1 00:00:42,940 --> 00:00:47,950 Sicario這個詞來自耶路撒冷狂熱份子 2 00:00:48,240 --> 00:00:53,950 是形容追殺入侵家園的羅馬人的那些人 3 00:00:54,240 --> 00:00:59,050 在墨西哥 Sicario的意思是 殺手 4 00:01:02,910 --> 00:01:06,580 亞利桑那州 錢德勒 5 00:02:10,800 --> 00:02:13,120 趴下 趴下 Get down! Get down! 6 00:02:13,240 --> 00:02:14,320 不許動 Don't move! 7 00:02:14,400 --> 00:02:15,680 聯邦員警 不許動 FBI! Don't move! 8 00:02:17,400 --> 00:02:18,560 趴下 趴下 Get down! Get down! 9 00:02:18,800 --> 00:02:21,280 人質在哪兒 人質在哪兒 Where are the hostages? Where are the hostages? 10 00:02:21,840 --> 00:02:23,880 - 聯邦員警 員警 不許動 - 趴下別動 - FBI, police! Don't move! - Down! Stay down! 11 00:02:23,960 --> 00:02:26,560 腳交叉上 手舉起來 Cross your legs! Cross your legs and put your hands in the air! 12 00:02:27,120 --> 00:02:29,120 員警 不許動 員警 不許動 Police! Don't move! Police! Don't move! 13 00:02:29,260 --> 00:02:31,320 趴下 趴下 Get down! Get down! 14 00:02:31,920 --> 00:02:33,880 - 安全 - 員警 這是搜查證 不許動 - Clear! - Police! Search warrant. Don't move! 15 00:02:35,560 --> 00:02:36,920 - 出來了 - 員警 不許動 - Steppin' out! - Police, don't move! 16 00:02:38,240 --> 00:02:40,040 員警 不許動 這是搜查證 Police, don't move! Search warrant! 17 00:02:42,120 --> 00:02:43,240 聯邦員警 FBI! 18 00:02:50,240 --> 00:02:51,280 打著你了嗎 Are you hit? 19 00:02:51,400 --> 00:02:52,440 我沒事 I'm good. 20 00:02:53,040 --> 00:02:54,000 媽的 Fuck! 21 00:02:54,080 --> 00:02:55,440 客廳安全 Front, you're clear! 22 00:02:56,040 --> 00:02:57,450 隊長 情況報告 Team leader! Status? 23 00:02:57,640 --> 00:02:59,080 - 客廳安全 - 我們都安全 長官 - Front clear! - We're clear, ma'am! 24 00:02:59,320 --> 00:03:00,840 抓到兩名嫌犯 Two suspects in custody! 25 00:03:07,080 --> 00:03:08,600 - 你還好嗎 梅瑟 - 沒事 - You okay, macer? - Yeah. 26 00:03:09,840 --> 00:03:12,040 他幹嘛開槍 這兒也沒別人 Why'd he shoot? There's no one here. 27 00:03:13,680 --> 00:03:14,960 哇 Whoa... 28 00:03:18,800 --> 00:03:20,560 什麼鬼東西 What the fuck? 29 00:04:02,240 --> 00:04:03,360 天呐 Jesus! 30 00:04:12,520 --> 00:04:14,090 這些不是我們要找的人質 Those weren't our hostages. 31 00:04:15,200 --> 00:04:17,520 不 這完全是另一回事 No. That was somethin' else. 32 00:04:18,480 --> 00:04:19,560 - 梅瑟 - 怎麼 - Macer? - Yeah? 33 00:04:19,640 --> 00:04:21,920 司法部長問我們情況 你想讓我怎麼說 U.S. attorney wants a statement. What do you want me to say to her? 34 00:04:22,000 --> 00:04:23,080 照實說 The truth. 35 00:05:15,600 --> 00:05:17,170 像是索諾拉集團... Looks like sonora. 36 00:05:18,360 --> 00:05:19,400 是的 Yeah. 37 00:05:21,640 --> 00:05:22,800 一共有多少 How many, total? 38 00:05:23,600 --> 00:05:27,000 這個走道有十五個 後面臥室有大概二十個 We've got 15 in this hall here, about 20 in the back bedroom. 39 00:05:27,160 --> 00:05:30,050 閣樓和地板下麵還沒看 We haven't even checked the attic or under the crawl space. 40 00:05:30,240 --> 00:05:32,240 給司法部打電話 告訴他們我們的發現 Call DOJ, let 'em know what we have. 41 00:05:35,000 --> 00:05:37,920 這是曼紐爾·迪亞茲的房子嗎 This one of the houses owned by Manuel Diaz? 42 00:05:38,240 --> 00:05:40,640 沒法把線索聯繫到他 但是這是他的房產 No way to connect him, but he owns it. 43 00:05:43,600 --> 00:05:44,600 我的天 Jesus Christ. 44 00:05:46,160 --> 00:05:47,840 雷吉 你出去吧 沒事 Reg, step out. It's okay. 45 00:06:12,920 --> 00:06:15,040 維克斯 我們需要斷線鉗 Vickers! I need bolt cutters! 46 00:06:25,280 --> 00:06:26,280 維克斯 Vickers! 47 00:06:27,160 --> 00:06:28,520 警方有發現 Pd found something. 48 00:07:36,560 --> 00:07:37,560 放鬆 Relax. 49 00:07:44,680 --> 00:07:45,680 放鬆 Relax. 50 00:07:48,040 --> 00:07:50,850 在鳳凰城附近發現如此大量的屍體 Such a heavy body count this close to Phoenix, 51 00:07:50,900 --> 00:08:12,010 錢德勒恐怖的房子 52 00:07:51,240 --> 00:07:54,560 無疑是毒品集團動作的全面升級 is without a doubt a major escalation for the cartels 53 00:07:54,640 --> 00:07:58,640 華盛頓方面一定會要求地方解釋 there will be pressure in Washington to explain how such a dramatic outrage 54 00:07:58,720 --> 00:08:02,000 為何這種事件會發生在美國腹地深處 could happen so deep inside the American heartland. 55 00:08:02,360 --> 00:08:04,600 這些可能是幫派火拼的受害者 We may be talking about the victims of a turf wan 56 00:08:04,800 --> 00:08:07,560 或者是被勒索贖金的非法移民 or maybe some illegal immigrants who are tied to a ransom, 57 00:08:08,000 --> 00:08:10,420 但是要辨認受害者的身份 but it will be some weeks before 58 00:08:10,420 --> 00:08:11,920 還需要幾周的時間 we have a clearer picture on who the victims... 59 00:08:19,840 --> 00:08:21,040 什麼情況 What's goin' on? 60 00:08:21,680 --> 00:08:22,720 我不知道 I have no idea. 61 00:08:23,640 --> 00:08:26,480 這三年她是我們綁架案應對小組的隊長 Sne's been leading our kidnap response team for three years. 62 00:08:26,680 --> 00:08:30,120 她一來我們就讓她投入了現場工作 她都沒二話 Put her through the grinder since she got here, and she hasn't blinked. 63 00:08:30,320 --> 00:08:31,760 她一直是一線人員 She's in the front line. 64 00:08:31,880 --> 00:08:34,690 抓住這些人 沒有人會比凱特更開心 Nobody's gonna be happier than Kate to see these guys go down. 65 00:08:34,960 --> 00:08:36,560 所以她是幹活的 So, she's a thumper. 66 00:08:36,640 --> 00:08:38,880 今天是她第五次涉及警員的槍擊案 Today was her fifth O.I.S. 67 00:08:39,130 --> 00:08:40,930 五次都全身而退 新人來說不錯 5- and- 0, not bad for a rookie. 68 00:08:41,130 --> 00:08:42,370 她從來沒調查過案子 She never worked cases? 69 00:08:42,400 --> 00:08:44,360 從一開始就是行動人員 Been kicking doors since day one. 70 00:08:44,480 --> 00:08:47,520 我已經喜歡她了 她的搭檔呢 出過很多現場嗎 I like her already. What about the partner? He seen any action? 71 00:08:47,600 --> 00:08:49,400 他才來了一年半 He's only been with us 18 months. 72 00:08:49,480 --> 00:08:50,890 他什麼背景 What's his background? 73 00:08:51,130 --> 00:08:52,890 挺聰明的 He's a sharp kid. 74 00:08:53,090 --> 00:08:55,090 馬里蘭大學的預備役軍官訓練團獎學金 ROTC scholarship to Maryland, 75 00:08:55,120 --> 00:08:58,160 在伊拉克服役過 後來在北卡拿了法學學位 did a tour in Iraq, got his law degree from unc. 76 00:08:59,600 --> 00:09:01,120 他是新人 但是很不錯 He's green, but he's good. 77 00:09:01,960 --> 00:09:04,880 我們不要律師 姑娘來就成 No lawyers on this train. Just give me the girl. 78 00:09:06,040 --> 00:09:07,280 咱們都是按規章辦的對不對 We did this by the book, right? 79 00:09:07,520 --> 00:09:08,800 當然的 Come on, of course. 80 00:09:17,720 --> 00:09:19,050 - 天呐 - 怎麼 - Jesus. - What? 81 00:09:20,200 --> 00:09:21,440 媽的 Oh, shit. 82 00:09:21,680 --> 00:09:22,760 進來一下好嗎 凱特 Would you step in here, Kate? 83 00:09:35,920 --> 00:09:39,640 今天這可是大發現 儘管犧牲了兩位警員 Quite a find today, the loss of two officers notwithstanding. 84 00:09:40,920 --> 00:09:42,080 是的 長官 Yes, sir. 85 00:09:42,560 --> 00:09:45,530 你對於曼紐爾·迪亞茲的團夥有多熟悉 How familiar are you with Manuel Diaz's operation? 86 00:09:45,920 --> 00:09:49,640 他的公司 太陽綠洲 大概有八十多處貸款回收的房產 His company, sun oasis, has 80 or so foreclosure properties. 87 00:09:49,920 --> 00:09:52,080 他還有其他正經生意... He has other legitimate businesses. 88 00:09:52,600 --> 00:09:55,640 但是有流言說他和墨西哥毒品集團有聯繫 But he's rumored to be linked with one of the Mexican cartels... 89 00:09:56,400 --> 00:09:58,970 曼紐爾·迪亞茲是索諾拉集團的 Manuel Diaz works for the sonora cartel. 90 00:09:59,240 --> 00:10:01,560 他很可能是他們在美國的高級別成員 He's most likely their senior member in the United States. 91 00:10:01,800 --> 00:10:03,680 你對他兄弟有什麼瞭解 What do you know about his brother? 92 00:10:05,160 --> 00:10:06,730 我不知道他有兄弟 I wasn't aware he had one. 93 00:10:06,960 --> 00:10:09,850 吉列爾莫 他兄弟叫吉列爾莫 Guillermo. His brother's name is guillermo. 94 00:10:09,960 --> 00:10:11,290 那他的表兄弟呢 Do you know anything about his cousin? 95 00:10:11,360 --> 00:10:13,640 我也不知道他有表兄弟 這些都不在他的案卷裡 I didn't know he had one of those either. None of that is in his file. 96 00:10:13,720 --> 00:10:15,600 他的表兄弟是福斯托·阿拉爾孔 His cousin is fausto alarcon... 97 00:10:16,840 --> 00:10:18,200 我不知道那是誰 I don't know who that is. 98 00:10:18,280 --> 00:10:20,080 沒人知道 他藏得很深 No one does. He's off the grid. 99 00:10:20,160 --> 00:10:22,080 他是索諾拉集團的三號人物 He's number three in the sonora cartel. 100 00:10:22,840 --> 00:10:24,490 長官 這個不歸我管 This is not my department, sir. 101 00:10:24,600 --> 00:10:27,170 我剛才也說了 梅瑟探員不管毒品案 Like I said, agent macer doesn't work narcotics. 102 00:10:27,360 --> 00:10:29,440 她帶領的是綁架案應對小組 She runs a kidnap response team. 103 00:10:29,800 --> 00:10:30,880 你結婚了嗎 Are you married? 104 00:10:32,160 --> 00:10:33,400 我結婚了嗎 Am I married? 105 00:10:33,720 --> 00:10:35,370 你有老公嗎 Do you have a husband? 106 00:10:37,840 --> 00:10:38,920 離了 Divorced. 107 00:10:41,280 --> 00:10:42,320 有孩子嗎 Kids? 108 00:10:43,600 --> 00:10:44,680 沒有 No. 109 00:10:45,840 --> 00:10:46,840 還有別的問題嗎 Anything else? 110 00:10:49,560 --> 00:10:52,450 沒了 謝謝你 凱特 請你在外面等一下 No. Thanks, Kate. If you could wait outside, please. 111 00:10:58,960 --> 00:11:00,480 - 如何 - 一頭霧水 - Well? - I have no clue. 112 00:11:05,440 --> 00:11:07,240 這都什麼人 你認識嗎 Who are those people? You know? 113 00:11:09,400 --> 00:11:10,440 不認識 No idea. 114 00:11:20,240 --> 00:11:21,760 謝謝你們來 Thanks for coming in, guys. 115 00:11:24,250 --> 00:11:25,350 再進來一下好嗎 凱特 Will you come back in, Kate? 116 00:11:29,760 --> 00:11:34,760 司法部希望有專管毒品集團的顧問 參與抓捕迪亞茲先生 DOJ wants advisors that focus on cartels involved in pursuing Mr. Diaz. 117 00:11:35,320 --> 00:11:37,800 這位是馬特·格拉弗 他會帶領這個團隊 This is Matt graver... he'll be leading the team. 118 00:11:38,560 --> 00:11:40,880 這不是歸鳳凰城凶案組管嗎 Isn't this Phoenix homicide now? 119 00:11:41,000 --> 00:11:44,360 不 我們擴大了調查範圍 No, we're expanding the scope of the investigation a bit. 120 00:11:45,000 --> 00:11:46,360 你會作為聯絡人 You'll act as a liaison. 121 00:11:46,440 --> 00:11:47,480 這是什麼意思 What does that mean? 122 00:11:47,600 --> 00:11:51,120 他們需要有戰術經驗的探員 比如你這樣的 They need an agent with tactical experience, like you. 123 00:11:51,200 --> 00:11:53,480 國務院還從前線調來了 State department is pulling an agent from the field 124 00:11:53,560 --> 00:11:56,720 應對毒品集團活動升級的專家 that specializes in responding to escalated cartel activity. 125 00:11:57,200 --> 00:11:59,200 你會作為團隊的一員 You'll be part of the team. 126 00:11:59,320 --> 00:12:02,080 你明天會在盧克見到他們 You'll meet up with them at Luke tomorrow? 127 00:12:02,200 --> 00:12:03,400 是後天 一早 Day after. Early. 128 00:12:03,480 --> 00:12:04,480 盧克空軍基地 Air force base? 129 00:12:04,600 --> 00:12:05,840 對 我們要去見吉列爾莫 Yeah, we're gonna go see guillermo. 130 00:12:06,040 --> 00:12:07,320 迪亞茲的兄弟 Diaz's brother? 131 00:12:07,400 --> 00:12:08,810 就是那位 That's the one. 132 00:12:10,440 --> 00:12:11,440 他在哪兒 Where is he? 133 00:12:11,680 --> 00:12:14,920 呃 他在艾爾帕索附近[美國德州城市] He's in the ei Paso area. 134 00:12:17,640 --> 00:12:18,880 我們的行動目標是什麼 What's our objective? 