 665 01:28:19,330 --> 01:28:22,463 - 拿起来 - 我说了我讨厌枪 - Pick it up. - I said I hate guns. 666 01:28:28,269 --> 01:28:32,003 这是西格226 前准星 后瞄准器 击锤 SIG-226, front side rear side, hammer. 667 01:28:38,459 --> 01:28:42,523 你只需要瞄准 扣动扳机 尽量不要闭眼 You just point it, squeeze the trigger and try not to close your eyes. 668 01:28:43,704 --> 01:28:47,158 听我的 试试吧 Please, try it. 669 01:29:11,623 --> 01:29:14,415 看来你已经无师自通了啊 I don't have to teach you anything, do I? 670 01:29:16,267 --> 01:29:19,581 曾经有个男的来我家要杀我父亲 A man once came to our house to kill my father. 671 01:29:20,081 --> 01:29:23,324 可他不知道我就在楼上卧室里玩儿 He didn't know I was upstairs playing in my bedroom. 672 01:29:23,525 --> 01:29:27,719 也不知道我爸在水池下藏了一把9毫米的伯莱塔 Papa kept a Beretta 9mm under the sink with the bleach. 673 01:29:31,162 --> 01:29:33,435 所以我特别痛恨枪 That's why I hate guns. 674 01:29:34,436 --> 01:29:37,479 看来也能跳过徒手格斗教学了 I think we'll skip hand-to-hand combat. 675 01:29:55,016 --> 01:29:57,238 晚上好长官 抱歉打断您的晚餐 Evening, sir. Sorry to interrupt your supper. 676 01:29:57,248 --> 01:29:59,321 - 我们刚收到新消息 - 晚上好长官 - But we have some news. - Evening, sir. 677 01:30:00,021 --> 01:30:05,196 通过使用"智能血液" 我们已经追踪到了邦德 他人在北非 Using the Smart Blood, I've tracked Bond to a point here. In North Africa. 678 01:30:06,308 --> 01:30:09,961 - 现在所有地图都指向那片沙漠 - 没错 但您看这儿 The everyday map, registers it as an empty desert - Exactly, but if you look 679 01:30:10,061 --> 01:30:13,084 卫星放大图像却能看到这个 with a satellite blow up, we can clearly see this. 680 01:30:13,215 --> 01:30:14,896 我们帮不了他 I can't help him. 681 01:30:15,917 --> 01:30:18,150 但我们知道他要去哪儿 But, sir. We know where he's heading. 682 01:30:19,191 --> 01:30:23,575 C正监视我们的一举一动 这么做只会给他白送情报 C is watching everything we do. We're only handing them more information. 683 01:30:27,028 --> 01:30:31,653 - 长官 我们不能这样抛弃邦德 - 无能为力 他只能被削弱 - Sir, we can't just desert Bond. - We have to, we only make him weaker. 684 01:30:31,703 --> 01:30:34,056 - 可我们知道他在哪儿啊 - 这我明白 - Sir, you know exactly where he is. - Yes, I know, 685 01:30:34,066 --> 01:30:36,348 我们能追踪他 别人也一样可以 If we can track him, so can others. 686 01:30:36,558 --> 01:30:40,702 给我删除所有"智能血液"相关文件 要不留痕迹 Delete all the Smart Blood files, everything. 687 01:30:42,404 --> 01:30:44,116 他只有靠自己了 He's on his own. 688 01:31:10,202 --> 01:31:13,856 - 盯着多不合适啊 - 天啊 这是同一个人吗 - You shouldn't stare. - Well, you shouldn't look like that. 689 01:31:17,810 --> 01:31:20,773 - 帮你点杯开胃酒吧 - 还没想好呢 - May I get you a cup of tea? - I'm not sure. 690 01:31:20,973 --> 01:31:24,056 我喝酒可会惹麻烦 会让我做出格的事 Gets me into trouble, makes me do crazy things. 691 01:31:24,296 --> 01:31:29,842 - 那样可不行啊 - 所以我就来伏特加马提尼 加点刺激 - Well, we can't have that. - So, I'll have Vodka Martini, dirty. 692 01:31:29,902 --> 01:31:31,543 我也来那个 Make that two. 693 01:31:34,857 --> 01:31:37,940 - 我有个问题 - 什么问题? - I have a question. - What's that? 694 01:31:38,030 --> 01:31:41,233 为什么有那么多职业可供选择 Why given any other possible option, 695 01:31:41,353 --> 01:31:43,796 偏有人要当职业杀手呢? does a man choose a life of a paid assassin? 696 01:31:43,906 --> 01:31:46,278 不当杀手 当牧师怎么样? It was either that or being a priest. 697 01:31:47,860 --> 01:31:49,461 我可是认真的 I'm serious. 698 01:31:49,782 --> 01:31:52,795 这就是你想要的吗? 整天躲在阴影之中 Is this really what you want? Living in the shadows? 699 01:31:52,875 --> 01:31:55,518 追杀别人 或被别人追杀 Hunting, being hunted. 700 01:31:55,708 --> 01:31:58,921 背后总有人盯着你 一直是孤独一人 Always looking behind you, always alone? 701 01:31:59,151 --> 01:32:01,063 可我并不孤独 No, I'm not alone. 