1 00:02:06,043 --> 00:02:08,461 (INSTRUMENTS BEEPING) 2 00:02:15,719 --> 00:02:17,845 Who is John GaIt? 3 00:02:21,558 --> 00:02:24,977 Who is John Galt? 4 00:03:07,187 --> 00:03:11,899 "A device that draws static eIectricity from the atmosphere 5 00:03:12,067 --> 00:03:13,985 and converts it to usabIe power, 6 00:03:14,152 --> 00:03:17,488 harvesting IimitIess energy without fossil fuels." 7 00:03:17,656 --> 00:03:20,950 We wouIdn't need centraIized power. 8 00:03:21,118 --> 00:03:25,204 It wouId end the gIobaI depression in a year. Maybe Iess. 9 00:03:25,372 --> 00:03:26,873 Imagine, Miss Taggart! 10 00:03:27,833 --> 00:03:29,959 I do, every day. 11 00:03:31,211 --> 00:03:32,795 (KEYPAD BEEPING) 12 00:03:37,634 --> 00:03:38,968 Get that. 13 00:03:43,307 --> 00:03:46,809 You say you and Henry Rearden found it in an abandoned car factory? 14 00:03:46,977 --> 00:03:49,979 Yes. In the Iaboratory of the Twentieth Century Motor Company. 15 00:03:50,147 --> 00:03:51,981 (KEYPAD BEEPING) 16 00:03:53,692 --> 00:03:55,776 (AIR HISSING) 17 00:04:11,126 --> 00:04:13,669 - Who hoIds the patent? - None was ever fiIed. 18 00:04:13,837 --> 00:04:14,962 You couId fiIe for it. 19 00:04:15,130 --> 00:04:17,506 I don't want to cIaim credit for something I didn't create. 20 00:04:17,674 --> 00:04:18,925 I just want it to work. 21 00:04:19,843 --> 00:04:22,720 You're a person of uncommon character these days. 22 00:04:23,430 --> 00:04:26,223 There seems to be an eIement missing, 23 00:04:26,391 --> 00:04:31,479 a converter, transformer... I'm not sure. 24 00:04:31,647 --> 00:04:35,858 It might onIy exist in the mind of the inventor. If you couId find... 25 00:04:40,155 --> 00:04:44,075 But you haven't found him, or you wouIdn't have caIIed me. 26 00:04:46,036 --> 00:04:50,539 I know your distaste for my work at the State Science Institute. 27 00:04:50,707 --> 00:04:54,710 With no evidence, you decIare Rearden MetaI unsafe, 28 00:04:54,878 --> 00:04:57,296 just to keep me from buiIding the John GaIt Line. 29 00:04:57,464 --> 00:05:00,174 But you buiIt it anyway. 30 00:05:01,677 --> 00:05:03,219 Magnificent. 31 00:05:05,764 --> 00:05:07,932 I was wrong, I know that now. 32 00:05:08,100 --> 00:05:10,226 - There was enormous poIiticaI pressure. - Dr. StadIer, 33 00:05:10,394 --> 00:05:13,062 can you think of anyone who could have conceived of this? 34 00:05:13,230 --> 00:05:17,316 A scientist, an engineer... maybe ten years ago? 35 00:05:17,484 --> 00:05:20,027 Someone this briIIiant wouId sureIy have caught my attention. 36 00:05:20,195 --> 00:05:24,323 Can you think of anyone now, anyone Ieft who couId bring it to Iife? 37 00:05:24,950 --> 00:05:27,952 Finding a great mind has been increasingIy difficuIt 38 00:05:28,120 --> 00:05:30,204 since the disappearances. 39 00:05:30,914 --> 00:05:33,666 We've Iost many of the best and brightest. 40 00:05:34,835 --> 00:05:37,086 I couId take the device to the State Science Institute. 41 00:05:37,254 --> 00:05:39,296 - There are stiII some resources... - (THUDDING) 42 00:05:48,140 --> 00:05:50,099 Of course not. (CLEARS THROAT) 43 00:05:50,892 --> 00:05:52,518 That wouId be the worst thing. 44 00:05:55,188 --> 00:05:59,108 Miss Taggart, I'd offer to make an attempt myseIf, 45 00:05:59,276 --> 00:06:01,402 but I'm not the person you need. 46 00:06:02,654 --> 00:06:04,530 How are you so sure? 47 00:06:06,074 --> 00:06:07,783 I haven't disappeared. 48 00:06:10,370 --> 00:06:12,621 My pIans, pIease. 49 00:06:25,802 --> 00:06:27,344 (ELEVATOR DINGS) 50 00:06:27,512 --> 00:06:28,804 Miss Taggart. 51 00:06:34,978 --> 00:06:36,562 Quentin DanieIs, pIease. 52 00:06:38,482 --> 00:06:40,232 Yes, Quentin... 53 00:06:40,400 --> 00:06:42,151 (CONTINUES, INDISTINCT) 54 00:06:52,996 --> 00:06:55,331 (INDISTINCT SHOUTING) 55 00:07:00,670 --> 00:07:03,672 (OVERLAPPING CHATTER) 56 00:07:29,366 --> 00:07:31,325 - Dagny! - Eddie. 57 00:07:31,493 --> 00:07:34,328 The 93 route is officiaIIy in deficit. 58 00:07:35,372 --> 00:07:38,165 We'II amortize the Iosses across the whoIe system. 59 00:07:38,333 --> 00:07:39,917 We've been doing that, but the fact is... 60 00:07:40,085 --> 00:07:42,419 We need the CoIorado run. 61 00:07:42,587 --> 00:07:45,214 It's aIways been the core of the raiIroad. 62 00:07:46,424 --> 00:07:48,551 (CROWD CONTINUES INDISTINCT SHOUTING) 63 00:07:55,350 --> 00:07:59,687 While the Fair Share Law dictates that companies must supply goods equally 64 00:07:59,855 --> 00:08:04,733 to all customers, businesses continue to close their doors due to a shortage 65 00:08:04,901 --> 00:08:06,235 of raw materials. 66 00:08:06,403 --> 00:08:11,574 Government appointee Wesley Mouch insists it's only a temporary setback. 67 00:08:11,741 --> 00:08:13,367 Meanwhile in other news, predictably... 68 00:08:13,535 --> 00:08:15,286 (MUTES BROADCAST) 69 00:08:16,872 --> 00:08:18,414 Where are they, Eddie? 70 00:08:18,582 --> 00:08:21,876 - Who? - Anyone who couId make a difference. 71 00:08:23,420 --> 00:08:25,713 I'm sitting next to her. 72 00:08:30,594 --> 00:08:34,138 EIIis Wyatt was more dedicated to his work than anyone I have ever known. 73 00:08:34,306 --> 00:08:37,808 The man figured out how to squeeze oiI from stone, 74 00:08:37,976 --> 00:08:39,852 and he just waIks away? 75 00:08:40,020 --> 00:08:43,063 Not before setting fire to his own shaIe fieId and storage faciIities. 76 00:08:43,231 --> 00:08:45,441 DAGNY: It was a message. A Iesson. 77 00:08:45,609 --> 00:08:47,568 You know why it's stiII burning? 78 00:08:47,736 --> 00:08:50,696 Because anyone bright enough to put it out is gone, too. 79 00:08:53,033 --> 00:08:57,036 It's as if some destroyer is sweeping up everybody 80 00:08:57,204 --> 00:08:59,288 who could dig us out of this mess. 81 00:09:00,165 --> 00:09:01,415 Who is John GaIt? 82 00:09:03,043 --> 00:09:05,211 I disIike that expression immenseIy. 83 00:09:06,838 --> 00:09:09,840 (UNMUTES BROADCAST) ...efforts dumping retardants on Wyatt's Torch 84 00:09:10,008 --> 00:09:12,134 in the Colorado Rockies. 85 00:09:12,302 --> 00:09:14,720 Ellis Wyatt, still missing, 86 00:09:14,888 --> 00:09:17,348 gave what was essentially a slap in the face 87 00:09:17,515 --> 00:09:20,351 to the government and the Fair Share Law by posting 88 00:09:20,518 --> 00:09:23,187 a sign at the base of the burning flame that read: 89 00:09:23,355 --> 00:09:28,192 "I am leaving it as I found it. Take over. It's yours." 90 00:09:51,049 --> 00:09:53,217 (CROWD SHOUTING FAINTLY) 91 00:09:55,804 --> 00:09:58,264 (SIREN BLARING) 92 00:10:09,693 --> 00:10:11,902 (SHOUTING GROWS LOUDER) 93 00:10:19,202 --> 00:10:21,537 (PHONE BUTTONS BEEPING) 94 00:10:22,539 --> 00:10:25,040 WESLEY ON TV: By enforcing the Fair Share Law, prosperity and equality 95 00:10:25,208 --> 00:10:27,209 will finally reach every corner of this nation. 96 00:10:27,377 --> 00:10:29,920 No longer will the greed of a few wealthy businessmen outweigh 97 00:10:30,088 --> 00:10:32,381 the needs of the public at large. 98 00:10:44,019 --> 00:10:45,769 PuII up the 93. 99 00:10:45,937 --> 00:10:47,563 Yes, Miss Taggart. 100 00:10:49,691 --> 00:10:51,692 Who is John GaIt? 101 00:10:51,860 --> 00:10:55,988 Mitchum, if you can't answer that question, don't ask. 102 00:10:56,156 --> 00:10:58,407 I'm sorry, Miss Taggart. When you started the John GaIt Line 103 00:10:58,575 --> 00:11:01,076 I just assumed you Iiked that expression. 104 00:11:01,911 --> 00:11:05,289 - The 93, Dave. - Yes. Yes. 105 00:11:07,417 --> 00:11:11,253 Ninety-three. Freight. Terminates in HammondsviIIe, CoIorado. 106 00:11:11,421 --> 00:11:16,467 Was running three times weekIy, down to twice, now twice a month. 107 00:11:16,634 --> 00:11:17,968 Load? 108 00:11:18,136 --> 00:11:19,803 WeII, we cut the coaI hopper cars in haIf, 109 00:11:19,971 --> 00:11:22,389 but we're stiII puIIing 50 percent Iight. 110 00:11:22,557 --> 00:11:24,433 But that's not my fauIt. 111 00:11:24,601 --> 00:11:26,769 Since EIIis Wyatt disappeared. 112 00:11:26,936 --> 00:11:29,688 Stockton CoaI was making up the tonnage for a whiIe, 113 00:11:29,856 --> 00:11:33,525 - but we Iost that contract. - DAGNY: And we won't get it back. 114 00:11:34,444 --> 00:11:36,945 Andrew Stockton hasn't been heard from in weeks. 115 00:11:37,113 --> 00:11:38,989 The government took over the pIant under Fair Share 116 00:11:39,157 --> 00:11:43,994 and hasn't produced a Iump of coaI. No coaI, no contract. 117 00:11:44,162 --> 00:11:48,457 No contract, no Ioad. No Ioad, no Iine. 118 00:11:52,253 --> 00:11:55,464 This raiIroad doesn't function as a charity, Eddie. 119 00:12:00,762 --> 00:12:02,179 KiII the 93. 120 00:12:07,644 --> 00:12:08,894 You heard her. 121 00:12:51,187 --> 00:12:52,896 Henry Rearden is a hero. 122 00:12:53,064 --> 00:12:55,649 He's an innovator. He's a job creator. 123 00:12:55,817 --> 00:12:58,193 It's better. It's cheaper metaI. It's more creative. 124 00:12:58,361 --> 00:13:00,612 This is CapitaIism 1 01 . 125 00:13:00,780 --> 00:13:02,739 And the Fair Share Law, more big government, 126 00:13:02,907 --> 00:13:05,242 it's gonna resuIt in faiIure. It's gonna resuIt 127 00:13:05,410 --> 00:13:07,202 - in a Iack of competition. - No, but you want more peopIe 128 00:13:07,370 --> 00:13:10,539 in the marketpIace. And especiaIIy when you see the price of gas, 129 00:13:10,707 --> 00:13:13,292 when you see the price of goods in America today, 130 00:13:13,460 --> 00:13:15,961 you understand. You want peopIe who are workin' hard... 131 00:13:16,129 --> 00:13:19,298 Wait a second. This is neither a free market nor a fair market. 132 00:13:19,466 --> 00:13:22,259 This guy's soIe competition... no competition at aII, right? 133 00:13:22,427 --> 00:13:25,137 He's created a metaI that's stronger, that's Iighter, that's cheaper... 134 00:13:47,744 --> 00:13:49,161 All new orders. 135 00:13:49,329 --> 00:13:52,915 - South Texas Freespan, 24 tons... - Bridge truss. 136 00:13:53,082 --> 00:13:56,585 That's the one. Griffin Derrick, Louisiana, 1 9 tons. 137 00:13:56,753 --> 00:14:00,172 Crane arms. Just put them in the hoId fiIe by date, OK? 138 00:14:01,174 --> 00:14:03,425 Danagger CoaI, PennsyIvania, wants to increase their order, 139 00:14:03,593 --> 00:14:06,011 but according to Fair Share, we can't sell them any more. 140 00:14:06,179 --> 00:14:08,347 I'II deaI with Ken Danagger myseIf. 141 00:14:09,390 --> 00:14:11,266 And the order from the State Science Institute? 142 00:14:11,434 --> 00:14:13,727 Just put that one right at the bottom. 143 00:14:13,895 --> 00:14:16,146 But Fair Share gives the government priority. 144 00:14:16,314 --> 00:14:18,357 We'II process them in the order received. 145 00:14:18,525 --> 00:14:21,068 - What couId be more fair than that? - Yes sir, Mr. Rearden. 146 00:14:21,236 --> 00:14:22,819 - (TELEPHONE RINGING) - Oh, and Leonard SmaII 147 00:14:22,987 --> 00:14:25,864 from the State Science Institute is stiII waiting for you in the boardroom. 148 00:14:26,032 --> 00:14:27,407 Got it. 149 00:14:28,910 --> 00:14:31,578 - Hank Rearden. - DAGNY: It's me. 150 00:14:31,746 --> 00:14:34,623 I had to shut down the 93 run. 151 00:14:34,791 --> 00:14:39,419 My great-grandfather drove the first spike into that raiI himseIf. 152 00:14:40,797 --> 00:14:43,632 Just Iike you and I did on the John GaIt Line. 153 00:14:44,467 --> 00:14:47,094 - Sorry, Dagny. - It wasn't paying. 154 00:14:47,262 --> 00:14:49,429 But it was his baby. 155 00:14:49,597 --> 00:14:51,640 NostaIgia's expensive these days. 156 00:14:52,892 --> 00:14:56,061 Hey, remember the inn at CoId Spring Harbor? 157 00:14:56,229 --> 00:14:57,646 Of course. 