135 00:12:23,160 --> 00:12:24,960 是要明顯反應過激 To dramatically overreact... 136 00:12:26,880 --> 00:12:31,320 凱特 誇機構的行動小隊需要你自願參加 Kate, you must volunteer for an inter- agency task force. 137 00:12:32,880 --> 00:12:34,920 你想想好再回復 Think very hard before you respond. 138 00:12:36,200 --> 00:12:37,850 你想成為一份子嗎 You wanna be a part of this? 139 00:12:40,080 --> 00:12:43,160 我們有機會抓住該為今天的事負責的人嗎 Do we get an opportunity at the men responsible for today? 140 00:12:46,920 --> 00:12:49,520 對 真正要為今天的事負責的人 The men who were really responsible for today, yeah. 141 00:12:52,880 --> 00:12:54,240 我自願參加 I'll volunteer. 142 00:12:56,170 --> 00:13:00,750 墨西哥 諾加利斯 143 00:13:09,610 --> 00:13:10,180 爸爸 Papa 144 00:13:14,270 --> 00:13:15,770 起床了 145 00:13:16,770 --> 00:13:19,770 該送我去足球賽了 146 00:13:21,110 --> 00:13:22,530 你踢足球啊 147 00:13:22,400 --> 00:13:23,560 是啊 si 148 00:13:23,570 --> 00:13:25,070 你確定 149 00:13:24,420 --> 00:13:24,770 確定 Si. 150 00:13:25,480 --> 00:13:26,520 不起 No. 151 00:13:27,440 --> 00:13:29,440 起來 爸爸 我們必須去 152 00:13:35,120 --> 00:13:36,040 好吧 走吧 153 00:13:36,830 --> 00:13:39,210 媽媽 給爸爸倒咖啡 做雞蛋 154 00:13:39,880 --> 00:13:41,340 好的 好的 155 00:14:51,960 --> 00:14:54,610 你小心那個穿涼拖的老油條 You keep an eye on that doughy prick with the flip- flops. 156 00:14:54,680 --> 00:14:55,680 別相信他 Don't trust him. 157 00:14:58,880 --> 00:15:00,000 長官 你好嗎 How you doin', sir? 158 00:15:00,080 --> 00:15:01,320 證件 I.D.'s? 159 00:15:09,040 --> 00:15:11,000 她在名單裡 你不在 She's on the list, but you're not. 160 00:15:11,080 --> 00:15:12,120 那她怎麼辦 Well, what's she supposed to do? 161 00:15:12,360 --> 00:15:13,480 你得調頭回去 I need you to turn this around for me. 162 00:15:13,600 --> 00:15:14,930 沒事 沒問題 It's fine. It's good. 163 00:15:16,040 --> 00:15:17,280 我們回來了我給你打電話 I'll call you when we're headed back. 164 00:15:17,360 --> 00:15:18,520 好的 Au right. 165 00:15:40,080 --> 00:15:41,760 - 早上好 - 早上好 我來晚了嗎 - Morning. - Morning. Am I late? 166 00:15:41,840 --> 00:15:44,280 沒有沒有 我們也剛落地 來 這邊 No, no, no. Wejust landed. Come on, this way. 167 00:15:45,960 --> 00:15:48,610 那位是我的獵鳥犬亞曆桑德羅 My bird dog over there, Alejandro. 168 00:15:52,800 --> 00:15:53,840 坐這個飛機嗎 We're taking this? 169 00:15:53,920 --> 00:15:56,080 對 給您都是一流配置 Yeah. Only the best for you. 170 00:16:09,760 --> 00:16:12,330 國防部都給你們配私人飛機啊 Dod flies you around in private jets now? 171 00:16:12,400 --> 00:16:13,970 對 你們沒有嗎 Yeah. You guys don't have one of these? 172 00:16:14,040 --> 00:16:15,240 沒有 Right. 173 00:16:18,080 --> 00:16:19,960 飛機上有吃的嗎 Is there any food on this flight? 174 00:16:20,080 --> 00:16:24,640 後面有些花生米什麼的 想吃的話自己拿 Some bitchin' peanuts in the back. But it's kind of a self- serve deal. 175 00:16:35,760 --> 00:16:37,000 我叫凱特·梅瑟 Kate macer 176 00:16:38,160 --> 00:16:39,600 你以前去過華雷斯嗎[墨西哥城市 與艾爾帕索接壤] have you been to juérez before? 177 00:16:41,640 --> 00:16:44,880 沒有 我們不是去艾爾帕索嗎 No, I... we're goin' to ei Paso, right? 178 00:16:45,080 --> 00:16:48,160 是的 棒極了 好的 Yeah, amazing. Okay. 179 00:18:13,600 --> 00:18:14,680 你還好嗎 Are you okay? 180 00:18:17,560 --> 00:18:20,600 嗯 我沒事 Yeah. I'm fine. 181 00:18:28,080 --> 00:18:29,280 那個... So... 182 00:18:30,280 --> 00:18:31,880 這是你的擅長 So, this is your specialty? 183 00:18:33,440 --> 00:18:36,170 對付墨西哥毒品集團是你的擅長 The cartels in Mexico are your specialty? 184 00:18:36,360 --> 00:18:38,440 對 對 Yeah. Yeah. 185 00:18:42,200 --> 00:18:43,610 有什麼我應該知道的嗎 Is there anything I should know? 186 00:18:45,600 --> 00:18:47,840 你是在問我鐘錶是什麼原理 You're asking me how a watch works. 187 00:18:50,360 --> 00:18:52,520 現在還是先看好時間吧 For now, just keep an eye on the time. 188 00:18:56,720 --> 00:18:57,880 好 Okay. 189 00:19:10,120 --> 00:19:11,160 你們好嗎 How you doin'? 190 00:19:11,240 --> 00:19:13,000 你好 你最近如何 Howdy! How you been? 191 00:19:13,200 --> 00:19:15,160 挺好的夥計 你呢 Good, buddy. How you feelin'? 192 00:19:15,360 --> 00:19:17,760 一撒尿就疼 Well, when I pee, it burns. 193 00:19:18,680 --> 00:19:20,040 可能是淋病啊 Maybe it's gonorrhea. 194 00:19:20,680 --> 00:19:22,090 什麼顏色的尿 What color is it? 195 00:19:22,560 --> 00:19:24,160 黃的 有紅色斑點 Yellow with red specks. 196 00:19:24,760 --> 00:19:26,090 是紅色斑點還是血啊 Red specks or blood? 197 00:19:28,560 --> 00:19:31,720 我想讓國防部給我 調查斐濟下邪惡陰謀的機會 I'm tryin' to get dod to let me look into this conspiracy to sink Fiji. 198 00:19:31,920 --> 00:19:32,920 - 斐濟 - 是的 - Fiji? - Yeah. 199 00:19:33,200 --> 00:19:34,690 別管斐濟了 你這個恐怖分子 Leave Fiji alone, terrorists! 200 00:19:34,880 --> 00:19:38,080 可不是 我覺得在那兒帶一兩個月 就什麼都好了吧 Exactly. I figure a month or two over there, we'll get it all worked out. 201 00:19:38,600 --> 00:19:40,120 今天都誰過去 So, who's goin' over there today? 202 00:19:40,240 --> 00:19:42,480 執行官 禁毒局...我幫你建了個團隊 馬特 Marshals, DEA... I pulled a team for you, Matt. 203 00:19:42,560 --> 00:19:45,000 你一說團隊我就激動 聽著這麼暖洋洋的 Oh, man, I love it when you say "a team." It makes me all warm and fuzzy. 204 00:19:45,240 --> 00:19:48,560 而且他們都很幹練的 都剛從阿富汗回來 They're a crack bunch, too. Just rotated back from Afghanistan. 205 00:19:48,640 --> 00:19:50,520 大家都在哪兒呢 Where's everybody linkin' up? 206 00:19:51,040 --> 00:19:52,450 中情局 A.I.C. 207 00:19:53,040 --> 00:19:54,800 好的 好的 Good, good, good. 208 00:20:05,880 --> 00:20:08,770 墨西哥聯邦員警會在邊境接你們 Mexican federal police will meet you at the border, 209 00:20:08,840 --> 00:20:11,650 然後送你們去法院大樓 在這兒 and proceed with you to the courthouse, located here. 210 00:20:10,020 --> 00:20:11,560 華雷斯 211 00:20:11,560 --> 00:20:12,980 墨西哥聯邦大樓 212 00:20:13,720 --> 00:20:15,480 這是高級別目標 This is a high- level target. 213 00:20:18,600 --> 00:20:22,810 敵人可能出手的地方是交接處 The most likely spots for an attempt will be at the exchange, 214 00:20:22,880 --> 00:20:25,400 還有回來的時候的邊檢站 and at the border crossing on the return. 215 00:20:26,480 --> 00:20:27,920 法院執行官們會進去... The marshals will enter... 216 00:20:28,600 --> 00:20:30,440 基斯 凱文 起立一下 Kevin, Keith, you wanna stand up? 217 00:20:32,240 --> 00:20:34,560 執行官們的接應小組在拉雷多 Now, the iviarshals' response team is in Laredo... 218 00:20:34,640 --> 00:20:35,720 愛死德州人了 Love texans. 219 00:20:36,520 --> 00:20:38,760 我們三角洲特種部隊的朋友們 也自願加入我們 So our friends from delta have volunteered to come along, 220 00:20:38,880 --> 00:20:41,530 他們會在交接的時候保護執行官們 and will escort the marshals on the exchange. 221 00:20:42,160 --> 00:20:43,920 接下來是焦點人物了 And here's the man of the hour. 222 00:20:44,600 --> 00:20:45,930 你跟我們一起還是在這兒等 You comin' with or waitin' here? 223 00:20:46,120 --> 00:20:48,640 我們一起走 給我們幾杆槍 We'll take the tour with you. Loan us a couple pop guns. 224 00:20:48,720 --> 00:20:50,840 好的 咱可是全明星陣容了 All right, this is turnin' into an all- star affair! 225 00:20:50,920 --> 00:20:52,600 基斯 你還要人幫忙交接過程不 Keith, you want another hand on the exchange? 226 00:20:52,800 --> 00:20:53,800 你清醒嗎 You sober? 227 00:20:54,520 --> 00:20:56,200 等我們到了那兒就差不多了 Will be by the time we get there. 228 00:20:56,440 --> 00:20:58,680 我車裡有一瓶 想喝了就給你 Got a bottle in the truck in case your hands get shaky. 229 00:20:58,880 --> 00:21:00,450 我知道我總能信任你的 基斯 I know I could always count on you, Keith. 230 00:21:00,640 --> 00:21:02,400 好的 我們這邊好了就給你們裝備 All right, we'll gear you up as soon as we're done here. 231 00:21:02,480 --> 00:21:04,880 現在 馬特 你可以做先頭 Now, Matt, you can be the tip of the spear, 232 00:21:04,880 --> 00:21:06,840 這樣我們就不用搶三角洲的人 and we don't have to rob a guy from delta. 233 00:21:06,920 --> 00:21:08,920 調頭回來的時候小心 Now, be careful on the turnaround. 234 00:21:09,000 --> 00:21:11,440 他們的槍手 就會在調頭回來的時候動手 If the federale's a shooter, it's gonna happen on the turnaround. 235 00:21:12,200 --> 00:21:14,320 三角洲的一隊打頭 Delta's team one will be the lead vehicle. 236 00:21:14,400 --> 00:21:18,030 二隊可以分在犯人的車還有壓後的車裡 We can divide team two between the carry car and the trail vehicle. 237 00:21:18,030 --> 00:21:18,610 行不行 That okay? 238 00:21:18,680 --> 00:21:20,360 好的 三角洲的各位 你們舉個手 Good. Now, delta, if you can identify yourselves, 239 00:21:20,440 --> 00:21:23,360 這樣大家都知道出事兒了躲在誰身後 so everyone knows who to hide behind if shit hits the fan. 240 00:21:24,040 --> 00:21:28,520 最可能出事的地方就是邊境還有調頭出 The most likely spot for a hit will be at the border crossing on the return. 241 00:21:29,400 --> 00:21:33,400 路上任何時候 任何現在不在這個屋裡的人都可能是槍手 Anywhere along the way, anyone not in this room is a potential shooter. 242 00:21:35,080 --> 00:21:37,560 我們不回到這個屋子 行動就沒有結束 The op isn't over until we get back here. 243 00:21:38,320 --> 00:21:39,440 明白了 Okay? 244 00:21:40,280 --> 00:21:43,280 提高警惕 保持清醒 出發 Be alert. Be vigilant. And be aware. Let's go. 245 00:21:44,920 --> 00:21:46,120 什麼 What? 246 00:21:53,280 --> 00:21:56,170 嘿...我以為你在牢裡呢 Hey! I thought you were in prison. 247 00:21:56,400 --> 00:21:57,520 他們把我放出來了 They took me out. 248 00:21:57,920 --> 00:21:59,360 他們需要人辦這個案子 They needed somebody for this job. 249 00:21:59,640 --> 00:22:01,400 是因為好的表現還是壞的表現 For good behavior or bad behavior? 250 00:22:08,800 --> 00:22:10,160 你去過那邊嗎 Have you ever been over there? 251 00:22:12,200 --> 00:22:13,880 我在華雷斯工作過 I worked in juérez. 252 00:22:17,160 --> 00:22:18,520 給禁毒局幹 For the DEA? 253 00:22:19,400 --> 00:22:20,480 不是 No. 254 00:22:22,040 --> 00:22:23,120 那是給誰 For who? 255 00:22:23,240 --> 00:22:24,520 墨西哥 For Mexico. 256 00:22:25,800 --> 00:22:27,290 我是個檢察官 I was a prosecutor. 257 00:22:31,520 --> 00:22:32,930 你不是美國人啊 You're not American? 258 00:22:33,200 --> 00:22:34,200 不是 No. 259 00:22:34,280 --> 00:22:35,690 那你現在給誰幹 Who do you work for now? 260 00:22:37,520 --> 00:22:39,200 讓我去哪兒我就去哪兒 I go where I'm sent. 261 00:22:40,680 --> 00:22:42,200 那你從哪兒來 Where were you sent from? 262 00:22:43,880 --> 00:22:45,210 卡塔赫納 Cartagena. 263 00:22:47,400 --> 00:22:48,520 哥倫比亞啊 Colombia. 264 00:22:50,520 --> 00:22:51,680 聽好... Listen... 265 00:22:52,680 --> 00:22:55,330 我說什麼你這雙美國耳朵也是不會懂的 Nothing will make sense to your American ears. 266 00:22:57,480 --> 00:22:59,600 我們要做的事 你也都會懷疑 And you will doubt everything that we do. 267 00:23:01,160 --> 00:23:04,760 但是最終 你還是可以理解 But in the end, you will understand. 