702 01:32:01,093 --> 01:32:02,805 你先回答我的问题 Answer the question. 703 01:32:03,996 --> 01:32:06,549 我不知道自己是否有得可选 I'm not sure I ever had a choice. 704 01:32:07,910 --> 01:32:10,042 但我也不会专门想这个问题 Anyway, I don't stop to think about it. 705 01:32:10,132 --> 01:32:12,304 你如果想了会怎样? What would happen if you did? 706 01:32:12,985 --> 01:32:15,798 - 专门去想吗? - 是的 - Stop? - Yes 707 01:32:19,532 --> 01:32:21,253 我不知道 I don't know. 708 01:32:21,344 --> 01:32:25,097 - 这是您的酒 先生 - 请先放那里吧 - Your drinks, sir. - Could you leave them there please? 709 01:32:36,879 --> 01:32:39,011 知道吗 我觉得你错了 You know, I think you're wrong. 710 01:32:39,442 --> 01:32:40,923 我错了吗? I am? 711 01:32:41,974 --> 01:32:44,337 每个人都会有选择 We always have a choice. 712 01:32:46,649 --> 01:32:48,331 就为这个干一杯 I'll drink to that. 713 01:35:36,570 --> 01:35:38,032 该死 Shit! 714 01:35:45,659 --> 01:35:47,201 现在该干什么 What do we do now? 715 01:36:47,061 --> 01:36:49,373 这样估计要等很久 This might be a long way. 716 01:36:51,295 --> 01:36:53,387 你要不要重新考虑下? Are you having a second thought? 717 01:36:54,258 --> 01:36:55,960 为时已晚了 Too late now. 718 01:37:15,109 --> 01:37:16,701 那是什么? What's that? 719 01:37:31,926 --> 01:37:37,372 那车 可是1948年产的劳斯莱斯银魅 That is a 1948 Rolls Royce Silver Wraith. 720 01:38:01,016 --> 01:38:02,857 请上车 Please. 721 01:38:24,910 --> 01:38:26,731 我很害怕 詹姆斯 I'm scared, James. 722 01:39:10,225 --> 01:39:13,559 下午好 邦德先生 斯旺医生 Good afternoon, Mr. Bond. Dr. Swann 723 01:39:13,639 --> 01:39:17,352 终于能见到你们 我们都深感荣幸 I want you to know just how excited we all are to finally meet you. 724 01:39:17,392 --> 01:39:20,375 我们也很高兴能来 Well, it's a pleasure to be here. 725 01:39:20,456 --> 01:39:25,581 主人想请你们先休息放松一下 四点的时候会请你们喝一杯 Your host invites you both to rest, relax and meet him for drinks at 4:00. 726 01:39:25,891 --> 01:39:28,093 - 转告你主人 我们会准时到 - 好极了 - Tell our host, we won't be late. - Wonderful! 727 01:39:28,414 --> 01:39:31,947 带你们去房间前 还有一件事情 Before we show you to your rooms, just one more thing. 728 01:39:42,758 --> 01:39:45,060 你可要小心点 You be careful with that. 729 01:39:45,341 --> 01:39:46,972 它已经上膛了 It's loaded. 730 01:39:53,229 --> 01:39:54,750 谢谢 Thank you. 731 01:40:53,739 --> 01:40:56,442 这是个非常特别的地方 This is a very special place. 732 01:40:56,472 --> 01:40:59,465 主人已要求我们 只能你们独自进去 He has requested, you enter it alone. 733 01:41:00,236 --> 01:41:01,517 没问题 Of course. 734 01:41:04,190 --> 01:41:05,481 来杯香槟吗? Champagne? 735 01:41:06,703 --> 01:41:08,815 要不再等会儿? Maybe later. 736 01:41:08,965 --> 01:41:10,707 当然可以 Certainly. 737 01:41:41,628 --> 01:41:44,070 我想我们该表现出惊叹的样子 They say we're meant to be impressed. 738 01:41:57,153 --> 01:41:58,795 摸摸看 Touch it. 739 01:42:00,296 --> 01:42:02,459 你想摸 但摸无妨 Touch it if you want. 740 01:42:04,611 --> 01:42:08,114 - 知道这是什么吗? - 这是块陨石 - Do you know what it is? - It's a meteorite. 741 01:42:09,125 --> 01:42:11,308 是的 没错 Yes, exactly! 742 01:42:11,808 --> 01:42:15,632 卡腾霍夫 人类已有的最古老陨石 Kartenhoff, the oldest in human possession. 743 01:42:16,313 --> 01:42:19,866 是它在地球上留下了这个陨石坑 The very meteorite that made this crater. 744 01:42:21,097 --> 01:42:22,179 试想一下 Think about it. 745 01:42:23,029 --> 01:42:27,294 先前那么多年里 So many years up there alone, silent. 746 01:42:27,684 --> 01:42:32,279 它是那么孤独而寂静 一直在积聚动能 最终在地球上留下印记 Building momentum until it chose to make its mark on Earth. 747 01:42:33,570 --> 01:42:36,643 它是股不可阻挡的巨大力量 Huge unstoppable force. 