158 00:14:57,814 --> 00:14:59,314 I have a meeting in the city tomorrow. 159 00:14:59,482 --> 00:15:03,360 We couId go there, just take a break. You need it. 160 00:15:04,445 --> 00:15:06,280 (SIGHS) 161 00:15:06,447 --> 00:15:08,657 - We need it. - I'll see you tomorrow. 162 00:15:09,993 --> 00:15:12,828 Mr. Rearden... Mr. SmaII. 163 00:15:17,208 --> 00:15:19,585 Mr. Rearden, an honor to meet you. 164 00:15:19,752 --> 00:15:21,878 Don't you have a home? 165 00:15:23,172 --> 00:15:24,923 - Sir? - WeII, you've been camped out 166 00:15:25,091 --> 00:15:27,301 in my boardroom, rent free. 167 00:15:29,721 --> 00:15:31,888 PIease understand that it's my job. 168 00:15:34,058 --> 00:15:37,019 It's the job you chose. 169 00:15:38,730 --> 00:15:42,899 I've just never met a Iooter with your kind of dedication and endurance. 170 00:15:43,067 --> 00:15:45,902 - I'm not a Iooter. - No? 171 00:15:46,070 --> 00:15:49,072 So, you're not here to take something from me you didn't earn yourseIf? 172 00:15:49,240 --> 00:15:51,700 You can't just reject a government order for your materiaIs. 173 00:15:51,868 --> 00:15:54,286 - Why can't I? - It's an EssentiaI Needs project. 174 00:15:54,454 --> 00:15:56,330 EssentiaI to whom? 175 00:15:58,458 --> 00:16:02,961 It's... it's very important. It's for the State Science Institute. 176 00:16:03,129 --> 00:16:06,423 WeII, the State Science Institute decIared Rearden MetaI unfit. 177 00:16:06,591 --> 00:16:09,760 They did so very pubIicIy. NearIy ruined my company. 178 00:16:10,720 --> 00:16:14,389 So, teII me why does the SSI now need 1 0,000 tons of my 179 00:16:14,557 --> 00:16:16,475 "dangerous, inferior metaI"? 180 00:16:17,226 --> 00:16:19,728 You Iaid a hundred miIes of track aIong the John GaIt Line 181 00:16:19,896 --> 00:16:20,937 that proved them wrong. 182 00:16:21,105 --> 00:16:24,691 You stiII haven't answered my question. Why? To what purpose? 183 00:16:26,986 --> 00:16:30,030 Rest assured, Mr. Rearden, it's in the pubIic interest. 184 00:16:30,198 --> 00:16:34,785 I'II rest on this: You teII your peopIe that I wiII not seII any Rearden MetaI 185 00:16:34,952 --> 00:16:38,538 to the State Science Institute at any time, for any price, 186 00:16:38,706 --> 00:16:41,291 - for any purpose whatsoever. - Mr. Rearden, 187 00:16:41,459 --> 00:16:45,462 no one has ever refused to seII strategic materiaI to the government. 188 00:16:46,506 --> 00:16:49,299 It's against the Fair Share Law. You have to seII it to them. 189 00:16:50,468 --> 00:16:52,427 I'II make it simpIe for you. 190 00:16:55,640 --> 00:16:58,183 TeII them I won't accept payment. 191 00:16:59,769 --> 00:17:02,354 Now they're weIcome to come down here with their trucks 192 00:17:02,522 --> 00:17:05,982 and their guns and seize as much metaI as they want. 193 00:17:06,150 --> 00:17:09,152 - That wouId be theft. - Damn, son. 194 00:17:09,320 --> 00:17:11,279 You're brighter than you Iook. 195 00:17:12,615 --> 00:17:15,909 One of these days, you're gonna have to decide which side you're on. 196 00:17:24,460 --> 00:17:26,795 You know, Mr. Rearden, times have changed. 197 00:17:26,963 --> 00:17:29,047 We aII have to be fIexibIe. 198 00:17:29,215 --> 00:17:31,466 We can't be tied down by rigid principIes. 199 00:17:31,634 --> 00:17:34,970 Try pouring a ton of steeI without rigid principles. 200 00:17:49,527 --> 00:17:50,986 Dagny. 201 00:17:53,156 --> 00:17:54,698 What is it? 202 00:17:54,866 --> 00:17:58,201 LegaI says James has to co-sign the order to shut down the 93 203 00:17:58,369 --> 00:17:59,995 before we take action. 204 00:18:01,122 --> 00:18:03,832 - I can't find him. - I don't know where he is, Eddie. 205 00:18:04,000 --> 00:18:08,336 He's the president of the raiIroad, even if it is in titIe onIy. 206 00:18:08,504 --> 00:18:10,338 He shouId have been here today. 207 00:18:11,883 --> 00:18:15,886 Shut down the 93. I'II handIe my brother. 208 00:18:16,053 --> 00:18:17,137 Thank you. 209 00:18:25,813 --> 00:18:27,397 (SIREN BLARES) 210 00:18:35,198 --> 00:18:36,782 MAN: Excuse me. 211 00:18:36,949 --> 00:18:40,744 (CROWD CHATTERS EXCITEDLY) 212 00:18:43,456 --> 00:18:46,291 Spread the honey. Make sure they know who it's from. 213 00:18:46,459 --> 00:18:49,211 Yes sir, Mr. Taggart. Mr. Taggart wants to send his Iove 214 00:18:49,378 --> 00:18:53,632 and affection to aII of you. Let's hear it for Mr. Taggart! 215 00:18:53,800 --> 00:18:55,467 (CASH REGISTER BEEPING) 216 00:18:57,136 --> 00:18:59,221 - AII right, here you go. - Thank you. 217 00:18:59,388 --> 00:19:01,431 Thank you so much. Have a good one. 218 00:19:12,109 --> 00:19:15,111 Oh, my God. You're James Taggart. 219 00:19:15,279 --> 00:19:16,404 (CHUCKLES) 220 00:19:16,572 --> 00:19:18,782 - Yes, I am. How did you know? - What? 221 00:19:18,950 --> 00:19:22,869 Who doesn't know James Taggart? You buiIt the John GaIt Line. 222 00:19:23,037 --> 00:19:25,247 Do you have any idea what that meant to everybody? 223 00:19:25,915 --> 00:19:28,834 - Here... I mean, if it's OK. - Oh, pIease. 224 00:19:30,336 --> 00:19:32,712 They said it couIdn't be done, but you did it. 225 00:19:32,880 --> 00:19:35,006 You defied the expression "Who is John GaIt?" Wow. 226 00:19:35,174 --> 00:19:38,426 You just threw it right back at them. 227 00:19:42,598 --> 00:19:43,890 You're my hero. 228 00:19:44,892 --> 00:19:46,351 And now, you're mine. 229 00:19:47,270 --> 00:19:49,354 Hero, that is. 230 00:19:49,522 --> 00:19:51,273 And I don't even know your name. 231 00:19:51,858 --> 00:19:52,899 CherryI Brooks. 232 00:19:53,067 --> 00:19:57,404 CherryI Brooks... have you ever ridden in a Iimo? 233 00:20:00,074 --> 00:20:02,951 (DRAMATIC PIANO PLAYING) 234 00:20:35,860 --> 00:20:38,278 (CHEERS AND APPLAUSE) 235 00:20:57,715 --> 00:21:00,133 MAN: Are you ready, Mr. HaIIey? 236 00:21:06,349 --> 00:21:09,017 (CHEERS, APPLAUSE CONTINUE) 237 00:21:27,161 --> 00:21:29,454 (AUDIENCE MURMURS QUIETLY) 238 00:21:47,473 --> 00:21:49,140 (MUFFLED CROWD SHOUTING) 239 00:21:50,810 --> 00:21:54,187 (CLEARS THROAT) Miss Taggart, maybe you shouId take the side door. 240 00:21:54,355 --> 00:21:56,690 It's getting pretty dicey outside. 241 00:21:57,733 --> 00:21:59,693 I'm good, thanks. 242 00:22:06,117 --> 00:22:08,284 HANK: Any progress with the motor? 243 00:22:08,452 --> 00:22:10,662 Dr. StadIer wasn't much heIp. 244 00:22:10,830 --> 00:22:13,498 You showed it to StadIer? The bastard singIe-handedIy 245 00:22:13,666 --> 00:22:15,125 tried to stop the John GaIt Line. 246 00:22:15,292 --> 00:22:16,918 I assume you remember what we went through. 247 00:22:17,086 --> 00:22:19,963 Of course. But I need StadIer. 248 00:22:20,131 --> 00:22:24,092 If anyone knows somebody who can make the motor work, it's him. 249 00:22:24,260 --> 00:22:25,635 (SIGHS) 250 00:22:25,803 --> 00:22:28,096 Great minds aren't in great suppIy these days. 251 00:22:28,264 --> 00:22:32,434 Even artists, musicians... Richard HaIIey. 252 00:22:32,601 --> 00:22:36,604 Performed his "Fourth Rhapsody" and then just disappeared. 253 00:22:36,772 --> 00:22:38,064 Thin air. 254 00:22:39,108 --> 00:22:42,360 No Iegacy. They say he destroyed aII his compositions 255 00:22:42,528 --> 00:22:44,070 before he ever went to the haII. 256 00:22:44,238 --> 00:22:47,532 I can't imagine just waIking away from everything Iike that. 257 00:22:47,700 --> 00:22:49,492 Hank, if we Iose, there is a time coming 258 00:22:49,660 --> 00:22:53,580 when this won't be possible, what we're doing. 259 00:22:53,748 --> 00:22:57,167 It wouIdn't be possibIe now if we hadn't earned it. 260 00:23:00,463 --> 00:23:03,506 Dagny, we won't Iet the worId disappear. 261 00:23:03,674 --> 00:23:05,675 (SIGHS) 262 00:23:27,990 --> 00:23:31,076 - Mr. DanieIs... - Quentin, pIease. 263 00:23:32,787 --> 00:23:34,079 Quentin. 264 00:23:35,581 --> 00:23:39,709 Dr. StadIer teIIs me you're one of the brightest young engineers he knows. 265 00:23:40,586 --> 00:23:43,671 He's a Iiar, that guy. But you probabIy aIready know that. 266 00:23:43,839 --> 00:23:46,466 That whoIe State Science Institute... it's Iike a State Institute, 267 00:23:46,634 --> 00:23:48,176 minus the science. 268 00:23:49,345 --> 00:23:52,972 Right. What do you think of the prototype? 269 00:23:53,724 --> 00:23:55,683 I think it's a working modeI. 270 00:23:55,851 --> 00:23:58,019 - Three-fifths scaIe, I don't know. - Working? 271 00:23:58,187 --> 00:23:59,729 Yeah. 272 00:24:00,481 --> 00:24:01,773 See? 273 00:24:03,025 --> 00:24:04,526 There's scuff marks. 274 00:24:04,693 --> 00:24:06,402 This thing's been on before. 275 00:24:07,863 --> 00:24:12,200 The connectors are scuffed and there's eIectroIytic deposition. 276 00:24:12,368 --> 00:24:16,204 Yeah, it works... or it did. Pretty sure. 277 00:24:17,373 --> 00:24:19,374 What do you want me to do with it? 278 00:24:20,084 --> 00:24:23,461 I want it to function, and I want to buiId more. 279 00:24:23,629 --> 00:24:25,004 - What do you need? - (SCOFFS) 280 00:24:26,215 --> 00:24:27,715 A hundred years. 281 00:24:27,883 --> 00:24:30,677 In terms of support... money. 282 00:24:30,845 --> 00:24:33,721 I won't accept pay for my good intentions. 283 00:24:33,889 --> 00:24:36,224 If I need gear or equipment, I'II send you a request. 284 00:24:37,518 --> 00:24:38,518 Done. 285 00:24:38,686 --> 00:24:43,314 But if I puII it off and make it work, I'm gonna want to skin you aIive. 286 00:24:43,482 --> 00:24:45,859 A painful percentage, if that's acceptabIe. 287 00:24:48,696 --> 00:24:50,071 PerfectIy. 288 00:24:52,241 --> 00:24:53,575 What about your other projects? 289 00:24:53,742 --> 00:24:56,202 Your obIigations to the Utah Institute of TechnoIogy? 290 00:24:56,370 --> 00:24:59,581 The Institute's cIosed, ma'am. I pretty much have the run of the pIace. 291 00:24:59,748 --> 00:25:01,916 - What about security? - Best there is. 292 00:25:02,084 --> 00:25:03,501 I'm the night watchman. 293 00:25:19,310 --> 00:25:21,186 So what do you want from me, Danagger? 294 00:25:24,773 --> 00:25:27,483 Four thousand tons of Rearden MetaI, formed. 295 00:25:29,153 --> 00:25:32,113 ShouId be enough to shore up my mines and stop the cave-ins. 296 00:25:32,281 --> 00:25:35,742 You'II get your metaI. When you need more, you'II get that, too. 297 00:25:35,910 --> 00:25:38,369 Fair Share be damned. 298 00:25:38,537 --> 00:25:42,999 We're waIking a thin Iine here. Is it worth it? 299 00:25:43,876 --> 00:25:46,044 If I don't get coaI, I can't make steeI. 300 00:25:46,212 --> 00:25:48,421 If I don't make steeI, Taggart stops moving. 301 00:25:48,589 --> 00:25:50,632 Everything coIIapses around that. 302 00:25:55,804 --> 00:25:57,222 Hank... 303 00:25:58,974 --> 00:26:01,684 Washington gets wind of this, we'll both be in trouble. 304 00:26:01,852 --> 00:26:04,145 I want you to know, I won't cooperate with Mouch 305 00:26:04,313 --> 00:26:07,148 and the rest of those crooks. I'II go to jaiI first. 306 00:26:10,069 --> 00:26:11,527 Then we'II go together. 307 00:26:14,823 --> 00:26:16,491 Good to see you, Ken. 308 00:26:22,456 --> 00:26:24,123 (EXHALES) 309 00:26:38,597 --> 00:26:40,056 (SIGHS) 310 00:26:55,572 --> 00:26:57,156 WOMAN: Henry. 311 00:26:57,866 --> 00:26:59,284 Henry. 312 00:27:04,123 --> 00:27:06,207 LiIIian. What a surprise. 313 00:27:11,213 --> 00:27:12,463 LILLIAN: Lunch for two? 314 00:27:15,968 --> 00:27:17,343 What are you doing here? 315 00:27:19,805 --> 00:27:22,432 James Taggart's wedding is this evening. Remember? 316 00:27:22,599 --> 00:27:24,309 Yeah, I'm gonna have to pass on that. 317 00:27:26,687 --> 00:27:29,480 You can't pass, Henry. 318 00:27:29,648 --> 00:27:32,400 I'm not going to the biggest event of the season without my husband. 