268 00:23:11,400 --> 00:23:13,520 給 試試這件 看合不合適 Here, try this on. See if it fits. 269 00:23:13,840 --> 00:23:15,960 他是中情局的嗎 你是嗎 Is he CIA? Are you? 270 00:23:17,160 --> 00:23:19,000 他是國防部的顧問 我也是 He's a dod advisor, just like me. 271 00:23:19,200 --> 00:23:20,360 不 他不是 No, he's not. 272 00:23:20,440 --> 00:23:23,280 留意亞曆桑德羅就行了 他讓你幹嘛你就幹嘛 Just pay attention to Alejandro. If he says to do somethin', just do it. 273 00:23:23,480 --> 00:23:25,720 我沒有被授權要聽亞曆桑德羅的命令 I'm not authorized to follow orders from Alejandro! 274 00:23:26,040 --> 00:23:27,160 尤其是在墨西哥 Especially in Mexico! 275 00:23:27,240 --> 00:23:28,570 那好 你留在這兒 Fine. Then stay here. 276 00:23:30,520 --> 00:23:31,800 但你不想的對不對 But you don't want to, do you? 277 00:23:31,880 --> 00:23:33,640 我只是想知道我要面臨什麼 I just wanna know what I'm getting into. 278 00:23:35,080 --> 00:23:38,200 凱特 你自願加入我們因為你知道 Kate, you volunteered to get on this train because you know 279 00:23:38,280 --> 00:23:39,930 你在鳳凰城什麼也解決不了 you're doing nothing in Phoenix. 280 00:23:40,350 --> 00:23:42,250 你只是個擦屁股的 You're just sweeping up a fucking mess. 281 00:23:43,080 --> 00:23:46,680 再過六個月 你掃蕩的每個房子都會有炸彈 In six months, every single house you raid will be rigged with explosives. 282 00:23:46,880 --> 00:23:49,280 你想不想找到該負責人的人 想不想 Do you want to find the guys responsible? Yes or no? 283 00:23:49,360 --> 00:23:50,400 想 Yss. 284 00:23:50,480 --> 00:23:51,640 - 想 - 是的 - Yes? - Yes! 285 00:23:53,640 --> 00:23:55,050 我們就從這裡開始 This is where we start. 286 00:23:56,240 --> 00:23:57,480 試試 Try it on. 287 00:25:43,600 --> 00:25:44,930 看到了 There she is. 288 00:25:45,640 --> 00:25:46,920 野獸 The beast. 289 00:25:47,480 --> 00:25:48,810 華雷斯 Juérez 290 00:25:51,840 --> 00:25:52,960 悄知道 you know, 291 00:25:53,760 --> 00:25:57,560 上個世紀初 塔夫脫總統來會見迪亞茲總統 1900s, president taft went to visit president Diaz. 292 00:25:58,160 --> 00:26:00,200 帶了四千個人 Took 4, 000 men with him. 293 00:26:00,960 --> 00:26:02,800 差點就取消了行程 And it almost was called off. 294 00:26:03,160 --> 00:26:05,040 有人有把手槍 Some guy had a pistol. 295 00:26:05,200 --> 00:26:08,240 他就想走到塔夫脫身邊崩了他 Was gonna walk right up to taft and just blow his brains out. 296 00:26:08,320 --> 00:26:11,560 但是還是避開了 四千人啊 But it was avoided. 4, 000 troops! 297 00:26:12,600 --> 00:26:14,170 你說他覺得安全麼 Think he felt safe? 298 00:26:22,060 --> 00:26:23,350 墨西哥 華雷斯 299 00:28:29,800 --> 00:28:31,520 歡迎來到華雷斯 Welcome to juérez... 300 00:29:10,920 --> 00:29:12,330 他們幹得真不賴 it's brilliant what they do. 301 00:29:14,000 --> 00:29:15,840 這樣毀壞屍體 When they mutilate a body like that, 302 00:29:16,920 --> 00:29:18,800 讓別人覺得這些人肯定有牽連 they make people think they must have been involved, 303 00:29:18,880 --> 00:29:21,920 死這麼慘肯定是罪有應得 they must have deserved such a death 'cause they did something. 304 00:29:23,320 --> 00:29:25,000 他們幹得真不賴 It's brilliant what they do. 305 00:29:47,280 --> 00:29:48,400 你聽到了嗎 You hear that? 306 00:29:50,120 --> 00:29:51,640 這可不是放鞭炮 Those aren't firecrackers... 307 00:29:54,240 --> 00:29:55,680 墨西哥方面要改動我們的路線 Mexicans are adjusting our route. 308 00:29:55,880 --> 00:29:59,040 前方有情況 我們得繞道 大家坐好 There's activity ahead, we need to go around. Everyone hold on. 309 00:31:29,360 --> 00:31:30,850 這裡不會有事的 Nothing will happen here. 310 00:31:32,360 --> 00:31:33,930 要動手也是在邊境 They try anything, it will be at the border. 311 00:31:41,000 --> 00:31:43,360 留意地方員警 Keep an eye out for the state police. 312 00:31:45,360 --> 00:31:47,520 他們不總是好人 They're not always the good guys. 313 00:32:31,800 --> 00:32:33,560 左邊有盯梢的 左邊 Spotter vehicle, left lane. Left lane! 314 00:32:33,800 --> 00:32:35,320 九點鐘方向有盯梢的車 Spotter vehicle, nine o'clock. 315 00:32:35,880 --> 00:32:37,450 我都要硬了 I'm gettin' a boner. 316 00:32:38,440 --> 00:32:39,720 是我們的人嗎 Is that one of ours? 317 00:32:40,080 --> 00:32:41,600 注意右邊 注意右邊 Watch the right, watch the right. 318 00:32:42,080 --> 00:32:43,490 不 只是一個人而已 No, that's a lone wolf 319 00:32:50,680 --> 00:32:52,010 小心路邊的房頂 eyes on rooftops. 320 00:32:59,320 --> 00:33:00,480 安全 Nothing. 321 00:33:00,800 --> 00:33:01,520 屋頂安全 Rooftops clean 322 00:33:03,840 --> 00:33:05,030 馬上到大橋了 Bridge is one klick out. 323 00:33:06,270 --> 00:33:08,180 前方路面安全 各位趕緊 Road is clear. Hotfoot it, gentlemen. 324 00:33:16,280 --> 00:33:18,680 大家都跟緊 我們的人員在邊境加快放人 Everyone stay in this lane- our agents at the border are 325 00:33:18,880 --> 00:33:21,280 讓我們能趕緊過去 wa ving trafhc through to get us over as quickly as they can. 326 00:33:34,040 --> 00:33:35,690 大家保持警惕 Everyone stay frosty. 327 00:33:41,200 --> 00:33:43,440 好了 糟糕了 我們現在怎麼辦 Okay it's a fuck- up. What are we gonna do now? 328 00:33:48,440 --> 00:33:51,520 是這樣 前面有輛車壞了 Here's the deal. A car broke down up ahead. 329 00:33:52,320 --> 00:33:55,840 正在解決 但是得有一陣 稍等 It's being sorted out, but it's gonna take a while. Stand by. 330 00:34:29,160 --> 00:34:30,160 把你的配槍拿出來 Get your service weapon out. 331 00:34:32,880 --> 00:34:35,880 左邊兩道的紅色羚羊 我的十點鐘方向 Red impala, two lanes over, on my ten. 332 00:34:35,960 --> 00:34:39,360 收到 左邊兩道的紅色羚羊 Copy that. Red impala, two lanes left. 333 00:34:40,160 --> 00:34:41,240 收到 Roger that. 334 00:34:52,200 --> 00:34:55,280 左邊三道七點鐘方向的綠色思域 Three lanes left. Seven o'clock. Green civic... 335 00:35:05,280 --> 00:35:06,720 把車窗打開 bring your window down. 336 00:35:13,960 --> 00:35:15,080 有槍 Gun. 337 00:35:15,320 --> 00:35:16,920 有槍 左邊有槍 Gun! Gun left! 338 00:35:17,080 --> 00:35:18,120 作戰規則是什麼 What are the rules here? 339 00:35:19,360 --> 00:35:21,160 他們先動手我們才能動手 We must be engaged to engage. 340 00:35:22,360 --> 00:35:25,280 請求下車進行巡視 Permission to get out of the vehicle and set a perimeter? 341 00:35:25,640 --> 00:35:26,800 在車裡別動 Stay in your vehicle. 342 00:35:26,880 --> 00:35:30,040 他們先動你們才能動 如果他們下車 你們就下車 You can do what they do. If they get out, you get out. 343 00:35:51,320 --> 00:35:53,890 做好準備 他們能看到我們這道要暢通了 Get ready. They can see our lane clearing. 344 00:35:53,960 --> 00:35:55,400 要動手就是現在了 If it's coming, it's coming now. 345 00:36:12,280 --> 00:36:13,280 行動 Move! 346 00:36:13,440 --> 00:36:14,440 等等 等等 等等 Wait, wait, wait! 347 00:36:14,520 --> 00:36:15,520 下車 Get outta the car. 348 00:36:17,240 --> 00:36:18,440 我的天 Jesus Christ! 349 00:36:31,880 --> 00:36:32,880 別動 冷靜 Don't move! 350 00:36:34,120 --> 00:36:35,160 不不不 No, no, no, no! 351 00:36:35,880 --> 00:36:37,560 冷靜 冷靜 352 00:36:38,050 --> 00:36:39,420 把槍放下 353 00:36:39,740 --> 00:36:40,170 放下 354 00:36:47,390 --> 00:36:48,510 你想死嗎 355 00:36:54,600 --> 00:36:55,930 我們他媽是在幹嘛 What the fuck are we doing? 356 00:37:17,520 --> 00:37:18,520 見鬼 Fuck! 357 00:37:18,840 --> 00:37:20,250 路通了 路通了 Lane's clear! The lane's clear! 358 00:37:20,400 --> 00:37:21,440 別看我 Don't look at me! 359 00:37:21,560 --> 00:37:25,280 手放在頭後面 趕緊 手放在頭後面 Put your hands behind your head! Go! Hands behind your head! 360 00:37:25,480 --> 00:37:26,840 - 安全 - 我沒問題 - All clear! - I got this! 361 00:37:27,200 --> 00:37:28,770 走了走了 Go, go, go! 362 00:37:32,000 --> 00:37:33,490 撤撤撤 Move, move, move! 363 00:37:34,080 --> 00:37:37,120 這肯定要上全國所有報紙的頭條 This is gonna be on the front page of every newspaper in America. 364 00:37:37,320 --> 00:37:40,560 不會 艾爾帕索當地報紙都不會報 No, it won't. It won't even make the papers in ei Paso. 365 00:37:44,040 --> 00:37:45,040 安全 Clear! 366 00:38:32,960 --> 00:38:34,370 有點瘋狂吧 Got a little nutty, huh? 367 00:38:34,440 --> 00:38:37,360 瘋狂 是啊 你們他媽那是犯法的 Nutty? Yeah, that was fucking illegal. 368 00:38:37,560 --> 00:38:40,290 你想開戰嗎 你這個魔鬼 You wanna start a war? You're a fucking spook! 369 00:38:40,520 --> 00:38:42,840 還有他 他他媽是什麼人 And him! I mean, who the fuck is that? 370 00:38:43,040 --> 00:38:44,200 跟你說了你可以不去的 Told you, you could stay here. 371 00:38:44,280 --> 00:38:47,320 我的天 你們搞得槍林彈雨的... Jesus Christ. You just spray bullets at... 372 00:38:47,400 --> 00:38:49,440 是啊 不過就是些平民在現場嘛 Yeah, sure, there's just fucking civilians everywhere. 373 00:38:49,520 --> 00:38:51,360 我不是戰士 這不是我的工作 I'm not a soldier! This is not what I do! 374 00:38:51,440 --> 00:38:54,170 你可別這麼瞧不起自己行嗎 Whoa! Don't sell yourself short, all right? 375 00:38:54,240 --> 00:38:57,130 不讓雷吉來就是因為我知道他沒準備好 The reason Reggie's home is I know he wasn't ready for this. 376 00:38:57,200 --> 00:39:00,840 但是他最好趕緊做好準備 因為這才是未來 凱特 But he better get ready real quick because this is the future, Kate! 377 00:39:00,920 --> 00:39:03,440 他們要進來 我們就這麼回擊 就這麼簡單 Juérez is what happens when they dig in. This is it! 378 00:39:03,520 --> 00:39:04,520 讓我來是幹嘛的 What am I doing here? 379 00:39:04,600 --> 00:39:06,800 你來這兒 是給我們機會 What you're doing here is you're giving us the opportunity 380 00:39:06,880 --> 00:39:09,800 製造混亂 給他們製造恐慌 這是這個行動的意義 to shake the tree and create chaos. That's what this is! 381 00:39:11,880 --> 00:39:14,960 同時 你看到什麼都學著點 In the meantime, just sponge everything up you see. 382 00:39:15,080 --> 00:39:17,040 學習 這是你來這兒的目的 Learn! That's why you're here. 383 00:39:40,320 --> 00:39:41,920 吉列爾莫... Guillermo... 384 00:39:45,480 --> 00:39:48,130 你給他灌了一肚子水了 你這個惡魔 You're giving him a belly full of water, you devil. 385 00:39:53,280 --> 00:39:55,360 你以為我們沒法把你運過來的對吧 You didn't think we'd get you here, did you? 386 00:39:56,640 --> 00:39:57,880 我不會說英語 No hablo inglés. 387 00:39:57,960 --> 00:39:59,610 你不會說英語 No hablo inglés? 388 00:40:04,400 --> 00:40:06,840 他們說不會英語的時候我最高興了 I love it when they no hablo inglés. 389 00:40:08,600 --> 00:40:11,170 我帶了個你的老朋友來 You know, I brought an old buddy of yours. 390 00:40:12,280 --> 00:40:15,640 我猜你肯定跟他說 I bet you hablo to him. Yeah. 391 00:40:24,240 --> 00:40:26,480 我不知道鬼還會渴呢 I didn't know ghosts got thirsty. 392 00:40:32,080 --> 00:40:34,810 我知道有人幫我們保住了他的命 I know someone kept him alive for us. 393 00:40:37,560 --> 00:40:39,360 我猜肯定不容易 I doubt it was easy. 394 00:40:40,080 --> 00:40:41,600 這年頭什麼容易 What's easy these days? 395 00:40:42,800 --> 00:40:44,840 回來的路上的事情真是遺憾 I'm sorry about what happened on the return. 396 00:40:44,960 --> 00:40:46,640 我只管我能控制的 I control only what I can. 397 00:40:48,440 --> 00:40:49,640 不是你的錯 It's not your fault. 398 00:40:50,460 --> 00:40:51,820 你老婆還好嗎 399 00:40:52,020 --> 00:40:54,010 挺好的 我們有兩個兒子 400 00:40:54,090 --> 00:40:55,550 一個六歲一個八歲 401 00:40:59,350 --> 00:41:00,810 在華雷斯嗎 402 00:41:01,020 --> 00:41:02,100 沒 在蒙特雷 403 00:41:03,120 --> 00:41:04,230 好多了 404 00:41:04,230 --> 00:41:05,650 安全多了 405 00:41:05,160 --> 00:41:05,440 對 Si. 406 00:41:06,600 --> 00:41:08,200 有流言說有個地道 There's rumors of a tunnel. 