748 01:42:36,653 --> 01:42:38,815 但他最终还是停下来了 不是吗? Except it did stop, didn't it? 749 01:42:39,516 --> 01:42:40,897 停在了这儿 Right here. 750 01:42:55,472 --> 01:42:59,186 你都不知道我期待这一刻有多久了 I can't tell you how much I have been looking forward to this. 751 01:42:59,376 --> 01:43:02,139 我们所有人重聚在一起 All of us here, together. 752 01:43:04,391 --> 01:43:06,633 一个小团圆 A reunion. 753 01:43:08,345 --> 01:43:11,578 很高兴你也来了 亲爱的玛德琳 So glad you came too, dear Madeleine. 754 01:43:12,769 --> 01:43:16,133 我第一次见到你时 你还是个小女孩 You were just a girl, when I saw you first. 755 01:43:16,994 --> 01:43:20,547 有次我去你家找你父亲 I came to your home once to see your father. 756 01:43:22,579 --> 01:43:24,802 我不记得了 I don't remember that. 757 01:43:25,542 --> 01:43:27,344 可我记得 But I do. 758 01:43:31,528 --> 01:43:33,380 请吧 Shall we? 759 01:43:36,714 --> 01:43:38,605 这是什么地方? What is this place? 760 01:43:38,656 --> 01:43:40,447 和情报有关 Information. 761 01:43:43,350 --> 01:43:45,753 情报就是一切 Information is all. 762 01:43:46,593 --> 01:43:48,215 不是吗? Is it not? 763 01:43:49,036 --> 01:43:50,356 比如说 For example.. 764 01:43:50,368 --> 01:43:54,952 你现在应该知道00计划已经寿终正寝了 You must know by now, that the 00 Program is officially dead. 765 01:43:55,803 --> 01:44:00,127 这让我不禁好奇你为何而来 Which leaves me to speculate, why you came? 766 01:44:02,740 --> 01:44:06,113 我说詹姆斯 你为何而来? So, James. Why did you come? 767 01:44:06,303 --> 01:44:08,185 我来这是为了杀了你 I came here to kill you. 768 01:44:08,886 --> 01:44:11,499 而我认为你是来送死 And I thought you came here to die. 769 01:44:11,619 --> 01:44:17,445 - 只是看问题的角度不同罢了 - 既然说到看问题的角度 - It's all the matter of perspective. - Speaking of perspective, 770 01:44:34,802 --> 01:44:39,016 - 这是直播吗? - 实时画面 格林尼治时间十六点二十分 - Is this live? - Live and direct, 16:20 GMT. 771 01:44:39,337 --> 01:44:41,599 真是无巧不成书啊 What an uncanny coincidence. 772 01:44:41,819 --> 01:44:43,531 法语有一句谚语 The French have a saying: 773 01:44:43,571 --> 01:44:46,384 "玻璃的宿命就是破碎" "It's the faith of glass to break." 774 01:44:46,444 --> 01:44:50,588 看来也许间谍的宿命 就是消失 Well, maybe it's just the faith of spies to just disappear. 775 01:44:50,618 --> 01:44:54,882 不过幸运的是 我们有所成就 But with any luck, we leave something behind. 776 01:44:55,112 --> 01:44:58,996 与此同时 C会继续出色领导大家的工作 In the meantime, I'm sure C will keep you all busy. 777 01:44:59,297 --> 01:45:01,589 谢谢大家 Thank you all. 778 01:45:04,242 --> 01:45:08,646 真是感人 你不觉得吗? It's touching, don't you think? 779 01:45:10,478 --> 01:45:12,550 可惜啊詹姆斯 Poor old, James. 780 01:45:13,091 --> 01:45:15,013 你成了被遗忘的角落 It looks like you're all alone. 781 01:45:15,393 --> 01:45:18,226 你难道只是个偷窥狂吗? Not much more than a bore are you? 782 01:45:19,097 --> 01:45:21,528 胆小到不敢加入我们 Too scared to join in? 783 01:45:21,540 --> 01:45:24,602 - 看来你还没明白 - 不 我很明白 - I don't think you quite understand. - I think I do. 784 01:45:24,692 --> 01:45:28,606 你策划那几个城市的袭击 伤及无辜 就是逼人就范 You set cities on fire, watch innocent people burn so you can convince 785 01:45:28,616 --> 01:45:32,220 让那些政府加入你操盘的情报网络 governments to join the intelligence network you paid for. 786 01:45:32,530 --> 01:45:33,771 整件事并不复杂 Not that complicated 787 01:45:35,053 --> 01:45:39,577 我猜我们的小朋友C 他该是你的门徒之一吧 I'm guessing out little friend, C, is one of your disciples? 788 01:45:40,278 --> 01:45:42,110 就算是吧 You could say that. 789 01:45:42,240 --> 01:45:44,152 他会得到什么好处? What does he get out of it? 790 01:45:44,662 --> 01:45:45,804 什么都没有 Nothing? 