319 00:27:32,568 --> 00:27:35,278 WeII, I don't want to go. EspeciaIIy to that. 320 00:27:35,988 --> 00:27:39,073 But you wiII go, won't you? 321 00:27:45,622 --> 00:27:48,291 Not because you want to, but because I want you to. 322 00:27:48,459 --> 00:27:50,460 You're not staying here tonight, LiIIian. 323 00:27:51,462 --> 00:27:53,421 I wouIdn't dream of it. 324 00:27:56,091 --> 00:27:58,301 (BAND PLAYS UP-TEMPO MUSIC) 325 00:28:05,809 --> 00:28:08,019 (MUSIC CONTINUES, MUFFLED) 326 00:28:11,857 --> 00:28:13,816 (PEOPLE CHATTERING) 327 00:28:34,296 --> 00:28:37,298 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 328 00:28:56,318 --> 00:29:00,988 CherryI, you Iook IoveIy. What a beautifuI wedding. 329 00:29:01,156 --> 00:29:02,615 There's something I want you to know, Dagny. 330 00:29:02,783 --> 00:29:05,159 So there won't be any pretending about it. 331 00:29:06,203 --> 00:29:08,496 I know how Jim has aIIowed you to treat him. 332 00:29:08,664 --> 00:29:11,582 How you've cIaimed credit for everything that he's accompIished. 333 00:29:13,168 --> 00:29:15,503 What you choose to beIieve is your business. 334 00:29:15,671 --> 00:29:17,964 I'm going to protect him from you. 335 00:29:18,590 --> 00:29:21,092 I'm the woman in this famiIy now. 336 00:29:22,052 --> 00:29:25,012 Oh, that's quite aII right. I'm the man. 337 00:29:28,976 --> 00:29:33,229 (BAND PLAYS SLOW-TEMPO MUSIC) 338 00:29:43,699 --> 00:29:46,951 SIug, my oIdest and dearest friend. 339 00:29:48,245 --> 00:29:52,540 Francisco, you haven't caIIed me that since we were kids. 340 00:29:58,005 --> 00:29:59,297 Why are you here? 341 00:29:59,465 --> 00:30:03,134 Don't you remember when you dared John GaIt to come cIaim the Iine 342 00:30:03,302 --> 00:30:06,179 that bears his name, hmm? 343 00:30:07,890 --> 00:30:10,349 - WeII, he has. - (SIGHS) 344 00:30:10,517 --> 00:30:12,477 Who is John GaIt? 345 00:30:13,812 --> 00:30:16,105 The question on everyone's Iips these days. 346 00:30:16,273 --> 00:30:21,277 I'm asking you the question, Francisco. Who or what is John GaIt? 347 00:30:22,070 --> 00:30:23,446 Are you John Galt? 348 00:30:25,991 --> 00:30:27,992 Not as you'd think of it. 349 00:30:28,744 --> 00:30:31,078 I don't know what to think. 350 00:30:31,246 --> 00:30:34,248 - Is he even a man? - Or an idea. 351 00:30:36,084 --> 00:30:39,795 If you knew, what difference would it make? 352 00:30:40,547 --> 00:30:42,840 I want to know. 353 00:30:43,008 --> 00:30:45,593 - I need to know. - Hmm. 354 00:30:45,761 --> 00:30:49,555 If you heId the motor of the worId in your hands, what wouId you do? 355 00:30:52,601 --> 00:30:54,936 (BAND PLAYS UP-TEMPO MUSIC) 356 00:30:56,522 --> 00:30:58,231 (INDISTINCT CHATTERING) 357 00:31:06,615 --> 00:31:10,618 Dagny, hi. I was hoping to run into you. 358 00:31:11,245 --> 00:31:12,245 Here we are. 359 00:31:14,665 --> 00:31:17,083 I'm sure you reaIize how easiIy it couId be misconstrued, 360 00:31:17,251 --> 00:31:20,545 you wearing a braceIet my husband made for me with his precious metaI. 361 00:31:22,422 --> 00:31:23,464 It's embarrassing. 362 00:31:24,299 --> 00:31:27,468 - Why don't we pretend we never traded. - I think I'II keep it. 363 00:31:30,973 --> 00:31:33,307 - MAN: Another kiss! - (LIGHT APPLAUSE) 364 00:31:35,227 --> 00:31:36,602 JAMES: A toast. 365 00:31:36,770 --> 00:31:39,313 Here's to my wife, Mrs. James Taggart. 366 00:31:39,481 --> 00:31:42,483 Love does, indeed, conquer aII. 367 00:31:42,651 --> 00:31:43,859 ALL: Cheers! 368 00:31:44,027 --> 00:31:47,905 Mm! Even sociaI and economic barriers. 369 00:31:48,073 --> 00:31:52,201 You know, money cannot buy happiness. 370 00:31:52,369 --> 00:31:53,828 Truer words were never spoken. 371 00:31:55,080 --> 00:31:57,665 We're no Ionger chasing the aImighty doIIar. 372 00:31:58,500 --> 00:32:02,128 Our ideaIs are higher than profit. 373 00:32:02,838 --> 00:32:05,131 Instead of the aristocracy of money, we have... 374 00:32:05,299 --> 00:32:07,925 The aristocracy of puII. 375 00:32:08,093 --> 00:32:12,847 I mean, now, it's about infIuence. But you knew that aIready. 376 00:32:13,015 --> 00:32:15,349 What I know is that you need to Iearn some manners. 377 00:32:15,517 --> 00:32:18,936 If you ever doubted that money was the root of aII eviI, there's your proof. 378 00:32:19,730 --> 00:32:23,190 So, you think that money is the root of aII eviI. 379 00:32:23,358 --> 00:32:26,694 Have you ever asked yourseIf "What's the root of money?" 380 00:32:28,322 --> 00:32:31,157 Money is a tooI that aIIows us to trade with one another. 381 00:32:31,325 --> 00:32:36,203 Your goods for mine. Your efforts for mine. 382 00:32:36,371 --> 00:32:39,582 The keystone of civiIization. 383 00:32:40,208 --> 00:32:43,002 Having money is not the measure of a man. 384 00:32:44,087 --> 00:32:46,881 What matters is how he got it. 385 00:32:47,049 --> 00:32:49,550 If he produced it by creating vaIue, 386 00:32:49,718 --> 00:32:52,261 then his money is a token of honor. 387 00:32:52,429 --> 00:32:53,888 Look who's taIking about honor. 388 00:32:54,056 --> 00:32:57,850 But if he's taken it from those who produce, then there is no honor. 389 00:32:59,061 --> 00:33:01,062 Then you're simpIy a Iooter. 390 00:33:02,731 --> 00:33:07,360 Señor d'Anconia, we aII know that money is made by the strong 391 00:33:07,527 --> 00:33:09,320 at the expense of the weak. 392 00:33:09,488 --> 00:33:12,281 Mm. What kind of strength are you taIking about? 393 00:33:12,449 --> 00:33:14,909 The power to create vaIue? 394 00:33:15,952 --> 00:33:20,831 Or the abiIity to manipuIate, to extort money in back room deaIs, 395 00:33:20,999 --> 00:33:24,210 - to exercise puII? - AII right... just Ieave. 396 00:33:24,378 --> 00:33:25,836 Hey. 397 00:33:26,338 --> 00:33:29,965 When money ceases to be the tooI by which men deaI with one another, 398 00:33:30,133 --> 00:33:32,593 then men become the tooIs of men. 399 00:33:32,761 --> 00:33:37,390 BIood, whips, chains or doIIars. Take your choice. 400 00:33:37,557 --> 00:33:39,392 There is no other. 401 00:33:40,519 --> 00:33:42,645 And your time is running out. 402 00:33:47,693 --> 00:33:49,151 D'Anconia... 403 00:33:50,237 --> 00:33:51,320 ...I wanna speak to you. 404 00:33:52,322 --> 00:33:55,116 Mr. Rearden, to whom do you think I was speaking? 405 00:33:55,826 --> 00:33:59,787 TeII me, do you own any d'Anconia GIobaI Commodities stock? 406 00:33:59,955 --> 00:34:01,747 - No. - Good. 407 00:34:01,915 --> 00:34:04,667 Most everyone eIse in this room does, and they deserve to. 408 00:34:04,835 --> 00:34:07,086 What are you taIking about? 409 00:34:10,882 --> 00:34:15,136 There was a fire at the d'Anconia ore docks in VaIparaiso... 410 00:34:15,303 --> 00:34:17,972 ...tomorrow morning. In unreIated events, 411 00:34:18,140 --> 00:34:21,475 the d'Anconia mines were buried under rock sIides. 412 00:34:21,643 --> 00:34:22,935 That's tomorrow, too. 413 00:34:23,103 --> 00:34:25,146 Why wouId you do that? 414 00:34:26,565 --> 00:34:29,150 Money is the root of aII eviI. 415 00:34:29,317 --> 00:34:31,485 So I just got tired of being eviI. 416 00:35:46,895 --> 00:35:49,104 I took her to the station myseIf. 417 00:35:50,982 --> 00:35:54,193 I had no right to bring her into our worId. 418 00:36:38,029 --> 00:36:39,738 Good morning, Henry. 419 00:36:45,120 --> 00:36:47,121 Aren't you gonna say anything? 420 00:36:47,289 --> 00:36:49,290 (EXHALES) 421 00:36:51,376 --> 00:36:54,795 When was the Iast time you spent the night in this room? 422 00:36:56,256 --> 00:36:58,424 When was the Iast time you spent a night with me? 423 00:36:59,426 --> 00:37:01,468 Is it your IittIe girI from the office, is it Gwen? 424 00:37:01,636 --> 00:37:04,680 Or is it a CherryI, something you picked up out of the gutter? 425 00:37:04,848 --> 00:37:08,517 LiIIian, drop it. 426 00:37:09,519 --> 00:37:13,564 - I am your wife. - We can soIve that simpIy enough. 427 00:37:17,235 --> 00:37:19,987 You have her aII over you. 428 00:37:20,572 --> 00:37:21,822 Get out. 429 00:37:23,992 --> 00:37:25,951 You're a hypocrite, Henry. 430 00:37:26,119 --> 00:37:29,830 You're just another Iying, cheating husband who can't keep his pants zipped. 431 00:37:29,998 --> 00:37:34,126 You're entitIed to that. I'm ready to give you a divorce. Get out. 432 00:37:34,294 --> 00:37:37,212 You'II "give" me? You can't buy your way out of this. 433 00:37:38,298 --> 00:37:41,342 I knew you wanted a divorce six months into our marriage. 434 00:37:42,844 --> 00:37:45,012 Then why do you stay? 435 00:37:45,472 --> 00:37:47,723 Because you're screwing some whore, 436 00:37:47,891 --> 00:37:53,562 I have to give up my home, my name, my position? Never. 437 00:37:53,730 --> 00:37:55,481 Ever. 438 00:37:58,068 --> 00:38:01,195 I'm very good at keeping up appearances. I'II heIp you do the same. 439 00:38:02,489 --> 00:38:04,365 I don't know who you think you are. 440 00:38:04,532 --> 00:38:06,992 I am Mrs. Henry Rearden. 441 00:38:07,160 --> 00:38:10,037 I'm the person who knows what you are... 442 00:38:11,373 --> 00:38:16,210 ...a common, ordinary man who thinks he doesn't owe anybody anything. 443 00:38:16,378 --> 00:38:18,545 And you're wrong. 444 00:38:18,713 --> 00:38:24,176 You're a moIe, Henry, who crawIed up out of a hoIe in the ground. 445 00:38:24,886 --> 00:38:27,304 - You owe me. - (SCOFFS) 446 00:38:28,515 --> 00:38:30,683 You owe everybody. 447 00:38:50,245 --> 00:38:53,914 As the market opened, stock of d'Anconia Global Commodities 448 00:38:54,082 --> 00:38:56,542 tumbled 82 percent on reports 449 00:38:56,710 --> 00:38:59,753 that disasters in Chile and elsewhere around the world 450 00:38:59,921 --> 00:39:04,008 have crippled the company's ability to mine and deliver resources. 451 00:39:04,175 --> 00:39:07,928 Eyewitness accounts describe devastation so extensive, 452 00:39:08,096 --> 00:39:12,599 it's unlikely the 200-year-old company will ever recover. 453 00:39:12,767 --> 00:39:16,103 Luckily, no casualties were reported. 454 00:39:16,271 --> 00:39:20,232 Calls to company President Francisco d'Anconia were not returned 455 00:39:20,400 --> 00:39:24,194 and Global Commodities officials have declined comment. 456 00:39:29,325 --> 00:39:31,952 What an inspiring sight! 457 00:39:32,120 --> 00:39:35,789 The most vaIuabIe metaI operation in the country, maybe the worId. 458 00:39:35,957 --> 00:39:38,959 You didn't think so when your agency tried to shut me down. 459 00:39:39,127 --> 00:39:44,173 (CHUCKLES) WeII, times change, Mr. Rearden. Situations change. 460 00:39:44,340 --> 00:39:46,675 But peopIe Iike you don't change, Dr. Ferris. 461 00:39:46,843 --> 00:39:50,137 And my position hasn't changed. He shouId have toId you. 462 00:39:50,305 --> 00:39:53,974 I wiII not seII my metaI to the State Science Institute. 463 00:39:55,143 --> 00:40:00,355 In Iight of recent events, I'd say your position is untenabIe. 464 00:40:02,400 --> 00:40:03,942 What events? 465 00:40:05,070 --> 00:40:09,156 Your transfer of 4,000 tons of Rearden MetaI to Ken Danagger, 466 00:40:09,324 --> 00:40:12,785 in cIear vioIation of the Fair Share mandate. 467 00:40:12,952 --> 00:40:16,288 - We're done here. - Not yet. 468 00:40:16,456 --> 00:40:20,501 It's very simpIe now. You deIiver our order, 469 00:40:20,668 --> 00:40:23,962 accept our generous compensation, 470 00:40:24,130 --> 00:40:27,549 and you and Danagger don't spend the next ten years in prison. 471 00:40:28,593 --> 00:40:31,512 You seem pretty happy I vioIated one of your new Iaws. 472 00:40:31,679 --> 00:40:36,558 (CHUCKLING) That's what Iaws are for, Mr. Rearden. 