407 00:41:08,960 --> 00:41:11,400 是進入亞利桑那的主要途徑 Fausto's main road into Arizona. 408 00:41:12,160 --> 00:41:15,800 如果你來的目的和我想的一樣 那裡是最容易過境的 If you're doing what I think you're doing, that's the best place to cross. 409 00:41:15,880 --> 00:41:19,160 如果你能找到的話 但是你時間很緊了 If you can find it. But time is against you. 410 00:41:19,560 --> 00:41:22,160 三天之內 所有人就都要轉移了 In three days, nobody will be where they are today. 411 00:41:23,800 --> 00:41:24,800 來吧 Shall we? 412 00:41:24,880 --> 00:41:29,010 不 你最好別去 屋子裡要發生的事 No, it's better if you don't. Something happens in that room, 413 00:41:31,360 --> 00:41:33,120 你還是最好不要在場目擊 it's easier to say you didn't see anything. 414 00:41:35,090 --> 00:41:38,430 看到你還在鬥爭真是太好了 415 00:41:38,760 --> 00:41:41,640 你的事我很遺憾 416 00:41:44,140 --> 00:41:45,940 保重 417 00:42:42,120 --> 00:42:44,600 哦 亞曆桑德羅 我覺得他記得你 Well, Alejandro, I think he remembers you. 418 00:42:46,320 --> 00:42:47,810 我出去了 I'm gonna step out. 419 00:42:48,160 --> 00:42:49,160 蒂米 Timmy. 420 00:42:59,130 --> 00:43:03,520 你現在就要知道美國的地獄是什麼樣了 421 00:43:03,720 --> 00:43:05,680 不 麥德林 422 00:43:12,240 --> 00:43:14,200 你老看我幹嘛 What do you keep lookin' at me for? 423 00:43:15,120 --> 00:43:17,000 不是不會說英語嗎 No hablo ingles, remember? 424 00:43:20,200 --> 00:43:21,200 不會 No, no. 425 00:43:44,480 --> 00:43:46,080 能給我一支嗎 Can I have one of those? 426 00:43:46,840 --> 00:43:48,080 謝謝 Thank you. 427 00:44:08,440 --> 00:44:09,930 - 喜歡看煙花嗎 - 啊 - You like fireworks? - Huh? 428 00:44:10,560 --> 00:44:12,080 要看點帶勁的嗎 Wanna see something cool? 429 00:44:12,720 --> 00:44:13,720 來 Come on. 430 00:44:48,880 --> 00:44:49,920 你看 Here we go. 431 00:44:54,360 --> 00:44:55,770 那邊看 Look right there. 432 00:45:11,680 --> 00:45:13,040 難以置信 Unbelievable. 433 00:45:13,240 --> 00:45:16,050 群龍無首就是這個效果 That's what happens when you chop the head off a chicken. 434 00:45:16,120 --> 00:45:17,120 是啊 Yeah. 435 00:45:18,200 --> 00:45:19,690 我懂了 I can see. 436 00:45:21,920 --> 00:45:23,840 能不能都集中到一個地方 Can you get 'em all in one place? 437 00:45:24,480 --> 00:45:27,130 我們剛在鳳凰城落地 我趕時間 不能等 We just landed back in Phoenix. I'm on the clock, I can't wait. 438 00:45:27,720 --> 00:45:32,160 好的 聯繫鮑勃·菲斯克 讓他把人集中到月臺 All right, look, contact Bob fisks. Have him hold 'em in the staging area. 439 00:45:32,240 --> 00:45:34,720 好 去圖森要多長時間 How long does it take to get to Tucson? 440 00:45:34,800 --> 00:45:36,290 從這兒過去要兩個多小時 From here, it's a little over two hours. 441 00:45:36,360 --> 00:45:39,280 好的 我們大概兩點到 All right. We'll be there around 2:00. Yeah. 442 00:45:41,520 --> 00:45:42,880 我們要去圖森嗎 Are we going to Tucson? 443 00:45:42,960 --> 00:45:45,160 對 你得學學怎麼在飛機上睡覺 Yeah, you gotta learn how to sleep on a plane. 444 00:45:45,240 --> 00:45:47,970 需要人開車他們就讓我進基地了 They let me on the base when you need a ride, don't they? 445 00:45:48,040 --> 00:45:49,080 你還好嗎 You okay? 446 00:45:49,160 --> 00:45:50,680 - 她沒事 - 我沒問你 - She's fine. - I didn't ask you. 447 00:45:50,760 --> 00:45:52,090 那我也回答了 And yet I answered. 448 00:45:55,800 --> 00:45:56,800 凱特 Kate, 449 00:45:57,520 --> 00:45:58,520 那是誰 who's that? 450 00:45:59,560 --> 00:46:01,000 我們要去圖森 We're goin' to Tucson. 451 00:46:36,200 --> 00:46:38,800 怎麼回事啊 馬特 幹嘛攔我的車隊 What's the deal, Matt? Why you holdin' up my transport? 452 00:46:39,000 --> 00:46:40,200 別擔心 鮑勃 我們很快就好 Don't worry, Bob. We'll be quick. 453 00:46:40,280 --> 00:46:44,720 八千塊支票付多米諾披薩 你覺得審計師會怎麼想 How's the auditor gonna react to an $8, 000 check to fuckin' domino's pizza? 454 00:46:44,800 --> 00:46:47,640 別這麼誇張好嗎 這位是聯邦員警的凱特 梅瑟 Don't be so dramatic, okay? This is Kate macer with the FBI. 455 00:46:47,720 --> 00:46:49,320 這位是他的搭檔 叫什麼忘了 咱都聽她的 This is her partner, what's- his- name. It was her call. 456 00:46:49,520 --> 00:46:52,360 對 不是我說了算 你還有煙嗎 It wasn't my call. Have you got another one of those? 457 00:46:59,680 --> 00:47:01,400 抽完了再過去 Finish it before you get up there. 458 00:47:01,480 --> 00:47:02,480 沒問題 No problem. 459 00:47:04,680 --> 00:47:05,680 嘿 凱特 Hey, Kate. 460 00:47:06,640 --> 00:47:08,760 告訴我艾爾帕索發生了什麼 Tell me what happened in ei Paso. 461 00:47:09,000 --> 00:47:12,360 我們不在艾爾帕索 我們在墨西哥 We weren't in ei Paso. We were in Mexico. 462 00:48:03,560 --> 00:48:05,640 我看我們是不按規章做事了 I guess we're not following any procedures. 463 00:48:05,840 --> 00:48:07,000 你想怎樣 What do you wanna do? 464 00:48:07,080 --> 00:48:10,160 我們要找諾加利斯附近上車的人 We want to talk to the people caught around the Nogales area. 465 00:48:12,520 --> 00:48:15,640 哦 那一堆 Okay. That group. 466 00:48:18,040 --> 00:48:21,010 那一堆 還有那一堆 This group here. And that group. 467 00:48:22,520 --> 00:48:25,040 好 他們留下 其他人可以走了 Okay. They stay and the rest can go. 468 00:48:25,560 --> 00:48:26,560 約瑟夫 Josef! 469 00:48:32,590 --> 00:48:36,890 諾加利斯來的 A D E三組 470 00:48:37,560 --> 00:48:40,270 A D E三組 471 00:48:40,270 --> 00:48:42,060 留下別動 472 00:48:42,060 --> 00:48:44,690 其他人上車 473 00:48:45,810 --> 00:48:47,190 馬上 474 00:48:47,400 --> 00:48:48,680 上車了 快點 On the bus. Andale. 475 00:49:07,600 --> 00:49:09,520 我們找什麼呢 What are we looking for? 476 00:49:11,840 --> 00:49:13,360 看著就是了 Just keep watching. 477 00:49:17,470 --> 00:49:20,180 這一組的 478 00:49:21,430 --> 00:49:25,100 你們誰以前來過美國 479 00:49:29,980 --> 00:49:31,360 借過 480 00:49:34,150 --> 00:49:35,030 去過哪兒 481 00:49:35,040 --> 00:49:36,920 - 在亞利桑那 - 亞利桑那 - In Arizona. - Arizona? 482 00:49:38,240 --> 00:49:39,370 你結婚了嗎 483 00:49:39,370 --> 00:49:40,700 結了 484 00:49:41,740 --> 00:49:43,080 有孩子嗎 485 00:49:43,120 --> 00:49:43,280 有 486 00:49:44,210 --> 00:49:45,370 在哪兒 487 00:49:45,460 --> 00:49:46,500 在奇瓦瓦 488 00:49:47,170 --> 00:49:49,000 讓我看看你的手 489 00:49:52,460 --> 00:49:53,510 你有紋身嗎 490 00:49:53,840 --> 00:49:54,880 沒有 491 00:49:54,560 --> 00:49:54,780 沒有 492 00:49:57,260 --> 00:49:58,390 你叫什麼名字 493 00:49:58,930 --> 00:50:00,390 亞曆杭德羅 494 00:50:00,390 --> 00:50:01,890 全名呢 495 00:50:01,890 --> 00:50:03,640 亞曆杭德羅·羅德里格斯 496 00:50:04,640 --> 00:50:06,190 你去過哪兒 497 00:50:06,190 --> 00:50:08,350 德州 498 00:50:09,980 --> 00:50:11,860 你去過哪兒 499 00:50:11,880 --> 00:50:13,720 - 亞利桑那 - 亞利桑那... - Arizona. - Arizona.. 500 00:50:17,880 --> 00:50:19,290 跟我說說 這是幹嘛呢 Talk to me. What are we doing? 501 00:50:19,360 --> 00:50:20,880 我也沒有答案 I don't have any answers for you. 502 00:50:20,960 --> 00:50:22,400 那我們就問問 Let's get some, then. 503 00:50:22,480 --> 00:50:24,050 你覺得我沒問過嗎 Do you think I haven't asked these questions? 504 00:50:24,120 --> 00:50:25,120 你覺得你就能問出來了 Do you think you can do better? 505 00:50:25,200 --> 00:50:26,200 - 是的 - 那你問吧 - Yeah. - Go ahead. 506 00:50:26,280 --> 00:50:28,080 馬特 能不能聊兩句 Matt, can we talk for a minute? 507 00:50:39,200 --> 00:50:40,200 怎麼了 What's up? 508 00:50:41,640 --> 00:50:42,840 都還好嗎 Everything okay? 509 00:50:44,760 --> 00:50:46,120 你看著好嚴肅 You look very serious. 510 00:50:46,600 --> 00:50:49,600 把人蒙在鼓裡是一回事 你對我們的態度就是另一回事了 There's "in the dark" and there's the way you're treating us. 511 00:50:49,680 --> 00:50:51,760 我要知道我們的行動目標 不然我就不參加了 I want to know the objective or I walk, pehod 512 00:50:52,720 --> 00:50:55,800 那走吧 我沒讓你來 是她讓你來的 then go. I didn't ask you to be here. She did. 513 00:50:56,040 --> 00:50:57,480 我也走 I walk, too. 514 00:51:06,800 --> 00:51:09,200 - 你想知道什麼 - 一切 - What do you wanna know? - Everything. 515 00:51:09,280 --> 00:51:10,690 律師啊 Fuckin' lawyers. 516 00:51:11,280 --> 00:51:12,320 好吧 Au right. 517 00:51:14,280 --> 00:51:15,280 吉列爾莫 Guillermo 518 00:51:17,200 --> 00:51:20,480 跟我們說了諾加利斯東邊的地道 撒撒貝附近 told us about a tunnel east of Nogales, near sasabe. 519 00:51:21,240 --> 00:51:24,760 我們想知道過境的人都避開哪些區域 Now we're tryin' to find out what areas near there migrants avoid, 520 00:51:24,840 --> 00:51:26,410 這樣我們就能找到地道了 so we can find the tunnel. 521 00:51:28,720 --> 00:51:29,720 清楚了嗎 That better? 522 00:51:29,800 --> 00:51:30,800 那吉列爾莫... And guillermo is... 523 00:51:30,880 --> 00:51:32,880 吉列爾莫就這麼告訴你 運毒品的地道在哪兒 Guillermo, he just told you where the drug tunnel is? 524 00:51:32,960 --> 00:51:34,000 就這麼說了 He just told you? 525 00:51:34,080 --> 00:51:35,760 吉列爾莫沒有別的選擇 Guillermo didn't have any other options. 526 00:51:35,840 --> 00:51:37,920 我們要是送他回去 他就死定了 We send him back across the border, he's a dead man. 527 00:51:38,000 --> 00:51:41,040 現在他可以在美國的大牢裡 度過接下來三十年了 Now he gets to spend the next 30 years in an American prison, 528 00:51:42,480 --> 00:51:43,600 相對安全些 in relative safety. 529 00:51:43,680 --> 00:51:45,250 跟我們說實話 Just tell us the truth, man. 530 00:51:51,680 --> 00:51:54,360 我們要製造足夠的混亂 We are gonna make enough noise 531 00:51:55,120 --> 00:51:58,400 這樣曼紐爾·迪亞茲 就會被召回墨西哥見他老大 that Manuel Diaz is called back to Mexico to see his boss. 532 00:51:59,320 --> 00:52:00,520 這是事實 That's the truth. 533 00:52:00,760 --> 00:52:01,760 然後呢 And then? 534 00:52:02,440 --> 00:52:04,400 然後我們就知道他老大在哪兒了 And then we know where his boss is. 535 00:52:06,840 --> 00:52:10,360 他叫福斯托·阿拉爾孔 綽號行刑者 His name is fausto alarcon el verdugo 536 00:52:15,560 --> 00:52:17,130 每天國境以南 every day across that border, 537 00:52:17,360 --> 00:52:22,040 都有人因為他 被綁架或者被殺害 people are kidnapped or killed by his hand or with his blessing. 538 00:52:24,560 --> 00:52:28,800 找到他就像發現了一種疫苗 To find him would be like discovering a vaccine. 539 00:52:32,000 --> 00:52:33,720 你們能理解這裡的價值吧 You understand the value of that. 540 00:52:38,680 --> 00:52:42,080 好的 我們沒問題 別把我們蒙在鼓裡就是了 All right, we're good. Just don't keep us in the dark. 541 00:52:42,520 --> 00:52:43,520 好的 Great! 542 00:52:44,400 --> 00:52:46,050 還怕黑啊 You afraid of the dark? 543 00:52:49,760 --> 00:52:50,130 嘿 Hey! 544 00:52:51,280 --> 00:52:54,560 今天夠熱鬧了 回家吧 睡一覺 It's been a humdinger of a day. Go home. Get some rest. 545 00:52:54,760 --> 00:52:57,600 我們自己找車回去 明天見 We'll find our own ride. We'll see you tomorrow! 546 00:52:58,040 --> 00:52:59,880 我他媽剛開了一百多公里 I just drove a hundred fucking miles. 547 00:52:59,960 --> 00:53:01,840 攤上他可他媽是福氣 相信我 It's a fucking blessing, trust me. 548 00:53:01,920 --> 00:53:03,000 讓你又開始抽煙了 Got you smokin' again? 549 00:53:03,080 --> 00:53:04,080 是的 Yeah. 550 00:53:05,720 --> 00:53:07,560 他媽吉列爾莫是誰啊 Who the fuck's guillermo? 