791 01:45:46,624 --> 01:45:50,608 - 他和我都能看得很远 - 看得远的人 - He's a visionary, like me. - Visionary, I see. 792 01:45:50,999 --> 01:45:52,891 精神病院里多的是 Psychiatry wards are full of them. 793 01:45:52,971 --> 01:45:55,904 而你连眼前都看不清 Where as you can see what's right in front of you. 794 01:45:55,934 --> 01:45:59,567 我们交手那么多次 你却从来没发现过我 You came across me so many times and yet you never saw me. 795 01:46:00,438 --> 01:46:03,822 - 拉契夫 格林 席尔瓦 - 他们都死了 - Le Chiffre, Greene, Silva... - All dead. 796 01:46:04,372 --> 01:46:05,483 没错 That's right. 797 01:46:05,724 --> 01:46:08,086 你我之间有种模式 A nice pattern developed, you interfere 798 01:46:08,106 --> 01:46:10,258 你侵犯我的世界 我就毁掉你的世界 my world, I destroy yours. 799 01:46:12,460 --> 01:46:17,385 你觉得你生命中所有女人最后都死了是种巧合吗? Or did you think it was coincidence that all the women in your life ended up dead? 800 01:46:17,896 --> 01:46:20,899 就拿维斯帕·林德来说 Vesper Lynd, for example. 801 01:46:21,740 --> 01:46:25,023 这位算是举足轻重的吧 他没跟你说起过吗? She was the big one, has he told you about her? 802 01:46:27,425 --> 01:46:31,389 当然还有这位 你最亲爱的M夫人 An then of course, your beloved M. 803 01:46:31,550 --> 01:46:34,452 也永远离开了你 Gone forever. 804 01:46:37,275 --> 01:46:39,377 是我 Me... 805 01:46:40,649 --> 01:46:42,901 全都是我干的 詹姆斯 It was always me, James. 806 01:46:42,981 --> 01:46:47,776 这些都源于我 你所有痛苦都是我写就的 It's always been me. The author of all your pain. 807 01:46:50,369 --> 01:46:53,241 你是个勇敢的女人 亲爱的 You're a brave woman, my dear. 808 01:46:59,908 --> 01:47:03,702 我终于明白我父亲为什么会疯了 Now I understand why my father lost his mind. 809 01:47:03,742 --> 01:47:06,545 他没有疯 他就是软弱 He didn't lose his mind, he was just weak. 810 01:47:06,675 --> 01:47:09,778 但他起码知道他是在与谁为敌 But at least he understood, what he was up against. 811 01:47:09,988 --> 01:47:12,311 他们不能理解的一个残酷事实是 Comprehended a crucial fact that. 812 01:47:12,611 --> 01:47:15,994 一个可怕的事件也会催生完美的事物 A terrible event, can lead to something wonderful. 813 01:47:18,477 --> 01:47:21,420 既然说到你父亲 不妨让你也看看 Since you mentioned you father, I'll show you. 814 01:47:21,560 --> 01:47:26,195 她相当聪明 她比我聪明 知道怎么躲起来 She's clever, she's smarter than me. She knows how to hide. 815 01:47:26,225 --> 01:47:30,499 说出那人在哪 我就能保护你女儿 And I'm going to protect her if you tell me where he is. 816 01:47:33,011 --> 01:47:35,893 - 我能保住她的命 - 好啊 - I can keep her alive. - Yeah. 817 01:47:35,894 --> 01:47:35,904 You have my word - I can keep her alive. Yeah. 818 01:47:35,905 --> 01:47:37,236 我向你承诺 You have my word. 819 01:47:37,266 --> 01:47:39,598 不不不 快关掉 No, no, no, no, no. Turn this off. 820 01:47:39,758 --> 01:47:41,350 你向我承诺? Word? 821 01:47:41,460 --> 01:47:42,901 一个杀手也能信? The word of an assassin? 822 01:47:42,921 --> 01:47:43,952 马上给我关掉 Turn this off! 823 01:47:44,303 --> 01:47:47,306 - 这一段很重要 - 我说了马上关掉 - This is important. - I said turn it off! 824 01:47:49,068 --> 01:47:52,011 我想让你明白一件事 I want you to understand something. 825 01:48:01,040 --> 01:48:03,933 说到做到 That's my word 826 01:48:04,013 --> 01:48:05,214 玛德琳 Madeleine. 827 01:48:05,804 --> 01:48:07,696 看着我 Look at me. 828 01:48:08,527 --> 01:48:12,581 别看他 玛德琳 看着我 Don't look at him, Madeleine. Look at me. 829 01:48:13,833 --> 01:48:15,374 "美国人" American. 830 01:48:16,465 --> 01:48:21,610 你只要能救她 她就能带你去"美国人"那儿 她非常了解 You save her, she can lead you to the American. She knows the American. 831 01:48:24,704 --> 01:48:26,976 先去霍夫勒诊所看看 Try the Chauffeur Clinic. 832 01:48:32,972 --> 01:48:38,097 你现在就是只风筝 在飓风中飞舞的风筝 邦德先生 You're a kite dancing in a hurricane, Mr. Bond. 833 01:48:40,539 --> 01:48:42,541 永别了 So long. 834 01:48:48,367 --> 01:48:52,722 那些能把人聚到一起的事情 Things that bring people together. 835 01:48:56,135 --> 01:48:59,479 也许是恐惧 也许是美 Out of horror, beauty. 