473 00:40:36,726 --> 00:40:40,020 If the right peopIe don't break them, they're of no use whatsoever. 474 00:40:40,188 --> 00:40:43,524 Oh, by the way, young Mr. SmaII wiII be 475 00:40:43,691 --> 00:40:46,652 staying on in a supervisory capacity. 476 00:40:46,820 --> 00:40:49,363 To ensure that working conditions meet the standards 477 00:40:49,531 --> 00:40:52,825 - required of a government contractor. - He has a job to do. 478 00:40:52,992 --> 00:40:56,411 He has to do what you teII him. I don't. 479 00:41:02,544 --> 00:41:04,378 I can find my own way out, thank you. 480 00:41:08,883 --> 00:41:10,759 And Leonard stays. 481 00:41:20,270 --> 00:41:23,814 WeII, that went about as weII as couId be expected, don't you think? 482 00:41:27,360 --> 00:41:31,822 The Justice Department has just handed down indictments against Henry Rearden, 483 00:41:31,990 --> 00:41:34,575 billionaire manufacturer of Rearden Metal, 484 00:41:34,742 --> 00:41:39,413 and Kenneth Danagger, the nation's largest remaining producer of coal. 485 00:41:39,581 --> 00:41:44,042 Both men face up to ten years in prison for flagrant violation 486 00:41:44,210 --> 00:41:45,836 of the Fair Share Law. 487 00:41:50,425 --> 00:41:52,467 DAGNY: Eddie, I'm wheels down in Pittsburgh. 488 00:41:52,635 --> 00:41:53,427 EDDIE: Pittsburgh? 489 00:41:53,595 --> 00:41:55,304 DAGNY: I need to know where Ken Danagger stands. 490 00:41:55,471 --> 00:41:57,681 I want him to know he's not alone. 491 00:42:03,605 --> 00:42:06,940 (CLOCK CHIMES SOFTLY) 492 00:42:07,108 --> 00:42:08,442 (SCOFFS) 493 00:42:08,610 --> 00:42:11,528 Excuse me, but I had an 1 1 :00 with Mr. Danagger. 494 00:42:11,696 --> 00:42:13,739 I know, Miss Taggart, I'm sorry. 495 00:42:13,907 --> 00:42:15,574 He asked not to be disturbed. 496 00:42:15,742 --> 00:42:17,868 He's been in there with someone for a while. 497 00:42:18,036 --> 00:42:20,287 - Who? - I actuaIIy don't know the gentIeman. 498 00:42:20,455 --> 00:42:22,372 He didn't have an appointment, but Mr. Danagger 499 00:42:22,540 --> 00:42:24,208 seemed to be expecting him so... 500 00:42:25,793 --> 00:42:29,046 Miss Taggart... He won't be much Ionger I'm sure! 501 00:42:31,216 --> 00:42:32,382 Dagny! 502 00:42:37,388 --> 00:42:40,474 I'm sorry, Ken, I thought... 503 00:42:40,642 --> 00:42:45,604 No, no. Forgive me, Dagny. I'm sure I made you wait. 504 00:42:45,772 --> 00:42:47,731 So good to see you. 505 00:42:48,858 --> 00:42:50,275 You, too. 506 00:42:51,819 --> 00:42:54,821 So... they've handed down the indictments 507 00:42:54,989 --> 00:42:56,698 against you and Hank Rearden. 508 00:42:57,492 --> 00:42:59,534 It's a knee-sIapper. 509 00:42:59,702 --> 00:43:02,412 You couId go to prison for a decade. 510 00:43:03,289 --> 00:43:05,666 Who is John GaIt, right? 511 00:43:18,846 --> 00:43:24,476 Mr. Danagger... Ken... you toId me you Iove your work. 512 00:43:24,978 --> 00:43:26,353 I do. 513 00:43:27,605 --> 00:43:29,106 Are you quitting? 514 00:43:29,274 --> 00:43:31,817 It's a fine baIance we have. 515 00:43:33,194 --> 00:43:36,405 You depend on my coaI for power... 516 00:43:37,323 --> 00:43:39,032 ...and to fiII your hoppers. 517 00:43:41,369 --> 00:43:44,329 Hank uses my coaI to make his steeI. 518 00:43:45,748 --> 00:43:50,168 And we use his steel to shore up my mines and Iay your raiI. 519 00:43:50,962 --> 00:43:54,006 It's perfect. NaturaI. 520 00:43:54,716 --> 00:43:59,052 - Trading vaIue for vaIue. - Everybody wins. 521 00:43:59,220 --> 00:44:03,849 UntiI something we can't controI poisons that baIance. 522 00:44:04,017 --> 00:44:06,226 - Then what do we do? - I fight. 523 00:44:06,394 --> 00:44:11,356 I fought for every chunk of coaI I've ever puIIed out of the ground. 524 00:44:11,524 --> 00:44:15,110 And now, I can't set my price. 525 00:44:15,278 --> 00:44:17,487 I can't decide who to seII to. 526 00:44:17,655 --> 00:44:22,492 The government takes what they want and taxes what they Ieave behind. 527 00:44:23,369 --> 00:44:27,456 All I'm doing is feeding the beast that's trying to destroy me. 528 00:44:27,623 --> 00:44:30,000 You're just going to Iet them have your coaI? 529 00:44:30,168 --> 00:44:33,545 It's not important. You're weIcome to it. 530 00:44:33,713 --> 00:44:36,089 Take as much as you can hauI away. 531 00:44:40,762 --> 00:44:45,640 Dagny, you keep up the good fight, 532 00:44:45,808 --> 00:44:48,518 just as long as you feel you need to. 533 00:44:50,730 --> 00:44:53,440 I've onIy got one thing Ieft worth fighting for. 534 00:44:55,485 --> 00:44:56,610 What's that? 535 00:44:59,447 --> 00:45:00,947 This. 536 00:45:14,420 --> 00:45:15,629 (SIGHS) 537 00:45:32,480 --> 00:45:33,605 Francisco. 538 00:45:33,773 --> 00:45:35,273 (MUFFLED CHATTERING) 539 00:45:35,441 --> 00:45:38,110 (POWER TOOLS WHIRRING) 540 00:45:38,277 --> 00:45:41,363 Soon, they'II have watchers watching the watchers. 541 00:45:42,990 --> 00:45:45,075 When wiII it end? 542 00:45:47,995 --> 00:45:49,663 When wiII you end it? 543 00:45:51,666 --> 00:45:54,501 That the Iine you used on Ken Danagger? 544 00:45:55,503 --> 00:45:56,795 Me? No. 545 00:45:56,963 --> 00:45:58,672 I had nothing to do with that. 546 00:45:58,840 --> 00:46:02,426 What about your mines? You had something to do with that. 547 00:46:02,593 --> 00:46:05,262 You know, copper's getting a IittIe hard to come by. 548 00:46:06,681 --> 00:46:09,349 And now, losing Ken Danagger and his coaI... 549 00:46:09,517 --> 00:46:12,769 If Ken Danagger had enough, it's not for me to judge. 550 00:46:13,354 --> 00:46:15,564 I'II just have to work a IittIe harder. 551 00:46:15,731 --> 00:46:19,776 Harder? Even your metaI has its Iimits. 552 00:46:20,736 --> 00:46:25,073 I don't know my Iimit, d'Anconia. I guess I don't much care to find it. 553 00:46:25,241 --> 00:46:26,783 But I won't be stopped. 554 00:46:28,578 --> 00:46:30,078 Thanks, Gwen. 555 00:46:33,875 --> 00:46:35,876 Why do you stay in business? 556 00:46:37,253 --> 00:46:39,754 - To make money. - Yes. To make money. 557 00:46:40,840 --> 00:46:43,842 By creating a product that nobody ever dreamed of. 558 00:46:44,010 --> 00:46:46,553 And how's that working out for you? 559 00:46:46,721 --> 00:46:47,888 It's getting tougher. 560 00:46:48,055 --> 00:46:53,518 Did you want to see your metaI and your weaIth 561 00:46:53,686 --> 00:46:57,772 used by Iooters who think it's your duty to produce, and theirs to consume? 562 00:46:57,940 --> 00:47:00,609 Moochers who think they owe you nothing? 563 00:47:00,776 --> 00:47:05,071 No weaIth, no recognition, no respect? 564 00:47:07,074 --> 00:47:08,283 Is that what you wanted? 565 00:47:08,451 --> 00:47:11,411 I'd bIow up my miIIs first. 566 00:47:11,579 --> 00:47:14,080 Then why don't you, Mr. Rearden? 567 00:47:17,376 --> 00:47:22,464 That time and those peopIe are upon you. 568 00:47:34,852 --> 00:47:38,772 If you saw AtIas, the giant who hoIds the worId on his shouIders, 569 00:47:38,940 --> 00:47:41,942 with blood running down his chest... 570 00:47:43,194 --> 00:47:47,489 ...knees buckIing, arms trembIing, but stiII trying to hoId up the worId 571 00:47:47,657 --> 00:47:51,284 with the last of his strength, what would you tell him to do? 572 00:47:52,537 --> 00:47:54,287 I don't know. 573 00:47:54,455 --> 00:47:55,956 What wouId you teII him? 574 00:47:57,166 --> 00:47:58,500 To shrug. 575 00:47:58,668 --> 00:48:01,127 - (EXPLOSION) - (ALARM BLARING) 576 00:48:15,768 --> 00:48:20,230 Foreman! 577 00:48:21,732 --> 00:48:25,151 It's the Iow grade ore! The vents are cIogged! 578 00:48:25,319 --> 00:48:28,822 Purge the gas to the other vesseI or the whoIe furnace is gonna go! 579 00:48:28,990 --> 00:48:31,616 Put a perimeter around it! Contain it! 580 00:48:37,331 --> 00:48:39,207 Contain it right there. FiII in the gap! 581 00:48:44,839 --> 00:48:45,880 FiII in the gap right there! 582 00:48:46,048 --> 00:48:48,842 HANK: Go! Move it! Move it! 583 00:48:54,932 --> 00:48:56,975 (KEYPAD BEEPING) 584 00:48:57,143 --> 00:48:58,226 (BUZZING SOUND) 585 00:49:00,438 --> 00:49:01,980 (MEN SHOUTING) 586 00:49:02,940 --> 00:49:04,691 MAN: Go, go, go, go! 587 00:49:06,569 --> 00:49:07,569 (GRUNTING) 588 00:49:11,032 --> 00:49:13,241 MAN: Shut it down as soon as possibIe! 589 00:49:17,830 --> 00:49:20,582 - (ALARM CONTINUES) - (MEN SHOUTING) 590 00:49:29,091 --> 00:49:30,550 (INDISTINCT CHATTER OVER POLICE RADIO) 591 00:49:30,718 --> 00:49:32,761 (COUGHING) 592 00:49:35,890 --> 00:49:37,641 (SIGHS) 593 00:49:46,108 --> 00:49:49,319 Weren't you just suggesting that I bIow this pIace up myseIf? 594 00:49:49,487 --> 00:49:54,157 I was raised in foundries Iike this. I was caught up in the moment. 595 00:49:54,325 --> 00:49:57,994 Come and work with me for a whiIe, right here in the miIIs. 596 00:50:01,415 --> 00:50:03,500 No more damn questions, then? 597 00:50:07,296 --> 00:50:09,673 I aIready got my answer, Mr. Rearden. 598 00:50:25,773 --> 00:50:27,732 (CROWS CAWING) 599 00:50:40,788 --> 00:50:41,788 I'II be about an hour. 600 00:50:51,716 --> 00:50:53,633 (BEEPING SOUNDS) 601 00:51:12,570 --> 00:51:14,738 HeIIo? HeIIo? 602 00:51:14,905 --> 00:51:16,573 Oh, Miss Taggart, you're here. 603 00:51:17,992 --> 00:51:21,953 Come in, come in. Can I get you anything? 604 00:51:22,121 --> 00:51:24,122 - Show me. - OK, now don't freak out 605 00:51:24,290 --> 00:51:25,915 and don't touch anything. 606 00:51:28,461 --> 00:51:30,170 (RAPID BEEPING) 607 00:51:32,173 --> 00:51:34,090 (ELECTRICITY HUMMING, SIZZLING) 608 00:51:55,529 --> 00:51:56,946 Touch it. 609 00:51:57,531 --> 00:51:59,032 You toId me not to touch... 610 00:52:02,703 --> 00:52:05,872 - It's coId. - Huge input, Iow yieId. 611 00:52:06,040 --> 00:52:07,665 Inefficient at the quantum IeveI. 612 00:52:07,833 --> 00:52:10,376 There's something missing. It's not aII here. 613 00:52:10,544 --> 00:52:12,045 How Iong? 614 00:52:13,214 --> 00:52:15,089 Maybe a week. 615 00:52:15,257 --> 00:52:17,050 Maybe a thousand Iifetimes. 616 00:52:17,218 --> 00:52:20,053 Or a thousand great minds. 617 00:52:20,221 --> 00:52:22,138 You're it, Quentin. 618 00:52:25,726 --> 00:52:26,851 Or maybe a shortcut. 619 00:52:29,480 --> 00:52:31,898 Find the mind that created this thing. 620 00:52:37,947 --> 00:52:39,906 - (PEOPLE CHATTERING) - (GAVEL BANGING) 621 00:52:48,249 --> 00:52:52,168 Henry Rearden, you are charged, aIong with Kenneth Danagger, 622 00:52:52,336 --> 00:52:54,295 - in absentia... - (CAMERAS CLICKING) 623 00:52:54,463 --> 00:52:58,508 ...with one count of vioIation of ArticIe 64 of the Fair Share Law. 624 00:52:58,676 --> 00:53:03,263 SpecificaIIy, the iIIegaI saIe and transfer of 4,000 tons 625 00:53:03,430 --> 00:53:06,933 of strategic materiaI known as "Rearden MetaI" 626 00:53:07,101 --> 00:53:12,230 to Kenneth Danagger and Danagger CoaI. How do you pIead, sir? 627 00:53:13,440 --> 00:53:15,984 I do not recognize this court's right to try me, 628 00:53:16,151 --> 00:53:19,028 nor do I recognize any of my actions as a crime. 629 00:53:19,196 --> 00:53:21,447 - (AUDIENCE MURMURING) - (GAVEL BANGING) 630 00:53:21,615 --> 00:53:25,618 Mr. Rearden, you wiII have to enter a pIea before this court. 631 00:53:25,786 --> 00:53:30,248 SimpIy refusing to obey the Iaw is not a defense. 632 00:53:30,416 --> 00:53:34,669 If you beIieve you may seize my property simpIy because you need it, 633 00:53:34,837 --> 00:53:37,088 well then, so does any burglar. 634 00:53:37,256 --> 00:53:40,466 The onIy difference is a burgIar doesn't ask my permission. 635 00:53:40,634 --> 00:53:41,968 (LOW MURMURS) 636 00:53:42,136 --> 00:53:45,722 Sir, I wiII remind you the punishment this court 637 00:53:45,890 --> 00:53:48,641 might impose on you is severe. 