551 00:54:23,690 --> 00:54:28,360 過來吃飯 準備去上學 552 00:54:38,580 --> 00:54:41,040 爸爸呢 553 00:54:41,060 --> 00:54:43,500 他在上班 554 00:54:47,340 --> 00:54:49,680 他什麼時候回來 555 00:54:49,680 --> 00:54:51,890 不知道 556 00:55:02,760 --> 00:55:04,880 女人啊你該買個新胸罩了 Gotta get you a new bra, woman. 557 00:55:06,080 --> 00:55:07,570 我需要的一堆東西之一 The list of things I need. 558 00:55:07,760 --> 00:55:09,680 只是說說 買點好看的蕾絲的 I'm just saying. Some nice Lacy somethin'. 559 00:55:10,440 --> 00:55:13,800 好長時間沒有你之外的人看我穿胸罩了 It's been a while since someone's seen me in a bra, except you. 560 00:55:15,280 --> 00:55:18,010 天啦別這麼看著我 我不想你可憐我 Oh, god, don't look at me like that. I don't want your pity. 561 00:55:18,120 --> 00:55:20,280 前兩天見了伊萬什麼感想 How was seeing Evan the other day? 562 00:55:21,160 --> 00:55:22,360 我不知道... I don't know... 563 00:55:22,440 --> 00:55:24,280 - 想他了 - 問點別的吧 - Miss him? - Ask me something else. 564 00:55:30,000 --> 00:55:31,920 我以前在伊拉克見過馬特這種人 I used to see guys like Matt in Iraq. 565 00:55:32,080 --> 00:55:33,920 在這些人身邊要小心 Gotta be careful around these people. 566 00:55:34,000 --> 00:55:36,400 中情局不應該在國內活動的 CIA's not supposed to work this side of the fence. 567 00:55:36,520 --> 00:55:38,040 他是國防部的顧問 He's a dod advisor. 568 00:55:38,120 --> 00:55:39,690 你真的相信嗎 You really believe that? 569 00:55:42,120 --> 00:55:44,770 你得有人照應 我跟你保證他們不會管你死活 You need somebody watching your six, 'cause I promise you they aren't. 570 00:55:44,840 --> 00:55:46,600 你知道 You know, 571 00:55:46,680 --> 00:55:51,280 我們之前在做的連皮毛都抓不到 we're not even scratching the surface doing what we're doing. 572 00:55:51,360 --> 00:55:52,360 他們能深入敵後 And they are. 573 00:55:53,670 --> 00:55:55,270 他們可是挑了個大混蛋給我們展示呢 Well, you sure picked the motherfuckers to show us. 574 00:56:13,740 --> 00:56:14,520 暗號是什麼 What's the password? 575 00:56:16,080 --> 00:56:17,200 傻逼 Moron. 576 00:56:25,520 --> 00:56:27,820 各位 這兒能過境嗎 577 00:56:27,940 --> 00:56:29,320 可以 578 00:56:29,480 --> 00:56:32,450 但是那兒的蛇頭不好 579 00:56:32,660 --> 00:56:34,820 女人都過不來 580 00:56:37,080 --> 00:56:38,200 這是我們的目標 This is our spot. 581 00:56:38,400 --> 00:56:43,080 不行 不不 No way! No, no. 582 00:56:44,800 --> 00:56:46,130 這是毒梟的地盤 583 00:56:46,290 --> 00:56:50,550 只有運毒的能從這兒過 584 00:56:50,900 --> 00:56:53,580 邊防都不管 585 00:56:53,800 --> 00:56:55,970 有地道的地方都不能過 586 00:56:56,520 --> 00:56:58,310 這片你瞭解 587 00:56:58,310 --> 00:57:01,560 以前這裡是最好過境的地方 588 00:57:02,180 --> 00:57:06,440 走著就能到86號公路 589 00:57:06,610 --> 00:57:08,610 有水有陰涼 590 00:57:07,800 --> 00:57:09,160 - 你都聽懂了 - 嗯 - Are you getting this? - Mmm 591 00:57:10,400 --> 00:57:14,280 能不能標一下去地道的路 592 00:57:14,660 --> 00:57:19,540 他們用一輛舊車擋著入口... 593 00:57:19,870 --> 00:57:21,160 就這兒 594 00:57:23,000 --> 00:57:24,040 對 Si. 595 00:57:27,400 --> 00:57:28,840 我們從這兒過去 That's our way across. 596 00:57:30,280 --> 00:57:32,680 看來吉列爾莫說了實話 So, guillermo was tellin' the truth? 597 00:57:34,080 --> 00:57:35,840 會是個好日子的 It's gonna be a good day. 598 00:57:37,480 --> 00:57:40,480 凱特 鳳凰城特警有認識人嗎 Hey, Kate. Got any friends at Phoenix SWAT? 599 00:57:40,600 --> 00:57:42,280 有 我們行動常借他們的人 Yeah, we use them in breaches all the time. 600 00:57:42,360 --> 00:57:43,770 好的 我們需要他們的説明 Good, 'cause we're gonna need their help. 601 00:57:43,840 --> 00:57:44,880 幹什麼 What for? 602 00:57:44,960 --> 00:57:48,120 我們要動動曼紐爾·迪亞茲的錢包 We are gonna fuck with Manuel Diaz's wallet. 603 00:58:39,840 --> 00:58:43,080 這是洗錢的人了 金髮背白包那個 This is our smurf, guys. Blonde hair, white purse. 604 00:58:50,480 --> 00:58:52,440 - 會海姆立克急救嗎 - 會 - You know the heimlich? - Oh, yeah. 605 00:58:52,520 --> 00:58:54,120 她要敢把回條吃了 She tries to eat that deposit receipt, 606 00:58:54,120 --> 00:58:55,410 你們就給她擠出來 you heimlich it right out of her, hear me? 607 00:58:55,480 --> 00:58:56,480 好的 Copy that. 608 00:59:00,880 --> 00:59:04,000 她出來了 上 抓住她 There she goes. All right, go get 'em, tiger. 609 00:59:04,200 --> 00:59:05,280 抓住她 Take 'em. 610 00:59:14,960 --> 00:59:15,680 趴下 Get down. 611 00:59:17,240 --> 00:59:18,890 別動 別動 Hold still! Hold still! 612 00:59:22,880 --> 00:59:24,000 你們需要銀行的電腦當證據嗎 You want bank computers for evidence? 613 00:59:24,120 --> 00:59:27,600 不不 有錢就夠了 但是凍結他所有帳戶 No, no. Just the money. But freeze all his accounts, everything. 614 00:59:27,680 --> 00:59:30,040 就算是他的狗名下的帳戶也給我凍結 Even if his dog opened an account, I want you to freeze it. 615 00:59:36,000 --> 00:59:37,330 有什麼發現 Who you got? 616 00:59:39,360 --> 00:59:41,200 移動洗錢的人 Got a mobile money launderer. 617 00:59:45,960 --> 00:59:47,040 都包好 Pack it up. 618 00:59:48,000 --> 00:59:49,880 快起來 起來 Come on. Come on. 619 00:59:57,440 --> 00:59:58,560 你來嗎 You coming? 620 00:59:58,640 --> 00:59:59,680 不 別去銀行裡 No, don't go in the bank. 621 00:59:59,760 --> 01:00:01,720 這是我們真正可以立案的 This is something we can actually build a case on. 622 01:00:01,800 --> 01:00:03,600 別去銀行裡 凱特 Don't go in the bank, Kate! 623 01:00:03,680 --> 01:00:05,400 你看 她就進去了 There you go, and she's goin' in the bank. 624 01:00:22,680 --> 01:00:24,480 這些都是曼紐爾·迪亞茲的帳戶 These are all Manuel Diaz's accounts? 625 01:00:24,560 --> 01:00:27,920 是的 每天存九千塊現金 Yeah. Cash deposits made daily in $9, 000 increments. 626 01:00:28,200 --> 01:00:30,280 - 這樣就不用上報 - 是的 - So, it doesn't have to be reported. - That's right. 627 01:00:30,360 --> 01:00:31,640 你能查封這些 And you can seize that? 628 01:00:31,720 --> 01:00:35,000 已經查封了 我還會查這些轉帳的帳號 I already have. And I'll go through these wire transfer numbers and 629 01:00:35,080 --> 01:00:37,040 一併凍結 freeze all these accounts as well. 630 01:00:38,160 --> 01:00:39,160 給 Here you go. 631 01:00:43,240 --> 01:00:44,890 - 我天 真聰明 - 怎麼 - Damn, that's smart. - What? 632 01:00:45,800 --> 01:00:47,680 這是銀行借款 This is a bank line of credit. 633 01:00:48,560 --> 01:00:51,000 你轉帳用來還款 See, you make payments over what you owe, 634 01:00:51,080 --> 01:00:53,760 這樣就不顯示現金 而是抵消借款餘額 and it doesn't show up as cash, it shows up as a negative ioan balance. 635 01:00:54,400 --> 01:00:57,280 這樣就不用上報給稅務局和禁毒局... It's never reported to anyone. IRS, DEA... 636 01:00:57,480 --> 01:00:58,730 這錢就追查不到 This money is invisible. 637 01:00:58,800 --> 01:01:00,160 他有多少 How much does he have? 638 01:01:01,280 --> 01:01:02,400 你看 Take a look. 639 01:01:05,720 --> 01:01:07,050 我的天 Oh, my god. 640 01:01:09,000 --> 01:01:11,840 查封了一千七百萬 They just seized $17 million. 641 01:01:11,920 --> 01:01:13,600 - 這個案子沒用 凱特 - 什麼 - It's a bogus bust, Kate. - What? 642 01:01:13,680 --> 01:01:16,680 不能起訴的 誰也沒法控制別人往帳戶裡存錢 You can't prosecute it. No one controls who deposits money in an account. 643 01:01:16,760 --> 01:01:18,360 他的律師幾個月就能把錢要回來了 An attorney will have that money back in a few months, 644 01:01:18,560 --> 01:01:19,970 但是那之前會死很多人 but a lot of heads will roll before that. 645 01:01:20,160 --> 01:01:21,320 但是我們可以先逮捕曼紐爾 But we can arrest Manuel for now. 646 01:01:21,320 --> 01:01:22,400 至少讓他不要在外面是個禍害 We can get him off the street. 647 01:01:22,480 --> 01:01:25,600 我們得讓曼紐爾被召回墨西哥 這才是行動目標 We gotta get Manuel called back to Mexico. That's the objective... 648 01:01:25,680 --> 01:01:27,360 我們在墨西哥沒有執法權 We have no jurisdiction in Mexico. 649 01:01:27,680 --> 01:01:30,040 我們什麼都沒有 現在就應該有所作為 We have nothing. We need to do something now. 650 01:01:30,120 --> 01:01:31,450 不能逮捕他 Can't arrest him. 651 01:01:49,960 --> 01:01:51,290 什麼 What? 652 01:01:52,440 --> 01:01:53,600 什麼時候 When? 653 01:01:56,240 --> 01:01:57,600 等等 Wait a minute. 654 01:02:18,760 --> 01:02:22,890 每天都有九千塊現金存進這個帳戶 $9, 000 is deposited into this account every day in cash, 655 01:02:22,960 --> 01:02:24,120 連續五年 for five years. 656 01:02:24,600 --> 01:02:27,280 這也不犯法啊 是有嫌疑 但是不犯法 That's not illegal. It's suspect, but it isn't illegal. 657 01:02:27,480 --> 01:02:29,200 我認為稅務局會覺得犯法的 I think the IRS might think it's illegal. 658 01:02:29,400 --> 01:02:31,280 你想怎樣啊 凱特 你希望我們做什麼 What do you want, Kate? What would you like done here? 659 01:02:31,360 --> 01:02:33,800 我希望我們至少看上去是按章辦事 I want to follow some semblance of procedure. 660 01:02:33,880 --> 01:02:36,040 這是我要的 立一個可以起訴的案子 That's what I want. To build a prosecutable case. 661 01:02:36,240 --> 01:02:39,520 這個區域我們去年起訴的聯邦重罪毒品案 We prosecuted more felony drug cases in this region last year 662 01:02:39,600 --> 01:02:42,200 比之前兩年加起來都多 than in the two previous years combined. 663 01:02:42,320 --> 01:02:44,640 現實中你真的感覺到了嗎 Are you feeling that on the street? 664 01:02:45,360 --> 01:02:47,440 你感覺到我們要贏了嗎 You getting the vibe that we're winning? 665 01:02:50,640 --> 01:02:52,320 沒有 No. 666 01:02:52,400 --> 01:02:54,400 你呢 Do you? 667 01:02:54,480 --> 01:02:55,720 沒有 長官 我沒有 No sir, I don't. 668 01:02:58,320 --> 01:03:01,130 馬特這樣的顧問參與進來 攪亂局勢 Advisors like Matt come in, they stir the pot, 669 01:03:01,200 --> 01:03:03,850 讓犯罪分子有所反應 並出現失誤 they cause the criminals to react and make mistakes. 670 01:03:04,040 --> 01:03:06,400 這樣我們才能對那些在這場戰爭中 That's how we build cases against the individuals 671 01:03:06,480 --> 01:03:08,560 能起關鍵作用的人立案 that actually make a difference in this fight. 672 01:03:09,000 --> 01:03:11,890 他們緊張的時候 不相信自己的小弟的時候 It's when they're nervous, when they stop trusting their crews, 673 01:03:11,960 --> 01:03:13,920 轉移他們的資金的時候 when they move their money. 674 01:03:14,000 --> 01:03:15,880 這些都是我們下手的機會 These are all opportunities to strike. 675 01:03:16,880 --> 01:03:19,120 這也是馬特這種人參與的目的 And that's the purpose of people like Matt. 676 01:03:19,240 --> 01:03:22,240 凱特 這不是我自己拍腦袋想出來的 Kate, this isn't something that I dreamed up myself. 677 01:03:22,800 --> 01:03:25,960 我沒有權利雇傭顧問 I don't have the authority to hire advisors, 678 01:03:26,040 --> 01:03:28,690 也不能授權跨機構合作 or authorize joint agency missions, 679 01:03:28,760 --> 01:03:31,000 也不能讓探員去空軍基地坐飛機 or fly agents from air force bases. 680 01:03:32,360 --> 01:03:34,520 你明白我說什麼嗎 Are you understanding me? 681 01:03:34,600 --> 01:03:37,680 決定都是在老遠的地方做出的 These decisions are made far from here 682 01:03:38,240 --> 01:03:41,800 做決定的人都是民選代表 不是被指派的 by officials elected to office, not appointed to them. 683 01:03:43,040 --> 01:03:45,960 所以如果你覺得我們的行動越界了 So, if your fear is operating out of bounds, 684 01:03:46,040 --> 01:03:48,930 我來告訴你 你們沒有 I am telling you, you are not. 685 01:03:50,720 --> 01:03:52,640 界限被挪動了 The boundary's been moved. 