836 01:49:24,223 --> 01:49:28,408 肉体折磨太简单了 流于肤浅 Torture is an easy and efficient way. 837 01:49:28,458 --> 01:49:31,911 一个人可以看着自己被开膛 A man can watch himself being disemboweled. 838 01:49:32,061 --> 01:49:35,745 从中会产生出巨大恐惧 Surprise brings horror to the experience. 839 01:49:35,875 --> 01:49:38,918 但这种折磨远未触及其灵魂 It can go over a distance, it isn't taking 840 01:49:38,978 --> 01:49:40,480 仍没有触及到他的真正内心 place where he is. 841 01:49:41,661 --> 01:49:44,353 你应该很清楚 亲爱的玛德琳 You know all too well, my dear Madeleine. 842 01:49:44,354 --> 01:49:46,966 真正的他存在于他的大脑之中 A man lives inside his head. 843 01:49:47,637 --> 01:49:51,040 那里才安放着他的灵魂 That's where the seed of the soul is. 844 01:49:52,142 --> 01:49:57,487 最近我和詹姆斯同时目睹一个人刚被挖去双眼 James and I were both present recently. When a man was deprived of his eyes. 845 01:49:57,857 --> 01:50:02,762 接着一件最令人震惊的事情发生了 And the most astonishing thing happened, didn't you notice? 846 01:50:03,022 --> 01:50:05,075 你注意到了吗? 他的灵魂已经不在了 He wasn't there anymore. 847 01:50:05,495 --> 01:50:08,188 他虽然还活着 可灵魂已死 He's gone even though, he's alive. 848 01:50:08,228 --> 01:50:11,191 就在生与死的那一瞬间 This brief moment between life and death. 849 01:50:11,811 --> 01:50:14,884 他脑海里再没有任何人 There was nobody inside his skull. 850 01:50:15,555 --> 01:50:17,897 真是奇妙 Most odd. 851 01:50:19,559 --> 01:50:21,551 那么 詹姆斯 So, James. 852 01:50:22,702 --> 01:50:29,299 我现在要渗透进你的大脑 I'm going to penetrate to where you are. 853 01:50:29,495 --> 01:50:32,272 去触及你的灵魂所在 探索你的脑部世界 To the inside of you head. 854 01:50:32,712 --> 01:50:36,396 这第一根探针会玩弄你的视觉 你的听觉 The first probe will play with your sight. 855 01:50:36,502 --> 01:50:39,813 还有平衡感 Curing your balance. 856 01:50:39,960 --> 01:50:45,175 - 只需要最轻微的操作即可 - 那你就尽管来吧 - Just with a subtlest manipulation. - Get on with it then. 857 01:50:45,631 --> 01:50:49,075 没什么能比听你啰嗦更痛苦了 Nothing can be as painful as listening to you talk. 858 01:50:49,743 --> 01:50:51,461 那好吧 Alright. 859 01:50:51,932 --> 01:50:53,944 我们开始 Let's begin! 860 01:51:26,006 --> 01:51:28,238 你为什么要这么做? Why are we doing this? 861 01:51:41,114 --> 01:51:46,236 你应该知道 詹姆斯很小的时候就失去了双亲 You probably know that, James here lost his parents when he was young. 862 01:51:48,535 --> 01:51:54,305 但你知道吗 后来是我父亲 陪他度过最艰难的时光 But did you know that it was my father who helped him out through his difficult times? 863 01:52:01,962 --> 01:52:08,929 一连两个冬天 我父亲教他滑雪 教他登山 还有打猎 Over the course of 2 winters, he taught him to ski, climb and hunt. 864 01:52:09,075 --> 01:52:14,385 他为这位蓝眼珠的可怜孤儿抚平了心灵创伤 He soothe the wound of the poor little blue eyed orphan. 865 01:52:16,137 --> 01:52:18,872 还让我把他当做自己的兄弟 Asked me to treat him as a brother. 866 01:52:19,273 --> 01:52:20,821 把他当做小弟弟看 My little brother. 867 01:52:22,329 --> 01:52:25,536 我们之间结下了深厚情谊 They formed quite an attachment. 868 01:52:26,307 --> 01:52:30,401 所以 你选择把他杀了 No, you killed him. 869 01:52:30,817 --> 01:52:32,903 没错 那是我干的 Yes, I did. 870 01:52:35,969 --> 01:52:41,695 你们应该能猜到 布谷鸟为了在别的鸟巢产卵会怎么做 You know what happens when a Cuckoo hatches inside another bird's nest? 871 01:52:45,086 --> 01:52:48,755 - 我知道 它会把别的蛋推出巢外 - 没错 - It's forced to steal the eggs out. - Yes. 872 01:52:48,862 --> 01:52:54,835 所以 这只布谷鸟让我意识到我的父亲必须死 Well, this Cuckoo made me realize my father's life had to end. 873 01:52:55,269 --> 01:52:58,139 可以说 我的所作所为是他逼的 In a way, he's responsible for the path I took. 874 01:52:58,205 --> 01:53:01,132 所以谢谢你 布谷 So, thank you. Cuckoo! 875 01:53:06,320 --> 01:53:09,570 能来点别的鸟叫吗? 