638 00:53:48,809 --> 00:53:51,436 Go ahead. Impose it. 639 00:53:52,396 --> 00:53:56,649 If you sentence me to jaiI, send armed men to get me. 640 00:53:56,817 --> 00:53:59,360 I wiII not voIunteer to go. 641 00:53:59,528 --> 00:54:02,488 If you fine me, you'II have to seize my assets. 642 00:54:02,656 --> 00:54:05,366 I wiII not voIunteer to pay. 643 00:54:05,534 --> 00:54:08,786 If you feeI you have the right to use force against me, 644 00:54:08,954 --> 00:54:12,081 then show it for what it is... bring guns. 645 00:54:12,249 --> 00:54:14,167 (MURMURING RESUMES) 646 00:54:15,586 --> 00:54:19,797 Sir, we have no intention of pointing guns 647 00:54:19,965 --> 00:54:21,883 and seizing your property. 648 00:54:22,551 --> 00:54:23,635 Then why are we here? 649 00:54:23,802 --> 00:54:28,222 Mr. Rearden, you are misrepresenting the Ietter and the intent 650 00:54:28,390 --> 00:54:29,766 of the Fair Share Law. 651 00:54:29,934 --> 00:54:34,354 It is based on the highest principIe, the principIe of the pubIic good. 652 00:54:34,855 --> 00:54:38,524 As defined by those who would dictate and reguIate our behavior 653 00:54:38,692 --> 00:54:43,488 in our homes and our businesses, steaIing their power from our Iiberty. 654 00:54:43,656 --> 00:54:46,074 (MURMURS, APPLAUSE) 655 00:54:47,201 --> 00:54:48,826 (GAVEL BANGING) 656 00:54:48,994 --> 00:54:51,788 GaIIery wiII come to order! 657 00:54:51,956 --> 00:54:55,249 Mr. Rearden, you wouIdn't want it misunderstood 658 00:54:55,417 --> 00:54:58,628 that you work for nothing but your own profit? 659 00:54:59,421 --> 00:55:04,217 Indeed. I want it understood cIearIy. I do not recognize the good of others 660 00:55:04,385 --> 00:55:06,844 as a justification for my existence. 661 00:55:07,012 --> 00:55:11,057 If their fair share demands that I get nothing for my Iabors, 662 00:55:11,225 --> 00:55:14,894 that it requires me to be a victim, then I say... 663 00:55:15,062 --> 00:55:17,188 ...pubIic good be damned. I'II have no part of it. 664 00:55:17,815 --> 00:55:21,150 And how does that benefit your feIIow man? 665 00:55:21,318 --> 00:55:24,737 I do not owe you an answer, but I couId teII you in a hundred ways. 666 00:55:24,905 --> 00:55:29,367 Thousands ofjobs, biIIions in revenue, fueIing our economy 667 00:55:29,535 --> 00:55:34,580 despite your efforts to destroy the very foundation of our existence. 668 00:55:34,748 --> 00:55:39,043 And I believe most of my fellow men would say the same if they had a voice. 669 00:55:39,211 --> 00:55:41,963 (CHEERS AND APPLAUSE) 670 00:55:42,131 --> 00:55:45,008 (GAVEL BANGING) 671 00:55:48,762 --> 00:55:52,765 MAN: Another outburst and I wiII cIear the court. 672 00:55:56,228 --> 00:55:58,646 Putting this son of a bitch in jaiI is suicide. 673 00:55:58,814 --> 00:56:02,608 - The SSI wiII never get their metaI. - No, we need an exampIe, not a martyr. 674 00:56:03,277 --> 00:56:05,737 We can't set a precedent here, not with this man. 675 00:56:07,448 --> 00:56:08,740 (INDISTINCT WHISPERING) 676 00:56:18,000 --> 00:56:23,254 Mr. Rearden, on your behaIf, the court has entered a pIea of "no contest," 677 00:56:23,422 --> 00:56:25,423 and this paneI has found you guiIty. 678 00:56:25,591 --> 00:56:29,552 - (SCATTERED APPLAUSE) - (GAVEL BANGING) 679 00:56:30,554 --> 00:56:36,142 You are hereby sentenced to ten years in prison and a fine of $50 miIIion. 680 00:56:36,310 --> 00:56:37,560 (GAVEL BANGS) 681 00:56:37,728 --> 00:56:40,313 Sentencing of Kenneth Danagger will be withheld 682 00:56:40,481 --> 00:56:43,649 pending his appearance before this body. 683 00:56:43,817 --> 00:56:47,487 Now, Mr. Rearden, taking into consideration 684 00:56:47,654 --> 00:56:49,363 your distinguished achievements, 685 00:56:49,531 --> 00:56:54,327 your contributions to society and your fuII cooperation in this matter, 686 00:56:54,495 --> 00:56:58,081 your sentence is suspended. This court is now adjourned. 687 00:56:58,248 --> 00:57:00,374 (AUDIENCE CHEERS) 688 00:57:28,654 --> 00:57:30,696 Do you reaIize what you've done? 689 00:57:30,864 --> 00:57:33,199 Dodged a buIIet. 690 00:57:33,367 --> 00:57:35,952 You've given the peopIe a voice. 691 00:57:36,120 --> 00:57:38,955 You said what was aIready on everyone's mind. 692 00:57:40,290 --> 00:57:41,707 You won. 693 00:57:42,709 --> 00:57:45,545 Hank, we won. 694 00:57:45,712 --> 00:57:47,171 Dagny... 695 00:57:47,339 --> 00:57:48,631 (SCOFFS) 696 00:57:49,424 --> 00:57:52,552 ...you can't win a battIe that never ends. 697 00:57:55,430 --> 00:57:57,723 Look at this worId. 698 00:57:57,891 --> 00:58:01,060 How can such smaII peopIe do so much damage? 699 00:58:01,854 --> 00:58:06,065 We're so cIose to having something they won't be abIe to fight. 700 00:58:06,233 --> 00:58:08,568 Even if your motor is everything you think it'II be, 701 00:58:08,735 --> 00:58:12,113 - they wiII try Iike heII to stop you. - They might. 702 00:58:13,657 --> 00:58:15,825 They can't stop the worId. 703 00:58:18,120 --> 00:58:23,583 Dagny... what if you never find the man who created the motor? 704 00:58:23,750 --> 00:58:26,252 What if you can't make it aII work? 705 00:58:27,921 --> 00:58:30,089 I make things work. 706 00:58:30,257 --> 00:58:35,094 Hank, you make things work. 707 00:58:35,929 --> 00:58:38,681 - Yes. - That's what peopIe Iike us do. 708 00:58:38,849 --> 00:58:40,808 And they know that. 709 00:58:40,976 --> 00:58:44,520 And they hate it because it threatens them. 710 00:58:44,688 --> 00:58:46,814 But it won't scare them away. 711 00:59:22,059 --> 00:59:25,519 With aII the businesses that have faiIed, we simpIy cannot continue 712 00:59:25,687 --> 00:59:28,064 to service the few remaining customers we have without raising rates. 713 00:59:28,232 --> 00:59:31,484 Jim, we from Washington and WesIey Mouch wouId Iike you 714 00:59:31,652 --> 00:59:34,612 to tabIe the idea of raising rates at this time. 715 00:59:35,322 --> 00:59:37,073 I mereIy mentioned it to round out the picture. 716 00:59:37,241 --> 00:59:41,994 Maybe you can use your puII with Mr. Mouch to get us a concession here. 717 00:59:43,080 --> 00:59:44,330 I'II have a word with him. 718 00:59:44,498 --> 00:59:46,958 You're one of WesIey's cIosest friends. 719 00:59:47,125 --> 00:59:49,710 But he won't hesitate to sacrifice his personaI interests 720 00:59:49,878 --> 00:59:52,296 if they confIict with the pubIic good. 721 00:59:54,174 --> 00:59:56,842 Right. Of course. 722 00:59:57,970 --> 00:59:59,679 We're gIad that you're on board. 723 00:59:59,846 --> 01:00:04,183 We feeI the first order of business is to make the raiI workers happy. 724 01:00:04,351 --> 01:00:05,559 JAMES: The unions make a Iot of noise, 725 01:00:05,727 --> 01:00:08,187 but I don't think we have to take them too seriousIy. 726 01:00:08,355 --> 01:00:11,774 WesIey Mouch takes them very seriousIy. 727 01:00:11,942 --> 01:00:13,484 So do I. 728 01:00:13,652 --> 01:00:16,028 The unions represent miIIions of votes, Jim. 729 01:00:16,196 --> 01:00:18,322 And votes that your money can't buy. 730 01:00:18,490 --> 01:00:23,202 Taggart TranscontinentaI has got to set an exampIe by reaching out to Iabor. 731 01:00:23,370 --> 01:00:27,707 Set the precedent for other companies. You'II be heIping WesIey a great deaI. 732 01:00:27,874 --> 01:00:31,210 As Chairman of the Board, I have to point out that freezing rates 733 01:00:31,378 --> 01:00:34,422 and paying higher wages wiII onIy push our company deeper into the red. 734 01:00:34,589 --> 01:00:37,883 Bob's right. We shouId be Iooking for ways to save money, not spend it. 735 01:00:38,051 --> 01:00:40,261 It's simpIe, guys. Just trim the fat off the brisket. 736 01:00:40,429 --> 01:00:43,389 Shut down the routes that aren't paying. 737 01:00:44,391 --> 01:00:47,351 - A boId idea. - Where do you suggest we start? 738 01:00:47,519 --> 01:00:50,104 The John GaIt Line was a dumb mistake to begin with. 739 01:00:50,272 --> 01:00:54,942 Now with EIIis Wyatt gone, it's nothing more than a goddamn bridge to nowhere. 740 01:00:55,110 --> 01:00:57,862 We couId use the Rearden MetaI to repIace the damaged raiIs 741 01:00:58,030 --> 01:01:01,490 - aIong the profit-making Iines. - MAN: Now you're taIking. 742 01:01:01,658 --> 01:01:03,576 Dagny, wouId you Iike to weigh in on this? 743 01:01:03,744 --> 01:01:05,036 No. 744 01:01:05,203 --> 01:01:08,456 But you're the C.O.O. You run the raiIroad. 745 01:01:08,623 --> 01:01:09,749 Do I? 746 01:01:09,916 --> 01:01:12,293 MAN 2: You must have an opinion, Miss Taggart. 747 01:01:12,461 --> 01:01:14,712 What do you propose? 748 01:01:15,714 --> 01:01:17,048 I don't propose. 749 01:01:17,215 --> 01:01:20,259 You're dodging your responsibiIity here, Dagny. 750 01:01:21,178 --> 01:01:25,139 I am not going to say the words that make me the murderer. 751 01:01:25,307 --> 01:01:27,183 It's your poIicies that kiIIed the John GaIt Line. 752 01:01:27,351 --> 01:01:30,728 It's your interference that is kiIIing this raiIroad. 753 01:01:31,813 --> 01:01:33,272 You're the assassins. 754 01:01:33,899 --> 01:01:35,274 (DOOR OPENS) 755 01:01:36,985 --> 01:01:38,444 (DOOR CLOSES) 756 01:01:39,112 --> 01:01:44,116 Mr. Chairman, I propose we dismantle the John Galt Line. 757 01:01:45,452 --> 01:01:46,786 All in favor? 758 01:01:46,953 --> 01:01:49,288 ALL: Aye. 759 01:01:49,456 --> 01:01:50,623 MAN 2: Opposed? 760 01:01:51,416 --> 01:01:53,834 Motion carries. (CLEARS THROAT) 761 01:02:37,754 --> 01:02:40,172 - (INDISTINCT CHATTERING) - (TOOLS CLANGING) 762 01:02:59,526 --> 01:03:01,527 We buiIt something fantastic, didn't we? 763 01:03:01,695 --> 01:03:03,696 HANK: Yes, we did. 764 01:03:04,614 --> 01:03:07,575 DAGNY: I thought it wouId stand for a thousand years. 765 01:03:07,742 --> 01:03:09,827 It wouId've. 766 01:03:09,995 --> 01:03:11,120 (SIGHS) 767 01:03:18,211 --> 01:03:19,920 Do you need more time? 768 01:03:21,047 --> 01:03:22,339 No. 769 01:03:23,049 --> 01:03:24,717 Why drag it out? 770 01:03:36,396 --> 01:03:38,397 (PATRONS CHATTERING) 771 01:03:43,445 --> 01:03:44,653 LiIIian. 772 01:03:44,821 --> 01:03:46,780 I see you're sIumming it again. 773 01:03:46,948 --> 01:03:48,741 Hard times, you know. 774 01:03:48,909 --> 01:03:52,328 Don't spend aII of Henry's money on the truffIe mousse pâté. 775 01:03:52,496 --> 01:03:55,206 - I can onIy try. - (CHUCKLING) 776 01:04:02,464 --> 01:04:04,507 Your husband's performance in court, 777 01:04:04,674 --> 01:04:08,594 some very powerfuI peopIe found it... disagreeabIe. 778 01:04:09,596 --> 01:04:12,306 DisagreeabIe? You wouIdn't know the haIf of it. 779 01:04:12,474 --> 01:04:14,183 Word is spreading around. 780 01:04:14,351 --> 01:04:17,770 He's headed for reaI troubIe unIess he Iearns to not be so... 781 01:04:17,938 --> 01:04:19,688 ...vocaIIy anti-sociaI. 782 01:04:20,565 --> 01:04:22,107 I see. 783 01:04:22,275 --> 01:04:24,610 You wouId Iike me to put a muzzIe on him. 784 01:04:24,778 --> 01:04:27,112 WeII, for both of our sakes, yes. 785 01:04:27,280 --> 01:04:30,950 Your position, your money... it's aII on the Iine. 786 01:04:33,078 --> 01:04:35,996 Try not to seem so desperate, James. 787 01:04:36,164 --> 01:04:37,915 - It's unbecoming. - (SCOFFS) 788 01:04:39,626 --> 01:04:42,169 - What are you afraid of Iosing? - Everything. 789 01:04:46,132 --> 01:04:50,302 They have made it my responsibiIity to get him to cooperate. 790 01:04:50,470 --> 01:04:52,846 You don't understand the power they have. 791 01:04:53,807 --> 01:04:56,892 You haven't mentioned what I stand to gain from this. 792 01:04:57,060 --> 01:05:00,396 InfIuence in very high circIes. 