686 01:03:54,520 --> 01:03:55,720 明白了嗎 Are we clear? 687 01:03:57,200 --> 01:03:58,240 明白了長官 Yes, sir. 688 01:04:01,840 --> 01:04:03,490 我他媽需要喝一杯 I need a fucking drink. 689 01:04:03,560 --> 01:04:05,760 - 你想去哪兒 - 哪兒都行 - Where do you wanna go? - Anywhere. 690 01:04:42,040 --> 01:04:43,160 我去找個桌子 I'm gonna go get a table. 691 01:04:43,240 --> 01:04:44,920 - 那就我請了 - 謝謝 - I guess it's on me. - Thanks. 692 01:04:48,160 --> 01:04:50,280 - 要什麼 - 兩瓶啤酒 - What'll it be? - Two beers. 693 01:05:11,560 --> 01:05:12,720 謝謝 Thank you. 694 01:05:28,560 --> 01:05:30,640 我好想抽煙 I want a cigarette so bad. 695 01:05:36,880 --> 01:05:37,960 梅瑟 Macer? 696 01:05:38,400 --> 01:05:39,970 怎麼 Yeah? 697 01:05:40,080 --> 01:05:42,200 我也不想老叨叨 I hate to go on about this, 698 01:05:43,160 --> 01:05:45,680 但是我覺得你的胸罩不是你最大的問題 but I think the bra situation's the least of your problems. 699 01:05:45,760 --> 01:05:46,800 好吧... Okay... 700 01:05:46,920 --> 01:05:48,760 因為你看上去也很糟糕 'Cause you look like shit. 701 01:05:48,880 --> 01:05:51,920 真的 很糟糕 小組的人都在說呢 You do. You look like shit. Everybody on the team's talkin' about it. 702 01:05:52,040 --> 01:05:54,400 他們說"以前凱特可是一等一的出眾" They're like, "Kate used to be a number one draft pick. 703 01:05:54,480 --> 01:05:56,240 "現在你看看她 醜死了" "Now look at her. She looks like fuckin' shit." 704 01:05:56,640 --> 01:05:58,360 你看你 眉毛也亂的 Look at you. Your eyebrows are a mess. 705 01:05:58,440 --> 01:05:59,600 才不是 No, they're not! 706 01:05:59,680 --> 01:06:02,160 跟毛毛蟲是的 跟野獸是的 而且你還瘦了... They're like caterpillars, like wild beasts. You're losing weight... 707 01:06:02,240 --> 01:06:03,280 我有吃飯 I'm eating. 708 01:06:03,360 --> 01:06:05,600 你看你 怎麼回事 一周才換一次襯衫 Look at you. What is it, one t- shirt a week? 709 01:06:05,680 --> 01:06:08,120 至少注意一下個人衛生嘛 At least work on your personal hygiene, huh? 710 01:06:08,200 --> 01:06:09,240 你跟我媽似的 You sound like my mother. 711 01:06:09,360 --> 01:06:10,720 我可能就是你媽 Maybe I am your mother. 712 01:06:11,520 --> 01:06:14,760 首先我們解決個人衛生問題 然後我們給你買買衣服 First we work on personal hygiene, then we move on to the shopping. 713 01:06:14,840 --> 01:06:17,570 再買些土豆啊 讓你好好吃吃... Get you some potatoes, yeah? Eat some food... 714 01:06:17,640 --> 01:06:19,640 你帶我來的這是什麼地方 Where have you taken me? What is this place? 715 01:06:20,840 --> 01:06:21,960 是個酒吧 It's a bar. 716 01:06:22,080 --> 01:06:23,280 都是牛仔一樣的人 It's full o' cowboys. 717 01:06:23,800 --> 01:06:24,840 我就是個牛仔呀 I'm a cowboy. 718 01:06:25,160 --> 01:06:26,240 你是個老保守啊 You're a redneck. 719 01:06:26,320 --> 01:06:29,920 我是個老保守 有個拖車 有個老婆 I'm a redneck. Got a trailer. Got a wife. 720 01:06:30,000 --> 01:06:31,160 你說啥 What are you talking about? 721 01:06:31,240 --> 01:06:32,920 有個拖車 有個老婆 我老婆是我妹妹 I got a trailer, I got a wife. She's my sister. 722 01:06:34,960 --> 01:06:35,960 嘿 雷吉 Hey, reg. 723 01:06:36,360 --> 01:06:38,160 - 特德 - 你好嗎 - Ted! - What's goin' on? 724 01:06:38,360 --> 01:06:40,200 - 好久不見 你怎麼樣 - 見到你太好了 - Long time. How you been? - Yeah, it's good to see you, man. 725 01:06:40,280 --> 01:06:41,440 見到你也太好了 你怎麼樣 Good to see you, too. How you been? 726 01:06:41,520 --> 01:06:42,680 跳跳舞吧 Gettin' your groove on, huh? 727 01:06:42,760 --> 01:06:44,280 不了 我們剛來 We're just startin'. We just got here. 728 01:06:44,360 --> 01:06:47,360 好的 你不介紹我們認識嗎 All right. You gonna introduce me, man? 729 01:06:47,600 --> 01:06:49,520 這是特德 鳳凰城警局的 這是凱特 我搭檔 Ted, Phoenix pd, Kate, my partner. 730 01:06:49,720 --> 01:06:50,840 你好 叫我特德就好 How you doin'? Just Ted, it's fine. 731 01:06:51,040 --> 01:06:53,040 我看你打過壘球 I saw you play softball once. 732 01:06:53,120 --> 01:06:54,160 壘球 Softball? 733 01:06:55,240 --> 01:06:56,960 她去看比賽了 特德 She was at the game, Ted. 734 01:06:57,040 --> 01:06:58,400 "比賽" "The game?" 735 01:06:58,600 --> 01:07:00,760 慢投壘球都三振呢 Where you struck out in slow- pitch softball. 736 01:07:00,960 --> 01:07:02,610 你打得非常非常好 You played really, really well. 737 01:07:02,800 --> 01:07:03,840 我謝謝您了 I appreciate that. 738 01:07:03,960 --> 01:07:07,680 我再去買點酒 要幫你們再來一輪嗎 I'm gonna head back to that bar now. Can I get y'all another round? 739 01:07:08,040 --> 01:07:09,160 - 當然 - 好的 Yeah, sure. 740 01:07:09,360 --> 01:07:10,400 好的 Au right. 741 01:07:12,560 --> 01:07:13,920 特德是個好人 Ted, he's a good guy. 742 01:07:16,920 --> 01:07:17,960 離婚了 Divorced. 743 01:08:34,080 --> 01:08:36,650 等我一下 我馬上好 Just give me one second, I'll be right with you. 744 01:08:39,200 --> 01:08:40,320 好... Au right... 745 01:09:00,800 --> 01:09:02,240 等等... Just wait, wait a second... 746 01:09:02,320 --> 01:09:04,240 怎麼 太快了嗎 What, what? Is it too much? 747 01:09:04,440 --> 01:09:06,240 等一下 我需要緩緩 Just wait one minute. I just need a second. 748 01:09:06,440 --> 01:09:08,480 好的 對不起 對不起 All right. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. 749 01:09:16,120 --> 01:09:17,400 嘿 凱特 Hey, Kate? 750 01:09:17,480 --> 01:09:21,040 嘿 過來 別走 跟我說說 Hey! Hey, come here, stop, stop, talk to me. 751 01:09:21,240 --> 01:09:25,370 跟我說說 放鬆 好嗎 Just talk to me. Okay? Relax. Okay? Just take it... 752 01:09:25,480 --> 01:09:27,130 怎麼 凱特... Whoa, shit! Kate... 753 01:09:28,280 --> 01:09:31,120 怎麼回事 幹什麼 別動 What is it? What? Stop. 754 01:09:31,320 --> 01:09:33,200 別走 Stop. Stop. 755 01:09:33,640 --> 01:09:35,400 媽的 你什麼毛病 Shit, what the fuck! What did you... 756 01:09:37,080 --> 01:09:38,920 - 別...- 你他媽... - Don't... - what the fuck are you... 757 01:09:40,480 --> 01:09:41,560 媽的 God damn! 758 01:09:43,560 --> 01:09:45,760 你想打死我 你瘋了嗎 You fuckin' try to shoot me? You fuckin' crazy? 759 01:09:48,200 --> 01:09:49,800 - 住手 - 別抓著我 - Stop that! - Get off me! 760 01:09:52,320 --> 01:09:53,360 他媽的... Fuck that... 761 01:09:54,320 --> 01:09:56,240 媽的 凱特 你他媽住手 Damn it, Kate! Just fucking stop! 762 01:09:58,720 --> 01:09:59,720 住手 Stop! 763 01:10:02,960 --> 01:10:07,560 住手 婊子 住手 操 Stop, bitch! Stop! Fuck! 764 01:10:08,880 --> 01:10:10,720 住手 Fuckin' stop! 765 01:10:13,800 --> 01:10:15,640 住手 Stop. 766 01:10:18,680 --> 01:10:19,680 媽的 Fuck! 767 01:10:22,840 --> 01:10:26,840 都怪你 你自找 你自找 This is you, you hear me? You did this. You did this. 768 01:11:02,720 --> 01:11:04,160 你拿我當誘餌啊 You used me as bait. 769 01:11:05,680 --> 01:11:07,800 不 你拿你自己當誘餌 Nah, you used yourself as bait. 770 01:11:08,720 --> 01:11:10,240 我跟你說了不要去銀行 I told you not to go in the bank. 771 01:11:13,680 --> 01:11:16,440 不過你把他帶回了家 很聰明 You brought him back here, though. That was smart. 772 01:11:16,800 --> 01:11:19,370 是啊 我們還要假裝是我計畫的 Yeah. Love how we're gonna pretend like I planned this. 773 01:11:19,560 --> 01:11:22,040 你回頭報告這麼寫不就好了 Why don't you just write that in your report. 774 01:11:22,680 --> 01:11:24,600 行啦 這是好消息 Come on! This is good news! 775 01:11:25,920 --> 01:11:27,840 他們很快就會召回曼紐爾了 They're gonna call Manuel back soon. 776 01:11:29,360 --> 01:11:30,720 這不就正是重點嗎 Isn't that the point? 777 01:11:44,840 --> 01:11:46,410 沒事的 雷吉 It's okay, reg. 778 01:11:50,080 --> 01:11:51,200 我以為他是個朋友 I thought he was a friend. 779 01:11:51,280 --> 01:11:52,280 我知道 I know. 780 01:11:56,520 --> 01:11:59,170 - 要我留下陪你嗎 - 不 我很好 - Want me to stay tonight? - No. I'm good. 781 01:11:59,480 --> 01:12:00,760 - 你確定 - 我沒事 - You sure? - I'm good. 782 01:12:04,320 --> 01:12:08,240 你們老打我 讓我怎麼跟你們交代 How y'all want me to talk to you when you keep fuckin' hittin' me? 783 01:12:08,960 --> 01:12:11,160 國內還有多少你這樣的腐敗分子 How many other corrupt motherfuckers are you 784 01:12:11,180 --> 01:12:13,200 跟他們合作 workin' with on this side of the border? 785 01:12:13,280 --> 01:12:15,480 好的 跟你說... All right. Look... 786 01:12:17,000 --> 01:12:19,680 我跟你說的都是實話好嗎 他們... It's exactly what I told you, all right? 787 01:12:21,560 --> 01:12:24,640 他們來找我 問我要案卷的詳細情況 They came to me and they wanted details about our case, 788 01:12:24,720 --> 01:12:26,360 是的 我給了他們 and yes, I did it, I gave it to them, 789 01:12:26,360 --> 01:12:28,160 但是我也不想有人受傷害的 but I never wanted anybody to get hurt. 790 01:12:28,280 --> 01:12:30,040 我肯定不會跟這些混蛋合作的 I would have never gotten involved with them pieces of shit 791 01:12:30,120 --> 01:12:31,120 如果我知道... if I thought that there was any... 792 01:12:31,240 --> 01:12:35,840 媽的 好的 媽的 好的 Fuck! Okay! Fuck! Okay! 793 01:12:37,120 --> 01:12:40,600 "好的 好的" 不是我們要的答案 特德 "Okay, okay, okay, " is not what we're lookin' for, Ted. 794 01:12:42,640 --> 01:12:45,560 你知道你現在被揍成一灘泥好處是什麼嗎 You know what the beauty is of you being so beat to a pulp? 795 01:12:46,920 --> 01:12:49,280 再打殘點也沒人能看出來的 'Cause no one's gonna notice a few more scratches. 796 01:12:50,640 --> 01:12:52,210 給你個新交易 特德 This is a new deal, Ted. 797 01:12:54,920 --> 01:12:58,640 我能決定你女兒會不會被聯邦機構保護... I'm the one who decides whether your daughter'il get federal protection, 798 01:12:58,760 --> 01:12:59,760 媽的 fuck... 799 01:12:59,880 --> 01:13:02,960 我能決定要不要把你前妻的地址掛在網上 Or whether we post your ex- wife's address on the Internet. 800 01:13:04,520 --> 01:13:09,280 我能決定你是去密蘇裡的勞改營 I decide whether you go to prison in a work camp in ivlissouri, 801 01:13:10,600 --> 01:13:12,040 還是科克倫這種朝不保夕的地方 or a kill house like corcoran. 802 01:13:13,200 --> 01:13:14,200 行了 Au right. 803 01:13:15,000 --> 01:13:17,760 現在該你說你怎麼保命了我的朋友 This is where you negotiate how to survive, my friend. 804 01:13:20,480 --> 01:13:22,840 好吧 是這樣... Okay. Look... 805 01:13:25,280 --> 01:13:27,880 我覺得整件事我已經無法控制了... I feel like this whole thing's just gotten away from me... 806 01:13:28,840 --> 01:13:33,400 我搞砸了 好嗎 我搞砸了 而且沖昏了頭 I fucked up. Okay, I fucked up and I'm in over my fuckin' head right now. 807 01:13:34,280 --> 01:13:35,440 對不起...啊 I'm sorry... 808 01:13:35,520 --> 01:13:38,330 媽的 住手 Fuck it! Get it out! Get it the fuck out! 809 01:13:41,360 --> 01:13:43,680 快他媽住手 快他媽住手 Fuck! Get it the fuck out! Get it out! 810 01:13:43,960 --> 01:13:46,280 王八蛋 你媽的 Motherfucker! And fuck you! 811 01:13:46,840 --> 01:13:47,840 媽的 Fuck! 812 01:13:49,400 --> 01:13:52,130 有多少警員是他們的人 How many officers do they have working on the force? 813 01:13:54,440 --> 01:13:56,160 你想知道什麼我都告訴你 I'll tell you anything you wanna know. 814 01:13:56,360 --> 01:13:59,480 你只要保證我女兒的安全 行嗎 You just gotta promise me that my daughter's gonna be safe, okay? 815 01:13:59,840 --> 01:14:01,760 你跟我保證 You make me that promise. 