弗朗兹 Do you know any bird calls, Franz? 876 01:53:16,958 --> 01:53:18,930 你好 猫咪 Hello, pussy. 877 01:53:21,135 --> 01:53:24,659 弗朗兹·奥伯豪斯20年前就死了 Franz Oberhauser died 20 years ago, James. 878 01:53:24,792 --> 01:53:28,079 他跟他父亲 同时死于一场雪崩 In an avalanche, alongside his father. 879 01:53:28,796 --> 01:53:33,925 现在跟你说话的人 你脑子里想的这个人 The man you're talking to now, the man inside your head. 880 01:53:33,935 --> 01:53:36,788 叫恩内斯特·史戴弗·布鲁夫尔德 Is Ernst Stavro Blofeld. 881 01:53:37,018 --> 01:53:41,242 - 大有来头? - 承袭自我母亲家族那边 - Fancy name? - My mother's bloodline. 882 01:53:42,393 --> 01:53:47,228 探针要是在脑内梭状回里扎对了地方 If the needle finds the correct spot in the circumvolutia spindle. 883 01:53:47,254 --> 01:53:49,203 你就谁也不认识了 You'll recognize no one. 884 01:53:49,470 --> 01:53:53,665 当然 你那些女人的脸互相换来换去也无妨 Of course, if this even changes a lot, huh, James. 885 01:53:54,969 --> 01:53:56,704 你会连她都不认识的 You won't know who she is. 886 01:53:56,744 --> 01:54:00,972 她只是你前往坟墓途中 看到的一张脸而已 Just another passing face on your way to the grave. 887 01:54:08,703 --> 01:54:12,153 他临死的时候会根本认不出你 He dies not knowing who you are. 888 01:54:13,641 --> 01:54:18,790 一个杀手的女儿 唯一能真正理解他的人 The daughter of an assassin, the only one who could have understood. 889 01:54:19,541 --> 01:54:20,835 可惜了 Shame. 890 01:54:57,739 --> 01:54:59,561 我爱你 I love you. 891 01:55:04,639 --> 01:55:07,839 那对蓝眼珠还认得出你吗? Do those blue eyes still recognize you? 892 01:55:10,983 --> 01:55:14,586 到哪儿我都能认出你 I'd recognize you anywhere. 893 01:55:16,698 --> 01:55:18,330 我的手表 Watch. 894 01:55:33,121 --> 01:55:34,509 1分钟之后 One minute. 895 01:55:36,138 --> 01:55:38,440 只剩1分钟 One minute. 896 01:55:41,663 --> 01:55:43,615 他说什么了吗? Did you say something? 897 01:55:43,625 --> 01:55:45,547 光阴似箭 I guess you did. 898 01:55:46,561 --> 01:55:49,858 - 什么? - 光阴 似箭 - What? - Doesn't time fly... 899 01:55:50,032 --> 01:55:52,244 听不见 詹姆斯 I can't hear you, James. 900 01:55:54,076 --> 01:55:58,901 我说 真是时光飞逝啊 I said, "doesn't time fly"? 901 01:56:25,654 --> 01:56:26,989 去那边 There! 902 01:57:08,284 --> 01:57:09,898 我们该回家了 Let's go home. 903 01:57:25,994 --> 01:57:27,790 这事儿还没完呢 It's not over yet. 904 01:58:17,520 --> 01:58:21,905 - 我没听说过希尔德布兰德 - 这样才叫安全堡垒啊 - Nobody's ever heard of Hildebram. - That is the general idea of safe houses. 905 01:58:39,482 --> 01:58:42,325 - 这里能有多安全? - 很快就能知道了 - Exactly how safe is this house? - We're about to find out. 906 01:58:46,422 --> 01:58:49,503 果然安全 你们在这等着 It's safe. A bit of wait. 907 01:58:53,002 --> 01:58:55,218 - 我是M - 玛德琳·斯旺 - I'm M. - Madeleine Swann. 908 01:58:55,268 --> 01:58:58,314 很高兴见到你 007 你有什么新消息? Pleased to meet you. So, what do you have for me, 007? 909 01:58:58,992 --> 01:59:02,776 最近死亡的幽灵党头目 恩内斯特·史戴弗·布鲁夫尔德 The recently deceased head of SPECTRE, Ernst Stavro Blofeld 910 01:59:03,132 --> 01:59:07,671 以及他的情报部长 你的新搭档C and chief of intelligence, your new best friend, C. 911 01:59:08,137 --> 01:59:12,326 马上就要接管他在我们眼皮子底下建的 Were about to take control of his very own global surveillance system that he built. 912 01:59:12,336 --> 01:59:14,958 - 那个强大的全球监控体系了 - 那最好抓紧时间 - Right here, in our own houses. - Then we'd better move. 913 01:59:14,998 --> 01:59:16,653 系统午夜就要启动了 The system goes online at midnight. 914 01:59:16,680 --> 01:59:19,829 他们要是得逞 幽灵党就会掌控一切 If that happens SPECTRE will have control of everything. 915 01:59:19,869 --> 01:59:22,183 你和我去会一会C So, you and I will have a quiet word with C. While Q 916 01:59:22,195 --> 01:59:24,434 同时Q侵入系统 组织系统上线 hacks into the system and stops it getting online. 