793 01:05:01,147 --> 01:05:03,732 You'II never stand in anyone's shadow. 794 01:05:03,900 --> 01:05:05,317 Not even Hank Rearden's. 795 01:05:07,571 --> 01:05:11,031 Henry's weakness is that he thinks he's not vuInerabIe. 796 01:05:11,199 --> 01:05:12,741 We have to prove him wrong. 797 01:05:13,660 --> 01:05:15,995 I think we have the tooIs to do that. 798 01:05:18,290 --> 01:05:20,374 (CROWD CHATTERING LOUDLY) 799 01:05:22,085 --> 01:05:23,794 MOUCH: The Unification Board is authorized to enforce 800 01:05:23,962 --> 01:05:26,880 compIiance through penaIties... that incIude, but are not Iimited to: 801 01:05:27,048 --> 01:05:29,592 fines, seizure of assets, nationaIization of property, 802 01:05:29,759 --> 01:05:34,513 and imprisonment, for so Iong as an emergency Iasts. 803 01:05:37,017 --> 01:05:41,520 We wanted aII of you, our core group, to hear it first. 804 01:05:41,688 --> 01:05:43,689 We need you aII on board. 805 01:05:49,154 --> 01:05:51,697 JAMES: It's obvious that drastic measures have to be taken. 806 01:05:52,490 --> 01:05:54,074 You can count on me, WesIey. 807 01:05:54,242 --> 01:05:58,120 I think everyone here agrees that capitaIism doesn't work, 808 01:05:58,288 --> 01:05:59,997 not without government as a partner. 809 01:06:00,165 --> 01:06:03,500 - A caretaker, reaIIy. - ExactIy. 810 01:06:04,836 --> 01:06:10,591 Your businesses are faiIing. Your unions are suffering. 811 01:06:10,759 --> 01:06:13,469 We need to hoId the Iine on this erosion, 812 01:06:13,637 --> 01:06:18,766 freeze things in pIace untiI pubIic confidence has been restored. 813 01:06:21,603 --> 01:06:26,440 Now, there wiII be some howIing... stickIers for the Constitution, 814 01:06:26,608 --> 01:06:29,318 cIingers to the oId ways, those types. 815 01:06:29,486 --> 01:06:34,323 - And the Ioose cannons. - Like Henry Rearden. 816 01:06:34,491 --> 01:06:37,493 Rearden is a threat to civiI order and the pubIic good. 817 01:06:38,912 --> 01:06:41,997 There is no room in recovery for a free thinker Iike Rearden. 818 01:06:43,124 --> 01:06:44,583 Rearden wiII not be a probIem. 819 01:06:44,751 --> 01:06:46,919 MAN ON PHONE: Mr. Mouch, put me on screen. 820 01:06:47,087 --> 01:06:49,463 If this isn't a state of emergency, I don't know what is. 821 01:06:49,631 --> 01:06:54,093 The immense greed of a few has pushed us to the precipice. 822 01:06:55,845 --> 01:07:00,182 I recommend that we implement Directive 1 0-289 immediately. 823 01:07:01,267 --> 01:07:02,559 For the public good. 824 01:07:09,859 --> 01:07:12,403 In the name of the general welfare, 825 01:07:12,570 --> 01:07:15,781 to protect the security of our fellow citizens, 826 01:07:15,949 --> 01:07:20,202 it is decreed for the duration of the national emergency that the statutes 827 01:07:20,370 --> 01:07:24,832 of Directive 1 0-289 shall remain in effect. 828 01:07:24,999 --> 01:07:30,087 One: All employees and wage earners of any kind shall henceforth 829 01:07:30,255 --> 01:07:32,172 be attached to their current jobs 830 01:07:32,340 --> 01:07:36,135 and may not be discharged or quit said employment. 831 01:07:36,302 --> 01:07:39,763 Two: All industrial and manufacturing entities 832 01:07:39,931 --> 01:07:42,099 shall henceforth remain in operation 833 01:07:42,267 --> 01:07:44,643 and owners of said establishments shall not quit, 834 01:07:44,811 --> 01:07:49,064 retire, sell, or transfer their business. 835 01:07:49,232 --> 01:07:53,485 Three: All copyrights and patents pertaining to any invention, 836 01:07:53,653 --> 01:07:57,865 formula, or process shall be transferred to the federal government 837 01:07:58,032 --> 01:08:00,451 by means of Gift Certificates 838 01:08:00,618 --> 01:08:04,037 signed by the present owners of said copyrights and patents. 839 01:08:04,205 --> 01:08:08,667 Four: No new devices, inventions, 840 01:08:08,835 --> 01:08:10,919 products or goods of any nature 841 01:08:11,087 --> 01:08:13,839 are to be created or manufactured 842 01:08:14,007 --> 01:08:18,469 and the Office of Patents & Copyrights is hereby suspended. 843 01:08:18,636 --> 01:08:24,183 Five: Every company or sole proprietor shall henceforth produce 844 01:08:24,350 --> 01:08:27,394 the same quantity of goods, or provide the same services 845 01:08:27,562 --> 01:08:33,192 as in the Basic Year... the year just ended. No more or no less. 846 01:08:33,359 --> 01:08:38,363 Six: Every citizen, regardless of income, shall henceforth spend 847 01:08:38,531 --> 01:08:41,366 the same amount of money as in the Basic Year. 848 01:08:41,534 --> 01:08:47,164 And Seven: All wages, prices, dividends and other forms of income 849 01:08:47,332 --> 01:08:51,502 are hereby frozen at present figures. 850 01:08:51,669 --> 01:08:56,381 Directive 1 0-289 shall be administered and enforced 851 01:08:56,549 --> 01:09:00,886 by the Unification Board, whose decisions will be final. 852 01:09:01,054 --> 01:09:02,888 It's aII happening so fast. 853 01:09:04,682 --> 01:09:06,892 You knew about this? 854 01:09:07,060 --> 01:09:10,687 I have appointed current Director of Economic Development, Wesley Mouch, 855 01:09:10,855 --> 01:09:13,607 as Recovery Czar 856 01:09:13,775 --> 01:09:17,736 to help us through these desperate times. 857 01:09:17,904 --> 01:09:20,781 ANCHORMAN ON TV: Fellow Americans, with the stroke of a pen, 858 01:09:20,949 --> 01:09:25,577 the home of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness 859 01:09:25,745 --> 01:09:27,287 has been altered forever. 860 01:09:28,581 --> 01:09:30,123 (SIREN BLARING) 861 01:10:21,301 --> 01:10:24,636 (NO AUDIO) 862 01:11:02,342 --> 01:11:05,677 Dr. Ferris. Come to shut me down compIeteIy? 863 01:11:06,721 --> 01:11:10,515 No. Not at aII. That wouIdn't serve anyone. 864 01:11:12,185 --> 01:11:16,188 Under Directive 1 0-289, private inteIIectuaI assets 865 01:11:16,356 --> 01:11:18,774 become the property of the government. 866 01:11:20,068 --> 01:11:22,486 Since tonight is the deadIine, at midnight, 867 01:11:22,654 --> 01:11:25,280 I'm here as a convenience for you. 868 01:11:25,448 --> 01:11:28,283 All you have to do is sign this Gift Certificate... 869 01:11:29,202 --> 01:11:32,871 ...entrusting your patents to the Unification Board. 870 01:11:37,293 --> 01:11:40,379 So, you're here to steaI the process for Rearden MetaI. 871 01:11:40,546 --> 01:11:44,549 SteaI? No. It'II be made avaiIabIe to aII manufacturers. 872 01:11:44,717 --> 01:11:48,804 Oh, and to make peopIe aware that you no Ionger hoId a monopoIy, 873 01:11:48,972 --> 01:11:53,058 the name wiII be changed... to MiracIe MetaI. 874 01:11:54,018 --> 01:11:55,394 Catchy. 875 01:11:57,480 --> 01:11:59,690 All you have to do is sign right there at the bottom. 876 01:11:59,857 --> 01:12:02,693 Sir, I'm not gonna sign that paper. 877 01:12:02,860 --> 01:12:06,905 I'm not gonna say that it's OK for you to take my patents away from me. 878 01:12:10,410 --> 01:12:15,831 WeII, I do have... some other documents here as weII. 879 01:12:38,146 --> 01:12:42,983 I don't imagine you'II suffer much, since your wife aIready knows. 880 01:12:44,152 --> 01:12:47,612 Of course, I can't say the same for Miss Taggart. 881 01:12:47,780 --> 01:12:52,701 One of the most respected businesswomen in the nation. 882 01:12:52,869 --> 01:12:55,328 SpotIess reputation, 883 01:12:55,496 --> 01:12:59,166 a source of inspiration to young girIs aII across the country. 884 01:13:37,038 --> 01:13:38,663 (SIGHS) 885 01:13:45,713 --> 01:13:47,255 DAGNY: I can't even Iook at this. 886 01:13:47,423 --> 01:13:49,382 You might not want to see this either. 887 01:13:50,343 --> 01:13:54,054 In an unexpected move sure to usher in a new dawn of cooperation 888 01:13:54,222 --> 01:13:57,682 between industry and government, billionaire steel magnate Henry Rearden 889 01:13:57,850 --> 01:14:01,436 has thrown his full support behind Directive 1 0-289. 890 01:14:01,604 --> 01:14:04,731 Rearden, inventor of Rearden Metal, has signed Gift Certificates 891 01:14:04,899 --> 01:14:06,525 transferring his patents to the government 892 01:14:06,692 --> 01:14:08,819 in the interest of fairness and a rapid recovery 893 01:14:08,986 --> 01:14:11,988 from the worst economic recession on record. 894 01:14:14,075 --> 01:14:15,325 EDDIE: Dagny. 895 01:14:16,202 --> 01:14:17,786 Dagny? 896 01:14:19,038 --> 01:14:20,080 Dagny! 897 01:14:26,838 --> 01:14:29,881 What the heII you doing? What's wrong? 898 01:14:30,758 --> 01:14:32,551 Everything. 899 01:14:32,718 --> 01:14:34,970 You did this. Directive 1 0-289. 900 01:14:35,138 --> 01:14:37,430 You and your government creeps. 901 01:14:39,725 --> 01:14:42,602 It's what the country needs right now. 902 01:14:42,770 --> 01:14:44,146 I'm part of the soIution. 903 01:14:44,313 --> 01:14:45,480 (GASPS) 904 01:14:46,274 --> 01:14:49,526 TeII me. How does it feeI to be the Iast one standing? 905 01:14:53,072 --> 01:14:56,533 Better than crawIing around on the ground with the rest of the snakes. 906 01:14:58,286 --> 01:15:03,081 I won't be a sIave and I won't be a sIave driver. 907 01:15:03,249 --> 01:15:07,252 I quit. TeII that to your cronies. 908 01:15:09,213 --> 01:15:10,881 Dagny, you can't quit. 909 01:15:11,048 --> 01:15:12,924 It's against the directive. 910 01:15:15,761 --> 01:15:18,346 - I'm going to my famiIy cabin. - HoId aII your caIIs? 911 01:15:18,514 --> 01:15:20,140 HoId everything, Eddie. 912 01:15:20,308 --> 01:15:23,435 Don't contact me about the raiIroad. I'm done. 913 01:15:31,694 --> 01:15:33,945 (CELL PHONE RINGS) 914 01:15:38,784 --> 01:15:40,619 - Rearden. - DAGNY: It's me. 915 01:15:40,786 --> 01:15:42,412 I don't know what they did to you, Hank. 916 01:15:43,164 --> 01:15:45,290 I hate that they had the power to do it. 917 01:15:45,458 --> 01:15:48,460 We're aII facing difficuIt choices these days. 918 01:15:48,628 --> 01:15:52,714 Well, maybe you can live with this directive. I can't. 919 01:15:52,882 --> 01:15:54,549 It burns me. 920 01:15:54,717 --> 01:15:57,969 Don't Iet it. I toId you, it's not gonna stop. 921 01:15:59,347 --> 01:16:01,556 I want to see you. 922 01:16:01,724 --> 01:16:03,683 Not right now. Not for a while. 923 01:16:03,851 --> 01:16:06,561 I need a break from everything. 924 01:16:07,188 --> 01:16:09,022 OK. 925 01:16:09,190 --> 01:16:13,526 I can understand now what wouId make someone just check out. 926 01:16:13,694 --> 01:16:17,197 That's what I'm doing. Checking out. 927 01:16:17,365 --> 01:16:19,658 Eddie will know where I am. 928 01:16:28,918 --> 01:16:30,835 Look, I don't care what the grounds are, 929 01:16:31,003 --> 01:16:33,296 I don't care how many judges you've gotta buy, 930 01:16:33,464 --> 01:16:36,508 I want LiIIian out of my Iife. Do you understand? 931 01:16:36,676 --> 01:16:42,097 Get me a divorce. I have got to be free of this... compIeteIy free. 932 01:16:42,640 --> 01:16:44,516 (CROWD SHOUTING ANGRILY) 933 01:16:44,684 --> 01:16:46,685 MAN: This is ridicuIous! 934 01:16:50,856 --> 01:16:52,357 (CAR HONKS HORN) 935 01:17:25,308 --> 01:17:28,560 Um, Mr. Taggart, who do I consuIt with if there are any issues? 936 01:17:28,728 --> 01:17:30,562 JAMES: Just deaI with it. 937 01:17:30,730 --> 01:17:32,564 What kind of issues? 938 01:17:33,232 --> 01:17:34,858 WeII, I have some frozen trains. 939 01:17:35,026 --> 01:17:38,236 I can't detour them because of the spIit raiIs and repairs... 940 01:17:38,404 --> 01:17:43,325 Look, I haven't found anyone to repIace Dagny yet. I don't know. 941 01:17:44,577 --> 01:17:47,454 - How Iong have you been here? - AImost eight months. 942 01:17:48,831 --> 01:17:51,249 That's pIenty of time. You're promoted. 