816 01:14:02,080 --> 01:14:03,520 你想要事實 You want the truth? 817 01:14:03,840 --> 01:14:05,040 拜託了 Please. 818 01:14:09,360 --> 01:14:12,090 告訴我所有 Give me all the names 819 01:14:13,120 --> 01:14:15,880 那些被收買的王八蛋警員們的名字 of all the motherfuckers they got working on the force. 820 01:14:16,080 --> 01:14:17,410 好的 好的... Okay, okay... 821 01:14:17,760 --> 01:14:19,000 - 懂了 - 好的... - All right? - Okay.. 822 01:14:20,600 --> 01:14:22,720 好的 從哪個手機開始看呢 Okay. So, which phone do we start with? 823 01:14:22,960 --> 01:14:24,370 那個 那個破手機 It's in that one. That shitty one. 824 01:14:24,480 --> 01:14:26,480 - 破手機啊 - 是的 - That's the shitty one? - Yes, sir! 825 01:14:42,880 --> 01:14:44,120 你感覺怎麼樣 How you feelin'? 826 01:14:47,000 --> 01:14:48,360 好點了 Better. 827 01:14:50,160 --> 01:14:53,640 你應該打死他 Well, you should've shot him. 828 01:15:01,720 --> 01:15:03,960 我想跟我的殺手上床呢 I just tried to have sex with my hitman 829 01:15:05,840 --> 01:15:08,160 不 他不是殺手 nah. He's no assassin. 830 01:15:09,120 --> 01:15:11,560 他只是想知道你知道什麼 He just wanted to know what you know. 831 01:15:11,640 --> 01:15:14,160 他們要找的是我們 不是你 They're after us, not you. 832 01:15:19,320 --> 01:15:20,400 謝謝 Thank you. 833 01:15:34,680 --> 01:15:36,880 你讓我想起了一個對我很重要的人 You remind me of someone very special to me. 834 01:15:46,760 --> 01:15:47,960 好好休息 Get some rest. 835 01:15:49,760 --> 01:15:52,240 明天他們會召曼紐爾·迪亞茲回墨西哥的 Tomorrow they'll call Manuel Diaz back to Mexico, 836 01:15:53,440 --> 01:15:55,090 然後我們就可以剁掉他們一條大腿 and we'll cut a leg from them. 837 01:16:30,600 --> 01:16:31,640 六十號 Hello, sixty. 838 01:16:41,520 --> 01:16:45,600 我們看到了目標 有沒有近一點的 We have eyes on the objective. Can we get a closer visual? 839 01:16:50,360 --> 01:16:52,800 山脊東邊下去十米 Ten meters going by the eastern Ridge. 840 01:16:58,000 --> 01:16:59,040 爸爸 Papa? 841 01:17:03,640 --> 01:17:04,890 吃雞蛋 842 01:17:07,260 --> 01:17:08,310 還有辣椒啊 843 01:17:08,310 --> 01:17:09,310 當然呀 844 01:17:17,990 --> 01:17:20,190 你今天上班嗎 845 01:17:23,200 --> 01:17:24,950 晚上上 846 01:17:26,030 --> 01:17:28,910 想不想去公園踢球 847 01:17:31,560 --> 01:17:33,000 - 踢球 - 是呀爸爸 - Football? - Sl papa. 848 01:17:35,570 --> 01:17:37,040 把我的咖啡給我 849 01:17:44,090 --> 01:17:45,970 好的 我們去踢球 850 01:17:51,640 --> 01:17:52,680 別動 No! 851 01:17:55,100 --> 01:17:57,230 永遠別碰那個 852 01:17:58,020 --> 01:17:59,450 懂嗎 853 01:18:20,080 --> 01:18:21,160 進來 Come on in. 854 01:18:21,240 --> 01:18:22,440 喝點什麼不 Tasty beverage? 855 01:18:24,880 --> 01:18:25,920 好了各位 Okay, boys. 856 01:18:28,080 --> 01:18:29,240 什麼情況 我們什麼計畫 What's going on? What's the plan? 857 01:18:29,440 --> 01:18:30,770 我們要去打獵了 We're going hunting. 858 01:18:31,840 --> 01:18:34,650 曼紐爾·迪亞茲好像被召回墨西哥了 Looks like Manuel Diaz is being called back to Mexico. 859 01:18:34,720 --> 01:18:36,440 就等著確認呢 Just waiting for confirmation. 860 01:18:37,840 --> 01:18:39,170 那兒就是地道 There's the tunnel right there. 861 01:18:40,160 --> 01:18:41,240 好的 聽好 All right, listen up. 862 01:18:42,040 --> 01:18:43,480 明確一下行動 Let's clarify the op. 863 01:18:44,160 --> 01:18:45,810 我們開到目的地 然後步行前進... We're gonna drive to location, proceed on foot... 864 01:18:45,880 --> 01:18:47,560 - 你還好嗎 - 挺好的 你呢 - How are you? - Good. How are you? 865 01:18:47,760 --> 01:18:49,680 - 我挺好 - 脖子怎麼樣 - I'm fine. - How's the neck? 866 01:18:49,920 --> 01:18:51,160 好多了 謝謝 It's better, thank you. 867 01:18:51,400 --> 01:18:52,920 那就好 Good, good. 868 01:18:53,120 --> 01:18:55,850 這張圖是根據其他被發現的地道做的 These diagrams are based on other tunnels that have been mapped. 869 01:18:55,960 --> 01:18:57,720 只是參考用 不準確的 They're for reference only, they're not accurate. 870 01:18:58,360 --> 01:19:02,040 到了墨西哥一邊 會有一個暫存區 Once on the Mexican side of the border, there'll be a small staging area, 871 01:19:02,240 --> 01:19:04,280 然後會有另一條通道通向大的倉庫 then another shaft will lead to the main warehouse 872 01:19:04,360 --> 01:19:06,040 以及回到墨西哥的路 and the road that returns to Mexico. 873 01:19:06,760 --> 01:19:10,000 我們把運毒的都掃蕩了 應該就沒什麼其他匪徒了 Once we clear the mules, we don't expect more than a dozen bandits. 874 01:19:10,480 --> 01:19:13,160 不 他們利用墨西哥警方做運毒的車 No, they use Mexican police for vehicle transport. 875 01:19:13,240 --> 01:19:16,080 如果在地道裡看到穿制服的 也都當成匪徒 If you see a uniform in the tunnel, consider him a bandit, too. 876 01:19:16,640 --> 01:19:19,960 要講一下作戰規則嗎 Okay. You want to discuss roe? 877 01:19:20,640 --> 01:19:21,970 不了 晚點再講 Nah, we'll save that for later. 878 01:19:22,040 --> 01:19:23,040 好的 Okay. 879 01:19:23,960 --> 01:19:26,850 我們快進快出 我們要派人潛進對方 This is an in and out. We're clearing, placing an agent. 880 01:19:27,640 --> 01:19:29,080 重要的是聲東擊西 It's all about creating a diversion. 881 01:19:29,320 --> 01:19:31,480 要特別大聲的聲東擊西 Want the mother of all diversions, boys. 882 01:19:31,560 --> 01:19:34,640 國慶日放煙花那麼大聲的 Need a lot of noise. Fourth of July on steroids. 883 01:19:35,600 --> 01:19:38,680 好的 檢查武器 走吧 All right. Weapons check. Let's go, boys. 884 01:19:43,320 --> 01:19:45,040 這個像是確認了 This looks like confirmation. 885 01:19:54,400 --> 01:19:56,640 - 我要給你們裝上定位 - 好的 - I need to fit your guy with a locator. - Yeah, do it. 886 01:19:56,720 --> 01:19:58,960 那些是特種部隊 我們也一起嗎 Those are special ops. Are we going in on this? 887 01:19:59,040 --> 01:20:00,640 不了 你們也沒裝備 Nah. You guys aren't really dressed for it. 888 01:20:00,720 --> 01:20:01,800 你他媽沒告訴我們 You didn't fuckin' tell us. 889 01:20:01,880 --> 01:20:03,840 你們昨天不是去找爹哭訴了嗎 Yeah, well, you two went cryin' to daddy yesterday, and we 890 01:20:03,920 --> 01:20:05,880 - 我們可不想爹爹知道今天的行動 - 你行了吧 - don't want daddy to know everything. - Give me a fucking break! 891 01:20:05,960 --> 01:20:07,200 好吧 我們給你們裝備 All right, we'll get you some extra gear. 892 01:20:07,320 --> 01:20:08,680 我們車裡有戰術裝備 We have TAC gear in the car. 893 01:20:08,760 --> 01:20:11,240 好的 到了現場你們斷後就行了 All right. Good. You guys will hang back when we get there, okay? 894 01:20:11,320 --> 01:20:12,320 那我們還去幹嘛 Then why are we going? 895 01:20:12,800 --> 01:20:15,200 因為沒有本地機構參與 'Cause CIA can't operate within us borders 896 01:20:15,280 --> 01:20:17,600 中情局就不能在國內活動呀 without a domestic agency attached. 897 01:20:21,240 --> 01:20:22,680 我說了你會很有用的 I told you you'd be useful. 898 01:20:23,520 --> 01:20:25,360 所以這才是我來的原因啊 So, that's it. That's why I'm here. 899 01:20:27,360 --> 01:20:28,960 是的 就是這樣 Yeah, that's it. 900 01:20:29,720 --> 01:20:31,050 這是你來的原因 That's why you're here. 901 01:20:32,320 --> 01:20:34,970 我們要是發現了毒品 都歸你們查封 Hey, we find any drugs, you guys get to confiscate 'em... 902 01:20:35,160 --> 01:20:36,730 今天可是大日子 it's gonna be a big day. 903 01:20:39,680 --> 01:20:41,120 太可怕了 Un- fuckin' real! 904 01:20:49,320 --> 01:20:50,400 前後都有 Front and back. 905 01:20:50,640 --> 01:20:52,390 凱特 凱特 得了吧 Kate, kate, come on. 906 01:20:52,480 --> 01:20:54,520 管他們呢 從一開始他們就是利用我們 Fuck these people, man. They've been using us from the beginning. 907 01:20:54,600 --> 01:20:55,760 我們不用非得去的 We don't have to do this. 908 01:20:55,840 --> 01:20:57,200 我要知道他們利用我們幹什麼 I need to know what they used us for. 909 01:20:57,280 --> 01:20:59,200 - 幹什麼不重要 - 重要的 - Doesn't matter what! - Yes, it does! 910 01:21:00,120 --> 01:21:03,760 我們走人吧 我們走了他們吃不了兜著走 I say we walk and make them eat this whole fucked- up operation. 911 01:21:04,000 --> 01:21:05,160 不 我一定要知道 No. I have to know. 912 01:21:14,440 --> 01:21:17,800 黑色賓士 車號RIN Black Mercedes... plate number Romeo- lndia- November 913 01:21:17,880 --> 01:21:22,090 31B7 向東南方向去了 three- one- bravo- seven. Heading south by southeast. 914 01:22:34,840 --> 01:22:35,920 在哪兒 Where? 915 01:22:37,480 --> 01:22:38,680 好的 Okay. 916 01:22:39,680 --> 01:22:41,920 我們一到就要突擊地道 We gotta hit the tunnel the minute we get on the ground. 917 01:22:43,640 --> 01:22:44,920 激動吧 Pretty exciting, huh? 918 01:22:57,800 --> 01:22:59,160 目標在哪兒 What is the target's location? 919 01:22:59,400 --> 01:23:02,840 諾加利斯以南二十多公里 向西去了 移動很快 14 miles south of Nogales heading west rapidly. 920 01:23:13,840 --> 01:23:16,880 保險別開 槍口沖下 Keep your fuckin' safeties on, barrels pointed down. 921 01:23:17,720 --> 01:23:18,880 斷後 Stay in the back. 922 01:23:19,640 --> 01:23:22,530 別他媽打了我的人 懂嗎 Don't shoot anyone on my fuckin' team. Right? 923 01:23:55,400 --> 01:23:56,920 檢查裝備 Gear check? 924 01:23:59,520 --> 01:24:01,320 熱成像準備 Thermal camera check. 925 01:24:01,400 --> 01:24:02,970 夜視儀準備 Night vision goggles check. 926 01:24:03,040 --> 01:24:04,610 那些人歸你 Get those guys. 927 01:24:04,680 --> 01:24:06,090 你帶A隊我帶B隊 Wanna take Alpha squad, I'll take b squad? 928 01:24:06,280 --> 01:24:08,160 - 沒問題 行動吧 - 行動了 - You got it. Let's do it. - Let's go, boys. 929 01:24:17,520 --> 01:24:19,520 控制室 收到嗎 Control, do you copy? 930 01:24:20,360 --> 01:24:22,040 收到 A隊 Rogen Alpha. We read. 931 01:26:04,960 --> 01:26:07,850 A隊 你們三點鐘方向五十米外 Fifty meters. Your three o'clock, Alpha. 932 01:26:23,960 --> 01:26:26,440 準備 正接近目標 Stand by. Getting close to objective. 933 01:26:34,960 --> 01:26:38,640 A隊B隊注意 前方十二米 Alpha, bravo, be advised. 12 meters straight ahead. 934 01:27:01,400 --> 01:27:05,320 我們得趕緊到達中心位置 All right, we need to boogie and we need to do it quiet till we find the center. 935 01:27:05,520 --> 01:27:07,920 把他們吸引過來 製造些動靜 Draw the fighters to you and make some noise. 936 01:27:08,000 --> 01:27:10,040 別跟著我 我沒事 Don't follow me. I'll be fine. 937 01:27:10,760 --> 01:27:12,960 行動規則是什麼 What are the rules of engagement? 938 01:27:13,480 --> 01:27:16,720 想打就打 Weapons free, my friend. Weapons free. 939 01:27:18,080 --> 01:27:19,120 想打就打 Weapons free, boys. 940 01:27:19,760 --> 01:27:20,920 好運 Good luck. 941 01:28:09,160 --> 01:28:10,240 我的天 Oh, god! 942 01:30:35,840 --> 01:30:37,250 - 你還好嗎 - 我的槍 - You okay? - My gun! 943 01:30:37,600 --> 01:30:39,400 別管了 跟著我 Leave it. Stay on my six. 944 01:31:03,930 --> 01:31:04,730 趕緊 945 01:31:07,350 --> 01:31:08,190 幫幫我 946 01:31:08,310 --> 01:31:09,270 咱們趕緊撤 947 01:31:09,810 --> 01:31:10,560 快點 948 01:31:17,490 --> 01:31:18,320 走吧 949 01:31:18,360 --> 01:31:19,570 鑰匙給我 950 01:31:20,120 --> 01:31:21,370 鑰匙給我 951 01:31:21,410 --> 01:31:22,580 冷靜 952 01:31:24,200 --> 01:31:25,040 手舉起來 953 01:31:25,950 --> 01:31:26,790 轉過去 954 01:31:32,710 --> 01:31:33,880 麥德林 955 01:31:34,840 --> 01:31:35,920 不許動 Freeze! 