917 01:59:24,914 --> 01:59:27,237 - 那可不容易 - 他会有办法的 - It won't be easy. - He'll find a way. 918 01:59:27,291 --> 01:59:29,293 他一向如此 He always does. 919 01:59:33,497 --> 01:59:37,701 - 欢迎你归队 007 - 长官 - It's good to have you back 007 - Sir. 920 01:59:46,776 --> 01:59:51,235 - 詹姆斯 我办不到 - 我会回来找你的 - James, I can't. - I'll come back for you. 921 01:59:51,435 --> 01:59:55,069 - 等这一切结束之后 - 不 我做不到 - When it's all over. - I know I can't. 922 01:59:55,319 --> 01:59:59,883 - 你是不能待在这儿 还是 - 我不能再过这种生活 - You can't stay here or...? - I can't go back to this life. 923 02:00:00,004 --> 02:00:02,726 我也不想让你做出改变 And I'm not doing to ask you to change. 924 02:00:02,926 --> 02:00:04,808 你就是这种人 This is who you are. 925 02:00:07,077 --> 02:00:10,584 - 你是要跟我告别? - 是的 - You're saying goodbye. - Yes. 926 02:00:12,963 --> 02:00:14,758 你保重 Take care. 927 02:00:16,593 --> 02:00:18,772 你是个好人 詹姆斯 You're a good man, James. 928 02:01:19,894 --> 02:01:21,619 黑进去了吗 Q? Are you in yet, Q? 929 02:01:21,726 --> 02:01:24,399 还有好几层难搞的防火墙 Few layers of impenetrable layers to go but I think 930 02:01:24,422 --> 02:01:25,640 但我应该是有些进展了 I'm getting somewhere. 931 02:02:14,632 --> 02:02:17,122 - 他们看见我们了 - 倒车 - They've seen us. - Move back! 932 02:02:55,914 --> 02:02:57,722 走 Go! 933 02:03:08,166 --> 02:03:10,005 把他带进楼去 Get into the building! 934 02:03:10,235 --> 02:03:13,038 快走啊 走啊 Move. Move! 935 02:04:31,490 --> 02:04:34,573 快回去找到M 马上 两个都要抓到 Go back and find M, now! We need them both. 936 02:04:44,623 --> 02:04:47,403 被人监视的感觉不好吧 Not a good feeling being watched, is it? 937 02:04:51,963 --> 02:04:53,993 别告诉我这是你捣的鬼 Don't tell me you're responsible for this. 938 02:04:54,046 --> 02:04:56,115 哪有 是我的军需官Q No, but my quartermaster is. 939 02:04:56,835 --> 02:04:59,035 他可不是一般的才华横溢 And he's extremely talented. 940 02:04:59,131 --> 02:05:03,910 做得漂亮 可你们没有意识到 你们已经被炒了 Bravo, but in case you haven't realized it. You two are out of a job. 941 02:05:04,456 --> 02:05:08,314 - 所以 你现在算是非法闯入 - 恐怕是你错判局势了 麦克斯 So you're trespassing - I'm afraid you've got the wrong end of the stick, Max. 942 02:05:08,354 --> 02:05:11,227 我们要阻止系统上线 We're going to stop this system going online. 943 02:05:11,277 --> 02:05:14,413 - 还要把你也送进去 - 未免无凭无据吧 - Then I'm going to bring you in. - On what grounds exactly? 944 02:05:14,493 --> 02:05:16,823 就凭你交友不慎 Poor taste in friends. 945 02:05:52,599 --> 02:05:54,651 放眼看看这个世界 Take a look at the world. 946 02:05:56,563 --> 02:05:58,164 一片混乱 Chaos! 947 02:05:58,871 --> 02:06:00,620 因为有像你这样的人 Because people like you. 948 02:06:00,873 --> 02:06:05,625 层层官僚和政客们才会毫无担当 终日无所作为 People pushes, politician are too spineless to deal which what needs to be done. 949 02:06:06,142 --> 02:06:10,056 所以我跟其他人结成联盟 要让权力能物尽其用 So, I made an alliance to put the power where it should be. 950 02:06:10,109 --> 02:06:15,041 现在你们打着民主政治的旗号 想让它胎死腹中 And now you want to throw it away for the sake of democracy. 951 02:06:15,795 --> 02:06:17,557 这是何等荒唐 Whatever the hell that is. 952 02:06:17,797 --> 02:06:20,266 令人费解 愚钝之极 How predictably moronic. 953 02:06:20,507 --> 02:06:23,800 但这不就是M毕生的使命吗? But then isn't that what M stands for? 954 02:06:25,818 --> 02:06:27,674 愚蠢 Moron? 955 02:06:29,115 --> 02:06:32,409 那我们现在也清楚C先生的使命了 Now you know what C stands for. 956 02:06:35,682 --> 02:06:37,384 太大意了 Careless. 957 02:07:16,536 --> 02:07:18,075 拜托 Come on! 958 02:07:18,751 --> 02:07:20,817 不 不 不 No, no, no! 959 02:08:24,217 --> 02:08:27,174 你还真是一只不死鸟啊 You're a hard man to kill, Blofeld. 