943 01:17:51,417 --> 01:17:53,752 CongratuIations. Chief Operating Officer... 944 01:17:54,378 --> 01:17:56,546 - What's your name? - Mitchum. 945 01:17:56,714 --> 01:17:59,716 Mitchum. Carry on. 946 01:18:01,052 --> 01:18:02,052 Me? 947 01:18:02,219 --> 01:18:05,513 And for the record, there's no pay increase due to 1 0-289. 948 01:18:08,059 --> 01:18:10,268 (BIRDS CHIRPING) 949 01:18:11,771 --> 01:18:13,480 - (DUCKS QUACKING) - (OBJECT THUDS) 950 01:19:01,278 --> 01:19:02,487 (BEEPING) 951 01:19:02,655 --> 01:19:05,782 Anybody know why Westbound 22 is behind scheduIe? 952 01:19:05,950 --> 01:19:06,950 No. 953 01:19:23,551 --> 01:19:24,843 Thank you. 954 01:19:28,973 --> 01:19:30,849 Kip, why check your watch? 955 01:19:31,016 --> 01:19:33,476 I don't even need a sundiaI to teII you that we're as Iate 956 01:19:33,644 --> 01:19:35,770 as yesterday's apoIogies. 957 01:19:35,938 --> 01:19:38,189 WeII, I can teII you this: 958 01:19:38,357 --> 01:19:41,568 If I'm Iate for my campaign stop in San Francisco, I swear, 959 01:19:41,735 --> 01:19:44,404 I'II make it a priority to nationaIize this raiIroad. 960 01:19:44,572 --> 01:19:47,991 History shows us it's the onIy way to make them run on time. 961 01:19:52,037 --> 01:19:54,205 (CLATTERING) 962 01:19:54,373 --> 01:19:55,832 Good goddamn. 963 01:20:03,340 --> 01:20:05,842 Oh, my God. Kip, are you OK? 964 01:20:06,010 --> 01:20:07,385 Yeah, I'm fine. 965 01:20:12,433 --> 01:20:14,767 (BRAKES SQUEALING) 966 01:20:14,935 --> 01:20:16,895 (TRAIN HISSING) 967 01:20:18,189 --> 01:20:20,064 (BEEPING) 968 01:20:24,862 --> 01:20:28,156 OK, we've got a damaged engine outside of Winston. 969 01:20:28,324 --> 01:20:31,326 - AIert aII IocaI east-west traffic. - Got it. 970 01:20:31,494 --> 01:20:35,163 Taggart 22 Intermountain, this is Taggart Command. Come in, over. 971 01:20:40,503 --> 01:20:44,255 - What the heII happened? - The engine's got a fractured bogie. 972 01:20:44,924 --> 01:20:46,841 Has a what? 973 01:20:47,009 --> 01:20:50,261 - It's the undercarriage, sir. - How Iong before you fix it? 974 01:20:50,429 --> 01:20:53,890 WeII, the engine onIy weighs about 560,000 pounds. 975 01:20:54,058 --> 01:20:56,142 If you'd Iike to hoId up one end, I'II crawI underneath, 976 01:20:56,310 --> 01:20:58,478 fix it myseIf, we'll be off in a jiff. 977 01:20:59,939 --> 01:21:01,564 LittIe smart ass. 978 01:21:02,566 --> 01:21:04,442 (PHONE VIBRATING) 979 01:21:09,782 --> 01:21:10,823 Taggart here. 980 01:21:10,991 --> 01:21:13,826 Goddamn it, Jim. This is a heII of a way to run a raiIroad. 981 01:21:13,994 --> 01:21:16,704 I'm stuck out here in the middle of frosty ass nowhere. 982 01:21:16,872 --> 01:21:18,790 Now I've got an engagement in San Francisco 983 01:21:18,958 --> 01:21:20,708 and aII I'm getting from your peopIe is doubIe-taIk. 984 01:21:20,876 --> 01:21:25,088 And just so you know, your pay-offs are not gonna buy you out of this one. 985 01:21:25,256 --> 01:21:26,965 - Kip, take it easy now... - Easy? 986 01:21:27,132 --> 01:21:28,967 Easy for me to throw you in the grease with Mouch 987 01:21:29,134 --> 01:21:31,511 if I don't make my fund-raiser. Now get this: 988 01:21:31,679 --> 01:21:36,182 You get on the horn and you get my ass out of here, pronto. 989 01:21:43,566 --> 01:21:44,857 JAMES: What the hell is happening, Mitchum? 990 01:21:45,025 --> 01:21:47,360 I never got a call in the middle of the night when Dagny was running things. 991 01:21:47,528 --> 01:21:51,155 The 22 has a disabIed Iocomotive just outside the Taggart Tunnel. 992 01:21:51,323 --> 01:21:54,617 Yeah, I know that. What are you doing to get them moving? 993 01:21:54,785 --> 01:21:57,161 WeII, the station chief won't answer, and nobody down the Iine 994 01:21:57,329 --> 01:21:58,371 is wiIIing to take responsibiIity. 995 01:21:58,539 --> 01:22:01,666 And I'm certainly not, I can teII you that. 996 01:22:01,834 --> 01:22:04,794 Don't we have another Iocomotive that we can use? 997 01:22:04,962 --> 01:22:07,297 I don't have a diesel within a hundred miles. 998 01:22:07,464 --> 01:22:11,009 But there is an oId coaI-burner about four miIes out. 999 01:22:11,176 --> 01:22:12,510 Can it pull the train? 1000 01:22:12,678 --> 01:22:15,471 It shouId. They use it for raiI-yard towing but... 1001 01:22:15,639 --> 01:22:17,098 ...I mean, good Iuck finding a driver. 1002 01:22:17,266 --> 01:22:19,976 Do whatever you have to do to get Kip ChaImers through that tunneI 1003 01:22:20,144 --> 01:22:21,185 and off that mountain. 1004 01:22:21,353 --> 01:22:24,188 Sir, they say that you can't run a smoker through an eight miIe passage. 1005 01:22:24,356 --> 01:22:26,482 I don't care how you do it. Just get something done. 1006 01:22:26,650 --> 01:22:30,153 If you don't, tomorrow morning, I'm not gonna have a raiIroad. 1007 01:22:31,238 --> 01:22:33,448 And you're not gonna have a job. 1008 01:22:35,117 --> 01:22:37,201 I found a retired engineer that's wiIIing to drive it. 1009 01:22:37,369 --> 01:22:41,372 ReaIIy? Thank God somebody made a decision to do something. 1010 01:22:42,124 --> 01:22:44,542 MAN: AII right, come on back. 1011 01:22:44,710 --> 01:22:45,918 Keep it coming! 1012 01:22:48,297 --> 01:22:50,256 Yep, yep... Come on now! 1013 01:22:51,175 --> 01:22:52,634 Come on! 1014 01:22:53,886 --> 01:22:56,262 All right, slow it down a little bit. 1015 01:22:57,389 --> 01:22:59,098 All right, that's good! 1016 01:23:02,227 --> 01:23:05,521 MAN ON P.A.: Ladies and gentlemen, it is now safe to return to your seats. 1017 01:23:05,689 --> 01:23:08,441 Would you please re-board the train at this time. 1018 01:23:08,609 --> 01:23:12,654 I repeat, it is now safe to return to your seats. 1019 01:23:12,821 --> 01:23:15,740 Please re-board the train. Thank you. 1020 01:23:22,081 --> 01:23:23,414 You see? 1021 01:23:23,582 --> 01:23:25,249 It pays to know peopIe. 1022 01:23:25,417 --> 01:23:28,211 ObviousIy my demands have been met. 1023 01:23:29,463 --> 01:23:32,090 We'II get through the tunneI and it'II be downhiII from there. 1024 01:23:33,133 --> 01:23:34,926 To puII. 1025 01:23:35,594 --> 01:23:38,429 When you've got it, you've got it. 1026 01:23:45,312 --> 01:23:47,647 - (ALL CHEERING) - (COMPUTER BEEPING) 1027 01:23:51,735 --> 01:23:54,779 (ALERT BEEPING) 1028 01:23:54,947 --> 01:23:57,490 DAVE: Eastbound Army Freight SpeciaI, 30 miIes out. 1029 01:24:03,414 --> 01:24:07,458 The 22 shouId be cIear by the time they reach the tunneI. Right? 1030 01:24:24,518 --> 01:24:26,144 (BEEPING CONTINUES) 1031 01:24:26,311 --> 01:24:27,979 You know what? HoId the Army SpeciaI. 1032 01:24:28,147 --> 01:24:31,023 You can't hoId it. That's a government train. It's better hoId off the 22. 1033 01:24:31,191 --> 01:24:33,776 I can't. It's a smoker on a 1 5 percent grade. 1034 01:24:33,944 --> 01:24:35,737 He'II sIide aII the way back to Kansas if I stop him now. 1035 01:24:35,904 --> 01:24:38,156 WeII, there's aIways prayer. 1036 01:24:45,956 --> 01:24:47,832 (PASSENGERS GASPING) 1037 01:24:52,963 --> 01:24:54,839 - (GLASS SHATTERING) - (WOMAN SCREAMS) 1038 01:24:55,007 --> 01:24:57,175 We'II be out of this tunneI in no time, I assure you. 1039 01:24:57,342 --> 01:24:59,218 - (PASSENGERS COUGHING) - (ALARM BLARES) 1040 01:24:59,386 --> 01:25:01,053 - MAN ON P.A.: Ladies and gentlemen... - What's happening? 1041 01:25:01,221 --> 01:25:02,889 - ...please remain seated. - KIP: It's aII right, Laura. 1042 01:25:03,056 --> 01:25:05,349 - Kip, I'm scared! - KIP: It's aII right. Just caIm down. 1043 01:25:05,517 --> 01:25:07,477 MAN: I can't be caIm, I need to know what's going on! 1044 01:25:07,644 --> 01:25:10,021 KIP: Just caIm... everybody caIm down! Laura, caIm down! 1045 01:25:12,858 --> 01:25:16,652 MAN ON P.A.: Power will be restored shortly. There is no need for concern. 1046 01:25:16,820 --> 01:25:18,321 It's important that you remain seated... 1047 01:25:18,489 --> 01:25:19,697 - Laura, come here! - ...and remain calm. 1048 01:25:19,865 --> 01:25:22,658 - Laura! - (COUGHING) 1049 01:25:22,826 --> 01:25:25,286 Laura! Laura get back here! 1050 01:25:25,454 --> 01:25:30,041 Laura! 1051 01:25:30,292 --> 01:25:32,001 (BRAKES SQUEAL) 1052 01:25:32,169 --> 01:25:33,336 - (THUDDING) - (PASSENGERS SCREAMING) 1053 01:25:35,672 --> 01:25:37,715 (ALERT BEEPING) 1054 01:25:40,052 --> 01:25:41,761 Switch the Army SpeciaI to the roII out, now! 1055 01:25:41,929 --> 01:25:42,929 MAN: You got it! 1056 01:25:58,237 --> 01:25:59,654 (TRAIN WHISTLE BLOWS) 1057 01:26:01,824 --> 01:26:04,408 Oh, my God. (PANTING) 1058 01:26:16,213 --> 01:26:18,047 (WHISTLE BLOWING) 1059 01:26:20,133 --> 01:26:22,677 (SCREECHING) 1060 01:27:23,780 --> 01:27:25,364 SIug! 1061 01:27:28,660 --> 01:27:30,202 How did you know I was here? 1062 01:27:31,455 --> 01:27:32,997 (CHUCKLING) 1063 01:27:34,291 --> 01:27:37,668 Do you remember... when we were children in these woods? 1064 01:27:38,754 --> 01:27:42,214 When we were expIoring the worId and everything in it, 1065 01:27:42,382 --> 01:27:47,428 and you were aIways asking "why this" and "how that" and... 1066 01:27:47,596 --> 01:27:50,139 - And you'd say, "Let's find out." - ExactIy. 1067 01:27:51,516 --> 01:27:52,767 And now, I've found you. 1068 01:27:55,395 --> 01:27:57,438 You never did grow up, did you? 1069 01:27:57,606 --> 01:27:59,774 Looks Iike neither of us did. 1070 01:28:03,278 --> 01:28:04,820 (QUACKING) 1071 01:28:04,988 --> 01:28:07,990 FRANCISCO: Can't teII you how pIeased I am that you waIked away 1072 01:28:08,158 --> 01:28:12,495 from Taggart TranscontinentaI. Look at you. 1073 01:28:12,663 --> 01:28:13,788 I haven't changed. 1074 01:28:13,956 --> 01:28:15,873 That's where you're wrong. 1075 01:28:16,708 --> 01:28:18,834 You've stopped pIaying into their hands. 1076 01:28:19,544 --> 01:28:20,920 How? 1077 01:28:21,755 --> 01:28:24,382 They were counting on you to keep working. 1078 01:28:24,549 --> 01:28:26,717 (CELL PHONE RINGS) 1079 01:28:26,885 --> 01:28:28,636 Ignore it. 1080 01:28:28,804 --> 01:28:30,721 There's no future there. 1081 01:28:31,515 --> 01:28:33,182 There's no future for the raiIroad. 1082 01:28:36,061 --> 01:28:37,895 Why are you here, Francisco? 1083 01:28:38,063 --> 01:28:40,898 I thought you'd be off somewhere, 1084 01:28:41,066 --> 01:28:43,067 putting the pieces of your business back together. 1085 01:28:43,235 --> 01:28:45,820 Why wouId I? It was aII my doing. 1086 01:28:47,990 --> 01:28:50,741 You bIew up your own mines. 1087 01:28:51,576 --> 01:28:53,411 (CELL PHONE RINGS AGAIN) 1088 01:28:53,578 --> 01:28:54,996 Don't. 1089 01:29:00,043 --> 01:29:04,296 What? 1090 01:29:04,464 --> 01:29:07,591 We Iost the 22 Transmountain Express and the whoIe Taggart TunneI. 1091 01:29:10,554 --> 01:29:13,055 - CasuaIties? - Not sure yet. 1092 01:29:13,223 --> 01:29:14,932 At least 200 on our side. 1093 01:29:15,100 --> 01:29:18,936 The Army SpeciaI, five troop cars, maybe another 200. 1094 01:29:21,356 --> 01:29:22,982 What are they doing about it? 1095 01:29:23,150 --> 01:29:24,734 (SCOFFS) Not much. 1096 01:29:25,944 --> 01:29:30,781 (SIGHS) Don't Iet James screw up anything eIse untiI I get there. 1097 01:29:32,826 --> 01:29:34,410 Dagny, don't go back. 1098 01:29:36,538 --> 01:29:38,080 Hey! I'm trying to save you... 1099 01:29:38,248 --> 01:29:41,000 You're not trying to save a damn thing. 1100 01:29:45,547 --> 01:29:47,381 (SIGHS) 1101 01:29:56,600 --> 01:29:59,101 MAN ON RADIO: Recapping our special news bulletin: 1102 01:29:59,269 --> 01:30:02,646 In what could be the nation's worst ever rail disaster, 1103 01:30:02,814 --> 01:30:06,484 a Transcontinental train and another, still unidentified, train 1104 01:30:06,651 --> 01:30:11,947 have collided in the world famous Taggart Tunnel in southern Colorado. 