956 01:31:38,040 --> 01:31:39,530 放開他 Step away from him. 957 01:31:39,600 --> 01:31:40,760 放下槍 Put that down. 958 01:31:40,840 --> 01:31:42,720 我認真的 馬上放開他 I mean it! Move away from him right now! 959 01:31:49,920 --> 01:31:51,920 以後別再用槍對著我 Don't ever point a weapon at me again. 960 01:31:53,200 --> 01:31:55,520 深呼吸 然後出去吧 Catch your breath. Then get back up there. 961 01:32:21,470 --> 01:32:23,760 兩隻手都放方向盤上 962 01:32:28,000 --> 01:32:30,810 我過來了 你們找到我的位置了嗎 I am through. Do you have my location? 963 01:32:31,320 --> 01:32:34,600 收到 我們看到你了 目標在你東北方向 Rogen we have you. Target is east and north of you. 964 01:32:35,080 --> 01:32:37,390 應該是56號和17號公路 Looks like highway 56 to 17. 965 01:32:37,500 --> 01:32:39,520 如果他繼續在17號公路上 你就能截到他 Will intercept him if he stays on 17. 966 01:32:39,960 --> 01:32:41,960 下了2號公路上56號公路 Go east on 56 off highway 2. 967 01:32:42,600 --> 01:32:43,640 好的 Wilco. 968 01:32:46,540 --> 01:32:48,160 你叫什麼 969 01:32:48,500 --> 01:32:49,540 西爾維奧 970 01:32:50,160 --> 01:32:52,920 在56號公路出去 971 01:32:55,500 --> 01:32:57,170 我有個兒子 972 01:32:58,630 --> 01:33:01,300 你現在做的就是為了你的家人 973 01:33:03,320 --> 01:33:04,920 他過去了嗎 Is he through yet? 974 01:33:05,000 --> 01:33:08,720 過去了 GPS傳輸中 音訊也傳輸中 We have joy. GPS is transmitting. Audio is transmitting. 975 01:33:09,000 --> 01:33:10,600 二十分鐘後應該可以追上 Should intercept in 20. 976 01:33:12,040 --> 01:33:14,850 這行動太漂亮了朋友們 That was a clean, clean fucking op, my friend. 977 01:33:15,000 --> 01:33:16,680 除了這兩個混蛋 Except for these two assholes. 978 01:33:17,240 --> 01:33:19,440 在海外就好了 也不用管他們 Well, you're better overseas. You don't have to babysit. 979 01:33:19,520 --> 01:33:20,600 凱特在哪兒 Where's Kate? 980 01:33:21,280 --> 01:33:22,520 我以為她和你在一起 I thought she was with you. 981 01:33:23,840 --> 01:33:24,920 我們應該回去 We gotta go back. 982 01:33:25,520 --> 01:33:28,200 該死的 各位 少了一個 回去找 Shit. Boys, we're missin' one. Let's go. 983 01:33:36,720 --> 01:33:37,720 嘿 Hey! 984 01:33:44,080 --> 01:33:46,520 躺著別動 別管閒事 Just lay back, baby. Let it happen. 985 01:33:52,040 --> 01:33:53,450 別掙扎了 Stop! Stop! 986 01:33:54,040 --> 01:33:55,560 放開我 Get off me! 987 01:33:55,640 --> 01:33:57,290 別動了 別動 Stop moving! Stop! 988 01:34:01,880 --> 01:34:03,040 別動 Stop it. 989 01:34:04,040 --> 01:34:06,440 放鬆 放鬆 Just relax. Just relax. 990 01:34:08,640 --> 01:34:10,800 好了 你不鬧了 All right? You gonna stay there? 991 01:34:10,880 --> 01:34:12,560 你不鬧了 Are you gonna stay there? 992 01:34:26,960 --> 01:34:28,000 好的 Au right. 993 01:34:30,120 --> 01:34:31,240 你聽著 Now, you listen. 994 01:34:36,120 --> 01:34:38,080 你進了錯誤的地道 You went up the wrong tunnel. 995 01:34:41,840 --> 01:34:44,240 你看到了不該看的 You saw things you shouldn't have seen. 996 01:34:48,760 --> 01:34:50,280 麥德林是什麼 What is nledellin? 997 01:34:51,320 --> 01:34:52,480 麥德林 Medellin? 998 01:34:57,360 --> 01:34:59,480 麥德林是一個時代 Medellin refers to a time 999 01:35:01,120 --> 01:35:04,280 一個集團統治所有毒品生意 when one group controlled every aspect of the drug trade, 1000 01:35:05,960 --> 01:35:08,720 這樣我們也能控制他們的秩序 providing a measure of order that we could control. 1001 01:35:10,640 --> 01:35:15,560 除非有人能說服我們那20%的癮君子 And until somebody finds a way to convince 20% of the population 1002 01:35:15,800 --> 01:35:18,120 別再沒事兒吸這些破爛 to stop snorting and smoking that shit, 1003 01:35:20,800 --> 01:35:22,640 有秩序就是最好的情況了 order's the best we can hope for. 1004 01:35:25,800 --> 01:35:27,880 你看到的 And what you saw up there, 1005 01:35:27,960 --> 01:35:31,000 是亞曆桑德羅努力恢復這種秩序 was Alejandro working toward returning that order. 1006 01:35:34,200 --> 01:35:37,640 亞曆桑德羅他媽的是哥倫比亞毒品集團的人 Alejandro works for the fucking Colombian cartel. 1007 01:35:41,640 --> 01:35:43,560 他是競爭對手的人 He works for the competition. 1008 01:35:43,840 --> 01:35:46,360 亞曆桑德羅可以幫任何人做事 Alejandro works for anyone 1009 01:35:46,560 --> 01:35:49,040 只要誰能把他造就 who will point him toward the people who made him. 1010 01:35:51,760 --> 01:35:53,600 我們 Us. 1011 01:35:53,680 --> 01:35:54,680 他們 Them. 1012 01:35:56,160 --> 01:35:58,000 能讓他放手幹的都行 Anyone who will turn him loose. 1013 01:35:59,880 --> 01:36:04,560 這樣他才能找砍了他老婆的頭的人算帳 So, he can get the person that cut off his wife's head, 1014 01:36:06,400 --> 01:36:09,050 找那些殘害他女兒的人算帳 and threw his daughter into a vat of acid. 1015 01:36:13,200 --> 01:36:14,200 是的 Yeah. 1016 01:36:16,840 --> 01:36:18,840 我們的對手就是這樣的人 That's what we're dealing with. 1017 01:36:23,360 --> 01:36:25,080 你不能這樣做 You can't do this. 1018 01:36:27,520 --> 01:36:28,800 你不能 You can't. 1019 01:36:30,920 --> 01:36:35,130 你別想讓我幫你遮掩 I'm sure as shit not the person you're gonna hide it all behind. 1020 01:36:35,200 --> 01:36:36,440 你好好喘口氣 You need to just take a breath. 1021 01:36:36,720 --> 01:36:37,960 我會跟人說的 I'm gonna fuckin' talk. 1022 01:36:38,200 --> 01:36:39,960 - 你不會 - 我會的 - No, you're not. - Yeah. 1023 01:36:45,120 --> 01:36:47,320 我要告訴所有人你做了什麼 I'm gonna tell everyone what you did. 1024 01:36:52,600 --> 01:36:54,480 那可是個大錯誤 That would be a major mistake. 1025 01:37:20,240 --> 01:37:22,480 前面是目標嗎 請確認 Is that the target up ahead? Confirm. 1026 01:37:24,840 --> 01:37:28,840 收到 前方六十米的黑賓士 Roger that. Black Mercedes, 60 meters ahead. 1027 01:37:31,240 --> 01:37:32,400 西爾維奧 Silvio... 1028 01:37:32,740 --> 01:37:34,570 加速 1029 01:37:37,410 --> 01:37:38,950 把警燈打開 1030 01:37:39,620 --> 01:37:42,210 你要攔下那輛車 1031 01:37:52,160 --> 01:37:53,490 混蛋... This motherfucker... 1032 01:38:03,060 --> 01:38:04,600 很好 1033 01:38:26,500 --> 01:38:27,920 用喊話器 1034 01:38:28,210 --> 01:38:29,920 讓他下車 1035 01:38:33,880 --> 01:38:35,550 下車 1036 01:38:46,520 --> 01:38:48,060 重複一遍 1037 01:38:49,190 --> 01:38:50,610 混蛋 下車 1038 01:38:58,490 --> 01:39:01,160 讓他把衣服翻起來 轉一圈 1039 01:39:01,660 --> 01:39:04,580 把衣服翻起來 轉過去 1040 01:39:05,830 --> 01:39:07,500 你知道我是誰嗎 1041 01:39:08,500 --> 01:39:10,340 告訴他不照做就斃了他 1042 01:39:10,500 --> 01:39:12,420 混蛋我要殺了你 1043 01:39:13,550 --> 01:39:17,430 把衣服翻起來 轉過去 1044 01:39:19,300 --> 01:39:20,640 讓他把槍扔了 1045 01:39:20,970 --> 01:39:22,850 把槍扔了 1046 01:39:30,060 --> 01:39:33,730 你可真是個好員警 西爾維奧 1047 01:39:35,650 --> 01:39:37,360 現在你下車 1048 01:39:39,870 --> 01:39:43,120 下車 西爾維奧 1049 01:40:01,260 --> 01:40:02,550 你想怎樣 1050 01:40:19,740 --> 01:40:21,320 別動 你這混蛋 1051 01:40:21,320 --> 01:40:22,740 你知道我是誰嗎 1052 01:40:22,780 --> 01:40:23,830 我是老大 1053 01:40:23,870 --> 01:40:25,580 趴下 1054 01:40:34,290 --> 01:40:36,340 我知道你是誰 1055 01:40:37,510 --> 01:40:39,760 你是曼紐爾·迪亞茲 1056 01:40:43,140 --> 01:40:46,390 但是現在你要帶我去見... 1057 01:40:47,640 --> 01:40:49,560 你的老大 1058 01:40:50,440 --> 01:40:51,600 起來 1059 01:40:58,110 --> 01:41:03,030 你要是敢輕舉妄動 我就找二十個人上你女兒 1060 01:41:04,070 --> 01:41:06,410 轉過來 1061 01:41:13,460 --> 01:41:15,540 上車 1062 01:41:47,530 --> 01:41:48,740 我是曼紐爾·迪亞茲 I'm Manuel Diaz. 1063 01:41:49,410 --> 01:41:51,290 我知道你是誰 1064 01:41:51,500 --> 01:41:52,910 是曼紐爾 放行了 1065 01:42:00,040 --> 01:42:02,480 我們去了大宅會怎樣 What happens when we get to the house? 1066 01:42:02,560 --> 01:42:04,800 你停車 我下車 You'll stop the car, I'll get out. 1067 01:42:07,200 --> 01:42:08,690 我會怎樣 What will happen to me? 1068 01:42:10,360 --> 01:42:11,440 慢點 Slow it down. 1069 01:42:43,400 --> 01:42:44,560 迪亞茲先生 You're Manuel Diaz? 1070 01:43:03,840 --> 01:43:04,920 還有六個 Six remain. 1071 01:43:06,800 --> 01:43:08,160 我們看不到了 We 're going blind. 1072 01:44:18,020 --> 01:44:20,600 好胃口啊 1073 01:44:22,690 --> 01:44:24,690 冷靜 1074 01:44:24,880 --> 01:44:26,650 不然我們就死了 1075 01:44:27,820 --> 01:44:30,280 你孩子會說英語嗎 1076 01:44:30,360 --> 01:44:31,360 不會 No. 1077 01:44:32,570 --> 01:44:34,330 那我們說英語 1078 01:44:36,910 --> 01:44:38,580 繼續吃 1079 01:44:56,360 --> 01:44:58,930 每天你都害別人家破人亡 Every night you have families killed. 1080 01:45:00,760 --> 01:45:03,600 你卻能安享晚餐 And yet, here you dine. 1081 01:45:06,200 --> 01:45:08,280 今晚不該有什麼不同 Tonight should be no different. 1082 01:45:19,360 --> 01:45:21,410 吃吧 1083 01:45:36,600 --> 01:45:39,000 你覺得讓你來這兒的人 Do you think the people that sent you here 1084 01:45:39,600 --> 01:45:40,680 有什麼不同嗎 are any different? 1085 01:45:44,440 --> 01:45:46,680 你覺得我們是跟誰學的呢 Who do you think we learned it from? 1086 01:45:53,000 --> 01:45:54,360 悲傷的律師 The grieving lawyer... 1087 01:45:57,120 --> 01:46:01,600 你覺得你妻子 會為了你現在的樣子自豪嗎 Your wife, you think she'd be proud of what you've become? 1088 01:46:08,520 --> 01:46:10,360 別忘了還有我女兒 Don't forget about my daughter. 1089 01:46:14,760 --> 01:46:15,150 好吧 Ok. 1090 01:46:17,800 --> 01:46:19,470 你女兒 1091 01:46:24,520 --> 01:46:26,600 並不是私人恩怨 1092 01:46:33,150 --> 01:46:35,030 對我來說就是 1093 01:46:43,320 --> 01:46:44,650 別當著我兒子們下手 Not in front of my boys. 1094 01:46:57,890 --> 01:47:00,220 該見上帝了 1095 01:47:22,560 --> 01:47:24,210 接著吃 Go ahead and finish your meal. 1096 01:48:24,400 --> 01:48:27,760 凱特 我建議你這陣子不要站在陽臺上 I would recommend not standing on balconies for a while, Kate. 1097 01:48:59,000 --> 01:49:00,120 坐下 Sit down. 1098 01:49:28,160 --> 01:49:30,640 你被嚇著的時候像個小姑娘 You look like a little girl when you're scared. 1099 01:49:51,920 --> 01:49:54,890 你讓我想起被他們奪走的女兒 You remind me of the daughter they took away from me. 1100 01:50:15,920 --> 01:50:18,360 我需要你簽了這個檔 I need you to sign this piece of paper. 1101 01:50:20,920 --> 01:50:23,760 大概就是說我們做的 It basically says that everything we did 1102 01:50:25,040 --> 01:50:26,400 都是按章辦事 was done by the book. 1103 01:50:47,960 --> 01:50:49,480 我不能簽 I can't sign that. 1104 01:50:51,920 --> 01:50:53,000 簽 Sign it. 1105 01:51:20,080 --> 01:51:21,800 沒事的 It's okay. 1106 01:51:24,320 --> 01:51:25,810 我簽不了 I can't sign that. 1107 01:51:36,440 --> 01:51:37,600 我天 God! 1108 01:51:39,960 --> 01:51:42,440 你這是自殺 凱特 You would be committing suicide, Kate. 1109 01:52:03,720 --> 01:52:05,720 快簽了 Come on. Sign it. 1110 01:52:30,080 --> 01:52:31,920 你應該搬去小鎮子 You should move to a small town, 1111 01:52:34,160 --> 01:52:36,000 去法律還管用的地方 where the rule of law still exists. 1112 01:52:38,320 --> 01:52:40,040 你在這兒沒法混 You will not survive here. 1113 01:52:42,200 --> 01:52:43,690 你不是狼 You are not a wolf. 1114 01:52:44,520 --> 01:52:46,400 這裡現在是狼群的領地 And this is the land of wolves now. 1115 01:55:11,230 --> 01:55:17,820 邊境殺手