960 02:08:36,376 --> 02:08:39,326 但愿没让你疼得太厉害 I do hope that doesn't hurt too much. 961 02:08:39,553 --> 02:08:41,809 我的伤口会愈合的 Oh, my wounds will heal. 962 02:08:43,130 --> 02:08:45,222 可你的伤口呢? What about yours? 963 02:08:46,744 --> 02:08:51,699 看看四周吧 詹姆斯 你的世界就剩下这些 Look around, James. Look! This is what's left of your world. 964 02:08:51,739 --> 02:08:56,524 你所代表的一切 你所信仰的一切 都化作乌有 Everything you ever stood for, everything you believed in. A ruin. 965 02:08:57,064 --> 02:08:59,176 我们干嘛在这儿? Why am I here? 966 02:09:00,414 --> 02:09:04,812 - 你想我了? - 并没有 - Did you miss me? - No. 967 02:09:11,212 --> 02:09:13,751 但我知道有人想你了 But I know someone who does! 968 02:09:21,929 --> 02:09:26,764 - 她人在哪儿? - 那得靠你去找了 - Where is she? - That's for you to find out. 969 02:09:34,688 --> 02:09:38,276 三分钟后 这座大楼会被夷为平地 Three minutes, this building will be demolished. 970 02:09:38,306 --> 02:09:40,641 我轻易就能离开 Well, I can get out easily. 971 02:09:40,708 --> 02:09:42,940 而你得做出抉择 But you have a choice. 972 02:09:43,141 --> 02:09:45,823 是豁出命去救她 Die trying to save her, or. 973 02:09:46,024 --> 02:09:48,826 还是 自己保命活在痛苦之中 Save yourself and live with the pain. 974 02:09:49,223 --> 02:09:51,329 你在虚张声势 You're bluffing. 975 02:09:52,961 --> 02:09:54,352 我有吗? Am I? 976 02:10:01,475 --> 02:10:04,532 我让你左右为难了吧? I've really got you now haven't I? 977 02:10:05,346 --> 02:10:07,795 谁让我是你兄弟呢? Oh, that's rather sweet. 978 02:10:07,996 --> 02:10:10,758 太了解如何操纵你了 They always know which button to press. 979 02:10:23,952 --> 02:10:25,443 玛德琳 Madeleine! 980 02:10:31,025 --> 02:10:34,202 拜托 拜托 Come on, come on. 981 02:10:35,616 --> 02:10:37,095 好的 Yes! 982 02:10:38,767 --> 02:10:42,500 - 走吧 - 你先请 Let's go. After you. 983 02:10:52,220 --> 02:10:54,683 为什么不正视现实 M? Why can't you just face it, M? 984 02:10:56,718 --> 02:11:00,759 - 你没有存在价值了 - 我也许是没有 - You don't matter anymore. - Maybe I don't. 985 02:11:01,029 --> 02:11:02,203 但有些必须有 But something has to. 986 02:11:57,379 --> 02:11:59,488 - 死了 - 有邦德的消息吗? - Dead. - Any word on Bond? 987 02:11:59,528 --> 02:12:01,716 没有 但我可以猜得到 No, but I'm starting to guess. 988 02:12:09,751 --> 02:12:11,310 玛德琳 Madeleine! 989 02:12:13,888 --> 02:12:15,534 玛德琳 Madeleine! 990 02:13:00,763 --> 02:13:03,192 - 你相信我吗? - 我还有选择吗? - Do you trust me? - Do I have a choice? 991 02:13:03,218 --> 02:13:05,004 想都别想 Not anymore. 992 02:13:15,257 --> 02:13:16,936 快点儿 Come on! 993 02:13:31,487 --> 02:13:33,493 别了 詹姆·斯邦德 Goodbye, James Bond. 994 02:16:45,496 --> 02:16:48,949 - 先生 这里是管制区域 - 马洛里 00计划部的 - Sir, there's a terrorist alert. - Mallory, 00 Section. 995 02:16:51,328 --> 02:16:53,304 解除戒备 Stand them down. 996 02:16:54,505 --> 02:16:58,069 E组 都别开火 解除戒备 The Go Team hold. Stand down. 997 02:17:33,975 --> 02:17:35,466 了结了吧 Finish it. 998 02:17:46,898 --> 02:17:48,720 快了结了吧 Finish it! 999 02:18:01,082 --> 02:18:02,303 没有子弹 Out of bullet. 1000 02:18:19,100 --> 02:18:23,364 而且现在 我还有更重要的事情要办 And besides, I've got something better to do. 1001 02:19:10,135 --> 02:19:12,737 根据2001年的《特殊措施法案》 Under the special measures act of 2001 1002 02:19:12,750 --> 02:19:15,547 我代表英国政府正式拘捕你 I'm detaining you on behalf of Her Majesty's government. 1003 02:20:21,634 --> 02:20:22,848 邦德 Bond? 1004 02:20:27,630 --> 02:20:30,072 - 你来这儿做什么? - 早安 Q - What are you doing here? - Good morning, Q. 1005 02:20:37,860 --> 02:20:40,032 - 我以为你走了呢 - 是啊 - I thought you'd gone. - I had. 1006 02:20:41,994 --> 02:20:44,857 但我还缺一样东西 There's just one thing I need.