1105 01:30:12,115 --> 01:30:14,325 Though there is no official casualty count, 1106 01:30:14,493 --> 01:30:17,328 there are no reports of survivors. 1107 01:30:17,496 --> 01:30:20,039 (BEEPING) 1108 01:30:22,417 --> 01:30:24,919 Who is John GaIt? 1109 01:30:25,087 --> 01:30:27,838 - Eddie. - JAMES: Dagny, thank God! 1110 01:30:28,006 --> 01:30:29,673 I'm gIad you're back from vacation. 1111 01:30:29,841 --> 01:30:32,259 You need to take some responsibiIity around here. 1112 01:30:32,427 --> 01:30:34,887 (SIGHS) We need aII of our best peopIe on this right now. 1113 01:30:35,055 --> 01:30:38,682 Start with CentraI Region. Get me Ryan on the Iine first. 1114 01:30:39,518 --> 01:30:40,768 Ryan's a no-show. 1115 01:30:42,354 --> 01:30:45,356 - Then get me KnowIand. - Gone. 1116 01:30:45,524 --> 01:30:46,899 - Andrews? - Gone. 1117 01:30:47,067 --> 01:30:48,192 McGuire? 1118 01:30:49,361 --> 01:30:52,988 Do we have any of our quaIity peopIe Ieft? 1119 01:30:53,824 --> 01:30:55,491 You're Iooking at 'em. 1120 01:30:55,659 --> 01:30:58,160 How Iong untiI they get that tunneI open? 1121 01:30:58,328 --> 01:31:00,037 - I didn't... - EDDIE: That's aII right. 1122 01:31:02,332 --> 01:31:05,751 (EXHALES) We need a go-around, Eddie. 1123 01:31:07,546 --> 01:31:11,048 Get me the oId raiI maps. The ones we used before 1 950. 1124 01:31:11,216 --> 01:31:12,591 All right. 1125 01:31:13,385 --> 01:31:16,595 OK, the Taggart TunneI is cIosed for now. 1126 01:31:16,763 --> 01:31:20,015 We'II open the oId grade... here. 1127 01:31:20,183 --> 01:31:23,519 Uh, we haven't run heavy trains on those tracks in years. 1128 01:31:23,687 --> 01:31:26,105 Put high raiI trucks and hand crews in front of every train. 1129 01:31:26,273 --> 01:31:29,066 Better safe than sorry, but better moving than not. 1130 01:31:29,234 --> 01:31:32,403 Everything with wheeIs roIIs. 1131 01:31:34,614 --> 01:31:36,198 I'm going to CoIorado. 1132 01:31:36,366 --> 01:31:38,159 If I have to dig open that tunneI with a soup spoon 1133 01:31:38,326 --> 01:31:40,452 we are going to open that route. 1134 01:31:41,705 --> 01:31:44,081 Dagny, you need to be here. 1135 01:31:45,792 --> 01:31:47,668 You mean you need me to do your job. 1136 01:31:47,836 --> 01:31:51,213 WeII... what do we teII the press? 1137 01:31:51,506 --> 01:31:53,007 (SCREEN BEEPING) 1138 01:31:55,177 --> 01:31:56,468 Mr. Mouch. 1139 01:31:57,596 --> 01:32:00,514 Just when I thought there wasn't a probIem in the worId I didn't have. 1140 01:32:00,682 --> 01:32:04,435 Miss Taggart, we're all very appreciative that you cut short 1141 01:32:04,603 --> 01:32:06,770 your temporary leave of absence. 1142 01:32:06,938 --> 01:32:09,690 I just want you to know you'll have the government's full support. 1143 01:32:09,858 --> 01:32:12,359 If the government had stayed out of the way to begin with, 1144 01:32:12,527 --> 01:32:14,862 we wouldn't have hundreds of peopIe dead. 1145 01:32:15,030 --> 01:32:17,031 Hmm. It's lamentable. 1146 01:32:17,199 --> 01:32:19,700 I understand that you're upset, it's upsetting to everyone. 1147 01:32:19,868 --> 01:32:24,121 Your railroad links this nation together. The public relies on it. 1148 01:32:24,289 --> 01:32:26,373 That's why I'm willing to grant you 1149 01:32:26,541 --> 01:32:29,668 Special Government Exceptions to Directive 1 0-289 1150 01:32:29,836 --> 01:32:32,004 in order to bring this crisis to a speedy resolution. 1151 01:32:32,172 --> 01:32:35,716 How about this, Mouch: I ignore you aItogether, 1152 01:32:35,884 --> 01:32:37,968 and you stay out of my way. 1153 01:32:38,637 --> 01:32:41,347 I knew we could count on your full cooperation. 1154 01:32:44,226 --> 01:32:45,476 TeII them to hoId the Comet. 1155 01:32:45,644 --> 01:32:47,478 Your pIane's being fueIed as we speak. 1156 01:32:47,646 --> 01:32:49,313 HoId the Comet, reserve my car. 1157 01:32:50,357 --> 01:32:53,484 I'm the face of Taggart TranscontinentaI. 1158 01:32:53,652 --> 01:32:55,027 I'm taking the train. 1159 01:33:19,469 --> 01:33:21,178 (MACHINE BEEPING) 1160 01:33:21,346 --> 01:33:23,389 (MACHINE HUMMING AND SIZZLING) 1161 01:33:27,811 --> 01:33:29,603 (ELECTRICITY ZAPPING) 1162 01:33:30,897 --> 01:33:32,564 (CRACKLING OUTSIDE) 1163 01:33:58,591 --> 01:34:00,384 (LOW HUMMING) 1164 01:34:05,181 --> 01:34:06,348 Wow. 1165 01:34:08,268 --> 01:34:09,560 HeIIo? 1166 01:34:10,186 --> 01:34:12,396 MAN: Are you ready, Mr. DanieIs? 1167 01:34:47,098 --> 01:34:48,265 (PHONE BEEPING) 1168 01:34:52,771 --> 01:34:56,607 - Are you the onIy one stiII working? - (LAUGHS) I don't know. CouId be. 1169 01:34:56,775 --> 01:34:59,693 - But I've got my job to do. - Any idea what the probIem is? 1170 01:35:01,613 --> 01:35:04,656 Uh... Seems Iike an E-C-U maIfunction. 1171 01:35:07,535 --> 01:35:09,995 Any idea how long it'II take to fix it? 1172 01:35:10,455 --> 01:35:14,291 Uh, couId be two hours. CouId be a few days. 1173 01:35:16,086 --> 01:35:18,420 Hey, you're Dagny Taggart. 1174 01:35:18,588 --> 01:35:20,464 Depends. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? 1175 01:35:20,632 --> 01:35:23,467 Wow. That's a great, I'd say. Wow. 1176 01:35:23,635 --> 01:35:28,597 Gee, you're a Iegend. This is an honor. Thank you for my job. 1177 01:35:28,765 --> 01:35:33,018 I'm... I'm Jeff AIIen. Trackman. Taggart TranscontinentaI. 1178 01:35:34,104 --> 01:35:36,397 Where'd you get the hat, Jeff AIIen? 1179 01:35:37,774 --> 01:35:41,235 (CHUCKLES) Yeah, weII. 1180 01:35:41,403 --> 01:35:44,988 Those were great days... for a whiIe. 1181 01:35:45,156 --> 01:35:47,658 What happened at Twentieth Century Motor Company? 1182 01:35:47,826 --> 01:35:48,992 Who is John GaIt? 1183 01:35:49,160 --> 01:35:51,245 I wish I knew who started that expression. 1184 01:35:52,747 --> 01:35:55,958 That, uh, that might've been me. 1185 01:35:57,502 --> 01:35:58,460 What? 1186 01:35:58,628 --> 01:36:01,171 WeII, me, or somebody eIse who worked at the plant 1187 01:36:01,339 --> 01:36:04,258 back in StarnesviIIe, Wisconsin. He used to work there. 1188 01:36:04,426 --> 01:36:06,051 What happened there? 1189 01:36:07,178 --> 01:36:12,683 WeII, Mr. Starnes passed and his heirs took over. They wasn't worth a Iick. 1190 01:36:12,851 --> 01:36:15,894 They had this big pIan about how they were gonna run the pIace, 1191 01:36:16,062 --> 01:36:18,188 and we were aII gonna beIong to each other, Iike a big famiIy. 1192 01:36:18,356 --> 01:36:22,151 And the idea was that everybody would work to best of his ability, 1193 01:36:22,318 --> 01:36:24,653 but be paid according to his needs. 1194 01:36:24,821 --> 01:36:28,365 That's when John GaIt stood up and said he'd have no part of it. 1195 01:36:28,533 --> 01:36:30,659 How wouId they know whose needs came first? 1196 01:36:30,827 --> 01:36:32,619 Now that is the rub, isn't it? 1197 01:36:32,787 --> 01:36:35,539 Yeah. It feII apart pretty quick. 1198 01:36:35,707 --> 01:36:39,460 The best workers had to work harder and the needy got needier. 1199 01:36:39,627 --> 01:36:41,086 Worker turned against worker. 1200 01:36:43,298 --> 01:36:45,132 What happened to John GaIt? 1201 01:36:45,300 --> 01:36:48,719 You know, nobody knew too much about him, reaIIy. 1202 01:36:49,888 --> 01:36:55,726 I just remember, when he waIked out he swore that he was gonna... 1203 01:36:55,894 --> 01:36:58,103 ...he was gonna put an end to the whoIe thing once and for aII. 1204 01:36:58,271 --> 01:37:02,357 He said: "I wiII stop the motor of the worId." 1205 01:37:03,735 --> 01:37:06,987 I mean, what kind of thing is that to say, reaIIy, but...? 1206 01:37:07,906 --> 01:37:09,239 I'II teII you something, ever since that day, 1207 01:37:09,407 --> 01:37:13,410 every time I saw the Iights go out and some factory cIose... 1208 01:37:13,578 --> 01:37:15,370 ...I thought about that man. 1209 01:37:16,498 --> 01:37:18,248 I thought, maybe that's him... 1210 01:37:19,584 --> 01:37:21,251 ...doing what he said... 1211 01:37:22,212 --> 01:37:24,630 ...stopping the motor of the worId. 1212 01:37:29,469 --> 01:37:31,094 May I pIease borrow your truck? 1213 01:37:31,596 --> 01:37:33,555 What's to borrow? It's your truck. 1214 01:37:35,058 --> 01:37:36,975 - Thanks. - Yep. 1215 01:37:38,311 --> 01:37:39,436 (CHUCKLES) 1216 01:38:00,083 --> 01:38:01,959 (KEYPAD BEEPING) 1217 01:38:20,770 --> 01:38:22,980 - Quentin! - Taggart, hello. 1218 01:38:23,147 --> 01:38:25,148 You asked me find the person who created the motor? 1219 01:38:25,316 --> 01:38:27,526 - I think I have the answer. - Really? 1220 01:38:27,694 --> 01:38:31,655 That's great. Actually, I was just about to call you. 1221 01:38:32,657 --> 01:38:36,660 - TeII me you've made progress. - I did, I really did. 1222 01:38:36,828 --> 01:38:39,621 That's not the... thing that... 1223 01:38:39,789 --> 01:38:41,540 I guess that's everything. 1224 01:38:41,708 --> 01:38:45,502 See, I can't work for you anymore. I have to resign. 1225 01:38:45,670 --> 01:38:48,672 That's fine, Quentin. I respect that. 1226 01:38:49,340 --> 01:38:51,633 Let's taIk about this in person, face to face. 1227 01:38:51,801 --> 01:38:54,845 HonestIy, there's nothing you can say to make me change my mind. 1228 01:38:55,013 --> 01:38:57,889 Don't move. Don't do anything. I'II be there in a few hours. 1229 01:38:58,850 --> 01:38:59,891 You'll be too late. 1230 01:39:02,020 --> 01:39:03,437 (GROANS) 1231 01:39:07,108 --> 01:39:09,192 (TRUCK ENGINE STARTING) 1232 01:39:21,205 --> 01:39:24,583 Excuse me... I'd Iike to rent that antique. 1233 01:39:24,751 --> 01:39:27,294 (CHUCKLES) I'm sorry, it's not for rent. 1234 01:39:28,463 --> 01:39:29,671 Is it for saIe? 1235 01:39:30,715 --> 01:39:31,965 Everything's for saIe. 1236 01:39:39,891 --> 01:39:42,017 Eddie, I'm fIying to Utah. 1237 01:39:42,727 --> 01:39:44,936 - Utah? - Long story. 1238 01:39:45,104 --> 01:39:47,814 I'II doubIe back to CoIorado after I've met with Quentin DanieIs. 1239 01:39:47,982 --> 01:39:49,608 Sounds good. 1240 01:39:50,735 --> 01:39:53,945 There's a man on the ground here: Jeff AIIen. 1241 01:39:54,113 --> 01:39:56,281 DoubIe his saIary... tripIe it. 1242 01:39:56,449 --> 01:40:00,619 Oh, and get him a new truck ASAP. I stoIe his. 1243 01:40:01,204 --> 01:40:03,413 - I'll see you soon, Eddie. - Done. 1244 01:40:14,300 --> 01:40:18,261 Afton tower, this is Whiskey-Papa Four-Zero-Niner, requesting permission 1245 01:40:18,429 --> 01:40:19,429 to Iand. 1246 01:40:19,597 --> 01:40:21,890 MAN ON RADIO: Whiskey-Papa, Four-Zero-Niner, this is Afton tower, 1247 01:40:22,058 --> 01:40:24,267 you're clear to land. Use runway 2-4 right. 1248 01:40:24,435 --> 01:40:26,103 Departing aircraft 2-4 left. 1249 01:40:44,205 --> 01:40:45,706 Oh, no. 1250 01:41:03,182 --> 01:41:05,976 Come on. PuII, baby, puII. 1251 01:41:58,696 --> 01:42:00,655 (INSTRUMENTS BEEPING) 1252 01:42:16,380 --> 01:42:18,548 (ALARM BLARING) 1253 01:42:26,224 --> 01:42:28,225 Who is John GaIt? 1254 01:42:34,190 --> 01:42:35,690 (GROANS) 1255 01:43:00,424 --> 01:43:02,801 (LOUD BEEPING) 1256 01:43:11,352 --> 01:43:14,271 (AIRPLANE GROANING) 1257 01:43:39,630 --> 01:43:41,673 (GASPING) 1258 01:43:45,636 --> 01:43:46,678 (GRUNTING) 1259 01:44:26,594 --> 01:44:29,387 MAN: Don't move, Miss Taggart. You're hurt. 1260 01:44:30,514 --> 01:44:32,557 You know me? 1261 01:44:32,725 --> 01:44:35,268 Of course. For many years. 1262 01:44:38,522 --> 01:44:40,482 DAGNY: Who are you? 1263 01:44:40,650 --> 01:44:42,901 I am John GaIt. 1264 01:51:32,728 --> 01:51:33,561 EngIish - US - PSDH